Ebola Containment In The Us > Your Thoughts & Ideas

How would you stop ebola in the US?

  • Prohibit air entry for persons coming out of africa, let them take slow boats

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Do what the Obama admin recommends, (i.e. ebola can't hit the US)

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Other option, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
I read that ebola carrying mosquitoes have already been found in Texas.

No, mosquitoes don't seem to be a vector for Ebola. Ebola seems to require a mammal for reservoir purposes - maybe other primates, bats. There was some discussion about a possible plant reservoir - but that would be in Africa. Read In the Hot Zone for details.

In the New World, presumably the only vector/reservoir would be humans.
I have read that Bat guano is a source of Ebola.

(My bold)

Bat guano in Africa? Bat guano in TX? Bat guano in the US? I've noted before that the bat population in the US is under extreme pressure from White Nose Syndrome, which has been killing bats in overwinter for the last few years. To the extent that bat pop. numbers are falling below replacement value; which means that at current trends, bats will effectively go extinct in the US, possibly in N. America - if the syndrome spreads across the continent.

Which means that IF bat guano is the source of Ebola - v. unlikely, from what I've read - then we can all breathe a sigh of relief. The end of this wave of Ebola in the US is surely doomed.
(My bold)

Bat guano in Africa? Bat guano in TX? Bat guano in the US? I've noted before that the bat population in the US is under extreme pressure from White Nose Syndrome, which has been killing bats in overwinter for the last few years. To the extent that bat pop. numbers are falling below replacement value; which means that at current trends, bats will effectively go extinct in the US, possibly in N. America - if the syndrome spreads across the continent.

Which means that IF bat guano is the source of Ebola - v. unlikely, from what I've read - then we can all breathe a sigh of relief. The end of this wave of Ebola in the US is surely doomed.

Except that ebola has been found in some antelope and suspected in some camel meat someone butchered. Such a wide range of affected, from bats to camels means that ebola being a broad-zoonotic disease is indeed likely. For instance, bats and rats are closely related. And the FDA has an acceptable level of rat feces allowed in our food supply. Well, they have to allow it for it is impossible to completely stamp out. And feces are one of the main ways ebola is spread.

Mosquitos would probably represent a transmission species but not necessarily one that would succomb to ebola.

The bottom line is that you don't import a 90% fatal disease into your country when you're not even sure how many animal species can carry it. We'd better secure key components of our infrastructure while we can.. [I'm thinking about mainly nuclear plants and other hazards that need human monitoring...for up to 240,000 years...with an organized civilization in place that entire time..]

Except that ebola has been found in some antelope and suspected in some camel meat someone butchered. Such a wide range of affected, from bats to camels means that ebola being a broad-zoonotic disease is indeed likely. For instance, bats and rats are closely related. And the FDA has an acceptable level of rat feces allowed in our food supply. Well, they have to allow it for it is impossible to completely stamp out. And feces are one of the main ways ebola is spread.

Mosquitos would probably represent a transmission species but not necessarily one that would succomb to ebola.

The bottom line is that you don't import a 90% fatal disease into your country when you're not even sure how many animal species can carry it. We'd better secure key components of our infrastructure while we can.. [I'm thinking about mainly nuclear plants and other hazards that need human monitoring...for up to 240,000 years...with an organized civilization in place that entire time..]

(My bold)

In some antelope & some butchered camel? Where was this? In the US? In Africa? If it's in Africa, How is that a problem here? Is Ebola spread by contact with feces? It's easy enough to disinfect, common bleach will do it. Sunshine &/or time will also kill the virus.

& 90% fatality is v. high. The numbers I've seen out of W. Africa suggest a 47% fatality rate - & that with civil unrest, a poor to nonexistent public health system, against a background of civil war, corruption, tribal rivalries, varying ethnicities/religions/ languages/cultures. In the US, we expect that we can control any outbreaks as soon as we detect them & start isolating the infected & potentially infected. We can provide isolation & support care - which, outside of experimental vaccines - is the only real treatment to date.
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(My bold)

In some antelope & some butchered camel? Where was this? In the US? In Africa? If it's in Africa, How is that a problem here? Is Ebola spread by contact with feces? It's easy enough to disinfect, common bleach will do it. Sunshine &/or time will also kill the virus.

& 90% fatality is v. high. The numbers I've seen out of W. Africa suggest a 47% fatality rate - & that with civil unrest, a poor to nonexistent public health system, against a background of civil war, corruption, tribal rivalries, varying ethnicities/religions/ languages/cultures. In the US, we expect that we can control any outbreaks as soon as we detect them & start isolating the infected & potentially infected. We can provide isolation & support care - which, outside of experimental vaccines - is the only real treatment to date.

Africa. Rabies doesn't discriminate continents. Maybe ebola doesn't discriminate either. Should be sure of how many species get it first.
Using information from the person's passport, Ban entry into the US for anyone who has been in a country that is considered an Ebola hotspot. No matter where they are flying in from.
Using information from the person's passport, Ban entry into the US for anyone who has been in a country that is considered an Ebola hotspot. No matter where they are flying in from.
That's a great idea.

And of course you realize that means that any flights from the US will be not allowed to land in other countries since we now have thrown open welcoming arms to ebola on our soil.. We are now officially an ebola hotspot. We'd have to eradicate it completely here and not allow any more infected people, citizens or not, on our shores. Then our flights could be allowed to land in other countries after a 6 month interim "the coast is clear" quarantine period to be sure the eradication was complete.

I fully agree. I think the WHO should enact that policy effective immediately.
Did everyone get that? WE are an ebola nation now. An ebola hot spot.
One Confirmed case where the patient was a foreigner does not constitute an Ebola hotspot
One Confirmed case where the patient was a foreigner does not constitute an Ebola hotspot
That's assuming no others were infected...along the plane ride [they're still not 100% certain about transmission in asymptomatic patients], the restrooms shared, the restaurants shared, sanitation workers, the kids, the 100 others said to have come in contact with the dead ebola patient at Texas. And now the hospital workers, that waste, the people handling that waste, the undertakers and how careful each of those "human error" susceptibles are.

Oh, we're a hot-spot all right. The worst of them all. And why? Because we are just arrogant enough to not take a virus seriously and think we can conquer it like towel-heads in the ME. Those who don't take it seriously + a highly mobile, ignorant and arrogant population = the nation most likely to succumb to a full blown epidemic.
(Reuters) - The United States is days away from settling the critical question of how hospitals should handle and dispose of medical waste from Ebola patients, a government official said on Wednesday.
Experts have warned that conflicting U.S. regulations over how such waste should be transported could make it very difficult for U.S. hospitals to safely care for patients with Ebola, a messy disease that causes diarrhea, vomiting and in some cases, bleeding from the eyes and ears.
Safely handling such waste presents a dual challenge for regulators, who want to both prevent the accidental spread of the deadly disease and avert any deliberate attempts to use it as a bioweapon.Exclusive U.S. nears solution for safe disposal of Ebola waste Reuters

If you read the OP here, you need to SEPARATE ebola patients from the general hospital populations. They need completely separate containment/treatment areas where incinerators for waste are under armed guard.
The first and foremost important action to stop the USA spread of Ebola: Get as many Democrats out of positions of Authority as possible.
Enterovirus D68 is a far greater danger to America than Ebola. It has killed 594 people in 43 states.

Furthermore it spreads like the common cold whereas with Ebola you need actual contact with the body fluids of the infected.
There is no way that I can think of to express the full extent of my amusement at this thread.

I think I can honestly say this is the most hysterical post I've seen in the 5 years I've been posting on this board.
So? No one cares what you think is "hysterical".
Got anything relevant to the conversation or is condescension and derailing the thread your only purpose?
There is no way that I can think of to express the full extent of my amusement at this thread.

I think I can honestly say this is the most hysterical post I've seen in the 5 years I've been posting on this board.
So? No one cares what you think is "hysterical".
Got anything relevant to the conversation or is condescension and derailing the thread your only purpose?

No one cares what you think...

Who recently died so that you were promoted to spokesperson for all of USMB? :cuckoo:

TDIN is correct that some of the idiocy posted on this thread is amusing. Obviously you and your ilk don't have a clue what is actually involved here.
TDIN is correct that some of the idiocy posted on this thread is amusing. Obviously you and your ilk don't have a clue what is actually involved here.

You have no clue what is involved here. You tell me the last time you buried a bunch of bodies from a highly infectious disease burning through and get back to me. I've done it. It isn't fun. And they were just chickens and some goats. From what I hear about ebola, just dealing with the corpses is going to be the worst part of the job. A couple of people now were infected days after a corpse died by coming in contact with its fluids. That's the type of environmental staying-power you don't want to see in a virus. So it's sort of behaving like a tetanus, which is a bacteria that likes to hang about...sometimes for years in the environment. Not saying ebola hangs about for years. But it seems to hang about around corpses and discarded medical waste.

And hence the reason I've heard talk about incinerators. Which is an excellent move. When you don't know all there is to know about a highly infectious disease you're actively importing into your country, or which animals can get and carry it, it's always best to incinerate waste from that disease, including corpses.
There is no way that I can think of to express the full extent of my amusement at this thread.

I think I can honestly say this is the most hysterical post I've seen in the 5 years I've been posting on this board.
So? No one cares what you think is "hysterical".
Got anything relevant to the conversation or is condescension and derailing the thread your only purpose?

No one cares what you think...

Who recently died so that you were promoted to spokesperson for all of USMB? :cuckoo:

TDIN is correct that some of the idiocy posted on this thread is amusing. Obviously you and your ilk don't have a clue what is actually involved here.
sure, scooter...whatever you say...
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom. :)


About how serious ebola is. Is you don't wanna catch ebola don't touch anyone showing symptoms of it. Pretty simple. Quit being so damned stupid.
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom. :)


About how serious ebola is. Is you don't wanna catch ebola don't touch anyone showing symptoms of it. Pretty simple. Quit being so damned stupid.
Yeah....it's really just a benign little thing...Nothing to worry about...

I'm not sure what cartoons have to do with this, though? I had to google it to even figure out what "legion of doom is", so it must be important to you somehow.

Perhaps I should add what others have not...These people are 99% BLACK AFRICANS, the same as Dear Leader, and we all know how Dear Leader feels about that....just look at Eric Holders actions, the ones Obuma, as president, couldn't POLITICALLY DO!
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