Ebola Containment In The Us > Your Thoughts & Ideas

How would you stop ebola in the US?

  • Prohibit air entry for persons coming out of africa, let them take slow boats

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Do what the Obama admin recommends, (i.e. ebola can't hit the US)

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Other option, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Officials: 100 'Potential Contacts' Linked To Dallas Ebola Patient
by Scott Neuman
October 02, 201410:39 AM ET

The number of "contact traces" for a man diagnosed with Ebola earlier this week in Dallas has risen to 100, officials say, as they add secondary contacts to a list of people being monitored for symptoms of the deadly virus. Officials 100 Potential Contacts Linked To Dallas Ebola Patient The Two-Way NPR

If I was heading up the CDC, I would immediately petition Congress or POTUS [I think POTUS has direct control over the CDC] for funds to do the following:

1. Assume control of abandoned school buildings in each and every town in the US. This should be easy since charter schools have forced many schools from declining enrollment to close their doors and consolodate elsewhere. Hospitals are already overburdened with regular healthcare. You don't want this crap crossing over to other sick people and the precious few we have to tend them.

2. Retrofit the classrooms as isolation wards.

3. Secure perimeters.

4. Install multi-phase decontamination entrance/exists with necessary chemical baths/shower facilities and hazmat suiting areas, special ventilating systems etc.

5. Containment incinerators for burning all materials that came in contact with patients or the staff tending them.

6. Train a small army within the National Guard in protocol for treating and tending ebola patients, hazmat protocol and disposal.

No permitting. No public input. For immediate implimentation. Even at that it will take months to get this accomplished.

And hey, if it's not ebola today, it'll be some other vector 5 years from now. We have the time. We have the facilities. Take it from this "dumb dirt farmer", you don't want to scramble at the last minute to save the herd. Been there, done that and had to do mass burials before.
I read that ebola carrying mosquitoes have already been found in Texas.
I read that ebola carrying mosquitoes have already been found in Texas.

No, mosquitoes don't seem to be a vector for Ebola. Ebola seems to require a mammal for reservoir purposes - maybe other primates, bats. There was some discussion about a possible plant reservoir - but that would be in Africa. Read In the Hot Zone for details.

In the New World, presumably the only vector/reservoir would be humans.
I read that ebola carrying mosquitoes have already been found in Texas.

No, mosquitoes don't seem to be a vector for Ebola. Ebola seems to require a mammal for reservoir purposes - maybe other primates, bats. There was some discussion about a possible plant reservoir - but that would be in Africa. Read In the Hot Zone for details.

In the New World, presumably the only vector/reservoir would be humans.
We have rats and an "acceptable level of rat feces" in the FDA guidelines for our food supply. Ebola is supposed to be harbored in bat feces. We have bats too. Flying all over everywhere, every night.

Not to panic people but this is your golden head's-up to nip this thing in the bud with a very sharp set of shears.
Every house suspected of being in contact with even an asymptomatic person who comes down with ebola should also be on 3 week lockdown under guard. It's only 3 weeks. They could consider it a holiday. Drop off video games, munchies and sundries and keep them isolated.
Close the borders. Don't allow anyone with a passport from an African country in.

Ebola has burned itself out pretty quickly in the past. Villages were quarantined until people stopped dying or there were no people.
I read that ebola carrying mosquitoes have already been found in Texas.

No, mosquitoes don't seem to be a vector for Ebola. Ebola seems to require a mammal for reservoir purposes - maybe other primates, bats. There was some discussion about a possible plant reservoir - but that would be in Africa. Read In the Hot Zone for details.

In the New World, presumably the only vector/reservoir would be humans.
We have rats and an "acceptable level of rat feces" in the FDA guidelines for our food supply. Ebola is supposed to be harbored in bat feces. We have bats too. Flying all over everywhere, every night.

Not to panic people but this is your golden head's-up to nip this thing in the bud with a very sharp set of shears.

Oh gawd, now the RW nutters are gonna go after bats. They'll probably want them to go into internment camps.

Welcome to -

Every house suspected of being in contact with even an asymptomatic person who comes down with ebola should also be on 3 week lockdown under guard. It's only 3 weeks. They could consider it a holiday. Drop off video games, munchies and sundries and keep them isolated.

Unless it can be shown to harm women, children, the elderly, handicapped and disabled vets, the right would never go for it.
Close the borders. Don't allow anyone with a passport from an African country in.

Ebola has burned itself out pretty quickly in the past. Villages were quarantined until people stopped dying or there were no people.
The difference between most of those countries in Africa is that most of the poor villiagers aren't mobile like Americans are. We are a very mobile country. The CDC had better be on red alert on this one.

How it got to Nigeria was one dude flew in with ebola. One dude flew in.

Now one of the MSNBC journalists has it and guess what they're doing? Flying him back to the US so he can get treatment.

BTW, they are not 100% certain that people cannot get it from others who have it but are asymptomatic. They're pretty darned sure, but not absolutely 100% sure...
My thoughts? the obama administration has done nothing to stop traffic coming in the U.S. from those countries that have Ebola infected people. any American that contracts the sickness and dies here it will be on obama's head.
My thoughts? Containment outside of the CDC is nonexistent. Our government has no intelligible countermeasures for containing an outbreak. All one simply needs to do, is buy a can of disinfectant... spraying every surface an infected person comes in contact with can mitigate the risk.
Since Obama is president, let's immediately rule out doing anything that makes sense.
"Our government has no intelligible countermeasures for containing an outbreak." Spray your brain with disinfectant while you are at it.
1. Cut all flights out of Africa....
2. Do what Liberia is doing. Anyone that comes in contact = contain them for 21 days. By force if needed.
1. Cut all flights out of Africa....
2. Do what Liberia is doing. Anyone that comes in contact = contain them for 21 days. By force if needed.

You know these logical lines of thinking keep popping up. You know how mobile Americans are. And I mentioned that just one dude that flew into Nigeria set off an epidemic there. Did you know that dude was an American? We go all over the world every day.

Perhaps the rest of the world should take notice of the extremely anemic and lame response in the US...along with its suicidal penchant for importing ebola in whenever one of its reckless citizens goes into hot zones for it. Maybe the WHO should impose a quarantine on all flights leaving from America until we stop importing the disease and are disease free for at least a couple months.

America has myopia to the point of suicide when it comes to being politically-correct. But it doesn't mean the rest of the world has to play along with our narcissistic mortal stupidity...
I read that ebola carrying mosquitoes have already been found in Texas.

We have rats and an "acceptable level of rat feces" in the FDA guidelines for our food supply. Ebola is supposed to be harbored in bat feces. We have bats too. Flying all over everywhere, every night.

Not to panic people but this is your golden head's-up to nip this thing in the bud with a very sharp set of shears.

(My bold)

No, the US (N. American?) bat population is under tremendous pressure - white nose syndrome. The bat pop. in the US has dropped off sharply over the last decade or so, & anyway, this time of year, the remaining populations are looking for places to overwinter. (Which is apparently where they're contracting & passing on white nose. Bats are v. social animals, they overwinter in big groups, their preference.) The bat populations have dropped below replacement numbers in the NE, & generally in the north. Too bad - they're also pollinators & keep down insect populations. We'll miss them.

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