Ebola hysterics = Obama bashing

The president's first job is to protect the US. How's he doing? He hasn't stopped the people from Ebola ravished countries from coming to the US, but instead sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to help in the fight of the disease!

Our protocols for handling the patients, treating nurses and physicians, flight attendants, passengers and and cleaning of flights, dead victims beds, their homes from the CDC has been ludicrous.

Just know are they demanding the 75 nurses that treated Thomas Duncan stay home. The flights that carried Duncan went on to five more flights before being cleaned.
The flight that carried a vomiting man from Nigeria and died in flight was examined on the spot and claimed NOT to have Ebola, so all precautions for the passengers, crews and plane handlers went out the window.

Where is the president in removing the CDC Director and getting someone responsive to the needs to the public?

How long did he take in removing the Homeland Security Director responsible for the Website fiasco for Obamacare? And you want to ridicule posters for questioning his leading abilities in times of chaos before it is a crisis? Come on now.
he sent 3-4,000 of our troops to go there to catch this disease !!

just my OPINION !!
AYUP Obama hates our Troops.
I do recall him dismissing popular generals on obtuse offenses a while back and then "laying off" officers before they were going to be eligible for retirement...
AYUP... fired anyone that proved they had common sense and leadership ability. Obama's clear intent is to burn this country to the ground.
Two l o n g years.
Two? Face it, marxism is here to stay. The republican socialists are no better than the democrats.
You know what you are right. Why should we hold Obama responsible for anything? Let alone a virus that in all likelihood will never effect me. Matter of fact I think we need to stop worrying about the AIDS BS. That came out of Africa too so the worry about AIDS has to be driven by race as some have implied about the Ebola scare. At least with AIDS we know that behavior that spreads the disease and that behavior is a matter of choice.

You are right about AIDs, but Ebola strikes the well intentioned medical staff as well as innocents that happen to be in the path of the victim. They are now conceding that Ebola can be airborn.

Who? In droplets is NOT airborne, and viruses do not mutate modes of transmission.
Define airborne... a sneeze is carried through the air for 10-15 feet.
  1. Ebola airborne: A nightmare that could happen - CNN.com

    Oct 6, 2014 - Every time the Ebola virus copies itself, it mutates. These mutations could change the way the virus behaves.

I recall hearing something similar about AIDS also - I believe the odds are astronomical - but it is possible
Suppose Obama would have banned flights from W. Africa. No doubt we would be hearing how the no good commie had nationalized the airline industry as all tyrants/dictators (take your pick) do.

I am sure you may be correct I just hope that would not be the reason for anyone not to do the right thing.
Skimming the plethora of ebola-related threads a recurring theme becomes obvious, almost all of them take a shot at President Obama. They're not worried about ebola so much as using it to attack the President. I'd like to see him return his Nobel for flipflopping on nuclear weapons, but I'm not calling him names while doing it.
We are picking on Obama because he hasn't done anything to prevent a deadly virus from entering the USA. He should have, at the very least, banned all travel to and from infected countries and not allowed anyone who traveled to those countries in the last 21 days into the United States. It's not rocket science so you'd think he could maybe issue the order while riding between holes in Golf Cart One.
Yep, and it's disgusting that we all blamed Obama for the Russians hacking the 2016 election as well, when obviously Trump was in the WH in 2016 !!.....................What's that ?!......................Wait !............ You mean Obama was the one in the WH when the 2016 campaign and election were going on ?!! WTF ?!

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