Easy POLL - Obama/Trump Wiretap

Did Obama Actually Tap Trump's Phones?

  • YES - And I'll provide the proof here

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • YES - Because my favorite web site and talk show host say so

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • NO - I really doubt it. Prove it and I'll change my mind

    Votes: 25 65.8%

  • Total voters
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
Another rigged poll. See why you can't trust them?
Did I miss a question?
Insufficient evidence to make a conclusion. But even for Trump I have a hard time imagining how he came up with such a story if there isn't some semblance of truth.

Why? Trump is the guy who rose to power with his followers claiming Obama was born in Kenya, and he spent five years saying he'd come up with the proof and never did.

You all have put a crazy person in the White House with his finger on the button.


Your claim that one person can fire a nuke is as simple minded as you are.
Insufficient evidence to make a conclusion. But even for Trump I have a hard time imagining how he came up with such a story if there isn't some semblance of truth.

Why? Trump is the guy who rose to power with his followers claiming Obama was born in Kenya, and he spent five years saying he'd come up with the proof and never did.

You all have put a crazy person in the White House with his finger on the button.


My guess is he'll soon go back to his burfur lies. Now that Arpaio has finally been forced to stop harassing people for a living, he could join drumpf. After all, they both said they had proof and that they would soon be releasing. That was many years ago and obviously untrue.

He needs more smoke screen though and rabid RWs loved that lie and would cheerfully go back to repeating it.

But this latest lie about President Obama is just as easy to prove as the burfer nonsense was. So, let drumpf prove it.
Insufficient evidence to make a conclusion. But even for Trump I have a hard time imagining how he came up with such a story if there isn't some semblance of truth.

Why? Trump is the guy who rose to power with his followers claiming Obama was born in Kenya, and he spent five years saying he'd come up with the proof and never did.

You all have put a crazy person in the White House with his finger on the button.


My guess is he'll soon go back to his burfur lies. Now that Arpaio has finally been forced to stop harassing people for a living, he could join drumpf. After all, they both said they had proof and that they would soon be releasing. That was many years ago and obviously untrue.

He needs more smoke screen though and rabid RWs loved that lie and would cheerfully go back to repeating it.

But this latest lie about President Obama is just as easy to prove as the burfer nonsense was. So, let drumpf prove it.
The nitwit trump likes to put rabbits out there for people to chase so they'll not give his russian ties a complete investigation
According to News Reports the first request was denied but after Trump's name was removed from the request it was then approved after a second request.

So yes, it appears his lines were tapped.
The president is the boss and they report to him. The entities in question are headed by people that work at the pleasure of the president.
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
Clapper just said they're was no wiretapping. The embarrassment did Trump continues. Former DNI Clapper: 'I can deny' wiretap of Trump Tower
He said there was no wire tapping while he was in control. He ALSO SAID there is ZERO evidence Trump colluded with Russia.

I hope the entire Trump Cartel gets bugs in their phones.
An accusation as serious as this deserves an answer from Obama Bin Lying but he's in hiding.

If he denies he did this he will permit himself, if he admits it, he will disgrace himself.

He finally painted himself in a corner only this time he doesn't have Lois Lerners Hard Drive to disappear for 30 days or Eric Holder perjuring himself in front of Congress, or Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails to delete to cover his ass.

He's trapped and in hiding and he will never address this accusation and the MSM will never call him on it. If he does ever address it his goose is cooked either way.

BTW I expect evidence to surface that Clapper was engaged in violations of The Espionage Act as he was the leaker. I expect a lot of carnage over The Dem Party's Self Inflicted Wounds.
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I hope the entire Trump Cartel gets bugs in their phones.

About sums up the left.

Bugs, calls for assassinations and beatings. When people run out of good arguments, this is the next step.
Mr. Scandal-Free, Boy Obama, did this. There was an application to FISA for wiretap warrant by federal law enforcement, which is a federal agency accountable to DOJ and the president. Plus, doing this is such a BIG DEAL that there is no way that the White House did not know about this. These bastards were attempting to influence the outcome of the election and are covering their asses by trying to tie Trump to the Russian government and the fiction of Russian collusion. The Russian connection has a dual function: both CYA and anti-Trump.

I have said it several times now: Obama is an enemy of our Republic, he is trying to prosecute a covert coup against a sitting American president, and he needs to be arrested and detained. At the very least we need to be tapping Obama's phones, his associates' phones, and the phones of his silly PAC.
I hope the entire Trump Cartel gets bugs in their phones.

About sums up the left.
When people run out of good arguments, this is the next step.

Bugs, calls for assassinations and beatings...

huh ?

when idiots run out of reality they pander conjecture.

By conjecture you mean pure facts?

Or perhaps you have your head buried deep in the sand. Because if you are claiming that calls for assassination, beatings and bugs haven't happened, you aren't paying much attention. You just made one by yourself.
I'm going to leave "Mango" or any other farm fresh produce out of the options.

Just three options here.

For clarity, "tapping a phone" means that it actually happened. The phones were tapped.

Thank you for your participation.
James Clapper confirmed this morning on NBC's Meet The Press that there were no wire taps of Trump Towers during his watch by anybody.
Mark Levin just laid it all out on Fox this morning. His sources are the NY Slimes, The Guardian, and Mcclatchy news service. All left wing media outlets.

Of course Obama surveilled Trump. That is so obvious there is no need to state it.
Can't tell if you are serious or trying to be funny.

Like Jay Leno warned -- don't try humor if you are not good at it.

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