each 45 seconds a young gay attempts suicide. If confiding in teacher reverses student living in hell into surviving to 1 day thrive, why silence him?

I wonder if it is because the preachers at churches who preach hate against LGBT by preaching they will go to hell.

Don't kid youself, there are some LGBT people who go to churches that preach hate.
So any criticism of gays is “preaching hate?”
Fake buzz words like LGBTQ+, climate change, institutional racism, white supremacy, etc., all fake ass concept that nobody can define, yet qu33r legislators are making laws about them and qu33r "teachers" and pushing the nonsense. As Cat Breath indicates, the brainwashing is no joke. By extracting white history, white inventions like reading, reading and arithmetic, that have to "teach" something. Since they are often qu33r and have contempt for the students, that is what they preach, I mean teach.
Fake buzz words like LGBTQ+, climate change, institutional racism, white supremacy, etc., all fake ass concept that nobody can define, yet qu33r legislators are making laws about them and qu33r "teachers" and pushing the nonsense. As Cat Breath indicates, the brainwashing is no joke. By extracting white history, white inventions like reading, reading and arithmetic, that have to "teach" something. Since they are often qu33r and have contempt for the students, that is what they preach, I mean teach.
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 white inventions? Sumer had a written language before Adam and Eve. The Arabs gave us al-gebra. You're dumb as hell.
It is sin. Prayer and God were removed from public schools in 1962. Things have gotten much worse since then, but you godless demon-possessed Jackals will never admit it.

According to the bible, anyone who has ever gotten divorced and remarried,gotten a tattoo,eaten meat mixed with dairy,ever ate pork is going to the same hell.

And near a chapter on how crossdressing is a sin, in the same area in Deut is a passage on beating a son if they misbehave.

According to the bible, anyone who has ever gotten divorced and remarried,gotten a tattoo,eaten meat mixed with dairy,ever ate pork is going to the same hell.

And near a chapter on how crossdressing is a sin, in the same area in Deut is a passage on beating a son if they misbehave.

The Scriptures are true, but your application is in error. The Old Testament law is no longer in use. Christians now live under grace. The law was finished by the final sacrifice, the crucifixion of Jesus. You don't understand what you're posting. You're like a 3 year old playing with a stick of dynamite.
The Scriptures are true, but your application is in error. The Old Testament law is no longer in use. Christians now live under grace. The law was finished by the final sacrifice, the crucifixion of Jesus. You don't understand what you're posting. You're like a 3 year old playing with a stick of dynamite.

The passages on LGBT are also in the OT.

Jerry Sandusky and Dennis Hassert we're staunch Republicans.
And good high standing members of the gay community. Jail is just a bump in the road as it can not get in the way of the pleasure. Preachers or Republicans do not matter if they sexually abuse others.

each 45 seconds a young gay attempts suicide.​

That’s a lot of failed efforts. That poor fellow.
According to the bible, anyone who has ever gotten divorced and remarried,gotten a tattoo,eaten meat mixed with dairy,ever ate pork is going to the same hell.
Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
That's about 700,000 attempts/year and there are estimated to be about 1.2 million attempts/year total, so you are saying that young gays make up about 58% of all suicides when gays only make up about 5% of the population. That tells me they are definitely not normal and all of them should be in counselling.
The passages on LGBT are also in the OT.

Correct. What's your point?
And good high standing members of the gay community. Jail is just a bump in the road as it can not get in the way of the pleasure. Preachers or Republicans do not matter if they sexually abuse others.
Jerry Sandusky was NEVER a member of the "gay community"; high standing or otherwise.
He was married with children and kept his pedophilia fairly well hidden.
Correct. What's your point?

The point is: No one follows biblical laws to the letter, Christian or Jew. If a Christian going to cherry pick the biblical laws they want to follow and ignore the laws they don't, then why not ignore the laws that depict people of a certain sexual orientation or gender identity as being worthy of condemnation? Justifying a personal bias on an ancient biblical law when you blatantly ignore other ancient biblical laws doesn't seem like something Jesus would do.

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