Each according to his ability, to each according to his need

Somehow when you say it Sangha, it looses the context and the Love. You might give that some thought.

Roman's 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

13:5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

13:6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

13:9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
The Holy Bible

Somehow when you say it Sangha, it looses the context and the Love. You might give that some thought.

Like I said before, your post contains no explanation of the text you posted. All you do is comment on ME. You have nothing to say about Romans 13 in your post

Am I here to live up to your expectation? I let Roman's Chapter 13 speak for itself, that's more than you do with anything you touch. You butcher what you touch. What is with you Sangha? Who are you to dictate what a post should and should not contain? I have an Idea. Why not start your own message board where you can fight and play with yourself. Hack.
Somehow when you say it Sangha, it looses the context and the Love. You might give that some thought.

Like I said before, your post contains no explanation of the text you posted. All you do is comment on ME. You have nothing to say about Romans 13 in your post

Am I here to live up to your expectation? I let Roman's Chapter 13 speak for itself, that's more than you do with anything you touch. You butcher what you touch. What is with you Sangha? Who are you to dictate what a post should and should not contain? I have an Idea. Why not start your own message board where you can fight and play with yourself. Hack.

If you let Romans 13 speak for itself, then you would admit that I was right and that Romans 13 does command christians to submit to authority.

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.
Like I said before, your post contains no explanation of the text you posted. All you do is comment on ME. You have nothing to say about Romans 13 in your post

Am I here to live up to your expectation? I let Roman's Chapter 13 speak for itself, that's more than you do with anything you touch. You butcher what you touch. What is with you Sangha? Who are you to dictate what a post should and should not contain? I have an Idea. Why not start your own message board where you can fight and play with yourself. Hack.

If you let Romans 13 speak for itself, then you would admit that I was right and that Romans 13 does command christians to submit to authority.

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.

If you let Romans 13 speak for itself, then you would admit that I was right and that Romans 13 does command christians to submit to authority.

You of all people are going to lecture about authority? :lol: Do you even begin to understand Conscience First? If an Authority commanded you to kill an Innocent, or Rape, or Murder, are you realistically going to justify the act because you were following command? Context, Einstein. You run all over these boards speaking half truth's and preconceived notions, time after time, mis-characterizing what you are up against, putting on a show that really sucks. Here is a hint, if you have no interest in the Bible, maybe you should refrain from quoting it.

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.

How many people have you accused of lying today alone? You make too many accusations and false presumptions to be seen as anything other than a name calling bully. Who can you communicate with here in a civil manner? You have accused me of playing the victim twice today. Again you misjudge the situation. I think it is poor judgement for you to lecture on responsibility.
So how does keeping your computer help others?

By pwning apostates like you preaching lies about the Bible. Thank you for allowing my ministry to continue.

How does "pwning apostates" on the internet help the needy

Christians will go to any length to ignore the Word of God. They will even claim that their internet postings are helping the needy :cuckoo:

And while God has given people the power to decide for themselves, there is no doubt that God wants people to use their wealth to help the needy. Just because God doesn't force you to do so, there is no denying that He wants you to use your wealth to help the poor.

And your sick and evil greed is so powerful you cannot stand to hear of someone else having more than another. Therefore you must lie about what God wants for us by saying the government has the right to steal in you name to help those you desire, without a care for the harm you have caused those who have earned by the sweat of their brow, and fruit of their mind.

Christians will go to any length to ignore the Word of God. They will even lie and claim that their God does not want them to help the needy and that God does not want them to submit to the authorities even though Romans 13 says they MUST submit to authority :cuckoo:

They'll even argue that Jesus called taxes "theft" :lol:

13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Sane?Nah!... Where is the love in threatening your neighbor with jail and confiscation if he does not do what your representative orders him to do? Hm? Where is the good from enriching those who have not earned and do not deserve? Reconcile this verse with your evil greed.

Discplining those who are sinful has never been considered an inappropriate thing for God to do. Only a christian would consider it wrong for God to punish people :cuckoo:

That's because christians will go to any legnths to ignore the Word of God.

13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Note that? envy. The root of your very nature.

Christians are so eager to ignore the Word of God, they'll blame others for their own hypocrisy in ignoring Gods' Will. They'll even post irrelevant Bible quotes about chambering and wantonness and drunkeness and pretend it has something to do with their hatred of taxes and their hatred of the authorities, who are Gods' agents
Am I here to live up to your expectation? I let Roman's Chapter 13 speak for itself, that's more than you do with anything you touch. You butcher what you touch. What is with you Sangha? Who are you to dictate what a post should and should not contain? I have an Idea. Why not start your own message board where you can fight and play with yourself. Hack.

If you let Romans 13 speak for itself, then you would admit that I was right and that Romans 13 does command christians to submit to authority.

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.

If you let Romans 13 speak for itself, then you would admit that I was right and that Romans 13 does command christians to submit to authority.

You of all people are going to lecture about authority? :lol:

Romans 13 is not MY lecture about authority. Romans 13 is The Word of God. Since you're a christian, you have to do your utmost to deny The Word of God.

Do you even begin to understand Conscience First? If an Authority commanded you to kill an Innocent, or Rape, or Murder, are you realistically going to justify the act because you were following command?

I would not, but the Christian Bible says that christians should submit to authority. Don't blame me for the stupidity of your christian God.

Context, Einstein. You run all over these boards speaking half truth's and preconceived notions, time after time, mis-characterizing what you are up against, putting on a show that really sucks. Here is a hint, if you have no interest in the Bible, maybe you should refrain from quoting it.

Another wingnut who thinks posting the word "context" means he won the argument.

Why don't you explain this context which, according to you, makes it clear that when Romans 13 says " it is necessary to submit to the authorities" it means " it is NOT necessary to submit to the authorities"?

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.

How many people have you accused of lying today alone? You make too many accusations and false presumptions to be seen as anything other than a name calling bully. Who can you communicate with here in a civil manner? You have accused me of playing the victim twice today. Again you misjudge the situation. I think it is poor judgement for you to lecture on responsibility.

How many? As many as have lied.

The problem isn't the # of accusations I've made. The problem is the # of lies christians have told in order to justify their ignoring Gods' Will.
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How does "pwning apostates" on the internet help the needy

Heh heh. Charity is not my calling. I leave that to others. The Body of Christ has many different parts. My gifts lie elsewhere. Pwning you for instance.

Christians will go to any length to ignore the Word of God.

Well, if you were a Christian, which I've seen very poor evidence of that, I'd point out your hypocrisy. Instead I'll laugh at the irony of your behavior.

That's because christians will go to any legnths to ignore the Word of God.

To quote Pete Hogwallop: "That don't make no sense!" But keep trying to sell it. Maybe some retard will believe you for a few minutes till the stupidity sinks in. But I expect no less than doublethink from a liberal like you.
How does "pwning apostates" on the internet help the needy

Heh heh. Charity is not my calling. I leave that to others. The Body of Christ has many different parts. My gifts lie elsewhere. Pwning you for instance.

SO you lied?

How can you say you pwned me when your argument required that you lie about how your internet postings help the needy?

Once again, the christians reveal that no lie is too big to use in defense of their ignoring Gods' Will. Thanks for showing that christians like you would much rather score some points in an internet debate that to give an honest explanation of your faith.

Christians will go to any length to ignore the Word of God.

Well, if you were a Christian, which I've seen very poor evidence of that, I'd point out your hypocrisy. Instead I'll laugh at the irony of your behavior.

I'm not a christian, so why is is hypocritical or ironic for me to ignore the Christian Gods' Will?

That's because christians will go to any legnths to ignore the Word of God.

To quote Pete Hogwallop: "That don't make no sense!" But keep trying to sell it. Maybe some retard will believe you for a few minutes till the stupidity sinks in. But I expect no less than doublethink from a liberal like you.

What doesn't make sense?

And who the fuck is Pete Hogwallop and why do you care what he says?
Back into the lolpile with you.


And as for Pete Hogwallop, do some fucking research you intellectually bereft malapropic spate of genetic misappropriation.
Back into the lolpile with you.

And as for Pete Hogwallop, do some fucking research you intellectually bereft malapropic spate of genetic misappropriation.

and once again, a wingnut proves himself incapable of posting substantively and tries to hide his failure with a lolcat picture
Back into the lolpile with you.

And as for Pete Hogwallop, do some fucking research you intellectually bereft malapropic spate of genetic misappropriation.

and once again, a wingnut proves himself incapable of posting substantively and tries to hide his failure with a lolcat picture
once again you prove yoursef unworthy of respect or capable of intelligent discourse.

Back into the lolpile with you.

And as for Pete Hogwallop, do some fucking research you intellectually bereft malapropic spate of genetic misappropriation.

and once again, a wingnut proves himself incapable of posting substantively and tries to hide his failure with a lolcat picture
once again you prove yoursef unworthy of respect or capable of intelligent discourse.


and once again, a wingnut proves himself incapable of posting substantively and tries to hide his failure with a picture
How many? As many as have lied.

The problem isn't the # of accusations I've made. The problem is the # of lies christians have told in order to justify their ignoring Gods' Will.

Sangha, You are a total waste of time. You are a Troll with little or nothing to contribute, that sinks deeper into your own Bullshit with every Post. You are not worth responding to on matters of Religion, reason, even the weather. Everything with you becomes an issue, everyone but you is a lier. You are not Christian. Your only reason to use scripture is to spew hate, condemnation, and Judgement, that makes you a bigot. You need to have the last word, maybe it is compensation for an undersized penis. That makes about as much sense as any of the hate and bile you post. You have no business in civilized discussion.
How many? As many as have lied.

The problem isn't the # of accusations I've made. The problem is the # of lies christians have told in order to justify their ignoring Gods' Will.

Sangha, You are a total waste of time. You are a Troll with little or nothing to contribute, that sinks deeper into your own Bullshit with every Post. You are not worth responding to on matters of Religion, reason, even the weather. Everything with you becomes an issue, everyone but you is a lier. You are not Christian. Your only reason to use scripture is to spew hate, condemnation, and Judgement, that makes you a bigot. You need to have the last word, maybe it is compensation for an undersized penis. That makes about as much sense as any of the hate and bile you post. You have no business in civilized discussion.

I believe we kicked open a door and found Sane?Nah!
If you let Romans 13 speak for itself, then you would admit that I was right and that Romans 13 does command christians to submit to authority.

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.

You of all people are going to lecture about authority? :lol:

You are the PERFECT example of why no Christian should pay the least bit attention to someone like you insisting YOU know the intent of whatever verse you want to take out of context and bastardize for your own agenda -even as you acknowledge you are no Christian!

Romans 13 is NOT about submitting to man-made GOVERNMENT! Your own ignorance places NO obligation on me to accept your lying ass bastardization as some kind of "truth"!

There is a reason ALL Biblical verses MUST be taken in context ONLY and NOT allow anyone, especially lying ass deceivers, to take them out of context for their own use.

Romans 13 is not MY lecture about authority. Romans 13 is The Word of God. Since you're a christian, you have to do your utmost to deny The Word of God.

I would not, but the Christian Bible says that christians should submit to authority. Don't blame me for the stupidity of your christian God.

Another wingnut who thinks posting the word "context" means he won the argument.

Why don't you explain this context which, according to you, makes it clear that when Romans 13 says " it is necessary to submit to the authorities" it means " it is NOT necessary to submit to the authorities"?

And you are lying when you say that I "dictate" what apost should and should not contain. I don't have any power to force you to post anything. Everything you post is the result of your decisions. What you post is YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

Stop pretending I've dictated anything just so you can play "victim". Your lies are transparent.

How many people have you accused of lying today alone? You make too many accusations and false presumptions to be seen as anything other than a name calling bully. Who can you communicate with here in a civil manner? You have accused me of playing the victim twice today. Again you misjudge the situation. I think it is poor judgement for you to lecture on responsibility.

How many? As many as have lied.

The problem isn't the # of accusations I've made. The problem is the # of lies christians have told in order to justify their ignoring Gods' Will.

You deceitful jackass. These are the same verses people like you have tried to use to dominate and force Christians to submit to secular authorities for centuries now. YOU are just one in a line of them and because the wording out of context allows for a convincing perversion, it has actually worked to subjugate and enslave people in the past. Christianity is not a religion that demands Christians cheerfully refuse to resist their enslavement by whichever thug happens to be able to murder the most to grab power and no matter what evil a man-made government may commit against them, sorry.

Paul was writing to the FAITHFUL in Rome in this verse. It was NOT a letter to the general population talking about some kind of civic duty and obligation to the state. He sure as hell was NOT writing to say that Christians had a God given "holy" duty and obligation to serve whatever dictator thug and man-made government happened to be imposed on them! It was NOT a letter saying Christians owed their allegiance TO THE STATE!

That you would even suggest that is what Paul was talking about is revolting but quite typical of the lying asses intent on perverting and bastardizing the Bible and Christianity in any way they can for their own agenda. But you can only do it by deliberately lying and insisting these verses MUST be taken out of context. And you do so in spite of the FACT these verses were NEVER taken out of context at the time! Or Paul wouldn't have ended up without his head! If Paul had been saying Christians owed their allegiance to Caesar and his authority over them, then Caesar would have considered Paul his friend and ally and helped Paul spread this message instead of cutting off his head. Don'tcha think, Einstein?

Apparently they knew back then that Paul was saying NO SUCH THING even if you want to lie and deceive others about it now. But get real - if Paul had really been saying Christians owed some kind of God-ordered slavish obedience to any and all of the man-made forms of government that did or will ever exist -then Caesar would have considered Paul a good buddy and wouldn't have believed Paul's message to be so threatening to his own rule and power that he wanted Paul's head removed, would he? IF that is what Paul was really saying here of course! Why would he want him beheaded if Paul was telling the faithful they OWED their allegiance to Caesar's rule and was actually writing in SUPPORT of Caesar's rule? ROFL! Not only is that NOT what Paul was saying in these verses, but even Caesar knew it wasn't what Paul was saying! Even if YOU are either: malignant, stupid and/or ignorant enough to insist otherwise today!

No Christian should EVER accept the bastardized and deliberately perverted interpretation of ANY Biblical verse by anyone like you who is driven by distinctly UNGODLY motives for perverting it!

Paul was writing to the faithful about the Kingdom of GOD and ONLY the powers and authorities that serve God that would have the only legitimate authority over them! NOT the kingdom of Caesar. Hosea 8:4 "They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not." This is a verse that recognizes the existence of man-made government and man-derived authority and points out they not only do NOT serve God, but are NEVER even recognized by God as having ANY legitimate authority of any kind! This verse is saying that man-made government and authority NOT established by God has no authority over the righteous and that God did not put them in power to rule over the righteous! OOPS! THESE man-made authorities referred to in this verse are exactly the kinds of secular and non-God derived powers that Paul refused to recognize as having any legitimate authority over him and that Paul had nonstop trouble with and REBELLED AGAINST -having been whipped, beaten, persecuted and finally beheaded by UNGODLY authorities he believed had NO authority over him whatsoever!

Paul's letter was about the ONLY Kingdom and ONLY kind of authority he said DID have legitimate power over the faithful -and it sure as hell wasn't Caesar's! When Paul mentions "the powers that be", he meant the powers that BE powers because they were ordained as such by God. He did NOT mean "whatever secular government happens to exist at the moment" as the phrase is commonly used today. Your attempt to continue the perversion and bastardization of the cherry picked verses that ARE cherry picked only because they can be easily manipulated when out of context and for your own agenda does not place any obligation on any Christian to accept your bastardized UNGODLY perversion of it!

Let's put it this way -no Christian in their right mind believes that Paul was actually saying that secular governments have legitimate authority over those faithful to God when it would mean putting aside God's law. Because ALL authority not derived from God's authority will inevitably conflict with God's law and such a verse would be insisting God's authority and law must come second! You really want Christians to fall for THAT perverted ridiculous interpretation? That Christians are obligated to set aside and even violate God's law in favor of man's law and man-made, worldly authority? ROFL! Get real. Paul was NOT saying he worked for both God and Caesar as if they were equally legitimate authorities over the faithful! He was NOT discussing Caesar or Caesar's authority over the faithful AT ALL and was NOT telling Christians they owed their slavish obedience to Caesar and his secular rule even though Caesar's man-made law that was not derived from God put Caesar's laws in direct conflict with God's law! In these verses Paul was saying they owed their obedience ONLY to authority and powers that were ordained by and worked for GOD! And that sure wasn't Caesar! Yeah sure, Paul was telling the faithful that God WANTED the righteous to believe the ungodly had greater authority over them and they owed at least an equal, if not greater allegiance to a secular state that never derived its authority from God -than they owed to obeying God's law. ROFL!

And not so oddly enough and totally unlike YOU, Caesar never pretended Paul was talking about how the faithful owed their obedience to HIS authority and knew EXACTLY whose rule and authority Paul was really referring to -because AT ALL TIMES Paul was promoting another kingdom entirely and NOT a worldly, man-made one! A Kingdom Caesar found threatening to his own authority and rule. And he felt his own authority and rule were so threatened by Paul's messages about this other Kingdom that he had Paul's head cut off! So I guess that means Caesar was a hell of a lot smarter than your dumb, lying ass, huh.

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