Ebola Containment In The Us > Your Thoughts & Ideas

How would you stop ebola in the US?

  • Prohibit air entry for persons coming out of africa, let them take slow boats

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Do what the Obama admin recommends, (i.e. ebola can't hit the US)

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Other option, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
I know someone who can barely walk from polio. He got it right before the vaccine came out.

You're not old enough to know someone like that.
I'm pretty sure I've encountered and interacted with far more people suffering from polio than you have.

You aren't smart enough to assume things about others.

You're not old enough to have heard first hand accounts of the 19-teens flu epidemic that killed millions in a couple short years.
Correct I've never heard of first hand account of anything from 100 years ago.

I'm not sure how this makes your ridiculous alarmist wailings about ebola ravaging our nation any less ridiculous.

You think you are invincible. Viruses will check your arrogance.
I certainly don't think I'm invincible, you just can't grasp than there is a big range between feeling invincible and being a gibbering foolish chicken little who is proven wrong every time.

You're gay, right?
Hah hah someone is frustrated enough to revert back to 7th grade.
If this illness reaches cities...well....we're done.
Thanks Mr. Expert.

We thought dumbass warning of the year was locked up, but a late entry b Silhouette has proven to be a come from behind challenger.

Apparently since Ebola reached Dallas... we're done.

Anyone feel done?
865. So many drugs to cure Ebola(11/8/2014)

Other powers have already developed their drugs to cure Ebola. Russia has Triazoverin; China has JK-05.

70-90% efficiency: Russia to send Ebola vaccine to W. Africa in 2 months
October 13, 2014

“Today we are discussing that we will have enough of Triazoverin vaccine in two months so that we can send them to our personnel in Guinea and test its efficiency in clinical conditions,” Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said.

“The efficiency ranges between 70 and 90 percent and this is a very good indicator,” Skvortsova said.

China sends Ebola drug to Africa, eyes clinical trials
By Adam Jourdan October 16, 2014

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd has supplied several thousand doses of its drug JK-05 to the region, Chief Operating Officer Jia Zhongxin said. More doses could be sent if needed, Jia said.

Its development lags some way behind U.S.-developed ZMapp and TKM-Ebola, which have been tested on monkeys and used on Ebola patients. However, analysts said the drug's similarities to Japanese influenza drug Favipiravir is an encouraging sign.


They say its experimental medicine because none would admit they have lab for bio-war. The news were released as a warning: “We get ready with effective drug. Don’t touch us with your bio-weapon”. They know it’s a bio-war. The sad thing is this time the Ebola is used to intimidate American people in a domestic November plot. The Feds blow the trumpet to make it a crisis although they have the drugs ZMapp and TKM-Ebola.
The sad thing is this time the Ebola is used to intimidate American people in a domestic November plot. The Feds blow the trumpet to make it a crisis although they have the drugs ZMapp and TKM-Ebola.
Hah that is a pretty hilarious revisionist history you have there.

Feds were saying it would be contained and no reason for alarm, much to the chagrin of various alarmist knuckleheads on internet forums who were suddenly virologists.
868. Informants were targets too? (11/26/2014)

In #863, I wrote, “The November plot likely will take place between 11/4 to 11/14 when my family members join an arranged cruise trip. (the ship named “Star Princess”,)

In #861, I said the Feds will plan another murder case in November while they arranged a cruise trip for my relatives and I alleged it could be an “Ebola” killing.

Texas health worker isolated on cruise ship over possible Ebola contact
(Reuters) - A Texas health worker who may have had contact with specimens from the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has been isolated on a cruise ship despite showing no symptoms of the disease, the Department of State said on Friday.

Texas health worker isolated on cruise ship over possible Ebola contact - Yahoo News

When the trip ended, I viewed the pictures my wife took. I found besides the huge group of my family members, there were also many informants who used to monitor us were also arranged in this trip. Such like G-lady, (see #32, #47), my former neighborhood Chef Y and Mrs. Y, (see #657) C.Y and W.S. couple (see #668, #669). When they were told to join such an unusual cruise, they should be aware that it could be a very evil trip that they could be eliminated too as witness.

Then one day after the cruise ending, there was such a news:

Princess Cruises ship docks in San Pedro after outbreak of norovirus

November 16, 2014, 3:13 PM
A Princess Cruises ship docked in San Pedro early Sunday after nearly 170 people on board fell ill in the ship's second outbreak of norovirus this year, officials said.

In total, 158 passengers and 11 crew members were reported having the illness, which causes vomiting and diarrhea, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Many informants were involved in this Princess cruise trip. They may have a bad feeling for their own lot. To comfort these informants, the Feds have acted such a show. “Don’t worry, it’s just Norovirus, not a lethal weapon.”

869. Ebola was planned for the November plot (11/30/2014)

In late October and early November, the propaganda of Ebola reached its peak, then scattered away.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Shames Fox and CNN’s Ebola panic: ‘Well done, everyone’
Nov 11, 2014

MSNBC host Chris Hayes marked the official containment of the Ebola virus in the U.S. on Tuesday with a tongue-in-cheek look back at the panicked approach many of his fellow cable news hosts took in covering the issue.


Someone says, “This video highlights the fear mongering that took place in the weeks leading up to the election”. They noticed unusual Ebola panic wave waged by the media. It was not for mid-term election. No party benefited from the Ebola crisis. It was planned with a murder case in a cruise trip. The cruise trip started on November 4th - a coincidence with the election date. Though the murder plan went soured, the Feds quickly announced they will continue to use same tactic in new plot.

US looking past Ebola to prepare for next outbreak

WASHINGTON (AP) — The next Ebola or the next SARS. Maybe even the next HIV. Even before the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is brought under control, public health officials are girding for the next health disaster.


This is a show off of a criminal group. How they persecute people with the bio weapon stored in their bio lab.

See articles at: http://katsung.forumotion.com/t2-how-the-feds-persecute-people
Officials: 100 'Potential Contacts' Linked To Dallas Ebola Patient
by Scott Neuman
October 02, 201410:39 AM ET

The number of "contact traces" for a man diagnosed with Ebola earlier this week in Dallas has risen to 100, officials say, as they add secondary contacts to a list of people being monitored for symptoms of the deadly virus. Officials 100 Potential Contacts Linked To Dallas Ebola Patient The Two-Way NPR

If I was heading up the CDC, I would immediately petition Congress or POTUS [I think POTUS has direct control over the CDC] for funds to do the following:

1. Assume control of abandoned school buildings in each and every town in the US. This should be easy since charter schools have forced many schools from declining enrollment to close their doors and consolodate elsewhere. Hospitals are already overburdened with regular healthcare. You don't want this crap crossing over to other sick people and the precious few we have to tend them.

2. Retrofit the classrooms as isolation wards.

3. Secure perimeters.

4. Install multi-phase decontamination entrance/exists with necessary chemical baths/shower facilities and hazmat suiting areas, special ventilating systems etc.

5. Containment incinerators for burning all materials that came in contact with patients or the staff tending them.

6. Train a small army within the National Guard in protocol for treating and tending ebola patients, hazmat protocol and disposal.

No permitting. No public input. For immediate implimentation. Even at that it will take months to get this accomplished.

And hey, if it's not ebola today, it'll be some other vector 5 years from now. We have the time. We have the facilities. Take it from this "dumb dirt farmer", you don't want to scramble at the last minute to save the herd. Been there, done that and had to do mass burials before.

There will never, ever, ever be another case of Ebola in the US.

USMB Obama worshiping Grubercrats told me so.

Obama saved us from Ebola.

End of story.

Election over.

Christ every time I think I've seen crazy (EdwardBaiamonte, pvsi, etc.) I stumble upon a Katsung post and remember how fortunate it is my family and friends don't suffer from a severe mental illness.

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