Economics 101

The failure of liberalism illustrated once again. Say this much for the failed ideology - it is consistent. Wherever they get government involved, costs skyrocket. Healthcare has gone through the roof since the government got involved in the late 1960's. The costs of doing business in America have skyrocketed with government regulations. And of course, college costs have skyrocketed as the government has thrown money around to every institution and everyone....

Some lawmakers are wondering whether threats to change the tax-exempt status of endowments might be used to persuade colleges to bring down the cost of tuition, which has increased by 220% in real terms since 1980.
The failure of liberalism illustrated once again. Say this much for the failed ideology - it is consistent. Wherever they get government involved, costs skyrocket. Healthcare has gone through the roof since the government got involved in the late 1960's. The costs of doing business in America have skyrocketed with government regulations. And of course, college costs have skyrocketed as the government has thrown money around to every institution and everyone....

Some lawmakers are wondering whether threats to change the tax-exempt status of endowments might be used to persuade colleges to bring down the cost of tuition, which has increased by 220% in real terms since 1980.

The US government was not involved in rising health care costs since the 1960's. Except in the rattled minds of conservatives. You see, insurance was private, with little regulation. State regulations required coverage of a certain type. But insurance corporations raised prices and profits all on their own. Stupid accusation.
Health care costs for company plans rose by double digits during that time. Next

The cost of doing business in america have not skyrocketed with gov regulation. If you believe it has, you should find an independent source, with no agenda, and prove it. But, here is the thing: regulations in business are a con tool talking point that cons are unable to prove. Just charges.

"During Obama’s first two years in office, 555 new “significant” regulations, or ones that have a cost or benefit of at least $100 million in a year, have been enacted, according to the Office of Management and Budget. Over the eight years that former president George W. Bush was in office about 2,380 regulations were enacted, an average of 595 every two years.

“But what are the potential benefits?” Schultz continued. ”If you issue regulations limiting the use of, say, certain kinds of coal, the air pollution is something [companies] don’t pay for. The trick is to balance off those things like pollution with the costs of running a company.”"
"But despite cries that American businesses are over-regulated and over-burdened, the United States still ranks as one of the best countries to start a business. Worldwide, only Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have a more business friendly environment, according to the 2010 International Finance Corporation and World Bank “Doing Business”"
Are American Businesses Unduly Burdened?

So, me boy, do you ever do anything except post conservative talking points?
Rshermr, your point is proven that Bush was no conservative either based on his regulations and many other things.

What's more important is enforcement. 20 years ago we had enough regulations to choke businesses, the key is how they are enforced - enforcing to the benefit of society not detriment. And how do we regulate our regulators?

Personally I experienced the EPA stage a midnight raid on a company which resulted in the customers being scared off and leaving within 4 months. All of these customers had been with the business for over 10 years. The EPA could have called or visited, they were chasing a inaccurate lead. But they wanted to wear their Federal Agent jackets, wanted news crews and wanted to wear their holster. And 165 jobs were lost. And these asshole regulators went back to their fat govt pension jobs.

This is not a political point but it never gets solved because simpletons keep thinking it's a Repub/Dem issue.
Rshermr, your point is proven that Bush was no conservative either based on his regulations and many other things.

What's more important is enforcement. 20 years ago we had enough regulations to choke businesses, the key is how they are enforced - enforcing to the benefit of society not detriment. And how do we regulate our regulators?

Personally I experienced the EPA stage a midnight raid on a company which resulted in the customers being scared off and leaving within 4 months. All of these customers had been with the business for over 10 years. The EPA could have called or visited, they were chasing a inaccurate lead. But they wanted to wear their Federal Agent jackets, wanted news crews and wanted to wear their holster. And 165 jobs were lost. And these asshole regulators went back to their fat govt pension jobs.

This is not a political point but it never gets solved because simpletons keep thinking it's a Repub/Dem issue.

Every opportunity republican politicians have, they name two issues as holding back the economy in this country. One being high taxes, the other being too much gov regulation. But independent studies say our regulations in this country are less than in other countries. And that gov regulation has nothing to do with economic recovery. So, I see it as a completely partisan issue.
I do not disagree that there are over reaches in gov regulation, like your example. But our economy is extremely large, and point problems tend to have no impact on the economy. On people, yes. Need to be addressed, yes. But they are not issues that control the economy in any way.
We just went through the worst recession since the 1929 depression. The 2008 Great Recession was, per pretty much every economist, an aggregate demand recession. A huge one. And it may well have gone to depression should we not have addressed the demand issue. Republicans demanded tax decreases. They helped a little, but not much (per the cbo). So, you saw republicans block every attempt at stimulus designed to increase aggregate demand. Which by all accounts greatly slowed recovery.
So, in my humble opinion, over regulation is indeed a partisan political issue.
The US government was not involved in rising health care costs since the 1960's. Except in the rattled minds of conservatives. You see, insurance was private, with little regulation.

You see....Medicare and Medicaid was passed into law in 1965 dumb ass. Thus began the skyrocketing of the healthcare costs as the customers (the elderly and the poor) were no longer paying for their services. Since the customer wasn't paying, there was no reason for the physician/hospital/etc. to attempt to keep prices down and affordable. The problem only continued to grow much worse when Tip O'Neil and the Dumbocrats passed a law in the 1980's forcing hospitals to provide care for people even when they weren't insured. That was a devastating cost to hospitals. How do they cover the cost of providing open heart surgery to a person rushed into the ER without insurance? They charge everyone else $30 for a single aspirin and $60,000 for a surgery to help cover those costs.

This is all basic stuff. But I'm not the least bit surprised that you're confused by all of it. I'm not the least bit surprised that you had no idea that Medicare and Medicaid were passed into law in 1965. I'm not the least bit surprised that you don't understand business. You've demonstrated your extraordinary ignorance over and over already. You never add a link or fact. You never back up any of your ignorant statements. All you do is post your incredibly ignorant, incredibly uninformed ideologue opinions.
Every opportunity republican politicians have, they name two issues as holding back the economy in this country. One being high taxes, the other being too much gov regulation.

Which is more than can be said for the Dumbocrats. For over 100 years now - they have offered one solution and one solution only. Their only idea in the entire history of their party has been "let government control it". How can a party exist for over 100 years and not come up with a second idea in its entire history.

They felt healthcare costs were too high - they demanded government control it.

They felt wages were too low - they demanded government control it.

They felt people needed to be fed - they demanded government control it.

They felt there was too much pollution - they demanded government control it.

They felt there wasn't enough access to abortion - they demanded government control it.

Over 100 years and one single freaking idea from this failed ideology and the "useful idiots" that support it.
Every opportunity republican politicians have, they name two issues as holding back the economy in this country. One being high taxes, the other being too much gov regulation.

Which is more than can be said for the Dumbocrats. For over 100 years now - they have offered one solution and one solution only. Their only idea in the entire history of their party has been "let government control it". How can a party exist for over 100 years and not come up with a second idea in its entire history.
Hardly. The democratic solutions are multiple. For cons, there are exactly two. Cut taxes and eliminate regs.

They felt healthcare costs were too high - they demanded government control it.
We had almost twice the cost of the second highest country in the world for health care, but cons loved it.

They felt wages were too low - they demanded government control it.
We had extreme low wages that did not let working people live, so raised it some, and the cons hate it.

They felt people needed to be fed - they demanded government control it.
That is just plain untrue, except when people can not afford to eat. Cons would rather that they starve.

They felt there was too much pollution - they demanded government control it.
They set standards that allowed people to breath and drink the water. Now they can do so, but cons hate it.

They felt there wasn't enough access to abortion - they demanded government control it.
And dems feel that abortion should be rare and safe, while cons feel that abortion should be prosecuted. We had that before, it simply meant more people died, and cons loved it.

Over 100 years and one single freaking idea from this failed ideology and the "useful idiots" that support it.
That would be the opinion of a con tool. And you know how much we value his opinion.

Nice set of talking points. Untrue, but it is a good job of cut and paste. But cons did give us three records. The first, second, and third biggest recessions in the past 100 years.
Oh, and they have provided some of the most ignorant people also, like Rottweiler!
We had almost twice the cost of the second highest country in the world for health care, but cons loved it.

Yeah...and the only question is...why wouldn't libtards want it to go higher? You get what you pay for. Do you want the Lamborghini of healthcare (as we use to have) or do you want the Yugo of healthcare (as other nations have and we are heading towards). Leave it to libtards to lower the bar and bring us down to the level of "other" nations. Those other nations are second to us for a reason. The goal should be to keep it that way.
Every opportunity republican politicians have, they name two issues as holding back the economy in this country. One being high taxes, the other being too much gov regulation.

Which is more than can be said for the Dumbocrats. For over 100 years now - they have offered one solution and one solution only. Their only idea in the entire history of their party has been "let government control it". How can a party exist for over 100 years and not come up with a second idea in its entire history.
Hardly. The democratic solutions are multiple. For cons, there are exactly two. Cut taxes and eliminate regs.
Really? They are? Then how come you can't name them? Over 100 years of liberalism and just ONE "solution" - let government control it. I love how you make outrageous claims like that and don't even attempt to back it up. Most liberals just lie on USMB. You're too lazy to do that.
Every opportunity republican politicians have, they name two issues as holding back the economy in this country. One being high taxes, the other being too much gov regulation.
They felt people needed to be fed - they demanded government control it
That is just plain untrue, except when people can not afford to eat. Cons would rather that they starve.
You continue to take stupid to a whole new level. "That's just plain untrue....except when it's true". :cuckoo:

Jack-ass....that's what we're talking about. When people cannot (one word by the way idiot) afford to eat. And conservatives would not rather anyone starve. That's a weak and sad straw man by you libtards who can't justify you're greed and your violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Conservatives would rather see greedy people like you feed the hungry. Conservatives would rather see people stand on their own two feet. Conservatives would rather protect and defend the highest law in the land rather than surrender it simply because someone is "hungry".
But cons did give us three records. The first, second, and third biggest recessions in the past 100 years.
Oh, and they have provided some of the most ignorant people also, like Rottweiler!

Who over saw the Great Depression? Dumbocrat FDR. Who oversaw the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter. Who over saw the third worst economy in U.S. history? Barack Obama. Those are the facts junior. Oops.....
But cons did give us three records. The first, second, and third biggest recessions in the past 100 years.
Oh, and they have provided some of the most ignorant people also, like Rottweiler!

Who over saw the Great Depression? Dumbocrat FDR. Who oversaw the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter. Who over saw the third worst economy in U.S. history? Barack Obama. Those are the facts junior. Oops.....

Does it hurt, me boy, to be as stupid as you are. Lets take your ignorant comments one at a time.
1. the great depression of 1929 was created and went on for four years before fdr took it over, going from under 4% unemployment to over 25% unemployment. Since it happened under republican presidents Coolidge (till March of 1929) and Hoover. Complete with republican congresses. Dipshit. Normally people take responsibility for their screw ups, but not republicans or con tools.
2. Then you have no clue, apparently, of when the great recession of Ronald Reagan happened. He took over the country with an only mediocre economy, 7.4% ue. Which, me poor ignorant con, does not qualify as a recession. But he passed policies after inaugurated that brought the ue rate up to 10.8%, second highest in history.
3. The third deepest recession, and second most dangerous, was created by republicans, and fixed by obama. The ue rate went to 10%, we were loosing jobs at over 500,000 per month, and were in great danger of falling into a depression. But yes, you can thank Obama for fixing that, and you can thank the republicans for not bringing a single bill forward to help the situation.
Really, it must hurt to be as stupid as you are.
So, in my humble opinion, over regulation is indeed a partisan political issue.

It seems you see everything as a partisan political issue. I'm nothing more than an entrepreneur and employer and I think politicians are obstacles to progress and mostly assholes so I dont waste any time thinking about them. I just focus on what I can control.
So, in my humble opinion, over regulation is indeed a partisan political issue.

It seems you see everything as a partisan political issue. I'm nothing more than an entrepreneur and employer and I think politicians are obstacles to progress and mostly assholes so I dont waste any time thinking about them. I just focus on what I can control.
And that is your absolute right. But others of us, retired and out of the daily fight, tend to look at this countries politics and say something needs to happen for the good of future generations. And in my humble but correct opinion, the problem we have is money in politics. Too many politicians helping wealthy corporations or individuals who can afford to pay to get what they want. While you are thinking about the subject of politics, we all need to consider what our country looks like if we allow the wealthy to determine what happens. It is, without question, not what most of our founding fathers think we should have.
So, in my humble opinion, over regulation is indeed a partisan political issue.

It seems you see everything as a partisan political issue. I'm nothing more than an entrepreneur and employer and I think politicians are obstacles to progress and mostly assholes so I dont waste any time thinking about them. I just focus on what I can control.
And that is your absolute right. But others of us, retired and out of the daily fight, tend to look at this countries politics and say something needs to happen for the good of future generations. And in my humble but correct opinion, the problem we have is money in politics. Too many politicians helping wealthy corporations or individuals who can afford to pay to get what they want. While you are thinking about the subject of politics, we all need to consider what our country looks like if we allow the wealthy to determine what happens. It is, without question, not what most of our founding fathers think we should have.
Yeah...because it makes so much more sense to allow the poor, ignorant, and failed (such as yourself) to determine what happens. Idiot. :bang3:
"Contrary to a popular impression, profits are achieved not by raising prices, but by introducing economies and efficiencies that cut costs of production." - Henry Hazlitt
But cons did give us three records. The first, second, and third biggest recessions in the past 100 years.
Oh, and they have provided some of the most ignorant people also, like Rottweiler!

Who over saw the Great Depression? Dumbocrat FDR. Who oversaw the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter. Who over saw the third worst economy in U.S. history? Barack Obama. Those are the facts junior. Oops.....

Does it hurt, me boy, to be as stupid as you are. Lets take your ignorant comments one at a time.
1. the great depression of 1929 was created and went on for four years before fdr took it over, going from under 4% unemployment to over 25% unemployment. Since it happened under republican presidents Coolidge (till March of 1929) and Hoover. Complete with republican congresses. Dipshit. Normally people take responsibility for their screw ups, but not republicans or con tools.
2. Then you have no clue, apparently, of when the great recession of Ronald Reagan happened. He took over the country with an only mediocre economy, 7.4% ue. Which, me poor ignorant con, does not qualify as a recession. But he passed policies after inaugurated that brought the ue rate up to 10.8%, second highest in history.
3. The third deepest recession, and second most dangerous, was created by republicans, and fixed by obama. The ue rate went to 10%, we were loosing jobs at over 500,000 per month, and were in great danger of falling into a depression. But yes, you can thank Obama for fixing that, and you can thank the republicans for not bringing a single bill forward to help the situation.
Really, it must hurt to be as stupid as you are.
No amount of whishing that something were true makes it true. FDR oversaw the Great Depresison. Jimmy Carter oversaw the Great Recession (the economy was incredible by the time Ronald Reagan left office thanks to his policies), and Barack Obama oversaw the third worst economy in U.S. history. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
"Contrary to a popular impression, profits are achieved not by raising prices, but by introducing economies and efficiencies that cut costs of production." - Henry Hazlitt
Obviously. As any first quarter economics student knows. Did you think that you had found a complex statement? Jesus, you are ignorant. And stupid.
So, in my humble opinion, over regulation is indeed a partisan political issue.

It seems you see everything as a partisan political issue. I'm nothing more than an entrepreneur and employer and I think politicians are obstacles to progress and mostly assholes so I dont waste any time thinking about them. I just focus on what I can control.
And that is your absolute right. But others of us, retired and out of the daily fight, tend to look at this countries politics and say something needs to happen for the good of future generations. And in my humble but correct opinion, the problem we have is money in politics. Too many politicians helping wealthy corporations or individuals who can afford to pay to get what they want. While you are thinking about the subject of politics, we all need to consider what our country looks like if we allow the wealthy to determine what happens. It is, without question, not what most of our founding fathers think we should have.
Yeah...because it makes so much more sense to allow the poor, ignorant, and failed (such as yourself) to determine what happens. Idiot. :bang3:
So, are you saying that we should allow the stupid, like yourself, to have more control? Dipshit.
We now have your opinion. The opinion of a congenital idiot. Thanks for that.
But cons did give us three records. The first, second, and third biggest recessions in the past 100 years.
Oh, and they have provided some of the most ignorant people also, like Rottweiler!

Who over saw the Great Depression? Dumbocrat FDR. Who oversaw the Great Recession? Jimmy Carter. Who over saw the third worst economy in U.S. history? Barack Obama. Those are the facts junior. Oops.....

Does it hurt, me boy, to be as stupid as you are. Lets take your ignorant comments one at a time.
1. the great depression of 1929 was created and went on for four years before fdr took it over, going from under 4% unemployment to over 25% unemployment. Since it happened under republican presidents Coolidge (till March of 1929) and Hoover. Complete with republican congresses. Dipshit. Normally people take responsibility for their screw ups, but not republicans or con tools.
2. Then you have no clue, apparently, of when the great recession of Ronald Reagan happened. He took over the country with an only mediocre economy, 7.4% ue. Which, me poor ignorant con, does not qualify as a recession. But he passed policies after inaugurated that brought the ue rate up to 10.8%, second highest in history.
3. The third deepest recession, and second most dangerous, was created by republicans, and fixed by obama. The ue rate went to 10%, we were loosing jobs at over 500,000 per month, and were in great danger of falling into a depression. But yes, you can thank Obama for fixing that, and you can thank the republicans for not bringing a single bill forward to help the situation.
Really, it must hurt to be as stupid as you are.
No amount of whishing that something were true makes it true. I agree (though I am not sure what whishing is. Perhaps you meant wishing.) FDR oversaw the Great Depresison. (It was a depression, not a depresison) Now, facts are quite different. The great depression was repaired by policies of FDR. The only "overseeing" of the great Depression of 1929 was done by republican presidents, who watched the ue rate jump from 4 to 25%. . the great depression of 1929 was created and went on for four years before fdr took it over, going from under 4% unemployment to over 25% unemployment when he took office in March of 1933.. Since it happened under republican presidents Coolidge (till March of 1929) and Hoover. Complete with republican congresses. Dipshit. Normally people take responsibility for their screw ups, but not republicans or con tools.
Jimmy Carter oversaw the Great Recession (the economy was incredible by the time Ronald Reagan left office thanks to his policies),There was, me poor ignorant tool, no great recession during Carter's term. No unemployment rate during his term higher than 7.5%. Which was where it was in January of 1981 as Reagan was sworn in to the presidency. You should really get a basic understanding of economic history before making comments. Not doing so makes you look stupid:
"Great Recession in the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Following the bursting of the housing bubble in mid-2007, the United States entered a severe recession. The United States entered 2008 during a housing market correction and a subprime mortgage crisis.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) dates the beginning of the recession as December 2007. According to the Department of Labor, roughly 8.7 million jobs were shed from February 2008 to February 2010, and GDP contracted by 5.1%, making the Great Recession the worst since the Great Depression. Unemployment rose from 4.7% in November 2007 to peak at 10% in October of 2009.[1]"

I put the information about when the Great Recession, or the Great Republican Recession of 2008, occurred, Because it is important to know at least the basics of economic history before you say something. Not doing so allows people to see how ignorant you are.

and Barack Obama oversaw the third worst economy in U.S. history. Barack Obama inherited and eliminated the Great Republican Recession of 2008. See above. When he took office in January of 2008, the nation was loosing over 500,000 jobs per month. And the ue rate was going up like a rocket. By 2009, the ue rate (for your etification, ue means unemployment) was dropping and the depression was declared over in 2009. See above in red, me boy.

Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
Sorry, me boy. What you presented are not the facts. You see, facts are facts not what you want them to be. What you stated are, rather, untruths. Either you are significantly brain impaired or you are simply lying. So, again:
1. The Great Depression, worst unemployment in the past century, occurred in 1929 under Republican President Herbert Hoover. Before a dem took office, the ue rate was 25%.
2. The Reagan Recession occurred in 1982. Second highest ue rate in history, at 10.8%. Created and managed during reagan.s term, with a ue rate of 10.8%.
3. The Great Recession of 2008 began in November of 2007. By the time Obama took office, we were loosing over 500,000 jobs per month. Obama managed and ended the recession with no help from the Republican congress, which became known as the "Do Nothing Congress".
Let me know, by again posting lies, when you need economic lessons.

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