E-mail proves the Video lie came straight from Obama

Let's get this straight assholes. President had been briefed by Ham and Panetta that there was no protest.

How's it feel to get the rope tighter around your lying necks?

And as soon as the President was briefed on the attack his orders were to use all available DoD assets to protect American lives there.

There is no rope around anyone's neck. There is no smoke. There is no gun.

Just the GOP clowns agitating their clown base.

We do know that, to their shame, the leader of the GOP didn't stand behind the country in that time of crisis. Nope, and they are still trying to use the deaths of Americans as political tools to try and regain the power they lost after President Bushes disastrous two terms.
This isn't something Issa made up. We have the records. We know the WH was calling Youtube before they had any idea what was going on. The talking points came from the CIA, before the CIA had communicated with the WH. How does that happen? Are libs going to complain we dont appreciate that Obama is psychic as well as god-like?
See, you don't understand..we're onto the difference between what the prez and progressive moonbats SAY...and reality.

Not the same.
Actually it shows that they thought the video was what was causing the attacks.

"Did Darrell Issa Just Sabotage the New Benghazi Committee?"

"Either Darrell Issa is so miffed at Republican leaders for yanking the Benghazi investigation out from under him that he's intentionally undermining the new House Select Committee, or he just vindicated those who believe he wasn't up to the task. Either way he just blew a hole in one big piece of the conspiracy theory.

A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the “ramifications” of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway—and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened—the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video."

"The White House is thrilled with this revelation because it supports the view that their early citations of the YouTube video were sincere—not intended to whitewash the truth, that American public servants had been victims of a terrorist attack. The claim that this YouTube business was all a big lie is central to the entire convoluted Benghazi conspiracy, and something Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy has harped upon in the past. Just two weeks ago, Gowdy told Charlie Rose, " I think that Ben Rhodes memo was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because that memo made it really clear that we're going to blame an internet video and not a broader policy failure in Libya.... If you really think it was the video, then site me all the evidence." Issa's leak is the evidence."
Issa Benghazi Leak Undermines Conspiracy Theory | New Republic

Actually, the New York Times did some real investigative journalism and took a trip to Libya to ask the people there if they knew about the video.

The American-made video, which denigrated Islam and was posted on YouTube, set off a number of protests across the Middle East. An investigation published by The New York Times last month found that anger over the video had played a significant role in precipitating the Benghazi attack.

The report notes that Mr. Stevens was aware of all of the intelligence reporting on Libya, including updates on the increased risks of anti-Western terrorist attacks that had prompted the C.I.A. to substantially upgrade the security at its own Benghazi facility in June 2012.

At times, Mr. Stevens requested additional security personnel from the State Department in Washington. But the inquiry also found that in June 2012, around the time the threats were mounting, Mr. Stevens recommended hiring and training local Libyan guards to form security teams in Tripoli and Benghazi. The plan showed a faith in local Libyan support that proved misplaced on the night of the attack.

Seems the talking points were correct, after all.

Just stop your bullshit right here and now.

I've been busy with the Ukraine but I will and I shall come back in here and decimate anyone who tries to now back up this bullshit from the White House.

How do you feel about the local militia you hired to protect Stevens by the way? Misplaced. Kiss my ass. And he never believed in the brigade.

You lie I will shred you all apart. Not kidding. No more lies Sallow. I've fucking had it with you and others on Benghazi. You can't even admit it was a dogs breakfast let alone a terror attack.

Fuck you.
Let's get this straight assholes. President had been briefed by Ham and Panetta that there was no protest.

How's it feel to get the rope tighter around your lying necks?

And as soon as the President was briefed on the attack his orders were to use all available DoD assets to protect American lives there.

There is no rope around anyone's neck. There is no smoke. There is no gun.

Just the GOP clowns agitating their clown base.

We do know that, to their shame, the leader of the GOP didn't stand behind the country in that time of crisis. Nope, and they are still trying to use the deaths of Americans as political tools to try and regain the power they lost after President Bushes disastrous two terms.

The president was preparing excuses before he was briefed. That's the news of the memo. How do you do that? Why was he calling Utube?
Stupid bitch, there is an investigation right now into the MILLIONS stolen over the Oregon ACA website.....

Liberals can't act holier than thou claiming their opposition to this investigation is money, when they support billions wasted on obamacare.

This whining is about keeping the cover up....covered up.

nice lie. :cuckoo:

the only money wasted on the ACA were the 40 votes by the pathetic wingnut house.
Let's get this straight assholes. President had been briefed by Ham and Panetta that there was no protest.

How's it feel to get the rope tighter around your lying necks?

And as soon as the President was briefed on the attack his orders were to use all available DoD assets to protect American lives there.

There is no rope around anyone's neck. There is no smoke. There is no gun.

Just the GOP clowns agitating their clown base.

We do know that, to their shame, the leader of the GOP didn't stand behind the country in that time of crisis. Nope, and they are still trying to use the deaths of Americans as political tools to try and regain the power they lost after President Bushes disastrous two terms.

Romney really went overboard with that old conservative canard of attacking Americans.

What he did was unprecedented.

But, what can you expect? The Mormons left the USA and went to Mexico. When they came back they tried to start a Theocratic state and massacred over 100 Americans.

No one in Romney's family ever fought for this country.

Unlike Obama's family. Obama's grandfather served during WWII.
Stupid bitch, there is an investigation right now into the MILLIONS stolen over the Oregon ACA website.....

Liberals can't act holier than thou claiming their opposition to this investigation is money, when they support billions wasted on obamacare.

This whining is about keeping the cover up....covered up.

nice lie. :cuckoo:

the only money wasted on the ACA were the 40 votes by the pathetic wingnut house.

typical misogynist rightwingnut loon... can't post a thought without names like "bitch".

i'm pretty sure face to face you keep your yap shut.

and no... nothing was stolen. normal people aren't really interested in rightwingnut conspiracy theories.
Oh the New York Times you know the paper that lied over Stalin killing 8 million of my brethren did an in depth piece on Benghazi.

Oh I believe it. :lmao:
Let's get this straight assholes. President had been briefed by Ham and Panetta that there was no protest.

How's it feel to get the rope tighter around your lying necks?

And as soon as the President was briefed on the attack his orders were to use all available DoD assets to protect American lives there.

There is no rope around anyone's neck. There is no smoke. There is no gun.

Just the GOP clowns agitating their clown base.

We do know that, to their shame, the leader of the GOP didn't stand behind the country in that time of crisis. Nope, and they are still trying to use the deaths of Americans as political tools to try and regain the power they lost after President Bushes disastrous two terms.

Romney really went overboard with that old conservative canard of attacking Americans.

What he did was unprecedented.

But, what can you expect? The Mormons left the USA and went to Mexico. When they came back they tried to start a Theocratic state and massacred over 100 Americans.

No one in Romney's family ever fought for this country.

Unlike Obama's family. Obama's grandfather served during WWII.

I swear this reads like a massive love struck brain fart :eusa_hand:
Let's get this straight assholes. President had been briefed by Ham and Panetta that there was no protest.

How's it feel to get the rope tighter around your lying necks?

And as soon as the President was briefed on the attack his orders were to use all available DoD assets to protect American lives there.

There is no rope around anyone's neck. There is no smoke. There is no gun.

Just the GOP clowns agitating their clown base.

We do know that, to their shame, the leader of the GOP didn't stand behind the country in that time of crisis. Nope, and they are still trying to use the deaths of Americans as political tools to try and regain the power they lost after President Bushes disastrous two terms.

Romney really went overboard with that old conservative canard of attacking Americans.

What he did was unprecedented.

But, what can you expect? The Mormons left the USA and went to Mexico. When they came back they tried to start a Theocratic state and massacred over 100 Americans.

No one in Romney's family ever fought for this country.

Unlike Obama's family. Obama's grandfather served during WWII.

Oh just as a quick diversion please tell us about Obama's grandfather serving during WWII.

Let me help you with the intro.

Once upon a time.... :lol:
Now we have Romney thrown into the mix. Obama is not to blame. Bush and Romney are.

OMG you people are lamo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually it shows that they thought the video was what was causing the attacks.

"Did Darrell Issa Just Sabotage the New Benghazi Committee?"

"Either Darrell Issa is so miffed at Republican leaders for yanking the Benghazi investigation out from under him that he's intentionally undermining the new House Select Committee, or he just vindicated those who believe he wasn't up to the task. Either way he just blew a hole in one big piece of the conspiracy theory.

A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the “ramifications” of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway—and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened—the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video."

"The White House is thrilled with this revelation because it supports the view that their early citations of the YouTube video were sincere—not intended to whitewash the truth, that American public servants had been victims of a terrorist attack. The claim that this YouTube business was all a big lie is central to the entire convoluted Benghazi conspiracy, and something Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy has harped upon in the past. Just two weeks ago, Gowdy told Charlie Rose, " I think that Ben Rhodes memo was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because that memo made it really clear that we're going to blame an internet video and not a broader policy failure in Libya.... If you really think it was the video, then site me all the evidence." Issa's leak is the evidence."
Issa Benghazi Leak Undermines Conspiracy Theory | New Republic

Actually, the New York Times did some real investigative journalism and took a trip to Libya to ask the people there if they knew about the video.

The American-made video, which denigrated Islam and was posted on YouTube, set off a number of protests across the Middle East. An investigation published by The New York Times last month found that anger over the video had played a significant role in precipitating the Benghazi attack.

The report notes that Mr. Stevens was aware of all of the intelligence reporting on Libya, including updates on the increased risks of anti-Western terrorist attacks that had prompted the C.I.A. to substantially upgrade the security at its own Benghazi facility in June 2012.

At times, Mr. Stevens requested additional security personnel from the State Department in Washington. But the inquiry also found that in June 2012, around the time the threats were mounting, Mr. Stevens recommended hiring and training local Libyan guards to form security teams in Tripoli and Benghazi. The plan showed a faith in local Libyan support that proved misplaced on the night of the attack.

Seems the talking points were correct, after all.

Just stop your bullshit right here and now.

I've been busy with the Ukraine but I will and I shall come back in here and decimate anyone who tries to now back up this bullshit from the White House.

How do you feel about the local militia you hired to protect Stevens by the way? Misplaced. Kiss my ass. And he never believed in the brigade.

You lie I will shred you all apart. Not kidding. No more lies Sallow. I've fucking had it with you and others on Benghazi. You can't even admit it was a dogs breakfast let alone a terror attack.

Fuck you.
Now that the truth is coming out for sure, this one losses it. That's because they've been played, and now have lost.
This isn't something Issa made up. We have the records. We know the WH was calling Youtube before they had any idea what was going on. The talking points came from the CIA, before the CIA had communicated with the WH. How does that happen? Are libs going to complain we dont appreciate that Obama is psychic as well as god-like?

On July 1, 2012, a 14-minute-trailer of the film was uploaded to YouTube by "sambacile", thought to be one of Nakoula's aliases. Weeks later, right-wing Washington DC-based Coptic activist Morris Sadek sent the link to Gamel Girgis, an Egyptian reporter who writes about emigrant Copts for al-Youm al-Sabaa, a newspaper in Cairo.

Interest in the film then spread throughout the Egyptian media, with al-Nas channel presenter Khaled Abdullah, an ultraconservative Salafi, showing the clip dubbed into Arabic on September 8.

Timeline: Protests over anti-Islam video - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
This isn't something Issa made up. We have the records. We know the WH was calling Youtube before they had any idea what was going on. The talking points came from the CIA, before the CIA had communicated with the WH. How does that happen? Are libs going to complain we dont appreciate that Obama is psychic as well as god-like?

On July 1, 2012, a 14-minute-trailer of the film was uploaded to YouTube by "sambacile", thought to be one of Nakoula's aliases. Weeks later, right-wing Washington DC-based Coptic activist Morris Sadek sent the link to Gamel Girgis, an Egyptian reporter who writes about emigrant Copts for al-Youm al-Sabaa, a newspaper in Cairo.

Interest in the film then spread throughout the Egyptian media, with al-Nas channel presenter Khaled Abdullah, an ultraconservative Salafi, showing the clip dubbed into Arabic on September 8.

Timeline: Protests over anti-Islam video - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Egypt isn't Libya. Try again.
nobody is scared of you, biatch.

Stupid bitch, there is an investigation right now into the MILLIONS stolen over the Oregon ACA website.....

nice lie. :cuckoo:

the only money wasted on the ACA were the 40 votes by the pathetic wingnut house.

typical misogynist rightwingnut loon... can't post a thought without names like "bitch".

i'm pretty sure face to face you keep your yap shut.

and no... nothing was stolen. normal people aren't really interested in rightwingnut conspiracy theories.
Actually it shows that they thought the video was what was causing the attacks.

"Did Darrell Issa Just Sabotage the New Benghazi Committee?"

"Either Darrell Issa is so miffed at Republican leaders for yanking the Benghazi investigation out from under him that he's intentionally undermining the new House Select Committee, or he just vindicated those who believe he wasn't up to the task. Either way he just blew a hole in one big piece of the conspiracy theory.

A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the “ramifications” of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway—and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened—the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video."

"The White House is thrilled with this revelation because it supports the view that their early citations of the YouTube video were sincere—not intended to whitewash the truth, that American public servants had been victims of a terrorist attack. The claim that this YouTube business was all a big lie is central to the entire convoluted Benghazi conspiracy, and something Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy has harped upon in the past. Just two weeks ago, Gowdy told Charlie Rose, " I think that Ben Rhodes memo was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because that memo made it really clear that we're going to blame an internet video and not a broader policy failure in Libya.... If you really think it was the video, then site me all the evidence." Issa's leak is the evidence."
Issa Benghazi Leak Undermines Conspiracy Theory | New Republic

Actually, the New York Times did some real investigative journalism and took a trip to Libya to ask the people there if they knew about the video.

The American-made video, which denigrated Islam and was posted on YouTube, set off a number of protests across the Middle East. An investigation published by The New York Times last month found that anger over the video had played a significant role in precipitating the Benghazi attack.

The report notes that Mr. Stevens was aware of all of the intelligence reporting on Libya, including updates on the increased risks of anti-Western terrorist attacks that had prompted the C.I.A. to substantially upgrade the security at its own Benghazi facility in June 2012.

At times, Mr. Stevens requested additional security personnel from the State Department in Washington. But the inquiry also found that in June 2012, around the time the threats were mounting, Mr. Stevens recommended hiring and training local Libyan guards to form security teams in Tripoli and Benghazi. The plan showed a faith in local Libyan support that proved misplaced on the night of the attack.

Seems the talking points were correct, after all.

Just stop your bullshit right here and now.

I've been busy with the Ukraine but I will and I shall come back in here and decimate anyone who tries to now back up this bullshit from the White House.

How do you feel about the local militia you hired to protect Stevens by the way? Misplaced. Kiss my ass. And he never believed in the brigade.

You lie I will shred you all apart. Not kidding. No more lies Sallow. I've fucking had it with you and others on Benghazi. You can't even admit it was a dogs breakfast let alone a terror attack.

Fuck you.

Who do you think joined the CIA in the counter assault that retook the consulate and rescued all but two(they recovered Smiths body too) from building. They made up the majority of that assault team.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83zUlOS9JJk]Clowns - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca8S9VNJFeM]Indonesians protest outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta against the amateur film prod - YouTube[/ame]
Normal people are interested in the lies that are told by a corrupt and criminal administration, however.

Progressives don't represent "normal" in any way, shape or form.

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