Earn $ for being bad....

I didn't go off to college because I was a mother. I put myself through community college. That was the best I could do in my situation, so I never had wild "college" experiences either.

Neither did I. When I went to college I was married, had 3 kids and had just turned 30.

If you were a young Mom, you had at least a few wild times.

Let's put it this way, by the time I was 21 (old enough to go to bars and drink legally), I was the mother of a 5 year old son. I couldn't just come and go as I pleased, and a lot of times I had my son with me. That kind of puts a damper on things, if you know what I mean. Lol. :D Because I had limited freedom as a younger person, my experiences are probably quite boring compared to a lot of other people who had complete freedom and limited responsibilities. I had to think about another human being besides myself.

I applaud your attitude where your child was concerned.

I would recommend adding a few of these things to your list now. At least the nekkid ones. ;)
what's the difference between disgusting and sleazy?
... you have to know I'm lazy, I have left letters out of at least 2 words in this thread... <sigh>
what's the difference between disgusting and sleazy?

Whether or not you enjoy it?

it is a matter of preference or opinion, no doubt....

Sure it is. For some people, any sex that isn't in the dark, in the missionary position, for the expressed purpose of procreation, is disgusting AND sleazy.

What you find disgusting I may find entertaining, or vice versa.
I'm still wondering why meeting a rock star, singing karaoke, and traveling outside the US are all bad.
For some people, singing karaoke should be considered a 1st degree felony... "murdering" a song, you know.

I LOVE to sing! I have so many songs memorized, but, I have never been drunk or brave enough to do it. My husband and kids BEG me not to sing. It's sad... because I love it so much! I might be brave enough to post it on here...... but I'm not sure I could take the torment that would ensue afterwards!
I can only say things are disgusting for ME.
I don't hold it against or think less of people for their desires - unless they involve rape or taking advantage of people. As long as it's mutually agreed upon....
I can only say things are disgusting for ME.
I don't hold it against or think less of people for their desires - unless they involve rape or taking advantage of people. As long as it's mutually agreed upon....

That is the key. As long as it is consenting adults, have at it however you want.

Some people find erotic writing disgusting. I happen to enjoy it.
I can only say things are disgusting for ME.
I don't hold it against or think less of people for their desires - unless they involve rape or taking advantage of people. As long as it's mutually agreed upon....

That is the key. As long as it is consenting adults, have at it however you want.

Some people find erotic writing disgusting. I happen to enjoy it.
You're a pervert. We get it.
I can only say things are disgusting for ME.
I don't hold it against or think less of people for their desires - unless they involve rape or taking advantage of people. As long as it's mutually agreed upon....

That is the key. As long as it is consenting adults, have at it however you want.

Some people find erotic writing disgusting. I happen to enjoy it.

I don't think many people do. Look at all the romance novels people read! I think most people enjoy it.. I don't think it's disgusting, but, doesn't do much for me.....
I can only say things are disgusting for ME.
I don't hold it against or think less of people for their desires - unless they involve rape or taking advantage of people. As long as it's mutually agreed upon....

That is the key. As long as it is consenting adults, have at it however you want.

Some people find erotic writing disgusting. I happen to enjoy it.
You're a pervert. We get it.

You betcha!!

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