Eagles Get Sacked

They did not want to go, and he doesn’t want them to come so why all the fake outrage? Very perplexing.
As individuals, the Eagles said....Why would I want to meet with that asshole?

Trump, being his typical man child, said.......I was going to cancel it anyway

That was true and funny... I would rather go to the boring ass corn museum in Nebraska then meet trump..he would get on my nerves..
I've been to the Corn Palace.
It’s really cool.

To me it has to be the most boring place on earth , but I was around 12 years old and just use it as an example ..

Everywhere you go it's corn this or that, nothing but corn pictures, corn statues corn , corn , corn.
I was really young when I went too.
I thought it was neat.
Course that was the 60s.
The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.
I'd say the Piss Off Fuck You message was sent loud and clear from the Eagles to Trump, who politicized the game. Trump is a blowhard and I no longer feel sorry for him when people refuse his invitations to the White House. He has earned it.

But I never did feel sorry for him.
After being disinvited the Eagles players decided to have a celebration more to their liking:

Should be of no surprise. Why anyone thinks losers who disrespect our flag but would want the honor of visiting the White House escapes me


What are you going to say when Colin Kaepernick accepts an invite to the WH? It will happen, you know. Have you prepared your response?

Of course you haven't. You will wait to be told what to say as you always do.

I have no problem with Colon Naperneck conceding to Mr Trump. Much like Little Rocket Man is doing

Trump is winning

Should be of no surprise. Why anyone thinks losers who disrespect our flag but would want the honor of visiting the White House escapes me


What are you going to say when Colin Kaepernick accepts an invite to the WH? It will happen, you know. Have you prepared your response?

Of course you haven't. You will wait to be told what to say as you always do.

I have no problem with Colon Napernick conceding to Mr Trump. Much like Little Rocket Man is doing

Trump is winning


You've said nothing.
A lot of presidential sports traditions went out the window when Trump got elected

Throwing out the first pitch
Champions visiting the White House
President attending sporting events
President engaging in physical fitness

Trump knows he will be booed
So has the wonderment of electing the first black president. That won't happen again unless he's a conservative and follows the lead of President Trump.
More black presidents will follow the Great Obama
What I can't understand is why would the Philly mayor and players be pissed off now? The team decided to play politics with the invite. Trump put an end to it. Good for President Trump. The ball was in the Eagles hands to drop politics for a few hours and play nice, or make a political spectacle out of this. They chose the latter and Trump said, "NO". They got Trumped. LOL
The Eagles are a class organization

Why would they want to meet with Trump?
The Eagles are whining babies, and the man we have in the White House told them to fuck off. God bless President Trump.
These are grown adult men playing a childrens game and they are only mad at the lost opportunity to insult the POTUS.

Who the fuck do they think they are, spoiled rotten little sports princes?

To hell with the NFL if this is the kind of men it has for players.
Trump has been accused of lying about the Eagles team and the National Anthem protests at games. Does anyone have a photo of the team not standing for the National Anthem?
The Eagles with their sell out nigga's all have stood for the fuckin worthless song....Trump just loves throwing out negro meat when his white ass is in trouble, ie the Mueller shit.....black folk should be use to this shit by now, Kanye and Kim, you mindless fucks, are you listening?
so why aint you used to it?....
The anti-trumpers are happy to see the Eagle's disrespecting trump and showing how divisive and immature he is. A sports team disrespecting a President the way the Eagle's have done is not a positive moment for trump no matter how much his supporters want to make it seem like one.

It is not a reflection on Trump, goof ball.

These players are not even worthy of falling on the radar of the POTUS.

Fuck these overgrown children and fuck the NFL especially.
The Trump Presidency has been one big FUCK YOU to the Obama Regime as our president is quickly dismantling the executive orders invented by his regime.
You could view it that way.\

I prefer to think of it as more a show of respect to the American people than a FU to the Establishment.

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