Ebola Containment In The Us > Your Thoughts & Ideas

How would you stop ebola in the US?

  • Prohibit air entry for persons coming out of africa, let them take slow boats

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Do what the Obama admin recommends, (i.e. ebola can't hit the US)

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Other option, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
A major part of controlling an epidemic is TRACKING those who have been exposed.

If you close down the air travel you lose the ability to do the tracking so it is actually counter productive to ban all travel from West Africa.

The greatest harm to this nation came from the NRA obstructing the appointment of the Surgeon General. By not having an SG there was no point person to sound the alarm and get things organized here. The fact that there still isn't an SG explains the confused messaging too.
Derideo, your armchair solutions to this real and compelling disease are not just laughable, they're harmful and may be fatal...not only to individuals stricken with ebola from false or misleading information from the ignorant like you're dispensing here, but to our nation if we become overwhelmed and cannot provide care for an escalating epidemic. When you've been in the trenches and buried a bunch of bodies [or burned them in the case of ebola] from disease, get back to us, OK?
A major part of controlling an epidemic is TRACKING those who have been exposed.

If you close down the air travel you lose the ability to do the tracking so it is actually counter productive to ban all travel from West Africa.

The greatest harm to this nation came from the NRA obstructing the appointment of the Surgeon General. By not having an SG there was no point person to sound the alarm and get things organized here. The fact that there still isn't an SG explains the confused messaging too.

Here are the facts you can't refute!

How the NRA is making the Ebola crisis worse MSNBC

On Obama s Surgeon General Nominee It s Medical Experts Vs. Discredited Gun Zealots Blog Media Matters for America
A major part of controlling an epidemic is TRACKING those who have been exposed.

If you close down the air travel you lose the ability to do the tracking so it is actually counter productive to ban all travel from West Africa.

The greatest harm to this nation came from the NRA obstructing the appointment of the Surgeon General. By not having an SG there was no point person to sound the alarm and get things organized here. The fact that there still isn't an SG explains the confused messaging too.
Derideo, your armchair solutions to this real and compelling disease are not just laughable, they're harmful and may be fatal...not only to individuals stricken with ebola from false or misleading information from the ignorant like you're dispensing here, but to our nation if we become overwhelmed and cannot provide care for an escalating epidemic. When you've been in the trenches and buried a bunch of bodies [or burned them in the case of ebola] from disease, get back to us, OK?

And that reminds me. As to the OP, large incinerators are cheaper to run and just as effective as "autoclaves"... Speaking of misleading information courtesy of MSNBC. You cannot autoclave the dead bodies. They have to be burned along with the waste.

I'm mulling over ideas for patient containment, like large disposable plastic shallow tubs [think of a child's plastic snow sled] to set patients in to contain waste centralized near the patient...with some types of device where the patient can be lifted up, soiled linens removed along with the tub and then taken as a whole unit directly to an incinerator...maybe even with a chute device to do so, so that human contact with soiled waste is at a minimum.

The tubs could be tipped into the chute where the waste is burned and the tubs immersed ina bleach solution for 24 hours or so to be reused, rotated out with the next cleaning.
And that reminds me. As to the OP, large incinerators are cheaper to run and just as effective as "autoclaves"... Speaking of misleading information courtesy of MSNBC. You cannot autoclave the dead bodies. They have to be burned along with the waste.

I'm mulling over ideas for patient containment, like large disposable plastic shallow tubs [think of a child's plastic snow sled] to set patients in to contain waste centralized near the patient...with some types of device where the patient can be lifted up, soiled linens removed along with the tub and then taken as a whole unit directly to an incinerator...maybe even with a chute device to do so, so that human contact with soiled waste is at a minimum.

The tubs could be tipped into the chute where the waste is burned and the tubs immersed ina bleach solution for 24 hours or so to be reused, rotated out with the next cleaning.

Is this where you got your inspiration?
Is this where you got your inspiration?

No, I get my inspiration from what they used to do in the US when children would get scarlet fever or when smallpox broke out. They burned EVERYTHING that came in contact with the patient. Idiot.

When corpses carry one of the most infectious stages of the disease, you remove them and their wrappings to a cremation unit before they can take more healthcare workers/undertakers with them. You appear to be advocating for this set of priorities:

1. Kill people from ignorance and political-correctness.

2. Consider lifesaving techniques.

In that order...
Since I haven't actually done anything of the kind you are just exposing the fact that you are a liar.
Since I haven't actually done anything of the kind you are just exposing the fact that you are a liar.
After seeing your posts it's clear you are a far left Koolaide drinker. You are incapable of free thought. You only regurgitate talking points robotically. You won't even embrace reason when it will save lives. You are beyond reaching and as such are a drag on meaningful debate.
Since I haven't actually done anything of the kind you are just exposing the fact that you are a liar.
After seeing your posts it's clear you are a far left Koolaide drinker. You are incapable of free thought. You only regurgitate talking points robotically. You won't even embrace reason when it will save lives. You are beyond reaching and as such are a drag on meaningful debate.

Ironic coming from someone who "debates" using a moronic USMB "poll" instead of credible polls done by professionals.
Ironic coming from someone who "debates" using a moronic USMB "poll" instead of credible polls done by professionals.
Professional sanitizers you mean?

Let's return to the topic. Are you for or against shutting down entry into this country from ebola nation travellers?
Ironic coming from someone who "debates" using a moronic USMB "poll" instead of credible polls done by professionals.
Professional sanitizers you mean?

Let's return to the topic. Are you for or against shutting down entry into this country from ebola nation travellers?

Thank for tacitly admitting that you lack credibility.

I already posted the valid reason why obstructing entry from West Africa would be counterproductive.
It’s all scripted! Ebola outbreak and impossibly rapid vaccine response clearly scripted; U.S. govt. patented Ebola in 2010 and now owns all victims’ blood

September 21, 2014

The United States government now owns the patent on Ebola

This plot gets even more interesting when you realize that a patent on Ebola was awarded to the United States government just four years ago, in 2010.

That patent, number CA2741523A1, is available here.

Astonishingly, the patent claims U.S. government ownership over all variants of Ebola which share 70% or more of the protein sequences described in the patent: “[CLAIMS] …a nucleotide sequence of at least 70%-99% identity to the SEQ ID…”

It’s all scripted! Ebola outbreak and impossibly rapid vaccine response clearly scripted; U.S. govt. patented Ebola in 2010 and now owns all victims’ blood

September 21, 2014

The United States government now owns the patent on Ebola

This plot gets even more interesting when you realize that a patent on Ebola was awarded to the United States government just four years ago, in 2010.

That patent, number CA2741523A1, is available here.

Astonishingly, the patent claims U.S. government ownership over all variants of Ebola which share 70% or more of the protein sequences described in the patent: “[CLAIMS] …a nucleotide sequence of at least 70%-99% identity to the SEQ ID…”


The purpose of the CDC patent was to ensure that the genetic code could be shared openly.

snopes.com Does the CDC Own an Ebola Patent

On 9 October 2014, professor of biological sciences at Purdue University and Ebola researcher David Sanders addressed rumors about the CDC's patent on Ebola. Sanders explained that overall the practice of patenting "life forms" is not uncommon for the CDC, noting that patents like the one the CDC holds on the EboBun strain of Ebola can circumvent for-profit patenting as well as facilitate broader research:
The CDC does hold some patents on life forms, but it generally does this for the common good, so a commercial company can't come along and patent it. The CDC lets researchers work with the strain without fees.
Until the Supreme Court's 2013 decision on isolated genetic material, the ambiguity involved made such patents a potential necessity. In light of it the CDC's intent in patenting Ebola appears to be far less nefarious.

The subsequent SCOTUS decision has rendered the patent worthless since no one can now patent genes.
861. Ebola and November plot (10/17/2014)

The Feds are pushing up a propaganda wave to scare people with Ebola epidemic. US has developed cure medicine for Ebola years ago and has patented it already. But they rarely talk about it.

U.S. govt. patented Ebola in 2010 and now owns all victims’ blood

September 21, 2014

The United States government now owns the patent on Ebola

This plot gets even more interesting when you realize that a patent on Ebola was awarded to the United States government just four years ago, in 2010.

That patent, number CA2741523A1, is available here.


The drug was proved effective.

Recovery of US Ebola patients renews focus on treatment
CIDRAP News Aug 21, 2014

Two medical missionaries who were infected with Ebola virus in Liberia and were evacuated to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta about 3 weeks ago have recovered and been discharged, …….

According to media reports, the two patients were treated with the experimental EVD drug ZMapp while in Liberia, and Brantly reportedly received convalescent serum from a patient who had recovered from the illness.


Consider it is an emergence and the disease is a dangerous one, US should activate urgent production of the drug. They didn’t. They deliberately let Duncan died because they need victim to scare people. The original patients recovered in August. Do you believe US did nothing in these two months with drug patent in their hands?

Even China has developed the Ebola drug during the time and sent thousands of doses to Africa.

China sends Ebola drug to Africa, eyes clinical trials
By Adam Jourdan October 16, 2014
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A Chinese drug maker with military ties has sent an experimental Ebola drug to Africa for use by Chinese aid workers and is planning clinical trials there to combat the disease, executives at the firm told Reuters on Thursday.


This is obviously part of the November plot. In “859. Eric Holder’s resignation and November plot (10/6/2014)” I said the Feds will plan another murder case in November while they arranged a cruise trip for my relatives.

Texas health worker isolated on cruise ship over possible Ebola contact

(Reuters) - A Texas health worker who may have had contact with specimens from the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has been isolated on a cruise ship despite showing no symptoms of the disease, the Department of State said on Friday.

It sure looks like those silly officials who said any Ebola appearing in the US would be contained were correct, and the chicken little in chief was not.
864. The flaw of the cheating story on Ebola (11/4/2014)

US has developed the cure medicine for Ebola already.

Recovery of US Ebola patients renews focus on treatment
CIDRAP News Aug 21, 2014

In a surprise announcement, hospital officials said Brantly's colleague, Nancy Writebol, was discharged on Aug 19—quietly, …..

According to media reports, the two patients were treated with the experimental EVD drug ZMapp while in Liberia, and Brantly reportedly received convalescent serum from a patient who had recovered from the illness.

Recovery of US Ebola patients renews focus on treatment CIDRAP

But the Feds had a new plot to murder and quarantine people in November by Ebola. A cure medicine will contradict to their plan. What they did is to announce that Zmapp was out of supply.

U.S. seeks to speed up production of Ebola drug
September 2, 2014, 9:37 PM

The initiative comes not a moment too soon: After expediting a clinical trial with monkeys and supplying the drug to a small number of human patients, the firm that developed ZMapp has no more in its cupboard.

U.S. seeks to speed up production of Ebola drug - LA Times

While the plan of elimination of Kat Sung and his family members is on pending, some more cases appeared to add oil on flame. How do they explain those people recovered when “Zmapp has no more in its cupboard”? Here is a ridiculous answer:

Ebola Recovery: How Did Dallas Nurses Get Well So Quickly?

The two nurses in Dallas who became infected with Ebola this month may have recovered so quickly because of their youth, as well as the protective equipment they were wearing at the time of infection,

Ebola recovery How did Dallas nurses get well so quickly Fox News
So if you are young, Ebola is not a dreadful virus. Ebola also can penetrate protective equipment. It must have exhausted Ebola virus much that after it infiltrating the protective equipment, it is not that virulent.

Though the media beat the drum to propaganda on Ebola, you may notice they rarely touch the cure medicine Zmapp. They couldn’t explain why “speed up the production” becomes “slow up”- or rather, a “halt” and distract from that core issue to “nurse argues with state government on quarantine rule” and some other odds.
So if you are young, Ebola is not a dreadful virus. Ebola also can penetrate protective equipment. It must have exhausted Ebola virus much that after it infiltrating the protective equipment, it is not that virulent.
This isn't what your link said.
Well, after all the flap-yap, whining, mewling, and puking, looks like the ebola scare was a result of some very stupid people not understanding the nature of that disease at all.
Those who don't take it seriously + a highly mobile, ignorant and arrogant population = the nation most likely to succumb to a full blown epidemic.
Yeah the pandemic is ravaging our nation.
I know someone who can barely walk from polio. He got it right before the vaccine came out.

You're not old enough to know someone like that. You're not old enough to have heard first hand accounts of the 19-teens flu epidemic that killed millions in a couple short years.

You think you are invincible. Viruses will check your arrogance. You're gay, right?

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