Economic Solution? Paying people a fixed amount regardless if they work jobs?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010

What do you see wrong or right with this proposed solution?

(I'd rather see microlending that
* rewards students for finishing education and serving in public health and other social services as part of internships.
* creates jobs in business, education, medical services, govt reform etc
that generate enough savings or revenue to pay back the investment
and pay it forward so the economic development grows and sustains itself
If money is going to be invested on a regular basis,
why not invest in buying out land for scho ol districts and college campuses
where the residents, teachers and students can receive training and mentorship
on running their own programs so they become financially independent and self-governing.)

Having no conditions at all, or trying to agre e on conditions, may not work the same for all sectors of the population.

What if grant money for this were ALLOCATED per state and per party to invest under
rules by they agree to subsize student, business or worker grants.

I see nothing wrong with issuing grant money to groups STUDYING
which programs work best, so that the most effective solutions
get funding renewed and the failed programs have to be paid back like failed business loans.

If the responsibility is on the people issuing the terms and conditions for receiving grant money,
then they would have a vested interest in making sure the program pays off,
either by cutting costs so it saves money, or by paying back the money and/or generating more
revenue by how it's invested.

Facebook co-founder's new $10 million initiative to test if cash handouts will help fix America
Catherine Clifford Fri, Dec 9 1:37 PM PST
Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes, Harvard Law School and Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society Professor Yochai Benkler, Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza and Alaska State Senator Bill Wielechowski may not agree on everything, but they agree on this: Cash handouts have the potential to help Americans and the American economy.

Given the challenges posed by automation and globalization, which are replacing workers and leading to stagnating wages, direct payments to workers may, in fact, be the only solution.

More than 100 organizers, activists, researchers and technologists, including Y Combinator President Sam Altman and former President of the Sierra Club Adam Werbach, have come together to support research being done by a new group into the viability of universal basic income in the U.S.

The group, announced this week and called The Economic Security Project, has raised $10 million to fund two years of exploration and experimentation of the idea of a universal basic income, which is a cash payment made to individuals by the government. With universal basic income , residents get regular, reliable payments regardless of whether they have a job.

"Our faith in the good nature of our fellow citizens has never felt more brittle, and many people on the left and the right are thinking about how to create a more inclusive, empathetic America.

"This collective anxiety has many sources, but one of the most important is a diminishing faith in the American ideal of equal opportunity for all," writes Hughes, one of three co-chairs of the group, in a post for Medium.

The group posits that universal basic income payments are a solution to the dire, and growing, problem of inequality. "We know from research in the US and internationally that recurring, unconditional cash stipends are a shockingly effective way to encourage work, improve health and education outcomes, and create a ladder of economic opportunity," says Hughes.

The U.S. is not alone in considering a universal basic income. Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Canada and Holland are all in some stage of discussions, according to The Economic Security Project.

Already, Alaska has a version of a universal basic income. All state residents receive yearly cash dividends of $2,072 from state oil revenues, the group says.

"It's time for a game-changing solution to address the economic anxiety and concerns faced by too many Americans," says Roosevelt Institute Fellow Dorian Warren, one of the co-chairs of the group, in a written statement announcing the launch of the group. "We believe we can end the downward spiral for working families in America by providing a guaranteed basic income for every man, woman, and child – but the precise approach for implementing a cash benefit system needs additional research."

Some of the biggest names in tech have also been promoting the idea of a universal basic income. In response to Amazon's announcement of a grocery store with no check-out registers, reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian tweeted out, "We needed to start talking about Universal Basic Income a few years ago…"

Elon Musk, the legendary futurist and founder of SpaceX and Tesla, said recently that he considers universal basic income a nearly foregone conclusion. "There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation," Musk told CNBC . "Yeah, I am not sure what else one would do. I think that is what would happen."

"America ought to be a place where if you work hard, you can get ahead – that's the promise of the American Dream and the lesson we've been taught for generations. But far too many Americans are struggling to survive, instead of thriving and pursuing passions that could create a better world for all of us," says Natalie Foster, future of work expert and the third co-chair of the new group.

"Basic income could be the bold solution we need to remake the economy so it works again, for all of us."
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Theee most Ignorant ridiculous idea I have ever heard... Wow. Give people an income for nothing ????? Here we have people raving about amnesty, and what it will cause at the border, and welfare creating dependency like we have never seen, and how it has caused millions to be aborted in the fall out or millions to be born into poverty where the government has become the daddy due to incentivizing such things, and then every other aspect that comes along with liberal ideologies on things like that. Kidding me right ??

What do you see wrong or right with this proposed solution?

(I'd rather see microlending that
* rewards students for finishing education and serving in public health and other social services as part of internships.
* creates jobs in business, education, medical services, govt reform etc
that generate enough savings or revenue to pay back the investment
and pay it forward so the economic development grows and sustains itself
If money is going to be invested on a regular basis,
why not invest in buying out land for scho ol districts and college campuses
where the residents, teachers and students can receive training and mentorship
on running their own programs so they become financially independent and self-governing.)

Having no conditions at all, or trying to agre e on conditions, may not work the same for all sectors of the population.

What if grant money for this were ALLOCATED per state and per party to invest under
rules by they agree to subsize student, business or worker grants.

I see nothing wrong with issuing grant money to groups STUDYING
which programs work best, so that the most effective solutions
get funding renewed and the failed programs have to be paid back like failed business loans.

If the responsibility is on the people issuing the terms and conditions for receiving grant money,
then they would have a vested interest in making sure the program pays off,
either by cutting costs so it saves money, or by paying back the money and/or generating more
revenue by how it's invested.

Facebook co-founder's new $10 million initiative to test if cash handouts will help fix America
Catherine Clifford Fri, Dec 9 1:37 PM PST
Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes, Harvard Law School and Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society Professor Yochai Benkler, Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza and Alaska State Senator Bill Wielechowski may not agree on everything, but they agree on this: Cash handouts have the potential to help Americans and the American economy.

Given the challenges posed by automation and globalization, which are replacing workers and leading to stagnating wages, direct payments to workers may, in fact, be the only solution.

More than 100 organizers, activists, researchers and technologists, including Y Combinator President Sam Altman and former President of the Sierra Club Adam Werbach, have come together to support research being done by a new group into the viability of universal basic income in the U.S.

The group, announced this week and called The Economic Security Project, has raised $10 million to fund two years of exploration and experimentation of the idea of a universal basic income, which is a cash payment made to individuals by the government. With universal basic income , residents get regular, reliable payments regardless of whether they have a job.

"Our faith in the good nature of our fellow citizens has never felt more brittle, and many people on the left and the right are thinking about how to create a more inclusive, empathetic America.

"This collective anxiety has many sources, but one of the most important is a diminishing faith in the American ideal of equal opportunity for all," writes Hughes, one of three co-chairs of the group, in a post for Medium.

The group posits that universal basic income payments are a solution to the dire, and growing, problem of inequality. "We know from research in the US and internationally that recurring, unconditional cash stipends are a shockingly effective way to encourage work, improve health and education outcomes, and create a ladder of economic opportunity," says Hughes.

The U.S. is not alone in considering a universal basic income. Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Canada and Holland are all in some stage of discussions, according to The Economic Security Project.

Already, Alaska has a version of a universal basic income. All state residents receive yearly cash dividends of $2,072 from state oil revenues, the group says.

"It's time for a game-changing solution to address the economic anxiety and concerns faced by too many Americans," says Roosevelt Institute Fellow Dorian Warren, one of the co-chairs of the group, in a written statement announcing the launch of the group. "We believe we can end the downward spiral for working families in America by providing a guaranteed basic income for every man, woman, and child – but the precise approach for implementing a cash benefit system needs additional research."

Some of the biggest names in tech have also been promoting the idea of a universal basic income. In response to Amazon's announcement of a grocery store with no check-out registers, reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian tweeted out, "We needed to start talking about Universal Basic Income a few years ago…"

Elon Musk, the legendary futurist and founder of SpaceX and Tesla, said recently that he considers universal basic income a nearly foregone conclusion. "There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation," Musk told CNBC . "Yeah, I am not sure what else one would do. I think that is what would happen."

"America ought to be a place where if you work hard, you can get ahead – that's the promise of the American Dream and the lesson we've been taught for generations. But far too many Americans are struggling to survive, instead of thriving and pursuing passions that could create a better world for all of us," says Natalie Foster, future of work expert and the third co-chair of the new group.

"Basic income could be the bold solution we need to remake the economy so it works again, for all of us."
What work do they do for the money?
Should cut down on the crime problem...

... since poverty wouldn't be a problem anymore.
What Elon Musk is saying is that in the future because of advanced automation and robotics the majority of manufacturing, food service, farming and construction jobs will not done be by humans. At that point, what is the alternative to a "basic income" for the majority of Americans that will not have a job?


That is not now. There are plenty of opportunities but you have to be willing work hard, and maybe re-locate to the opportunity. You may have to move you and your family to another city or state.

For student loans, I think it's fair to restructure the debt so that initial payments are small so as to get the debtors into the habit of paying something. Otherwise they just throw up their hands and say "Fuck it I'm not paying anything".
Theee most Ignorant ridiculous idea I have ever heard... Wow. Give people an income for nothing ????? Here we have people raving about amnesty, and what it will cause at the border, and welfare creating dependency like we have never seen, and how it has caused millions to be aborted in the fall out or millions to be born into poverty where the government has become the daddy due to incentivizing such things, and then every other aspect that comes along with liberal ideologies on things like that. Kidding me right ??

You give it to everyone. Then no one can complain.
The government doing anything anymore in the means of social engineering, is a flippin ridiculous and scary prospect and/or thought. The government is a complete failure when it comes to the citizens. Period.
Its kinda like being a CEO.....sit back relax and rake it in.


CEOs and Industrial maintenance guys like me have alot in common..we bust our ass, sometimes having to have to work 24 hrs straight plus fixing problems..then when everything is fine and dandy we dont have to do a damn thing.


CEOs and Industrial maintenance guys like me have alot in common..we bust our ass, sometimes having to have to work 24 hrs straight plus fixing problems..then when everything is fine and dandy we dont have to do a damn thing.

Wow, you really are delusional.
CEOs and Industrial maintenance guys like me have alot in common..we bust our ass, sometimes having to have to work 24 hrs straight plus fixing problems..then when everything is fine and dandy we dont have to do a damn thing.

Wow, you really are delusional.

I am 51 you are what 13 years old?

Chalk that up as the most ignorant statement of the day

Is it? Some chief executive officers work harder than shareholders, but barely.

It takes a hell of a lot of work to justify the 50 million salary that some corporate execs get paid.
CEOs and Industrial maintenance guys like me have alot in common..we bust our ass, sometimes having to have to work 24 hrs straight plus fixing problems..then when everything is fine and dandy we dont have to do a damn thing.

Wow, you really are delusional.

I am 51 you are what 13 years old?

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Obviously those guys have much more experience being a CEO than you do...

and also, obviously they bust their ass every day, and not spend most of their time whining here how poor and oppressed they are.

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