'Eat Less Kittens' billboards are popping up in the Phoenix area

Lying POS. I posted an actual pick of Black carrying a big dead black feathered bird apparently a Goose down an Ohio residential sidewalk. You’re always dishonest until caught . When will you grow up?

And what is the story behind the picture? Did it get hit by a car and he was cleaning up the street?
Lying POS. I posted an actual pick of Black carrying a big dead black feathered bird apparently a Goose down an Ohio residential sidewalk. You’re always dishonest until caught . When will you grow up?
You saw how fast every media outlet rushed to claim it was all fake...yet where is their proof of fakeness? Dimtards are brainlless sheeple believing whatever the Reich tells them to believe.

Racist my ass!

But it is grammatically offensive......"Fewer" kittens, not "less" damnit!

Notice how the MSM is really going out of their way to say these claims have already been debunked?

That's when you know it's true. ;)

For the record, they only eat unborn kittens, which are just globs of lifeless cells.

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Lying POS. I posted an actual pick of Black carrying a big dead black feathered bird apparently a Goose down an Ohio residential sidewalk. You’re always dishonest until caught . When will you grow up?
Geese aren't pets.

The claim by your Cheeto Jesus that they were eating "Cats and dogs".

I wish immigrants would start eating Canadian Geese, those things are a fucking menace. They shit over everything, they wander into traffic, and they have no sensible fear of humans.

Racist my ass!

But it is grammatically offensive......"Fewer" kittens, not "less" damnit!

Notice how the MSM is really going out of their way to say these claims have already been debunked?

That's when you know it's true. ;)

Why are you eating kittens in AZ?

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