Earnest defends notion of 'most transparent administration' in US history


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
is there anyone here who believes this pile of rancid stinking bullshit ?

"I have a responsibility in this job to try to help the president live up to his commitment to be the most transparent president in history,” new White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.”

Earnest said he “absolutely, absolutely” sticks by Obama’s line about having the most transparent administration, after continued criticism about apparent attempts to not make full disclosures.

• Administration lawyers are aggressively fighting FOIA requests at the agency level and in court — sometimes on Obama’s direct orders. They’ve also wielded anti-transparency arguments even bolder than those asserted by the Bush administration.
• The administration has embarked on an unprecedented wave of prosecutions of whistleblowers and alleged leakers — an effort many journalists believe is aimed at blocking national security-related stories. “There just seems to be a disconnect here. You want aggressive journalism abroad; you just don’t want it in the United States,” ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper told White House press secretary Jay Carney at a recent briefing for reporters.
• In one of those cases, the Justice Department is trying to force a New York Times reporter to identify his confidential sources and is arguing that he has no legal protection from doing so.
• Compliance with agencies’ open-government plans has been spotty, with confusing and inaccurate metrics sometimes used to assess progress. Some federal agencies are also throwing up new hurdles, such as more fees, in the path of those seeking records.
• The Office of Management and Budget has stalled for more than a year the proposals of the chief FOIA ombudsman’s office to improve governmentwide FOIA operations.

Read more: President Obama's muddy transparency record - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

does any of the above facts look transparent to you ?

my OPINION: it is like being in a high rise apartment without windows !! :up:
It's all words and liberals will give Obama a pass because Obama and his administration "intend" to be transparent.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
a person, any person.., must have “absolutely, absolutely” no fucking morals to “absolutely, absolutely” be able to stand before US and tell US this is “absolutely, absolutely” the truth, and we the people are “absolutely, absolutely” supposed to believe this bullshit.., when we look into the window "transparency" we “absolutely, absolutely” see only a BLACK HOLE, and we “absolutely, absolutely” positively know, nothing escapes a black hole :up:

i am positively, unequivocally, “absolutely, absolutely” certain Mr. Josh is the second biggest liar to ever enter the W.H.

:trolls: “absolutely, absolutely” :lmao:

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