Easy POLL - Obama/Trump Wiretap

Did Obama Actually Tap Trump's Phones?

  • YES - And I'll provide the proof here

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • YES - Because my favorite web site and talk show host say so

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • NO - I really doubt it. Prove it and I'll change my mind

    Votes: 25 65.8%

  • Total voters
YES and lets be honest. No amount of proof will be good enough for Liberals. So I'll channel my inner Harry Reid and just make the accusation and let the chips fall where they fall. Trump is playing by the liberal playbook and I'm loving every minute of it!
Another fake poll by another dishonest libtard. Trump is not claiming that Obama personally tapped his phones (it was done by his acolytes in the Justice Department).

No paper trail to Obama, of course, as indicated by his carefully worded "denial."
If Trump's team has proof, bring it out.

Otherwise, this is the level of accusation that isn't going to be forgotten, and not only could totally destroy Trump's credibility, but could bring his presidency down.
If Trump's team has proof, bring it out.

Otherwise, this is the level of accusation that isn't going to be forgotten, and not only could totally destroy Trump's credibility, but could bring his presidency down.

And, if you bolshevik cocksuckers have proof of Jeff Sessions conspiring with the Russians to undermine an American election...Bring it Out!

Otherwise, this is the level of accusation that isn't going to be forgotten, and not only could totally destroy Liberal Bolshevik Credibility and what is left of Democratic Media Outlet Credibility, but could destroy the Democratic Party.

Another fake poll by another dishonest libtard. Trump is not claiming that Obama personally tapped his phones (it was done by his acolytes in the Justice Department).
Well, I guess it's good have people readily available to translate for our President.

So when he says "Obama", he doesn't actually mean "Obama".

I've also seen that it wasn't "phones" but a computer.

And we don't know that anything was actually "tapped", outside of applications and assumptions.

Maybe Trump should have somebody standing beside him at all times to translate his words for him, kinda like one of those sign language people.
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
Do you realize how great this story is for us liberals? It proves everything we've been saying about fox news. It's spreading lies. Thanks trump for spreading and exposing a fox lie.

This is the best example of how fox lies although they do this everyday. Keep tweeting fox lies trump
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
Do you realize how great this story is for us liberals? It proves everything we've been saying about fox news. It's spreading lies. Thanks trump for spreading and exposing a fox lie.

This is the best example of how fox lies although they do this everyday. Keep tweeting fox lies trump
Here's an experiment for you.

(Helpful hint: Have large adult beverage nearby)

Set aside six hours one day (call in sick) and alternate hourly between Fox and either CNN or MSNBC. I dare you to find intersections in which they are covering the same story the same way. And also notice how stories that are positive for the other "side" are either completely ignored or distorted. Then, at the end of the six hours, stand up and try not to get dizzy.

Yeah, it's kind of amusing, but it's no wonder the country is pulling apart. The two sides could look at EXACTLY the same event and come away with two entirely different stories about it.
Yeah, it's kind of amusing, but it's no wonder the country is pulling apart. The two sides could look at EXACTLY the same event and come away with two entirely different stories about it.

So what's your solution?

Your right wing pals are the ones who got rid of the fairness doctrine and the equal time rules for broadcast.

You Wall Street assholes were the ones who decided that news divisions of broadcast companies had to make money and not inform the public. so they cut their reporters in the field and foreign correspondents and paid more money for overpriced mouthpieces.

So why are you complaining that the news stations are - wait for it- searching for an audience and providing that audience with what it wants to hear?

the thing is, there are people on the Left who think MSNBC is too "corporate" and there are people on the right who think the same thing about Fox.

(To save time, Mac's answer "Joe is a hyper partisan who just proves my point!" Don't expect him to actually answer the points, because he never does.)
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.

Just for clarification, phones don't get tapped, communication lines do. This isn't the 1950's.

We already know Trump's team was recorded in wiretaps, and Flynn's identification in those wiretaps is a felony committed by a subvert while Obama was in power. Hence Obama "tapped" his phone lines. The New York Times reported that this (illegally obtained) information was forwarded to the White House. So he is at least complicit in it. If he didn't order it, then why would he not had exposed it and shut it down? Instead the information was leaked to the press. Why would anyone forward illegally obtained information to the President if he didn't order it himself?
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
Clapper just said they're was no wiretapping. The embarrassment did Trump continues. Former DNI Clapper: 'I can deny' wiretap of Trump Tower

He merely said there was no authorization from FISA for a tap. It doesn't change the FACT that Flynn was wiretapped and his name was illegally revealed, in violation of FISA standards.
We already know Trump's team was recorded in wiretaps, and Flynn's identification in those wiretaps is a felony committed by a subvert while Obama was in power. Hence Obama "tapped" his phone lines. The New York Times reported that this (illegally obtained) information was forwarded to the White House. So he is at least complicit in it. If he didn't order it, then why would he not had exposed it and shut it down? Instead the information was leaked to the press. Why would anyone forward illegally obtained information to the President if he didn't order it himself?

I think you are confused. The only thing we know is that a conversation between Ambassador Vilsyak and General Flynn was recorded, but that was probably because we are already tapping the lines of the Russian Embassy.

But to the point, which you don't get, is the real scandal here is that Trump and his people were collaborating with the Russians, not how we found out about it.
We already know Trump's team was recorded in wiretaps, and Flynn's identification in those wiretaps is a felony committed by a subvert while Obama was in power. Hence Obama "tapped" his phone lines. The New York Times reported that this (illegally obtained) information was forwarded to the White House. So he is at least complicit in it. If he didn't order it, then why would he not had exposed it and shut it down? Instead the information was leaked to the press. Why would anyone forward illegally obtained information to the President if he didn't order it himself?

I think you are confused. The only thing we know is that a conversation between Ambassador Vilsyak and General Flynn was recorded, but that was probably because we are already tapping the lines of the Russian Embassy.

But to the point, which you don't get, is the real scandal here is that Trump and his people were collaborating with the Russians, not how we found out about it.

"Collaborating" about what? The election was won. He was an incoming White House staff member trying to tell the Russians to calm down and wait out the Obama circus. Nothing wrong with that at all.

It doesn't matter if they were already tapping the lines of the Russians, once an American is identified, his identity must be safeguarded. That is the whole point of FISA. Instead it was released and used for political purposes to destroy him and hurt Trump. YOU are the one that is confused, or just deliberately ignoring the one crime that has actually been committed.
Yeah, it's kind of amusing, but it's no wonder the country is pulling apart. The two sides could look at EXACTLY the same event and come away with two entirely different stories about it.

So what's your solution?

Your right wing pals are the ones who got rid of the fairness doctrine and the equal time rules for broadcast.

You Wall Street assholes were the ones who decided that news divisions of broadcast companies had to make money and not inform the public. so they cut their reporters in the field and foreign correspondents and paid more money for overpriced mouthpieces.

So why are you complaining that the news stations are - wait for it- searching for an audience and providing that audience with what it wants to hear?

the thing is, there are people on the Left who think MSNBC is too "corporate" and there are people on the right who think the same thing about Fox.

(To save time, Mac's answer "Joe is a hyper partisan who just proves my point!" Don't expect him to actually answer the points, because he never does.)
Step One would be to look at the way you behave - nastiness, dishonesty, straw man arguments, hate, bigotry, personal insults, name-calling and distortions - and do the opposite, absolutely as often as possible, until it becomes second nature.

If enough people on both ends of the spectrum could just do that, make that one behavioral change, act like decent, reasonable adults, perhaps we'd see some momentum in a positive direction. Who knows, that might be enough.
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I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.

Just for clarification, phones don't get tapped, communication lines do. This isn't the 1950's.

We already know Trump's team was recorded in wiretaps, and Flynn's identification in those wiretaps is a felony committed by a subvert while Obama was in power. Hence Obama "tapped" his phone lines. The New York Times reported that this (illegally obtained) information was forwarded to the White House. So he is at least complicit in it. If he didn't order it, then why would he not had exposed it and shut it down? Instead the information was leaked to the press. Why would anyone forward illegally obtained information to the President if he didn't order it himself?
Prove Flynn's identity wasn't revealed as a result of two Russians, caught in a wiretap, talking to each about talking with Flynn...
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.

Just for clarification, phones don't get tapped, communication lines do. This isn't the 1950's.

We already know Trump's team was recorded in wiretaps, and Flynn's identification in those wiretaps is a felony committed by a subvert while Obama was in power. Hence Obama "tapped" his phone lines. The New York Times reported that this (illegally obtained) information was forwarded to the White House. So he is at least complicit in it. If he didn't order it, then why would he not had exposed it and shut it down? Instead the information was leaked to the press. Why would anyone forward illegally obtained information to the President if he didn't order it himself?
Prove Flynn's identity wasn't revealed as a result of two Russians, caught in a wiretap, talking to each about talking with Flynn...


The Washington Post didn't cite high ranking Russian officials, they citied "a senior US Government official" on Jan 12th.

According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking.

Why did Obama dawdle on Russia’s hacking?
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.

You're taking it so literally. Comey said he was investigating Trump since June and didn't report it to Congress. Who did he report to? Lynch? Obama?
Insufficient evidence to make a conclusion. But even for Trump I have a hard time imagining how he came up with such a story if there isn't some semblance of truth.

Why? Trump is the guy who rose to power with his followers claiming Obama was born in Kenya, and he spent five years saying he'd come up with the proof and never did.

You all have put a crazy person in the White House with his finger on the button.


Obama did tell his publisher that he was "Born in Kenya, raised in Hawaii and Indonesia"

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