E- verify biometric national ID masked as immigration control


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The E-Verify mandate that the GOP is pushing as an immigration solution is actually a biometric National ID card. Dreamers get a pass, Americans get a National ID and controls on movement & employment.

E-Verify: Biometric National ID Masked As Immigration Control

Well tell sheep anything and the idiots will believe it all. It is simple to get leftist to fall for anything all the political fks have to do is put a little pyshcological warfare behind it and they'll bite it everytime.

What most are to stupid to realize you think you are tracked now, THIS WILL CONTROL AND DICTATE EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT YOU CAN OR CAN NOT DO.

Fail to pay that bill you can get cut off, this system has been on going for years but as they UP the methods to put us all on the grid stripping away our own FREE WILL.......... the sheep fall for it all man it' ssickening..

WTF do you think SMART CITIES ARE..

United Nations plans require biometric identification and birth registration for all humans on Earth
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Oh but it will all for the SAFETY lmfao, omfg you will make youselves your own prisoners ahahaha stupid k you are stupid if you don't get this...... if you never heard of it or can't understand it then that's a little different you can't be stupid to what you don't know. But you sure in the hell can learn it.
You know what I think?
It's really time to put the elite in the camps, where they belong.

What else morons can't put ahead in their thoughts processes is, lets say you get a few tickets, and your are one of those people who pay them late and or just get them ,, you will be tagged for insurance increasing for all your fk ups, eventually they will make it so you can't afford to have a car they will basically take it from you.............. oh the world the sheep are leaving for their kids bhahaha.

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