Economics 101

Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
Gee...."shocking" results. Nobody would've seen this coming :doubt:


Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds
Gee...."shocking" results. Nobody would've seen this coming :doubt:

View attachment 77067

Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds
Gee...."shocking" results. Nobody would've seen this coming :doubt:

View attachment 77067

Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds
Since you are posting, we saw it all coming. Because:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love posting stuff from dip shit crazy con web sites.
3. Glen beck"s site is close to the top of the bat shit crazy con web sites.
4. So, you posted bullshit. Which is completely normal for you. Dipshit.
Have you any idea how stupid you appear, quoting Glen Beck. Dude is from the town I live in, and is considered a total untruthful nut case. Kind of like you.
Gee...."shocking" results. Nobody would've seen this coming :doubt:


Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds

Since you are posting, we saw it all coming. Because:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love posting stuff from dip shit crazy con web sites.
3. Glen beck"s site is close to the top of the bat shit crazy con web sites.
4. So, you posted bullshit. Which is completely normal for you. Dipshit.
Have you any idea how stupid you appear, quoting Glen Beck. Dude is from the town I live in, and is considered a total untruthful nut case. Kind of like you.

Hahahaha! One small problem junior....this wasn't from Glenn Beck. If you had clicked the link and read the story properly you would've seen that Glenn was simply reporting on the story that was from Oops....

Thank you for illustrating to everyone how ignorant, lazy, and partisan you are. Here is the link that Glenn had in his story: Best-Run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds

Gee...."shocking" results. Nobody would've seen this coming :doubt:

View attachment 77067

Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds

Since you are posting, we saw it all coming. Because:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love posting stuff from dip shit crazy con web sites.
3. Glen beck"s site is close to the top of the bat shit crazy con web sites.
4. So, you posted bullshit. Which is completely normal for you. Dipshit.
Have you any idea how stupid you appear, quoting Glen Beck. Dude is from the town I live in, and is considered a total untruthful nut case. Kind of like you.

By the way - could you email the USMB admins and ask them to train you on how to use a computer and how to respond to a comment? You're the only idiot I know that can't hit "reply" without mucking it up so bad. No wonder you want government to take care of you. :eusa_doh:
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?
Gee...."shocking" results. Nobody would've seen this coming :doubt:

View attachment 77103

Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds

Since you are posting, we saw it all coming. Because:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You love posting stuff from dip shit crazy con web sites.
3. Glen beck"s site is close to the top of the bat shit crazy con web sites.
4. So, you posted bullshit. Which is completely normal for you. Dipshit.
Have you any idea how stupid you appear, quoting Glen Beck. Dude is from the town I live in, and is considered a total untruthful nut case. Kind of like you.

Hahahaha! One small problem junior....this wasn't from Glenn Beck. If you had clicked the link and read the story properly you would've seen that Glenn was simply reporting on the story that was from Oops....

Thank you for illustrating to everyone how ignorant, lazy, and partisan you are. Here is the link that Glenn had in his story: Best-Run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds

OMG! A Free Market site touts a Free Market? No WAY!
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked?

Even left-wing UCLA acknowledges that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression by almost a decade. They did a complete study and issued a report on it:

It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.

They didn't. At all. A few radical left-winger with agenda have nominated him as such. But nobody else has. In fact, most true historians have Ronald Reagan above FDR. Here they have both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln above FDR:

New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Lincoln at No. 1, Obama at 18; Kennedy judged most overrated

If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. First you say "if" FDR violated the U.S. Constitution (implying that he didn't) and then you follow that up with "he could be called on it and was" (implying that he did). I'm going to assume that you meant to say "wasn't" there. And what is ironic is that in your very next sentence, you prove that he violated the U.S. Constitution. The federal government has zero authority to create something like Social Security. They have 18 enumerated powers delegated to them by the states in the Constitution and creating anything "social" isn't among them. Hence, that is a direct and egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

The people had the right to vote for anyone on the ballot. That doesn't change the fact that FDR was a dirt-bag power-hungry mongrel who violated everything this country was built on when he refused to follow the precedence set by George Washington and voluntarily step down after two terms. Why do you think we have a mandatory legal two term limit now? Because of FDR. The moment he died, Congress went out and passed that law to ensure a power-hungry dictator like him would never exist again.

The people didn't vote for FDR because they liked him. They voted for him because they didn't know any better. They see the face in the papers, they hear the name and voice on the radio, they support their president like good patriots and - boom! He's in for life not matter how shitty a job he's doing because people know the name and they don't know the name of the other candidate. It's a simple reality that even the founders recognized:

"Reason and experience tell us that the first magistrate will always be re-elected if he may be re-elected. He is then an officer for life." - Thomas Jefferson (in a letter to James Madison on December 20, 1787).

It's simply name recognition and nothing more. Thomas Jefferson recognized this as far back as 1787 when the republic was but a fledgling experiment. How is it that you don't recognize that more than 200 years later? Have you not learned from history? Do you not study it?
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
Really? You know (and I quote) "an endless array" or Republican's who said they would've starved to death? So that equals in real numbers - what - half a dozen people? At most? Well, the unrestrained government of the U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin saw tens of millions intentionally starved to death. So....any rational person (that immediately excludes you) would conclude that it is better to have a free nation that sees a few dozen starve because of their incompetence than a nanny state that intentionally starves tens of millions.

Incidentally - how incompetent were these people that they couldn't even feed themselves without FDR? What moron doesn't know how to plant a garden? What idiot can't kill a deer or other wild animal for a meal? God Almighty...
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
Really? You know (and I quote) "an endless array" or Republican's who said they would've starved to death? So that equals in real numbers - what - half a dozen people? At most? Well, the unrestrained government of the U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin saw tens of millions intentionally starved to death. So....any rational person (that immediately excludes you) would conclude that it is better to have a free nation that sees a few dozen starve because of their incompetence than a nanny state that intentionally starves tens of millions.

Incidentally - how incompetent were these people that they couldn't even feed themselves without FDR? What moron doesn't know how to plant a garden? What idiot can't kill a deer or other wild animal for a meal? God Almighty...

So the idiot P@triot is comparing the early 20th Century to today.
Are you seriously that stupid?
Yes, you are.
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.
Of course, how simple it was in the old days, just wait out a depression. Hoover sort of waited it out for four years and the American people were getting restless. Even some governments were overturned.
When FDR ran for office, he said he would not wait it out, he would experiment, try things and the people elected him, and try things is what he did. True, not everything worked, but the people knew he was trying. The people elected FDR four times in a row, historians have named FDR, America's greatest president.
Would the American people today wait four years, with hungry kids going through garbage cans, no health care, no jobs waiting for a Great Depression to cure itself or would they demand the government do something?
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
Really? You know (and I quote) "an endless array" or Republican's who said they would've starved to death? So that equals in real numbers - what - half a dozen people? At most? Well, the unrestrained government of the U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin saw tens of millions intentionally starved to death. So....any rational person (that immediately excludes you) would conclude that it is better to have a free nation that sees a few dozen starve because of their incompetence than a nanny state that intentionally starves tens of millions.

Incidentally - how incompetent were these people that they couldn't even feed themselves without FDR? What moron doesn't know how to plant a garden? What idiot can't kill a deer or other wild animal for a meal? God Almighty...

So the idiot P@triot is comparing the early 20th Century to today.
Are you seriously that stupid?
Yes, you are.
Bwahahahaha! People didn't know how to plant a garden or hunt in the early 20th Century? I would submit that everyone knew exponentially better how to back then than they do today. Oh're an idiot libtard. Which means you're completely ignorant of history. And facts. And reality.
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.
That is a whole lot of nonsense. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and "trying stuff" to end a depression is not one of them. So the fire thing you just did with your post was establish that FDR was a dirt-bag who violated the U.S. Constitution in a huge way.

Second, mentioning that FDR was elected four times only goes to further prove what a dirt-bag the guy was. Any sitting president in history would've been elected over and over and over simply on name recognition and reverence due to the office alone. But George Washington set the tone as the first president of the United States when he refused to run a third time. Subsequently, every president that followed his precedence and respected that gesture. Until the power-hungry idiot FDR.

Finally, history has proven that nothing he did worked. He created and prolonged the Great Depression with his unconstitutional policies.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
Really? You know (and I quote) "an endless array" or Republican's who said they would've starved to death? So that equals in real numbers - what - half a dozen people? At most? Well, the unrestrained government of the U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin saw tens of millions intentionally starved to death. So....any rational person (that immediately excludes you) would conclude that it is better to have a free nation that sees a few dozen starve because of their incompetence than a nanny state that intentionally starves tens of millions.

Incidentally - how incompetent were these people that they couldn't even feed themselves without FDR? What moron doesn't know how to plant a garden? What idiot can't kill a deer or other wild animal for a meal? God Almighty...

So the idiot P@triot is comparing the early 20th Century to today.
Are you seriously that stupid?
Yes, you are.
Bwahahahaha! People didn't know how to plant a garden or hunt in the early 20th Century? I would submit that everyone knew exponentially better how to back then than they do today. Oh're an idiot libtard. Which means you're completely ignorant of history. And facts. And reality.

Please elaborate on these features of life in the early 20th century...
The number of hours per work day.
The number of hours per work week.
Environmental control in factories.
Health care.
Number of Sick Days.
Worker's rights when they didn't get paid; you may include the business owner calling in the National Guard to main and kill workers.
Relocation opportunity.
Working outside regardless of weather.
How many men died building Bridges?
How many men died building Tunnels?
How many men died building Roads?

Wasn't the pre-FDR, Robber Baron scumbag era just dandy?.

Feeling stupid yet?
Of course not, because you're too stupid to realize you're stupid.
How did history proved nothing FDR worked? It is the best historians in the nation that named FDR the greatest American president.
If FDR violated the Constitution he could be called on it and was. FDR did many things that worked, to name just one, Social Security. As for running for a third term if the people believed that to be wrong the people didn't have to vote for him, but they did, and then for still another term. FDR ran and the people voted so what did they violate-a gesture by Washington, did the people have that right?

Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
Really? You know (and I quote) "an endless array" or Republican's who said they would've starved to death? So that equals in real numbers - what - half a dozen people? At most? Well, the unrestrained government of the U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin saw tens of millions intentionally starved to death. So....any rational person (that immediately excludes you) would conclude that it is better to have a free nation that sees a few dozen starve because of their incompetence than a nanny state that intentionally starves tens of millions.

Incidentally - how incompetent were these people that they couldn't even feed themselves without FDR? What moron doesn't know how to plant a garden? What idiot can't kill a deer or other wild animal for a meal? God Almighty...

So the idiot P@triot is comparing the early 20th Century to today.
Are you seriously that stupid?
Yes, you are.
Bwahahahaha! People didn't know how to plant a garden or hunt in the early 20th Century? I would submit that everyone knew exponentially better how to back then than they do today. Oh're an idiot libtard. Which means you're completely ignorant of history. And facts. And reality.

Please elaborate on these features of life in the early 20th century...
The number of hours per work day.
The number of hours per work week.
Environmental control in factories.
Health care.
Number of Sick Days.
Worker's rights when they didn't get paid; you may include the business owner calling in the National Guard to main and kill workers.
Relocation opportunity.
Working outside regardless of weather.
How many men died building Bridges?
How many men died building Tunnels?
How many men died building Roads?

Wasn't the pre-FDR, Robber Baron scumbag era just dandy?.

Feeling stupid yet?
Of course not, because you're too stupid to realize you're stupid.
And what does any of that have to do with being able to feed themselves?!? Would you like to try again junior? This time without the nonsensical redirect to items that have nothing to do with the topic at hand?

When you get your ass kicked with logic, you just go off on a tangent about items that have nothing to do with the issue. :cuckoo:
Same old CATO Institute and Heritage Foundation Bullshit.
That's why I know an endless array of Republicans in their 70s who said they would have starved to death if not for FDR.
Really? You know (and I quote) "an endless array" or Republican's who said they would've starved to death? So that equals in real numbers - what - half a dozen people? At most? Well, the unrestrained government of the U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin saw tens of millions intentionally starved to death. So....any rational person (that immediately excludes you) would conclude that it is better to have a free nation that sees a few dozen starve because of their incompetence than a nanny state that intentionally starves tens of millions.

Incidentally - how incompetent were these people that they couldn't even feed themselves without FDR? What moron doesn't know how to plant a garden? What idiot can't kill a deer or other wild animal for a meal? God Almighty...

So the idiot P@triot is comparing the early 20th Century to today.
Are you seriously that stupid?
Yes, you are.
Bwahahahaha! People didn't know how to plant a garden or hunt in the early 20th Century? I would submit that everyone knew exponentially better how to back then than they do today. Oh're an idiot libtard. Which means you're completely ignorant of history. And facts. And reality.

Please elaborate on these features of life in the early 20th century...
The number of hours per work day.
The number of hours per work week.
Environmental control in factories.
Health care.
Number of Sick Days.
Worker's rights when they didn't get paid; you may include the business owner calling in the National Guard to main and kill workers.
Relocation opportunity.
Working outside regardless of weather.
How many men died building Bridges?
How many men died building Tunnels?
How many men died building Roads?

Wasn't the pre-FDR, Robber Baron scumbag era just dandy?.

Feeling stupid yet?
Of course not, because you're too stupid to realize you're stupid.
And what does any of that have to do with being able to feed themselves?!? Would you like to try again junior? This time without the nonsensical redirect to items that have nothing to do with the topic at hand?

When you get your ass kicked with logic, you just go off on a tangent about items that have nothing to do with the issue. :cuckoo:

So everybody had a house with a backyard to plant some fruits and vegetables?
Oh, I see, the men who built the city you live in should have just been happy eating at a slop kitchen.
What nursing home are you in?
Or are you seriously that out of touch with history?
Since 1948 FDR has been rated by America's most noted historians as one of the top three American presidents, and recently as the number one. Conservative historians still rated FDR in the top three. As for FDR welfare, if you were able-you worked. For the kids on the road FDR implemented the CCC, a 3C got thirty a month and sent home 25.
Since 1948 FDR has been rated by America's most noted historians as one of the top three American presidents, and recently as the number one. Conservative historians still rated FDR in the top three. As for FDR welfare, if you were able-you worked. For the kids on the road FDR implemented the CCC, a 3C got thirty a month and sent home 25.

Yes. But the cons liked it best when the working class was broke and starving. Cause it just makes them happy.
Wasn't the pre-FDR, Robber Baron scumbag era just dandy?.

it was fastest period of economic growth in history history!!

From: The Myth of The Robber Barrons by Forest McDonald

Edward Collins $33,000 per Atlantic crossing (page 7)
Cornelius Vanderbilt (robber barron) $15,000 per Atlantic crossing

Collins $600 NY to California
Vanderbilt (robber barron) 150 NY to California( page 12)

"James J Hill cut freight costs from 90 cents to 44 cents a pound" (page 34) and still made a profit while the heavily subsidized Union Pacific and Central Pacific always lost money

"Coopers charged 2.50 per barrel Rockefeller cut his to $.96" (Page 86)

"From 1865 to 1870, the price of kerosene dropped from 58 to 26 cents per gallon,
Rockefeller made profits during everyone of these years" (page 87)

"Before 1870, only the rich could afford whale oil and candles, The rest had to go to bed to save money. By 1870 with the drop in the price of Kerosene, the middle and working class people all over the nation could afford the one cent an hour that it cost to light their homes at night".( page 87)

"When Andrew Carnegie entered steel production in 1872, England dominated world production and the price of steel production was $56 per ton. By 1900 Carnegie Steel was manufacturing steel for $11.00 per ton and out stripping the entire production of England!" (page 126)

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