Each according to his ability, to each according to his need

You have engaged in selective editing. Romans 13 answers your question, but you edited the answer out
Wrong. I used the NIV translation of Romans 13. You've fixated on a few verses in it that are contradicted by points I've made. Plus you manage to make TONS of assumptions on the meanings of verses and phrases in them when the concordances and experts do not back it up. Go back, read Rom 13:10 again and try to fit that into your love of ungodly socialism.

They do what God wants.
No. They are SUPPOSED to do what God wants. They have free will and can, and DO rebel against it. God may have ordained them to be in power, and commissioned them, knowingly or not to do His will, but that does not mean they ARE doing it. And to say anythign that they do is God's will is fucking stupid. I suspect that Joe Stalin was doing God's will killing 16 million Jews?

Regardless of what "Establish" means, God was very clear on how christians should behave towards their govt. But christians find it easier to ignore the Word of God.
Oh? So don't listen to what God says, this is what he really meant and I am the sole arbiter of it? Is that what you think you get to do? Oh yes mighty heretic. I see! You speak with the true voice of God! How foolish I was to ever debate you! :rolleyes:

I could agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.

I see nothing in there about paying only the taxes that are "needed"
You're awfully selective on who pays taxes then. Why should the poor get a free ride? Why do the poor not pay the same as the rich even in percentages? Is not government God's will? You claim the wealthy do not need their wealth. Why does government need your taxes when it is doing things that are NOT in it's power?

God disagrees (see Romans 13)
For an obvious apostate (easily identified towards your hatred for Christians) you claim to speak for God a lot. Insane much?

God disagrees. God says the authorities are servants of God who do Gods Will. (see Romans 13)
History, reason, scripture and logic disagree with you. God is the author of all 4. You do not understand the concept of appointment, and therefore are incapable of wisdom or even rudimentary understanding on the issue.

Christian hypocrits claim that God is infallible, but when God Himself says the govts' authority come from God, the moron wingnuts will argue that he knows better than God.
God IS infallable. WE are not. We make mistakes all the time, particularly interpreting His word to us... as you illustrate with such expertise.

I think their profits should be tax free, so long as they earn those profits without using any govt resources, like the roads, electricity, etc

You have to lie about what I believe because you can't defend your own beliefs
Show the lie apostate. You can't prove that statement one bit. Then take one look at my signature line. You illustrate the point so well it seems you take pride in your own folly.

Actually, Jesus urged his followers to give away all of their possessions. Moron christian wingnuts think this means they should keep everythiing for themselves.
Why haven't you given away your computer yet? Hmm? Why have you not devoted your life to following him instead of having worldly possessions or are you posting from the monastery computer? First take the beam out of your eye, hypocrite.

Once again, a plate full of fail for you to eat.
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You have engaged in selective editing. Romans 13 answers your question, but you edited the answer out
Wrong. I used the NIV translation of Romans 13. You've fixated on a few verses in it that are contradicted by points I've made. Plus you manage to make TONS of assumptions on the meanings of verses and phrases in them when the concordances and experts do not back it up. Go back, read Rom 13:10 again and try to fit that into your love of ungodly socialism.

Here is what Romans 13 say about Submission to Authority in it's entirety. Unlike you, I don't pull one sentence out of the Bible. I read the whole think for context

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

As everyone can see, Romans 13 makes no mention of witholding taxes that the govt does not need. When you can find something in the Bible that backs up your claim, be sure to let us know

They do what God wants.
No. They are SUPPOSED to do what God wants. They have free will and can, and DO rebel against it. God may have ordained them to be in power, and commissioned them, knowingly or not to do His will, but that does not mean they ARE doing it. And to say anythign that they do is God's will is fucking stupid. I suspect that Joe Stalin was doing God's will killing 16 million Jews?

Regardless, God clearly stated that you should pay your taxes. God says " it is necessary to submit to the authorities" and a moron christian like you think that means "it is NOT necessary to submit to the authorities":cuckoo:

Once again, when you can find something in the Bible that backs up your claim, be sure to let us know

Oh? So don't listen to what God says, this is what he really meant and I am the sole arbiter of it? Is that what you think you get to do? Oh yes mighty heretic. I see! You speak with the true voice of God! How foolish I was to ever debate you! :rolleyes:

Umm, you're the one who is claiming to be wiser than God. God told you that "it is necessary to submit to the authorities", and you think you know better.

You're awfully selective on who pays taxes then. Why should the poor get a free ride? Why do the poor not pay the same as the rich even in percentages? Is not government God's will? You claim the wealthy do not need their wealth. Why does government need your taxes when it is doing things that are NOT in it's power?

Once again, God said "it is necessary to submit to the authorities". If you have a problem with your idiot of a God, take it up with Him. I am not going to provide excuses for the idiocy of your God.

For an obvious apostate (easily identified towards your hatred for Christians) you claim to speak for God a lot. Insane much?

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say. I havent spoken for God at all. I have merely quoted the Bible and posted about its' obvious meaning which christians like you ignore.

History, reason, scripture and logic disagree with you.

And yet, you can't post any history, reason, logic or scripture that supports your argument that "it is necessary to submit to the authorities" means "you don't have to submit to the authorities"

God is the author of all 4. You do not understand the concept of appointment, and therefore are incapable of wisdom or even rudimentary understanding on the issue.

And again you make claims you can't back up

God IS infallable. WE are not. We make mistakes all the time, particularly interpreting His word to us... as you illustrate with such expertise.

Straw man. Fallible or not, God has instructed you to submit to those fallible authorities. But like most idiot christians, you ignore The Word of God.

I think their profits should be tax free, so long as they earn those profits without using any govt resources, like the roads, electricity, etc

You have to lie about what I believe because you can't defend your own beliefs
Show the lie apostate. You can't prove that statement one bit. Then take one look at my signature line. You illustrate the point so well it seems you take pride in your own folly.

You made a false claim (a lie) about what I believe. You said
. How is it that you believe that the top 2% of wage earners do not deserve what they have worked for?

I do not believe that. You made it up. You lied (not that you'll ever admit. Christians aren't very honest)

Actually, Jesus urged his followers to give away all of their possessions. Moron christian wingnuts think this means they should keep everythiing for themselves.
Why haven't you given away your computer yet? Hmm?

I guess you're just too stupid to realize that I am not a christian.

Why have you not devoted your life to following him instead of having worldly possessions or are you posting from the monastery computer? First take the beam out of your eye, hypocrite.

Since I'm not a christian, how is it hypocritical for me to not follow Christs advice?
Fitz has completely given up on trying to defend his violent and evil religion. He's too scared to offer his interpretation of Romans 13 because he knows that I am right
ROFL... declaring victory a little premature I do believe. Why aren't you defending your twisted interpretation by answering my questions on your spurious reasoning?

Once again,. Fitz shows that he is too scared to post his interpretation of Roman 13. He dishonestly claims I'm wrong, but he can't demonstrate anything inaccurate that I've said and he can't post what he thinks is the proper interpretaion of Romans 13

Christians hate to talk about what the Bible says becuase it makes it harder to ignore the Bible, which is what christians do best

The Bible does not decree mass murder, as the Quran does.

The Bible is merely descriptive of violence. The Quran is prescriptive of violence.

Islam is a dreadful curse.
Since I'm not a christian, how is it hypocritical for me to not follow Christs advice?
Certainly means you know jack shit about what it really means. Not to mention even less qualified to preach about it.

You keep worshiping socialism though.
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Oh, and another things Sane?nah. Try Alinsky's rules with someone else. Another small point of Christianity that you obviously do not have a fucking clue about is forgiveness of sins, reminder that all sin and fall short, and that perfection is unattainable.

So you try to play 'you're not perfect and therefore are not a Christian' with someone dumber than you.

Since I'm not a christian, how is it hypocritical for me to not follow Christs advice?
Certainly means you know jack shit about what it really means. Not to mention even less qualified to preach about it.

You keep worshiping socialism though.

So why won't you explain why "it is necessary to submit to the authorities" means that "it's OK to not submit to the authorities" and provide a biblical quote that supports your claim?
Since I'm not a christian, how is it hypocritical for me to not follow Christs advice?
Certainly means you know jack shit about what it really means. Not to mention even less qualified to preach about it.

You keep worshiping socialism though.

So why won't you explain why "it is necessary to submit to the authorities" means that "it's OK to not submit to the authorities" and provide a biblical quote that supports your claim?
No. I'm done playing with an obvious fucktard. You've failed. You're too fucking stupid to know you failed, so I'm done talking to you on it. Go play with the other slow children. You're not worth my time.
Oh, and another things Sane?nah. Try Alinsky's rules with someone else. Another small point of Christianity that you obviously do not have a fucking clue about is forgiveness of sins, reminder that all sin and fall short, and that perfection is unattainable.

So you try to play 'you're not perfect and therefore are not a Christian' with someone dumber than you.


It's now obvious that your inability to explain how "it is necessary to submit to the authorities" means "it is NOT necessary to submit to the authorities" or to back it up with biblical quotes has frustrated you so much that you have lost coherency. You are desperate to distract attention away from your failure with red herrings about forgiveness and Alinsky

Of, and another thing...It turns out there are multiple commentaries which support my claims about Romans 13

Paul and Civil Obedience in Romans 13:1-7 | Bible.org - Worlds Largest Bible Study Site
Romans 13 - Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Bible Commentary
Romans 13 - Wesley’s Explanatory Notes - Bible Commentary
Romans 13 - Geneva Study Bible Commentary
Certainly means you know jack shit about what it really means. Not to mention even less qualified to preach about it.

You keep worshiping socialism though.

So why won't you explain why "it is necessary to submit to the authorities" means that "it's OK to not submit to the authorities" and provide a biblical quote that supports your claim?
No. I'm done playing with an obvious fucktard. You've failed. You're too fucking stupid to know you failed, so I'm done talking to you on it. Go play with the other slow children. You're not worth my time.

And another wingnut is reduced to childish taunts

I accept your surrender :lol:
So why won't you explain why "it is necessary to submit to the authorities" means that "it's OK to not submit to the authorities" and provide a biblical quote that supports your claim?
No. I'm done playing with an obvious fucktard. You've failed. You're too fucking stupid to know you failed, so I'm done talking to you on it. Go play with the other slow children. You're not worth my time.

And another wingnut is reduced to childish taunts

I accept your surrender :lol:

You surrendered to allah, right, slave?
There's far too many people on this board calling their own win. That's for the more neutral observers, not those involved in the discussion.

To call your own win, is imbecility and arrogance personified.

Even if you have won, you lose when you call it....


This is how a loser often pretends a win...

So, if you actually win and do the same....
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When someone stops posting about the issue, and resort to insults, then they have surrendered their credibility
Not at all.

I surrender to inanity all the time. I accept it and move on.

You would call it a win?

Ropey said:
Not at all.

I surrender to inanity all the time. I accept it and move on.

You would call it a win?


Mat 7:6 - Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
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Ropey said:
Not at all.

I surrender to inanity all the time. I accept it and move on.

You would call it a win?


Mat 7:6 - Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

You can find a biblical reference for anything Big Fitz. That's often the problem. Interpretation of the book is what led to Judaic genocide, the Christian Crusades and the Islamic Hordes.

There are enough inconsistencies in all three books to also find a rejoinder (an arguable one) against the proffered interpretation.

So really, those who interpret the books and call their interpretation a "win" are looking for portions of the book that support their case.

Let them look for portions of the book that do not support their case. That's the true method of logic, not looking for support, but looking for that which does not support the case. What is left, is what truly supports the case.

They will find them there as well, and it is inane to prop one slant and deny the other, and arrogance to take one slant and call ones self the 'Winner'.
Ropey said:
Not at all.

I surrender to inanity all the time. I accept it and move on.

You would call it a win?


Mat 7:6 - Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

You can find a biblical reference for anything Big Fitz. That's often the problem. Interpretation of the book is what led to Judaic genocide, the Christian Crusades and the Islamic Hordes.

There are enough inconsistencies in all three books to also find a rejoinder (an arguable one) against the proffered interpretation.

So really, those who interpret the books and call their interpretation a "win" are looking for portions of the book that support their case.

Let them look for portions of the book that do not support their case. That's the true method of logic, not looking for support, but looking for that which does not support the case. What is left, is what truly supports the case.

They will find them there as well, and it is inane to prop one slant and deny the other, and arrogance to take one slant and call ones self the 'Winner'.

I see we have another moron christian who thinks the Bible says anything anybody wants it to say. Yet, despite the wingnut claim, not one wingnut has been able to post any biblical quote the refutes what I've posted.

Romans 13 is clear. No one has been able to provide any evidence that Romans 13 does not say that christians MUST submit to the govt authorities.

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