E-mail proves the Video lie came straight from Obama

Actually it shows that they thought the video was what was causing the attacks.

"Did Darrell Issa Just Sabotage the New Benghazi Committee?"

"Either Darrell Issa is so miffed at Republican leaders for yanking the Benghazi investigation out from under him that he's intentionally undermining the new House Select Committee, or he just vindicated those who believe he wasn't up to the task. Either way he just blew a hole in one big piece of the conspiracy theory.

A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the “ramifications” of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway—and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened—the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video."

"The White House is thrilled with this revelation because it supports the view that their early citations of the YouTube video were sincere—not intended to whitewash the truth, that American public servants had been victims of a terrorist attack. The claim that this YouTube business was all a big lie is central to the entire convoluted Benghazi conspiracy, and something Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy has harped upon in the past. Just two weeks ago, Gowdy told Charlie Rose, " I think that Ben Rhodes memo was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because that memo made it really clear that we're going to blame an internet video and not a broader policy failure in Libya.... If you really think it was the video, then site me all the evidence." Issa's leak is the evidence."
Issa Benghazi Leak Undermines Conspiracy Theory | New Republic

That is bullshit...but if you're right Obabble should be impeached for incompetence rather than deceit. Either way...the nation wins.
Obama knew the Benghazi attack was about arms he had illegally given to the terrorists in Libya. He wanted them shipped to Syria after Gadaffi was killed and the terrorists decided to kill the Americans and keep the weapons for themselves. Obama called his big time donor at U-Tube to coordinate the cover-up.
It's You Tube and that's just paranoid crap.

I don't give a shit what others post that don't get it but before Benghazi's hit Glen Doherty gave an interview with ABC over being special ops trying to retrieve all the surface to air missles left behind in the gap when the idiots at NATO went OMG. We killed Gaddafi who is going to get all the weapons.

This is a serious interview with them by Glen. All on record. Choose your sides wisely. This interview stands. It's not Alex Jones shit. It is the real deal.
you really, really shouldn't be calling people names. :cuckoo:

Ham and Panetta testified that there was no protest and that it was a terrorist attack from the get go.
Link? Timing matters here.

It's in their testimony released in January. I'm trying to have a life planting 50 strawberry plants by the way. I will now get you the link though. You have to understand I have like one week of warm to plant before mosquitoes the size of godzilla descend on me....

Remember the movie THEM? Those guys too. Give me a moment.
you really, really shouldn't be calling people names. :cuckoo:

Ham and Panetta testified that there was no protest and that it was a terrorist attack from the get go.
Link? Timing matters here.

That it does. I know I'm a strange one on the board being dual citizen and all. I've swung mainly right on many financial issues although I have begged to differ on many social issues. I'm still alive despite gay marriage :D but on the other hand I have rallied many libs to fight sexually oriented abortions. I think we have a better ebb and flow up here. Maybe because we have three parties.

But one thing I cannot tolerate is blatant lying from any government official. And that is what we have witnessed over Benghazi.
Whoops there it is....

Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes'

Newly declassified testimonies about what happened among Pentagon officials the night of the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012 have been obtained by Fox News

The documents show the U.S. military found out about 15 minutes after the attack - which killed four Americans - that it was an act of terror and communicated that to the Obama administration

However the government - including Obama and then-U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who were in the throes of the 2012 US Presidential election - maintained for two weeks afterward the attack started as a protest against an anti-Islamic film and turned violent

By Daily Mail Reporter

Published: 07:04 GMT, 14 January 2014 | Updated: 07:05 GMT, 14 January 2014

Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes' | Mail Online
Obama knew the Benghazi attack was about arms he had illegally given to the terrorists in Libya. He wanted them shipped to Syria after Gadaffi was killed and the terrorists decided to kill the Americans and keep the weapons for themselves. Obama called his big time donor at U-Tube to coordinate the cover-up.

Nah, it was an elite team from Iran sent to help the Syrians stop shipments of Ground to air missiles that the CIA had for the Rebels. But mastermind Obama misdirected the Iranian to the Consulate Building (having no Idea the Ambassador was actually there that day). What a fuckup that was huh?......Impeach, impeach.......

Jezzzzus H. Chryst.
You think about it. Why was the WH calling Youtube about an incident when they had no idea what was going on? Why did they blame the CIA for blaming the video when they hadn't talked to the CIA about it?
Answer the questions.

To answer your first question, there are numerous examples in this thread of the explosion of violent protests throughout the Middle East in response to Innocence of Muslims. In this environment, one would have had to assume, at first, that the violent episode at Benghazi was connected. As the violence worsened, it would have seemed prudent to tell one of the world's most popular online video-sharing services of the obvious danger of this video.

As to your second question, on September 14:

11:15 a.m.: The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, having asked for talking points, gets a draft from the CIA’s Office of Terrorism Analysis. It starts with this line, the one that would undo Susan Rice during her run through the Sunday shows: "We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. consulate and subsequently its annex."

12:23 p.m.: The CIA's office of general counsel adds a line about the "inspired by the protests" theory being inconclusive.

3:04 p.m.: The talking points are sent to relevant White House aides, including Ben Rhodes.

4:42 p.m.: The CIA circulates new talking points but removes a mention of al Qaida.

By all appearances the attack was connected to the video, just like all the other large episodes of violence occurring at that time. The White House said to the CIA, "Is it that video? Is this like those Danish cartoons?" And the CIA said, "Yeah, looks like it."

Why are only the anti-conspiracy people in this thread linking things?

Both General Ham and Defense Secretary Panetta testified there was no video protest and they knew from the get go that it was a terrorist attack.
What part of testimony by the Pentagon don't you people understand? They knew from the beginning it wasn't a protest.

Stop lying if at all possible. And they testified, General Ham and Defense Leon Panetta that this was a terror attack with no protest.

Stop lying. You look more ridiculous every second you post.
Egypt isn't Libya. Try again.

The eruption of violent protests over the video started in Egypt. If the said email were talking about a youtube video before they even knew about the attack in Libya why do you think the subject was the attack in Benghazi?

I think you've been Issa'd :eek: Again!:eek::eek:


But I'll wait until they release the email before I can confirm it. :D

See the problem with arguing with you is that you misrepresent facts, either from careless reading or malice. The WH knew there was an incident in Libya. But their first response was to contact Youtube. Why?
Details matter here.

Knowing that the video was causing violent protests it would have been negligent not to contact them. Again, upon learning about the attack in libya the first response from the president was to order his commanders to use every available DoD asset to save American lives, it was not to contact YouTube. Details and the chain of events matter, not so much what Issa wants his sheeple to think.
Obama knew the Benghazi attack was about arms he had illegally given to the terrorists in Libya. He wanted them shipped to Syria after Gadaffi was killed and the terrorists decided to kill the Americans and keep the weapons for themselves. Obama called his big time donor at U-Tube to coordinate the cover-up.

Nah, it was an elite team from Iran sent to help the Syrians stop shipments of Ground to air missiles that the CIA had for the Rebels. But mastermind Obama misdirected the Iranian to the Consulate Building (having no Idea the Ambassador was actually there that day). What a fuckup that was huh?......Impeach, impeach.......

Jezzzzus H. Chryst.

It was far more simple and not Alex Jones. Glen gave the interview to ABC before he left. They were there to try to round up all of Gaddafi's surface to air missiles.

Look it up. ABC. Right out front and center before he left. Now motivation? Well you did kill AQ #2 who was Libyan and AQ#1 called for revenge.

I'd say that's up there on the scale of why do terrorists kill Americans.
Whoops there it is....

Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes'

Newly declassified testimonies about what happened among Pentagon officials the night of the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012 have been obtained by Fox News

The documents show the U.S. military found out about 15 minutes after the attack - which killed four Americans - that it was an act of terror and communicated that to the Obama administration

However the government - including Obama and then-U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who were in the throes of the 2012 US Presidential election - maintained for two weeks afterward the attack started as a protest against an anti-Islamic film and turned violent

By Daily Mail Reporter

Published: 07:04 GMT, 14 January 2014 | Updated: 07:05 GMT, 14 January 2014

Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes' | Mail Online
You're a stupid fuck if you think *anyone* knows "within minutes" exactly what, who, when, and why a terrorist attack or even a local crime scene went down.
Whoops there it is....

Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes'

Newly declassified testimonies about what happened among Pentagon officials the night of the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012 have been obtained by Fox News

The documents show the U.S. military found out about 15 minutes after the attack - which killed four Americans - that it was an act of terror and communicated that to the Obama administration

However the government - including Obama and then-U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who were in the throes of the 2012 US Presidential election - maintained for two weeks afterward the attack started as a protest against an anti-Islamic film and turned violent

By Daily Mail Reporter

Published: 07:04 GMT, 14 January 2014 | Updated: 07:05 GMT, 14 January 2014

Top secret Benghazi documents prove Obama administration 'knew about terrorist attack within minutes' | Mail Online
You're a stupid fuck if you think *anyone* knows "within minutes" exactly what, who, when, and why a terrorist attack or even a local crime scene went down.

She didnt say "exactly". You're a nasty fuck, for sure.
It's important to note there were TWO attacks, separated by many hours.

The first assault began at 9:42 p.m. Benghazi time -- 3:42 p.m. ET. There was really no opportunity to bring in the tanks in the way that first assault was conducted. It was over by 5:30 p.m. ET.

The second attack -- was at 5:15 a.m. Benghazi time -- the next day or 11:15 p.m. time D.C., ~~~ hours after that email was sent.
You think about it. Why was the WH calling Youtube about an incident when they had no idea what was going on? Why did they blame the CIA for blaming the video when they hadn't talked to the CIA about it?
Answer the questions.

To answer your first question, there are numerous examples in this thread of the explosion of violent protests throughout the Middle East in response to Innocence of Muslims. In this environment, one would have had to assume, at first, that the violent episode at Benghazi was connected. As the violence worsened, it would have seemed prudent to tell one of the world's most popular online video-sharing services of the obvious danger of this video.

As to your second question, on September 14:

11:15 a.m.: The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, having asked for talking points, gets a draft from the CIA’s Office of Terrorism Analysis. It starts with this line, the one that would undo Susan Rice during her run through the Sunday shows: "We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. consulate and subsequently its annex."

12:23 p.m.: The CIA's office of general counsel adds a line about the "inspired by the protests" theory being inconclusive.

3:04 p.m.: The talking points are sent to relevant White House aides, including Ben Rhodes.

4:42 p.m.: The CIA circulates new talking points but removes a mention of al Qaida.

By all appearances the attack was connected to the video, just like all the other large episodes of violence occurring at that time. The White House said to the CIA, "Is it that video? Is this like those Danish cartoons?" And the CIA said, "Yeah, looks like it."

Why are only the anti-conspiracy people in this thread linking things?

Both General Ham and Defense Secretary Panetta testified there was no video protest and they knew from the get go that it was a terrorist attack.

You know, I feel like I gave some pretty reasonable answers to Rabbi's questions. If you don't like those answers, fine, but it's not a convincing rebuttal (for me, at least) to shift from Youtube and the CIA-White House connection to Pentagon testimony.

What are you saying exactly? So the CIA's Office of Terrorism Analysis was...what? Lying? Besides, the whole point of this thread is that the "video lie came straight from Obama." How could this be, if the CIA was sending this early conclusion to the White House?

Also, why are no Benghazi Truthers linking anything? Could it be because your links would lead to things like this?

Gen. Ham told the House subcommittee that “to me, it started to become clear pretty quickly that this was certainly a terrorist attack and not just something sporadic.”

He testified that he told Gen. Dempsey and Mr. Panetta of his view and “we were pretty clear on, pretty shortly thereafter, the kind of the nature of the attack.”

He said his first discussions with the two “were less about the origins of the attack” and more on Stevens’ whereabouts.

But lawmakers did not ask Gen. Ham to define “pretty quickly” and “pretty shortly.”

No one asked if the generals reached that conclusion before they went to the White House or after they returned.

When committee Republicans released their Benghazi report Feb. 11, the issue of what Gen. Dempsey and Mr. Panetta told the president that day was described this way:

“Upon arrival, the two discussed the attack with the president for 15 to 30 minutes, at which time they presumably shared all that was known about the unfolding events,” the report states.

The key word is “presumably.”

No times, no definitive answers. Vague, spotty, poorly-directed recollections are not enough evidence to overturn or ignore a solid paper trail.
E-mail proves the Video lie came straight from Obama

Check the evidence, folks, and we see Nat is lying. Again.
Let's get this straight assholes. President had been briefed by Ham and Panetta that there was no protest.

How's it feel to get the rope tighter around your lying necks?

you really, really shouldn't be calling people names. :cuckoo:

Well, if your party was sliding down the hill to extinction along with its many concocted scandals you might be insulting other people. They are trying to compensate for their intellectual short comings.
It's important to note there were TWO attacks, separated by many hours.

The first assault began at 9:42 p.m. Benghazi time -- 3:42 p.m. ET. There was really no opportunity to bring in the tanks in the way that first assault was conducted. It was over by 5:30 p.m. ET.

The second attack -- was at 5:15 a.m. Benghazi time -- the next day or 11:15 p.m. time D.C., ~~~ hours after that email was sent.

Not the point.

The scum-sucking, gutless, piece of shit, scumbag dimocrap low-life motherfuckers DIDN'T EVEN TRY to save our people.

GOT IT?!?!! The didn't even try. Not at all. Not one bit. They NEVER asked the Italian Authorities for permission to fly Armed Aircraft out of Sigonella. Yes, STUPID, that is part of the agreement. We aren't supposed to just fly armed aircraft around in a friendly Country whenever we're in the mood. We're supposed to ask.

These scumbags never did.

A real MAN, a REAL President would have ordered Armed Aircraft into the air within minutes of being told one of our Consulates was under attack and one of our Ambassadors was in mortal danger.

Fuck the Italians, we can ask permission later. But not these scum.

You scum are saying that we believe that immediate action could have saved the Men at Benghazi.

THAT IS A LIE. But, you're a dimocrap. Your entire life is a lie. And I promise you, I'm not the only person that's ever told you that.

What I'm saying, and what Republicans in general are saying is -- They didn't even try.

They had no intentions of trying to save those men. None.

And that is the scandal. That they didn't even try.

I've told you this before. You ignored it.

You'll ignore it again because that's the kind of person you are..... A low-life.

Did you ever think that maybe that's why?

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