Eating my crow

There was also a lot of hype around a blue wave. That’s what happens when people live in bubbles and can’t see things objectively
Democrats were flaunting the allegedly non partisan polls which were just damn lies
Wholy shit!! Dems saw polls that worked in their favor and they flaunted them?? I can’t believe that!!!! Good thing Trump never does that. Haha. You get worked up over the dumbest shit
Polls are polls. Samples of People are questioned and the results are posted. Take them however you want.
I never believed the lib polls

but plenty of libs on this forum did

and maybe some voters were discouraged by the lies coming from the left
Polls are indicators not fact. Which polls were wrong with the overall outcome?
I have no problem eating crow and have done so many times. In this case, I called it. I felt that it was going to be a very tight election and that we would not know Election Night. I agree with the headlines.......too close to call. This I do know. Whoever wins, we will remain heavily divided as we have since Bush-Gore. Should Biden win, I see the Republicans taking the House and keeping the Senate in 2022 which will give the Republicans The Hill. While Biden is a life-long Washington insider and knows how to work across the aisle, I think he will be heavily controlled by the far Left. As part of that, Kamala Harris will be heavily involved and present moreso than any other VP we've had.

Should Trump remain, Democrats have a shot at keeping the House but with a much smaller margin and taking the Senate in 2022.
There was also a lot of hype around a blue wave. That’s what happens when people live in bubbles and can’t see things objectively
Democrats were flaunting the allegedly non partisan polls which were just damn lies
Wholy shit!! Dems saw polls that worked in their favor and they flaunted them?? I can’t believe that!!!! Good thing Trump never does that. Haha. You get worked up over the dumbest shit
I can believe it

libs were repeating lib media lies
I have no problem eating crow and have done so many times. In this case, I called it. I felt that it was going to be a very tight election and that we would not know Election Night. I agree with the headlines.......too close to call. This I do know. Whoever wins, we will remain heavily divided as we have since Bush-Gore. Should Biden win, I see the Republicans taking the House and keeping the Senate in 2022 which will give the Republicans The Hill. While Biden is a life-long Washington insider and knows how to work across the aisle, I think he will be heavily controlled by the far Left. As part of that, Kamala Harris will be heavily involved and present moreso than any other VP we've had.

Should Trump remain, Democrats have a shot at keeping the House but with a much smaller margin and taking the Senate in 2022.
Trump light is dimming just a bit. If Biden takes Arizona and Nevada which he has the lead, it's all over for Trump. Biden would have 270, but he has a slim margin in Nevada.
Of course that doesn't mean Trump is going to leave the White House without a fight even if he loses the election.
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Democrats have become communist. China is their natural ally.
No democrats are not communist and China is not an ally of either party. This is the type of attitude that may well destroy this country as we know it. The idea that the political opposition is the ultimate evil is a fundamental cornerstone of revolution. This is the goal of Russia and China. They sit like vultures waiting for the seeds of division they have planted to grow into rebellion. And if happens, you can bet they will be there to lend a hand.
China has been working with democrats for years to bring this country into full communism. Now they have done that. Russia has turned from communism. Now WE are the godless evil empire
It’s called campaigning. Trump talked about a red wave and how they were going to win the house... remember
The fake lib polls were not normal campaigning
Polls are polls. Samples of People are questioned and the results are posted. Take them however you want. I always grain of salt that stuff. It’s just hype and predictions.

yep - polls are just a snapshot in time.
Democrats have become communist. China is their natural ally.
No democrats are not communist and China is not an ally of either party. This is the type of attitude that may well destroy this country as we know it. The idea that the political opposition is the ultimate evil is a fundamental cornerstone of revolution. This is the goal of Russia and China. They sit like vultures waiting for the seeds of division they have planted to grow into rebellion. And if happens, you can bet they will be there to lend a hand.
China has been working with democrats for years to bring this country into full communism. Now they have done that. Russia has turned from communism. Now WE are the godless evil empire
Im officially stating that I was wrong about the Trump Landslide. I thought Trump was going to win by more than 3 to 5 million in the popular, and reach the 270 electoral before 11 pm. Now I know why the Dems were pushing so hard for mail-in ballots.
I find these results extremely disturbing. No matter your political party, I cant believe Im living at a time, where this many Americans are against us being a world military leader. I guess they want China to dominate, and weve seen what their intentions are. I could go on and on, but thats not why Im here.
I think Trump will still win, but as far as me saying its going to be a "massive Trump Landslide !"....
I'm hereby stepping up, and eating my crow. :206:
I would not call this race for all the gold in fort knox. Hoping for a Trump win, but not holding my breath. This will wind up in the courts most likely barring the unforeseen.
The President has already won he gets the 4 states he needs no amount of stalling and cheating will change it.

Not sure. Michigan just added over 138,000 votes, every one of which was for Biden. I smell a rat in Michigan, even the most blue areas would at least have some red votes.
Im officially stating that I was wrong about the Trump Landslide. I thought Trump was going to win by more than 3 to 5 million in the popular, and reach the 270 electoral before 11 pm. Now I know why the Dems were pushing so hard for mail-in ballots.
I find these results extremely disturbing. No matter your political party, I cant believe Im living at a time, where this many Americans are against us being a world military leader. I guess they want China to dominate, and weve seen what their intentions are. I could go on and on, but thats not why Im here.
I think Trump will still win, but as far as me saying its going to be a "massive Trump Landslide !"....
I'm hereby stepping up, and eating my crow. :206:
Not to worry my child. If senile Joe wins, nothing will change.
If senile Joe wins, Harris will be President within 24 mos. THAT IS A FACT
And the Democrats literally elected a openly stated communist.
Polls are indicators not fact. Which polls were wrong with the overall outcome?
Lying lib polls are designed to depress republican turnout

Dumbshit, why on Earth would Liberals make up polls that their candidate is leading? That doesn't suppress Republican votes, as you idiotically think -- it only inspires more on the right to get out and vote to hopefully beat the the Democrat.
Polls are indicators not fact. Which polls were wrong with the overall outcome?
Lying lib polls are designed to depress republican turnout

Dumbshit, why on Earth would Liberals make up polls that their candidate is leading? That doesn't suppress Republican votes, as you idiotically think -- it only inspires more on the right to get out and vote to hopefully beat the the Democrat.
People who think their guy is going to lose, generally wont find the motivation to go vote for him. That is why they inflate the polls. I think the pollsters wrecked their business though. Who is going to take polls seriously going forward?
Im officially stating that I was wrong about the Trump Landslide. I thought Trump was going to win by more than 3 to 5 million in the popular, and reach the 270 electoral before 11 pm. Now I know why the Dems were pushing so hard for mail-in ballots.
I find these results extremely disturbing. No matter your political party, I cant believe Im living at a time, where this many Americans are against us being a world military leader. I guess they want China to dominate, and weve seen what their intentions are. I could go on and on, but thats not why Im here.
I think Trump will still win, but as far as me saying its going to be a "massive Trump Landslide !"....
I'm hereby stepping up, and eating my crow. :206:

Or....more people voted for Biden.

Its a simpler explanation that doesn't require people wanting 'china to dominate', or vague insinuations about 'mail in voting'.

Occam's Razor, my friend.
Polls are indicators not fact. Which polls were wrong with the overall outcome?
Lying lib polls are designed to depress republican turnout

Dumbshit, why on Earth would Liberals make up polls that their candidate is leading? That doesn't suppress Republican votes, as you idiotically think -- it only inspires more on the right to get out and vote to hopefully beat the the Democrat.
People who think their guy is going to lose, generally wont find the motivation to go vote for him. That is why they inflate the polls. I think the pollsters wrecked their business though. Who is going to take polls seriously going forward?
What a loser you sound like. Being behind inspires me to try harder so I don't lose.
Polls are indicators not fact. Which polls were wrong with the overall outcome?
Lying lib polls are designed to depress republican turnout

Dumbshit, why on Earth would Liberals make up polls that their candidate is leading? That doesn't suppress Republican votes, as you idiotically think -- it only inspires more on the right to get out and vote to hopefully beat the the Democrat.
People who think their guy is going to lose, generally wont find the motivation to go vote for him. That is why they inflate the polls. I think the pollsters wrecked their business though. Who is going to take polls seriously going forward?
What a loser you sound like. Being behind inspires me to try harder so I don't lose.
Then why are you such a loser?
Polls are indicators not fact. Which polls were wrong with the overall outcome?
Lying lib polls are designed to depress republican turnout

Dumbshit, why on Earth would Liberals make up polls that their candidate is leading? That doesn't suppress Republican votes, as you idiotically think -- it only inspires more on the right to get out and vote to hopefully beat the the Democrat.
People who think their guy is going to lose, generally wont find the motivation to go vote for him. That is why they inflate the polls. I think the pollsters wrecked their business though. Who is going to take polls seriously going forward?
What a loser you sound like. Being behind inspires me to try harder so I don't lose.
Then why are you such a loser?
Spits the loser who admits he quits when he's losing before the contest ends.

Yup, you are the consummate Tory.

Im officially stating that I was wrong about the Trump Landslide. I thought Trump was going to win by more than 3 to 5 million in the popular, and reach the 270 electoral before 11 pm. Now I know why the Dems were pushing so hard for mail-in ballots.
I find these results extremely disturbing. No matter your political party, I cant believe Im living at a time, where this many Americans are against us being a world military leader. I guess they want China to dominate, and weve seen what their intentions are. I could go on and on, but thats not why Im here.
I think Trump will still win, but as far as me saying its going to be a "massive Trump Landslide !"....
I'm hereby stepping up, and eating my crow. :206:

Don't take too much from the results at this time.
The totals do not reflect actual legal votes case.

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