Ebola hysterics = Obama bashing

Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.
  1. Ebola airborne: A nightmare that could happen - CNN.com

    Oct 6, 2014 - Every time the Ebola virus copies itself, it mutates. These mutations could change the way the virus behaves.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.

Actually nothing can be ruled out. I am not sure what they mean by "go airborne." Do they mean that if a person coughs the spray is not infectious?

Never the lest I am going to agree with the left and not worry about Ebola or AIDS, both should never effect me.

Airborne Ebola spread can’t be ruled out, docs from infamous ‘Hot Zone’ episode say

Airborne Ebola outbreak in monkeys raises possibility virus could mutate - Washington Times
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
I do have to wonder about why the military was sent in. Is it for security or treating of victims? I am not sure many in the military signed up for this type of duty.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.

Actually nothing can be ruled out. I am not sure what they mean by "go airborne." Do they mean that if a person coughs the spray is not infectious?

Never the lest I am going to agree with the left and not worry about Ebola or AIDS, both should never effect me.

Airborne Ebola spread can’t be ruled out, docs from infamous ‘Hot Zone’ episode say

Airborne Ebola outbreak in monkeys raises possibility virus could mutate - Washington Times

You are right Freewill, the chances of you getting Ebola are miniscule, the same for me. But that isn't what disturbs most of us. It's the innocent victims that do come into contact with the deadly disease through no fault of their own. and what if it happens to get to children and they go to school>

Many West Africans probably thought the same thing but when they saw what was happening to innocents around the country, their non-concern turned to pity for those who didn't deserve the plight they were served. At some point, all if us do care.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
I do have to wonder about why the military was sent in. Is it for security or treating of victims? I am not sure many in the military signed up for this type of duty.
None signed up. They were told to go. Some are working in hospitals and others are building new clinics. All could have been done with their own citizens. All they needed were the equipment.
Suppose Obama would have banned flights from W. Africa. No doubt we would be hearing how the no good commie had nationalized the airline industry as all tyrants/dictators (take your pick) do.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
Obama's the POTUS. He's in charge of immigration. He's in charge of the CDC. The buck stops at his office.

Obama's immigration policies are at the heart of the bulk of the problems currently facing this country. Visa's to ebola carrying legal immigrants, and all illegal immigrants... are DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE POTUS.
He created the Ebola virus just to piss the Rw off.
Suppose Obama would have banned flights from W. Africa. No doubt we would be hearing how the no good commie had nationalized the airline industry as all tyrants/dictators (take your pick) do.

Are they saying that about the leaders of all the other countries that took the same measures?
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.

And you don't have a problem with those droplets. The CDC said I have scratches on my arms from thin skin. Let me put my arm in those drops.
The CDC are a bunch of idiots.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
Obama's the POTUS. He's in charge of immigration. He's in charge of the CDC. The buck stops at his office.

Obama's immigration policies are at the heart of the bulk of the problems currently facing this country. Visa's to ebola carrying legal immigrants, and all illegal immigrants... are DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE POTUS.
He created the Ebola virus just to piss the Rw off.
Do you see humor in in all deadly diseases?
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
AYUP Obama hates our Troops.
Suppose Obama would have banned flights from W. Africa. No doubt we would be hearing how the no good commie had nationalized the airline industry as all tyrants/dictators (take your pick) do.

Are they saying that about the leaders of all the other countries that took the same measures?
No they`re not but they don`t have drug addicted talk show hosts egging them on.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.

And you don't have a problem with those droplets. The CDC said I have scratches on my arms from thin skin. Let me put my arm in those drops.
The CDC are a bunch of idiots.
Just heard that HHS, CDC, FDA, SOD, SOS and 4 other departments are working on the problem. Josh Ernst was asked who was in control. Obama said he's thinking of appointing a CZAR. He'll let us know.

Wasn't there something about too many chefs?
You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.

And you don't have a problem with those droplets. The CDC said I have scratches on my arms from thin skin. Let me put my arm in those drops.
The CDC are a bunch of idiots.
Just heard that HHS, CDC, FDA, SOD, SOS and 4 other departments are working on the problem. Josh Ernst was asked who was in control. Obama said he's thinking of appointing a CZAR. He'll let us know.

Wasn't there something about too many chefs?
Overpaid idiots, all of them.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
AYUP Obama hates our Troops.
I do recall him dismissing popular generals on obtuse offenses a while back and then "laying off" officers before they were going to be eligible for retirement...
Suppose Obama would have banned flights from W. Africa. No doubt we would be hearing how the no good commie had nationalized the airline industry as all tyrants/dictators (take your pick) do.

Are they saying that about the leaders of all the other countries that took the same measures?
No they`re not but they don`t have drug addicted talk show hosts egging them on.
Tape yourself and then listen to what you say.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
AYUP Obama hates our Troops.
I do recall him dismissing popular generals on obtuse offenses a while back and then "laying off" officers before they were going to be eligible for retirement...
AYUP... fired anyone that proved they had common sense and leadership ability. Obama's clear intent is to burn this country to the ground.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
AYUP Obama hates our Troops.
I do recall him dismissing popular generals on obtuse offenses a while back and then "laying off" officers before they were going to be eligible for retirement...
AYUP... fired anyone that proved they had common sense and leadership ability. Obama's clear intent is to burn this country to the ground.
Two l o n g years.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.

EBOLA is not of Obama's making, but is certainly a situation he has mishandled and or capitalized on.

. As are almost every situation he , as President, has been entrusted with. He failed to implement any of the CDCs suggestions to prevent an Ebola outbreak. Do you recall the last two scares re: Sara and Swine Flu. The Govt. went into overdrive to forestall it and they did so successfully.

Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

President Obama will not apply quarantines to stop the spread of Ebola or otherwise fully secure our border. This is a direct result of Obama’s Marxist ideological plan that open borders will allow the influx of future voting Democrats.

Obama apparently also thinks it unfair for the United States of America to protect itself and deserves to be harmed. This is a direct result of Obama’s Marxist indoctrination that convinces him the United States and its citizens are prosperous not because of hard work and integrity but because we have somehow taken advantage of the rest of the World. Obama is apparently in total denial of all that the United States has done to help those in need in times of both war and natural disaster.

Britain has stopped all commercial direct flights from all countries in West Africa with active Ebola. The United States should also do this. Private aircraft and military aircraft can carry out humanitarian and other necessary flights into these areas.

Obama s Marxist Ideology Keeps Obama From Using Quarantines to Stop the Spread of Ebola Lubbock Online Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Bush was accussed by Obama of mishandling the Avian Flu outbreak ...LMFAO !!!! What a Fking Hypocrite !!!

In spite of excellent planning and work by the Bush Administration, Senator Obama severely criticized the Bush Administration for being lax in preparing for Avian Flu.

At the time, the US prepared for a predicted epidemic of the avian flu, also known as H5N1, of global proportions. The virus had been identified for 18 years by that time, but by the end of 2004 had only resulted in 36 deaths and 50 known cases over the prior two years

In 2005, the number of cases would jump to 98 and deaths to 43, and the prevention of a pandemic became a high priority. At that time, then-Senator Barack Obama scolded the Bush administration on the Senate floor, and quarterbacked a protest letter from his fellow Democrats over the slow response and lack of preparedness by the White House.

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