'Eat Less Kittens' billboards are popping up in the Phoenix area

I also saw a woman in a town hall talking about how immigrants are just setting up camp in her yard. And no one will do anything.
Its sad.
Remember, all of the Trump cultists here know they're lying.

Trump cultists literally don't care about the truth. They care about owning the libs, and they do it by lying and trolling. The cult tells them to lie, so they lie, loudly and proudly.

Yes, that does mean they're badly behaved children, people not to be taken seriously on any topic.

Yes, they will roast in Hell for that. After all, you can't serve the Lord of Lies like they do and not pay a price for it.

Trump cultists, avoid Hell. Admit you're lying because it gives you pervy thrills. Cast aside your perversions.
Keep in mind. The Harris groupies are offended when their delicate sensibilities are challenged. All is fine with floods of illegals being dumped in your neighborhood.

Accept what you get or the Harris groupies will hurl their gods at you.
So you are saying that a person with IQ lower than 20 beat Trump in the debate...

Trump was basically given a schooling in how to debate...

Idiots think the moderators were biased but it was a failure of 101 debating that he lost one... Harris made him look like a fucking fool.

Even when she got questions she didn't like, just say something to bait Trump, the rally crowd one was hilarious, Trump like the fucking fool he is couldn't stop himself. the Moderator was trying to interject and tell her to answer the question but hey Donny said 'hold my beer while I make a fool at myself'.
By the time trump had interjected and she has fully changed the subject. The Moderator can't go back after that, Trump has basically said he wants to talk about something else..
Why? Because he is a fucking fool and he was exposed by Harris as one..

You might not like Harris but she showed that she know show to prepared and win. Trump showed he can't be trusted to get a pizza order right.

To normal GOP, The choice is simply between a competent leader (that you might not like) or a fucking dangerous fool who will give the keys of government to Project 2025.
Please to start your own debate thread.....This one is all about saving kittens.
Keep in mind. The Harris groupies are offended when their delicate sensibilities are challenged. All is fine with floods of illegals being dumped in your neighborhood.
See? This one is doubling down on lie, even knowing it dooms her to hell. Satan has her soul snagged in his infernal vicegrip pliers.
So you are saying that a person with IQ lower than 20 beat Trump in the debate...

Trump was basically given a schooling in how to debate...

Idiots think the moderators were biased but it was a failure of 101 debating that he lost one... Harris made him look like a fucking fool.

Even when she got questions she didn't like, just say something to bait Trump, the rally crowd one was hilarious, Trump like the fucking fool he is couldn't stop himself. the Moderator was trying to interject and tell her to answer the question but hey Donny said 'hold my beer while I make a fool at myself'.
By the time trump had interjected and she has fully changed the subject. The Moderator can't go back after that, Trump has basically said he wants to talk about something else..
Why? Because he is a fucking fool and he was exposed by Harris as one..

You might not like Harris but she showed that she know show to prepared and win. Trump showed he can't be trusted to get a pizza order right.

To normal GOP, The choice is simply between a competent leader (that you might not like) or a fucking dangerous fool who will give the keys of government to Project 2025.

Yes, biden once demolished lyin ryan. Total IQ on stage ~35.
I also saw a woman in a town hall talking about how immigrants are just setting up camp in her yard. And no one will do anything.
Its sad.
I think that was the movie with Will Ferrell in it...

Everything must go....

You know that is fiction, not a true story...

I also saw a woman in a town hall talking about how immigrants are just setting up camp in her yard. And no one will do anything.
Its sad.
They are denying there is a problem at all. What is really shocking is the utter stupidity of taking 20,000 people from Port Au Prince and putting them in small town America. They will immediately turn that small town into Port Au Prince. And they haven't even gotten to voodoo yet.
They are denying there is a problem at all. What is really shocking is the utter stupidity of taking 20,000 people from Port Au Prince and putting them in small town America. They will immediately turn that small town into Port Au Prince. And they haven't even gotten to voodoo yet.
The pretend governor is sending $2.5 million dollars to assist with healthcare denied to citizens. That will buy a lot of dolls fashioned into the likeness of citizens with large needles plunged into them.
The pretend governor is sending $2.5 million dollars to assist healthcare denied to citizens. That will but a lot of dolls fashioned into the likeness of citizens with large needles plunged into them.
Perhaps the mayor is looking at the savings from Haitians killing disabled children.

Haitian newspapers sometimes chronicle such practices. Mostly, it’s quietly accepted. In certain quarters in Port-au-Prince, vats of human hands and heads are popular sales items. A “long pig” is commonly-understood street slang for a human sacrifice. A ritualistic dinner of a baby’s arm or foot is more rare, but isn’t unheard of.

In Haiti, a handicapped or deformed child is considered among Voodoo practitioners a curse to be discarded. Some people label this type of selection as horse-shooting benevolence. A poor country, it’s argued, is better off without the infirm; better to kill a disabled child than have her grow up a beggar.

If you want to know what an immgrant will do, just look at what they did to the place they left.

Racist my ass!

But it is grammatically offensive......"Fewer" kittens, not "less" damnit!

Notice how the MSM is really going out of their way to say these claims have already been debunked?

That's when you know it's true. ;)

Desperate AZ republic doing the dead cat bounce.

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