E-mail proves the Video lie came straight from Obama

Actually it shows that they thought the video was what was causing the attacks.

"Did Darrell Issa Just Sabotage the New Benghazi Committee?"

"Either Darrell Issa is so miffed at Republican leaders for yanking the Benghazi investigation out from under him that he's intentionally undermining the new House Select Committee, or he just vindicated those who believe he wasn't up to the task. Either way he just blew a hole in one big piece of the conspiracy theory.

A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the “ramifications” of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway—and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened—the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video."

"The White House is thrilled with this revelation because it supports the view that their early citations of the YouTube video were sincere—not intended to whitewash the truth, that American public servants had been victims of a terrorist attack. The claim that this YouTube business was all a big lie is central to the entire convoluted Benghazi conspiracy, and something Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy has harped upon in the past. Just two weeks ago, Gowdy told Charlie Rose, " I think that Ben Rhodes memo was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because that memo made it really clear that we're going to blame an internet video and not a broader policy failure in Libya.... If you really think it was the video, then site me all the evidence." Issa's leak is the evidence."
Issa Benghazi Leak Undermines Conspiracy Theory | New Republic

THIS is you defense? That Obama from the beginning made up a story about the video without CIA information? Really? This undermines NOTHING it reinforces the fact that Obama was spreading BS all along. WTF if he new so quickly about the video didn't he warn youtube BEFORE the riots? What you have presented here is EXACTLY what we have been saying, the administration concocted the story from the beginning. How many lives were lost because the WH publicized the video when in fact we now know it had zero to do with the attack?
My question from the start has been, why the cover story? I don't for a second believe that if Obama would have just told the truth it would have made an ounce of difference. It would not have made a difference to me and we know it would not have made a difference to those who voted for him in spite of his record. So what is up? Why the cover story? Why a cover story right out of the box without even letting the CIA advise him? Why go to the UN and spread the same damnable lie days later when EVERYONE knew this was not a protest over a stupid video. There were one protest that day and it was in Cairo the rest came after the administration started their disinformation campaign. I still believe they are covering for something else, like gun running.
Yep, trying to stop this video from causing even more violence in the Muslim world.

The video caused zero violence in the Muslim world.
The administration covered up and spun while Americans were dying.

Sept. 17
Protests have spread to at least 20 countries, including close U.S. allies like Britain, France, and Australia, and 10 protesters have been killed. In Egypt, al Qaeda–linked jihadist Ahmed Ashoush issues a fatwa against anyone who took part in the film. The blood of the participants, he says on an Islamist militant website, "should be shed, including the producer, the director, and the actors" adding, "their killing is a duty of every capable Muslim."

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline - The Week

(CNN) -- Protests sparked by an online film that mocks Islam's holy prophet entered a second week Monday, raising questions about whether the furor is isolated or a sign of broader anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world.
On Monday, demonstrators took to the streets in Afghanistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq. Answering a call from the leader of Hezbollah -- deemed a terrorist organization by the United States -- thousands packed the streets of Beirut's southern suburbs and chanted "Death to America!"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film - CNN.com

Before it was over more then 50 people were dead and you have this ignorant right wingnut tard saying "The video caused zero violence in the Muslim world." Where do Republicans and right wingers find people this damn stupid? I know, I know, it has to be damp.

Even after you take right wingers, grab them by the hairy backs of their no-necks, and rub their noses in the truth, they still won't believe it. They are immune to truth.
This is why we need a 'Select Committee' to investigate Benghazi.
It's important to note there were TWO attacks, separated by many hours.

The first assault began at 9:42 p.m. Benghazi time -- 3:42 p.m. ET. There was really no opportunity to bring in the tanks in the way that first assault was conducted. It was over by 5:30 p.m. ET.

The second attack -- was at 5:15 a.m. Benghazi time -- the next day or 11:15 p.m. time D.C., ~~~ hours after that email was sent.

Not the point.

The scum-sucking, gutless, piece of shit, scumbag dimocrap low-life motherfuckers DIDN'T EVEN TRY to save our people.

GOT IT?!?!! The didn't even try. Not at all. Not one bit. They NEVER asked the Italian Authorities for permission to fly Armed Aircraft out of Sigonella. Yes, STUPID, that is part of the agreement. We aren't supposed to just fly armed aircraft around in a friendly Country whenever we're in the mood. We're supposed to ask.

These scumbags never did.

A real MAN, a REAL President would have ordered Armed Aircraft into the air within minutes of being told one of our Consulates was under attack and one of our Ambassadors was in mortal danger.

Fuck the Italians, we can ask permission later. But not these scum.

You scum are saying that we believe that immediate action could have saved the Men at Benghazi.

THAT IS A LIE. But, you're a dimocrap. Your entire life is a lie. And I promise you, I'm not the only person that's ever told you that.

What I'm saying, and what Republicans in general are saying is -- They didn't even try.

They had no intentions of trying to save those men. None.

And that is the scandal. That they didn't even try.

I've told you this before. You ignored it.

You'll ignore it again because that's the kind of person you are..... A low-life.

Did you ever think that maybe that's why?

In his remarks, Panetta said the initial reports of the attack were given "almost immediately" to the U.S. Embassy in the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

Within 17 minutes, Panetta said, an unarmed, unmanned surveillance aircraft was dispatched to give U.S. officials a better idea of what was happening. It arrived at the site about 70 minutes after the attack, he said.

Soon, Panetta and Dempsey met with President Barack Obama, the secretary told lawmakers.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack - CNN.com

Did you catch that Maroonie?

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

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