Easy POLL - Obama/Trump Wiretap

Did Obama Actually Tap Trump's Phones?

  • YES - And I'll provide the proof here

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • YES - Because my favorite web site and talk show host say so

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • NO - I really doubt it. Prove it and I'll change my mind

    Votes: 25 65.8%

  • Total voters
Insufficient evidence to make a conclusion. But even for Trump I have a hard time imagining how he came up with such a story if there isn't some semblance of truth.

I think a better question might be, do you think Obama could have ordered a wire tap of Trump's phone?
Insufficient evidence to make a conclusion. But even for Trump I have a hard time imagining how he came up with such a story if there isn't some semblance of truth.

Why? Trump is the guy who rose to power with his followers claiming Obama was born in Kenya, and he spent five years saying he'd come up with the proof and never did.

You all have put a crazy person in the White House with his finger on the button.

Well, Obama can't tap anyone's phones.

To get a wiretap, a judge has to approve it after a law enforcement agency requests it.
------------------------------------------------------------- and mrobama OWNED the USA government and its lackies like the head of law enforcement [top cop] named 'lorreta lynch' Freewill and JoeB .
According to News Reports the first request was denied but after Trump's name was removed from the request it was then approved after a second request. So yes, it appears his lines were tapped.
Could you provide a source on that?
I suspect it will be covered on Fox News Sunday if you are actually interested in the truth
I suspect it will be covered on Fox News Sunday if you are actually interested in the truth
Of course I am.

Partisan hyperbole and hysteria, not so much.

If it actually happened, I'd like to know. Kinda like whether Sessions actually discussed the campaign with the Russians.

Nothing wrong with asking for actual proof when serious allegations are made.
I suspect it will be covered on Fox News Sunday if you are actually interested in the truth
Of course I am.

Partisan hyperbole and hysteria, not so much.

If it actually happened, I'd like to know. Kinda like whether Sessions actually discussed the campaign with the Russians.

Nothing wrong with asking for actual proof when serious allegations are made.
If you watch Fox News you're more likely to get informed. BSNBC & CNN, not so much. It was reported on all evening last night on honest channels. The fake news outlets TRIED to dismiss the claims
Mark Levin just laid it all out on Fox this morning. His sources are the NY Slimes, The Guardian, and Mcclatchy news service. All left wing media outlets.

Of course Obama surveilled Trump. That is so obvious there is no need to state it.
Mark Levin just laid it all out on Fox this morning. His sources are the NY Slimes, The Guardian, and Mcclatchy news service. All left wing media outlets.

Of course Obama surveilled Trump. That is so obvious there is no need to state it.
I saw him on the TV at the restaurant I was at for breakfast but they had the volume turned off. Was curious what he was saying.
Mark Levin just laid it all out on Fox this morning. His sources are the NY Slimes, The Guardian, and Mcclatchy news service. All left wing media outlets.

Of course Obama surveilled Trump. That is so obvious there is no need to state it.
I saw him on the TV at the restaurant I was at for breakfast but they had the volume turned off. Was curious what he was saying.
He laid it out very well. Go to his website. It is all there.

I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
Another rigged poll. See why you can't trust them?

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