Ebola Containment In The Us > Your Thoughts & Ideas

How would you stop ebola in the US?

  • Prohibit air entry for persons coming out of africa, let them take slow boats

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Do what the Obama admin recommends, (i.e. ebola can't hit the US)

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Other option, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
So yes, we are at the beginning of an epidemic that probably has at least one infected person without symptoms in at least 50 nations in the world today and it will be in every nation by Thanksgiving. That is the nature of Ebola and shutting down air travel would not have stopped this from happening. During the height of the epidemic I expect air travel to be grounded but by that time it will be counterproductive since that is how the vaccines and treatments will need to be shipped to where they are needed.

So let's stop being alarmists and pointing fingers. An epidemic is a natural occurrence and if it wasn't Ebola it would have been something else and if it wasn't now it would be at some other point in time. Just like volcanoes and earthquakes we know that they will happen but we cannot predict exactly when they will occur and how severe they will be.

Time to be practical and deal with this new reality.

I'd say your predictions about how far it will spread once the US starts acting like an active reservoir, unchecked-springboard to broadcast the virus throughout the world are accurate, roughly, give or take 6 months. That's assuming other countries will agree to commit fiscal and health suicide in order to placate the US's ignorance and hubris.

That's not a guarantee BTW.

Or, the US could simply ban all travellers coming from the afflicted West African countries without a mandatory stayover in 21 day quarantine. Not all things or natural occurances behave like ebola or another like-virus. Epidemics can bring a country to its knees so quickly that it will make your head spin. As such, it is an issue of the maximum national security alarm. Do you post from Russia I wonder?

You haven't done the math or bothered to find out anything at all about Ebola.

Unlike airborne viruses Ebola requires actual physical contact with the body fluids of an infected person. That means that it is not going to spread as you imagine that it will. Even at the source it is still not infecting everyone. The incubation period is another factor that limits the spread of Ebola and aids containment.

America is no more of an "Ebola hotspot" than Spain, Belgium, England, France or any other nation where infected people have reached. Western nations are better equipped to contain and treat Ebola because they have well trained and equipped medical resources.

Ebola is most likely to prove to be problematic in 3rd world nations where there is little access to good medical care. This is why it has already spread to neighboring African states and they are likely to suffer far more severely than elsewhere in the world.

At the current rate Ebola is infecting new victims at about a ration of 1.5 to one. While that means that it is still spreading it is still a slow rate of growth. The real threat will only emerge if it is allowed to continue exponentially at this rate without being effectively managed.

Western nations can and will effectively manage any Ebola outbreaks that occur just as the USA and Spain are currently doing. It will be the lack of resources in 3rd world nations where it will be difficult to manage.

This crisis will be severe in places but as soon as their is a vaccine it will be dealt with swiftly and effectively in my opinion.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is upon us. Run for your lives.

The Sneeze Heard Around the World?

Facetious and not factually accurate but it makes the point.

We now live in a global village so there is most definitely a need to recognize that we are no longer safe behind the oceans that separate us from the rest of the world.

We need to start thinking globally and acting responsibly because when someone in Africa gets sick it impacts people here in Texas.
You haven't done the math or bothered to find out anything at all about Ebola.

Unlike airborne viruses Ebola requires actual physical contact with the body fluids of an infected person. That means that it is not going to spread as you imagine that it will. Even at the source it is still not infecting everyone. The incubation period is another factor that limits the spread of Ebola and aids containment...


1. Experts in dealing with ebola are the ones dropping like flies from catching it: Doctors, nurses, epidemiologists.. As even the dull "Larry the cable guy" would say, "there's your sign!"...

2. They know it's zoonotic, a very compelling bit of data that I notice you NEVER bring up when discussing it.

3. The fact that it has a 21 day incubation period is hampering our ability to detect those infected with it. It is not helping in other words. The recently deceased late Mr. Duncan came into our country during that incubation period ASYMPTOMATIC. So even the temperature-taking idea isn't going to work.
You haven't done the math or bothered to find out anything at all about Ebola.

Unlike airborne viruses Ebola requires actual physical contact with the body fluids of an infected person. That means that it is not going to spread as you imagine that it will. Even at the source it is still not infecting everyone. The incubation period is another factor that limits the spread of Ebola and aids containment...


1. Experts in dealing with ebola are the ones dropping like flies from catching it: Doctors, nurses, epidemiologists.. As even the dull "Larry the cable guy" would say, "there's your sign!"...

2. They know it's zoonotic, a very compelling bit of data that I notice you NEVER bring up when discussing it.

3. The fact that it has a 21 day incubation period is hampering our ability to detect those infected with it. It is not helping in other words. The recently deceased late Mr. Duncan came into our country during that incubation period ASYMPTOMATIC. So even the temperature-taking idea isn't going to work.

Your negativity is boring!

So what if it is zoonotic? So is the flu. Zoonosis is actually a benefit when it comes to developing vaccines. Something you might know if you bothered to research the topic.

Diagnosis will become irrelevant once there is a vaccine. When you eliminate the ability of Ebola to infect new victims it will die out.

You should ask the mods to change your USMB id to Chicken Little.
Your negativity is boring!

So what if it is zoonotic? So is the flu. Zoonosis is actually a benefit when it comes to developing vaccines. Something you might know if you bothered to research the topic.

Diagnosis will become irrelevant once there is a vaccine. When you eliminate the ability of Ebola to infect new victims it will die out.

You should ask the mods to change your USMB id to Chicken Little.

The common flu doesn't carry up to a 90% fatality rate and cause the body to start bleeding out of its internal organs. And it doesn't cause the corpses and everything they touch or that touches them to remain infectious for days [weeks?...they're not sure..] afterwards, as Ebola does. And the common flu doesn't remain actively infectious in survivor's semen and other body fluids for between 3-6 months as it does ebola survivors [again, there's argument among experts as to the length of time] So it' different.

Negative? So your solution to this aggressive disease is to "positive think" it away from the general population? The chinese flus are born from poultry and pigs usually and specifically. Ebola has shown signs of being transmitted and carried via a wide variety of animals from bats to antelope [and they're unsure how many between]. Bats are found everywhere in the world. So are bat feces, where they've found the ebola virus.

Like I said, with the potential for ebola to become a national security epidemic, your playing it down smacks of you posting from Russia? Is it true comrad Derideo_Te?
Your negativity is boring!

So what if it is zoonotic? So is the flu. Zoonosis is actually a benefit when it comes to developing vaccines. Something you might know if you bothered to research the topic.

Diagnosis will become irrelevant once there is a vaccine. When you eliminate the ability of Ebola to infect new victims it will die out.

You should ask the mods to change your USMB id to Chicken Little.

The common flu doesn't carry up to a 90% fatality rate and cause the body to start bleeding out of its internal organs. And it doesn't cause the corpses and everything they touch or that touches them to remain infectious for days [weeks?...they're not sure..] afterwards, as Ebola does. And the common flu doesn't remain actively infectious in survivor's semen and other body fluids for between 3-6 months as it does ebola survivors [again, there's argument among experts as to the length of time] So it' different.

Negative? So your solution to this aggressive disease is to "positive think" it away from the general population? The chinese flus are born from poultry and pigs usually and specifically. Ebola has shown signs of being transmitted and carried via a wide variety of animals from bats to antelope [and they're unsure how many between]. Bats are found everywhere in the world. So are bat feces, where they've found the ebola virus.

Like I said, with the potential for ebola to become a national security epidemic, your playing it down smacks of you posting from Russia? Is it true comrad Derideo_Te?

Get back to me once you have finished your homework assignments.

Until you actually know what you are talking about this is just a waste of my time.
Get back to me once you have finished your homework assignments.

Until you actually know what you are talking about this is just a waste of my time.

Translation, you're some schill hired to post online that ebola is nothing to worry about. I just schooled you and you have no lucid retort. So you adopt a snide attitude like suddenly this conversation is beneath you and off you go, hoping your misinformation stuck on at least one or two readers and may become a "viral truth".

Guess what? That didn't happen. You're welcome world. :biggrin:
Get back to me once you have finished your homework assignments.

Until you actually know what you are talking about this is just a waste of my time.

Translation, you're some schill hired to post online that ebola is nothing to worry about. I just schooled you and you have no lucid retort. So you adopt a snide attitude like suddenly this conversation is beneath you and off you go, hoping your misinformation stuck on at least one or two readers and may become a "viral truth".

Guess what? That didn't happen. You're welcome world. :biggrin:

Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back!

Since you have already acknowledged that you are ignorant with respect to Ebola, epidemics, vaccines, etc, etc suggesting that you to catch up with the rest of the class and giving you the time to do so was an act of kindness. I could have eviscerated your ignorance just like I do when it comes to other topics like the Constitution and gay marriage.

Unfortunately you lack the maturity and intellect to recognize when you are being offered some helpful advice. So you are on your own and yes, I will be laughing at your expense whenever you make a fool of yourself in the future. I might even hurt myself laughing at you.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is upon us. Run for your lives.

The Sneeze Heard Around the World?

Facetious and not factually accurate but it makes the point.

We now live in a global village so there is most definitely a need to recognize that we are no longer safe behind the oceans that separate us from the rest of the world.

We need to start thinking globally and acting responsibly because when someone in Africa gets sick it impacts people here in Texas.
Some guy mentioned this NWO a few years back to me and sent me to some websites. Just looking at him I would have never known he was so whacked out. Part of the plan is to reduce the worlds population to a mere 500 million if i remember correctly and this is going to be done via disease.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is upon us. Run for your lives.

The Sneeze Heard Around the World?

Facetious and not factually accurate but it makes the point.

We now live in a global village so there is most definitely a need to recognize that we are no longer safe behind the oceans that separate us from the rest of the world.

We need to start thinking globally and acting responsibly because when someone in Africa gets sick it impacts people here in Texas.
Some guy mentioned this NWO a few years back to me and sent me to some websites. Just looking at him I would have never known he was so whacked out. Part of the plan is to reduce the worlds population to a mere 500 million if i remember correctly and this is going to be done via disease.

There have been any number of such hypothetical scenarios that would result in a drastic population reduction. However if some group were going to do this as part of a conspiracy it would make more sense to have multiple infection sources so as to overwhelm the existing resources which would be a risk to the theoretical NWO.

So while it is perfectly possible that the OP is a NWO cultist I don't see the current Ebola epidemic as arising from any malign source. I put the OP in the category of the typical ignorant USMB poster who is emoting rather than thinking.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is upon us. Run for your lives.
Shut up.
That must have gotten a vein ticking in your forehead. No I will not shut up but of course you knew that and just needed to relieve some stress.
No, I told you to shut up because ignorance can cost lives. Sometimes when you hear hooves its just a horse and not a zebra....unless it's an antelope, in which case you might want to be careful because it might be carrying ebola:

There is only one good thing about Ebola. It is not airborne. It is not like flu or tuberculosis. You can only get it from direct contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids, including urine, saliva, feces, vomit, and even semen. An infectious diseases colleague said even exposure to tears should be avoided. You can also get it from contact with contaminated objects, infected animals, bush meat primates, forest antelope, and wild pigs. Fruit bats are known to carry Ebola, but media reports say that doesn't stop some villagers in West Africa from eating them. Medscape Medscape Access

However the misinformation that was distributed by the WHO and CDC in early days was not ignorance, but lies. Just as Obama's statements that diametrically contradict what the CDC is NOW saying are lies.

Though the CDC also contradicts itself...they lie about the *likelihood* of transmission, while at the same time they tell people that "well you can catch it without touching an infected person" and "you might catch it if you're within 3 feet of an infected person"....they use ambiguous terms like "you could theoretically get infected if you are within 3 feet of someone for a LONG time". Well "long" for ebola is about 2 seconds, it appears.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is upon us. Run for your lives.
Shut up.
That must have gotten a vein ticking in your forehead. No I will not shut up but of course you knew that and just needed to relieve some stress.
No, I told you to shut up because ignorance can cost lives. Sometimes when you hear hooves its just a horse and not a zebra....unless it's an antelope, in which case you might want to be careful because it might be carrying ebola:

There is only one good thing about Ebola. It is not airborne. It is not like flu or tuberculosis. You can only get it from direct contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids, including urine, saliva, feces, vomit, and even semen. An infectious diseases colleague said even exposure to tears should be avoided. You can also get it from contact with contaminated objects, infected animals, bush meat primates, forest antelope, and wild pigs. Fruit bats are known to carry Ebola, but media reports say that doesn't stop some villagers in West Africa from eating them. Medscape Medscape Access

If its due to ignorance then you need to shut up. Ebola is not airborne nor can you point to one virus that has made the jump from non airborne to airborne. One day you will think back on your previous post and slap yourself upside the head and think to yourself that you could have had a V8.
Ebola is not airborne nor can you point to one virus that has made the jump from non airborne to airborne. One day you will think back on your previous post and slap yourself upside the head and think to yourself that you could have had a V8.
Hmm...well I assume that the dust of rat or bat feces when blown by the wind can become airborne. The liquid droplets in a sneeze can become ariborne too. You need to narrow down your definition of "airborne". It is of little consolation to the dead and dying who simply cannot recall coming into contact with any ebola patient directly..
I don't see how hyperbole and Obama-hate is going to solve the ebola issue. Again, death isn't political. It will take anyone on either side of the aisle.
Think about the bright side. Even in the worst African Ebola stats, 30% or so survive. (Though Often with huge lifetime disabilities)

So, one of the three people around you may be alive in a year.

We currently have 316 Million Americans, so in a year, we'll still have about 100 Million.

Think about the bright side. Even in the worst African Ebola stats, 30% or so survive. (Though Often with huge lifetime disabilities)

So, one of the three people around you may be alive in a year.

We currently have 316 Million Americans, so in a year, we'll still have about 100 Million.


Ebola hasn't reached that level of infection in the 3 most heavily hit nations yet. Even if it does get to that point the death toll is higher where there are fewer medical resources. Western nations are better equipped so the threat is nowhere near as dire.

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