East London On Verge Of Civil War?

Many that are not married are assimilating...

Lol, so that balances out the Jihadis or what, dude?

You really cant see past your ideological filter, can you?

If 99 out of 100 Muslims are peaceful but wont inform on the 1 of 100 that are Jihadis, you cant see how that is a problem?

There are no go zones all over the USA and it doesn't involve one Muslim...
Prove it.

Ask Reginald Denny, the truck driver, who lost his way doing his job and ended up half dead by bricks wielded by subhuman savages.
I'd love to watch the stupid LIBs on this forum take a walk through any muslim shithole enclave. These LIBs could wear 'Gay Pride' T-shirts. The women could wear mini-skirts.
But I advice these fucking LIB assholes let someone know where to send their personal effects.

(X)Those cultural Marxists Lieberals are all talk. Do as I say, not as I do. They preach third world immigration and multiculturalism is good for us all but yet they would be the last to want to live in any of those third world turfs themselves. The lieberals create chaos, and the rest of us have to live with it.
There are no go zones all over the USA and it doesn't involve one Muslim...
Prove it.

Ask Reginald Denny, the truck driver, who lost his way doing his job and ended up half dead by bricks wielded by subhuman savages.
I'd love to watch the stupid LIBs on this forum take a walk through any muslim shithole enclave. These LIBs could wear 'Gay Pride' T-shirts. The women could wear mini-skirts.
But I advice these fucking LIB assholes let someone know where to send their personal effects.
No one could be a stupid as your suggestions imply...

(X)Not if they know what is good for them.
this has been building up for over a decade...no surprise. Its too late for them though.

(X)It will be too late for all Caucasian countries in the world if we the sheeple keep sitting on our butts and continue to remain silent. And once the non-whites become the majority, then it will be too late, and you are not going to like it. Just look at what happened to the whites in Rhodesia(Zimbabwe)and South Africa after the blacks took over. The whites were beaten up,land stolen,women were raped,and hundreds murdered. The lieberal media ignores this fact, and prefers to make it appear as though all is good.

Wake up.
England is lost. Muslims have a much higher birthrate than your average European. The number one birth name for boys in England is.....Muhammad. As their numbers increase the public dynamics will eventually change in their favor. More and more will eventually control political and societal changes. England's Islamic majority will have its finger on nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles buttons. Of course, the minority infidels will be given the option of religious conversion, subjugation, or death.
Things are getting nasty in jolly old England and Briton as Christians re-seek their RIGHT to walk on east London streets. Islam has set up NO GO ZONES for NON muslims. You remember those SAME ones democrats LIED and said did not exist.

British Christians are standing up and saying these streets belong to ALL of us NOT just islam. Islam has placed its OWN police force in that section and IS enforcing sharia law. They are forcing Christians and English rule of law OUT and bringing in sharia.

Two things I think are important here....
1, You DON"T see it here BECAUSE "We The People" are ARMED.
2, Thus far we have curbed OUR islamic leader from totally destroying the Christian base.

And IF you would stop listening to those lying ass democrats for one minute and listen to those islamic leaders this IS a holy war. We ARE a nation of laws written by Americans NOT a nation of laws written by a child molester.

They WANT you to submit or DIE. Sounds kind of like the democrat slavers of old huh?


But never let a fringe conservative let reality interfere with a Breitbart marketing meeting on how to fleece them for more hits on their website.
this has been building up for over a decade...no surprise. Its too late for them though.

(X)It will be too late for all Caucasian countries in the world if we the sheeple keep sitting on our butts and continue to remain silent. And once the non-whites become the majority, then it will be too late, and you are not going to like it. Just look at what happened to the whites in Rhodesia(Zimbabwe)and South Africa after the blacks took over. The whites were beaten up,land stolen,women were raped,and hundreds murdered. The lieberal media ignores this fact, and prefers to make it appear as though all is good.

Wake up.

"Rhodesia" is kind of a tell, StormFront.
Oh man. The early breezes and faint sounds of thunder of the coming storms of war.

The global leftists who opened up their super tolerant arms to Islam....have set the stage for global violence.

Islam and Western society do not mix.

Laughing....is this where you call for another Race War?
this has been building up for over a decade...no surprise. Its too late for them though.

(X)It will be too late for all Caucasian countries in the world if we the sheeple keep sitting on our butts and continue to remain silent. And once the non-whites become the majority, then it will be too late, and you are not going to like it. Just look at what happened to the whites in Rhodesia(Zimbabwe)and South Africa after the blacks took over. The whites were beaten up,land stolen,women were raped,and hundreds murdered. The lieberal media ignores this fact, and prefers to make it appear as though all is good.

Wake up.

"Rhodesia" is kind of a tell, StormFront.

"The Political Cesspool" website is much better. It is a website for smart, intelligent people who want to know the other side of the story. :beer:

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