Economic BAD News.....more people LEFT the job market than jobs created in April

The jobs report released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that 288,000 jobs were created in April, the biggest gain in more than two years, and that the headline unemployment rate dropped 0.4 percentage points to 6.3%, the lowest level in 5½ years.

Great news, right? Not necessarily.

The unemployment rate tumbled in April not because of all the new jobs created last month but rather because more than 800,000 people either stopped looking for a job or left the job market for other reasons (retirement, for example).

Big Downside to April Jobs Report

The labor participation rate is terrible...but just ask any liberal, progressive, or D and they will tell you things are GREAT!


Yep ~ Things are So Great many now have time for basket weaving and keeping up with Sponge Bob Square Pants while eating Cheetos on the couch...
I know all kinds of people who do not work in the traditional labor markets and would show up as having "dropped out" of the "work force". What bullshit.

There is an entire cash economy that functions all over the country. I work in it. I wouldn't appear in any kind of survey concerning looking for work.

But I get up and go to work most every day. How could that be?

Sounds like you're working under the table & not paying taxes...
And your breaking the law..You must be so proud ~
I get it...Libs think laws are for Other People :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The GDP grew if you want to call it that .1% the first quarter 2014...
The latest job numbers are in reality pretty shitty.
Millions had the health insurance policies dropped and ended up with lousy policies.

And the left boasts about the great job the President is doing.....

Well if you are an Obama ball licker all is well.
Well, top-down central planning Soviet-style policies have never worked anywhere in history. Why should they be different now? Only a naïve faculty lounge Marxist would think this failed philosophy could work.

5 cautionary signs tucked into April's jobs report


Full Article:
News from The Associated Press
Is the economy better or worse than it was 5 years ago?

The economy is a Jonestown s0n!! Only the Fed pump is keeping it afloat.:2up: Turn that shit off and you couldn't go into a 7-11 and get a coke and a couple of pieces of that stinky fried chicken for $20.00. Maybe a stick of gum besides.......:D
Only the Fed pump is keeping it afloat.:2up: Turn that shit off and you couldn't go into a 7-11 and get a coke and a couple of pieces of that stinky fried chicken for $20.00. Maybe a stick of gum besides.......:D

Oh surely you jest! Why, that level of inflation has never happened before. Spending more than you can print and borrow is GOOD for the economy. You're just trying to scare people. You're obviously a racist.





Math time:
Williams claims that he's just adding on "long term discouraged" to the U-6. Discouraged is defined as wants to work, available to work, looked for work in last 12 months but not last 4 weeks and stopped looking because they believed they would not find work" And there are 783,000 discouraged. So long term discouraged would be those who are willing, able, and last looked for work more than a year ago and quit looking because they thought they'd find no work.

The U-6 is Unemployed plus all marginally attached plus part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus all marginally attached. Marginally attached is the same definition as discouraged, except the quitting can be for any it includes the discouraged.

The U-6 then is (9,753,000 + 2,160,000 + 7,465,000)/(155,421,000 +2,160,000 ) = 19,378,000 /157,581,000 = 12.3%
So to figure out (roughly) how many people Williams is adding to get the Shadowstats' 23.2%, the equation is:
(19,378,,000 +X)/(157,581,000 + X) = 0.232
19,378,000 + X = 0.232*157,581,000 + .232X
X- 0.232X = 36,559,000 - 19,378,000
0.768X = 17,181,000
X = 22,370,823
Yes, to get his ridiculous rate, he has to add 22 MILLION people as unemployed. And yet the total number of people who want a job, but are not classified as unemployed is 6.1 million, and that includes th marginally attached. Wo how is his extra 22 million derived? He won't say.
You have to be incredibly stupid to believe any stat from Heritage!!

Only 85,000 became discouraged and gave up looking for work, not 800,000.

Except that every stat from the Heritage Foundation - including this one here - is 100% accurate. Oops!

800,000 people dropped out of the work force in April. It's indisputable. It's undeniable. 4x's more people left the work force in April than landed a job. Vintage liberal economy. You guys collapsed Detroit and now you're working on doing the same thing to the U.S.
Actually Heritage was off by a factor of 9.5 on this stat!!! While 806,000 left the workforce, only 85,000 became discouraged and "gave up looking."

So why did the other 721,000 leave the workforce, because the Obama economy had made them so incredibly wealthy that they no longer need to work and they wanted to travel the world while being interviewed by Robin Leach for "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous"?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I love how liberals try to twist every piece of bad news. 806,000 people left the word force in April while a mere 200,000 landed a job, and ole Ed here is trying desperately to pain that as a wonderful work of Obama!
Give the Dumbocrat (devil) is due: they've collapsed the economy and have people the masses right where they want them - sitting on the government plantation, beholden to government for their survival.

Obama may be an incompetent president, but he's a brilliant marxist.
The jobs report released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that 288,000 jobs were created in April, the biggest gain in more than two years, and that the headline unemployment rate dropped 0.4 percentage points to 6.3%, the lowest level in 5½ years.

Great news, right? Not necessarily.

The unemployment rate tumbled in April not because of all the new jobs created last month but rather because more than 800,000 people either stopped looking for a job or left the job market for other reasons (retirement, for example).

Big Downside to April Jobs Report

The labor participation rate is terrible...but just ask any liberal, progressive, or D and they will tell you things are GREAT!


Yep ~ Things are So Great many now have time for basket weaving and keeping up with Sponge Bob Square Pants while eating Cheetos on the couch...

The low labor participation rate is a national catastrophe. The real unemployment rate is something close to 25%. Alternate Unemployment Charts

The appalling track record of this government should be roundly criticized, but it is not.
The labor participation rate is terrible...but just ask any liberal, progressive, or D and they will tell you things are GREAT!


Yep ~ Things are So Great many now have time for basket weaving and keeping up with Sponge Bob Square Pants while eating Cheetos on the couch...

The low labor participation rate is a national catastrophe. The real unemployment rate is something close to 25%. Alternate Unemployment Charts

The appalling track record of this government should be roundly criticized, but it is not.
Why not 62%?
To your MessiahRushie the LPR is the real UE rate! What an :asshole:

The Right will always exaggerate the UE rate because they know the actual UE rate is quite good, but they can never admit it.

May 02, 2014
RUSH: The labor force participation rate decreased to 62%. That's the lowest it's been since 1978. That means 62% of the people working age have a job.
The U-6 number (which is the bureaucratic designation for the number) actually includes those who have given up trying to find a job. That unemployment rate is 12-something, I think I saw. It's 12.6%, which is closer, obviously, to reality. But it's even higher than that. Why isn't it 62%? Fewer and fewer people are working.
The Right will always exaggerate the UE rate because they know the actual UE rate is quite good, but they can never admit it.

Please continuing believing. If it helps with the pain of being out of work then it's theraputic.

Oh, please DO write if you get work.
At 13? Really?????

What on earth do you mean by that?

Retirement at age 13 seems unusual though, I guess, not impossible for an enterprising teen who may have made some good investments or had some made on its behalf.
The current population survey, the source of the unemployment figures only surveys age 15 and older and only publishes age 16+. 15 and under are not in the population. And those teenagers leaving the labor force are most likely in school and probably don't need a job
You know when the participation rate peaked?


You people obsessing with the participation rate and also trying to tie it to the president are making a great case for electing another Bill Clinton.

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