Ebola hysterics = Obama bashing


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
Obama's the POTUS. He's in charge of immigration. He's in charge of the CDC. The buck stops at his office.

Obama's immigration policies are at the heart of the bulk of the problems currently facing this country. Visa's to ebola carrying legal immigrants, and all illegal immigrants... are DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE POTUS.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
Obama's the POTUS. He's in charge of immigration. He's in charge of the CDC. The buck stops at his office.

I'll remind myself to remind you of this the next Republican administration.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
Obama's the POTUS. He's in charge of immigration. He's in charge of the CDC. The buck stops at his office.

I'll remind myself to remind you of this the next Republican administration.

Good. That was why I said POTUS. Were I potus I would already have put 1month public travel isolation bans on anyone coming out of a situation where they may have come in contact with an Ebola patient. That means anyone from countries where it has broken out. That means that nurse in dallas would not have been flying around the country to do her wedding plans. Any US citizens needing to come back after coming in contact would only be able to fly charter to an isolation ward.

We are talking about a disease that kills most of the people that come in contact with it. This is not like the flu where you get sick for a few days and get over it. This thing could go airborne... and if it does and spreads like the flu we are talking about 1/3 of the planet dying. The more we let it spread the greater the chances of it mutating into something that is airborne.
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A state refuses Federal funds, states Federal regulations should not apply; that state has a preventable out break of disease, it is the Federal government's fault.......too tough to chew.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Obama: "Don't worry about Ebola. We got it."

Obama: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health plan you can keep it."

Obama: "I will have the most transparent administration in history."

Obama. My Hero.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.

Let him cough in your face. Even the CDC says do not take public transportation.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.
The only confidence I have about Obama handling Ebola is that he knows now how to pronounce the word.
I too disagree with him on many issues, but the Ebola scare isn't of his making.

The lack of trust in government is at the root of the Ebola scare.

That was his goal. To create a lack of trust in government and our institutions in general.

This I can easily blame him for.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.

And you don't have a problem with those droplets. The CDC said I have scratches on my arms from thin skin. Let me put my arm in those drops.
Since liberals are not worried about a epidemic that could kill thousands in days. Lets relax on the global warming hoax.
I too disagree with him on many issues, but the Ebola scare isn't of his making.

The lack of trust in government is at the root of the Ebola scare.

That was his goal. To create a lack of trust in government and our institutions in general.

This I can easily blame him for.

Good Lord. That was his goal? What other goals does this man have ?

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