Economic Equality is Unjust

We aren't going to be saved by the courts. Hell those guys don't don't even know how to apply strict scrutiny to the Second Amendment, as an example.
That’s because the court had radical leftists with political agendas like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. If we get those people replaced with actual justices (such as Antonin Scalia), the Supreme Court absolutely will protect us.
The size of government still grows and we are still $20 trillion in debt and many of the states are eating away at our Liberties.
Believe me...I get it. I’m not denying things are a mess. I’m simply saying the ballot box absolutely does still work. Especially if we weed out the left-wing voter fraud.
The Constitution is being ignored.
True. Which is why I’m so thrilled that Trump sits in the White House as we speak rather than Hitlery Clinton. He might get 3 or 4 appointees.
The welfare queens and Moon Bats have the votes to sway many elections. Look what happen last November.
Yeah...look at what happened last November. Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate. Think about that. That is almost unprecedented in a midterm. In MaObama’s first midterm (2010) he lost 61 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate. Republicans gained seats in the Senate and lost almost 1/3 of what MaObama lost in the House.
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
They don’t want economic equality they want more economic equality.

Remember you republicans blamed obama for the growing gap between the rich and poor but we see it is specific republican policies that have widened the gap.

And socialized medicine for all would shrink that gap. But you republicans are lowering taxes on the rich not taxing them to help pay for such programs.

It used to be 35% of Americans were union workers. The middle class boomed. As union membership has declined so have wages. You people who say unions aren’t good ignore this. And ceo pay has gone up 600% but workers left behind. And you defend this. This is unregulated capitalism and it doesn’t work. Ron Paul is an idiot
Remember you republicans blamed obama for the growing gap between the rich and poor but we see it is specific republican policies that have widened the gap.
Uh...the gap widened more under Obama than any other president in the past few administrations. That’s just a simple fact.
And socialized medicine for all would shrink that gap. But you republicans are lowering taxes on the rich not taxing them to help pay for such programs.
Such “programs” are unconstitutional. Even if they actually worked (and they don’t), I don’t want to hear about them until you legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution.
This is unregulated capitalism and it doesn’t work. Ron Paul is an idiot
Sweetie...we haven’t seen “unregulated capitalism” since the 1700’s. You’re literally defeating your own argument by declaring things aren’t good right now.
Remember you republicans blamed obama for the growing gap between the rich and poor but we see it is specific republican policies that have widened the gap.
Uh...the gap widened more under Obama than any other president in the past few administrations. That’s just a simple fact.
And socialized medicine for all would shrink that gap. But you republicans are lowering taxes on the rich not taxing them to help pay for such programs.
Such “programs” are unconstitutional. Even if they actually worked (and they don’t), I don’t want to hear about them until you legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution.
This is unregulated capitalism and it doesn’t work. Ron Paul is an idiot
Sweetie...we haven’t seen “unregulated capitalism” since the 1700’s. You’re literally defeating your own argument by declaring things aren’t good right now.
Yea stupid. Obama was bookended by gw and trump.

We can point at the gop policies that widened the gap. There are several moves they’ve made since Reagan that widened the gap. They even did some of those things on Obama’s watch. I’ll give you an example. Just one. Mara Largo hires illegals. This practice has widened the gap. The rich save money hiring illegals and the middle class is hurt.

Class warfare exists and we are losing. Doesn’t matter if bush trump or obama are in charge. As long as poor America keeps not showing up to vote, they keep winning. Or when poor Americans vote for trickle down republicans, they lose
Remember you republicans blamed obama for the growing gap between the rich and poor but we see it is specific republican policies that have widened the gap.
Uh...the gap widened more under Obama than any other president in the past few administrations. That’s just a simple fact.
And socialized medicine for all would shrink that gap. But you republicans are lowering taxes on the rich not taxing them to help pay for such programs.
Such “programs” are unconstitutional. Even if they actually worked (and they don’t), I don’t want to hear about them until you legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution.
This is unregulated capitalism and it doesn’t work. Ron Paul is an idiot
Sweetie...we haven’t seen “unregulated capitalism” since the 1700’s. You’re literally defeating your own argument by declaring things aren’t good right now.
There are good regulations and bad regulations. Republicans remove good regulations that shouldn’t be removed

We haven’t seen the effects of trumps deregulation’s yet. Enjoy the good times while they last. Save!

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