Economics 101

If you're in IT you're barely holding on to a career and should WANT Trump. If you're happy in IT and don't like Trump you're a Con tool.

If you're worried about losing jobs overseas - you should want Trump. If you're unhappy about jobs going overseas and you like Hilldabeast, you're a typical liberal "useful idiot".

For the billionth time for the profoundly retarded liberals - here are the idiot liberal hypocrites advocating for policies so devastating to business, they ask to be ex,pets from the very policies they are advocating for. You can't make this stuff up. It can only come from the special insanity that is liberalism:

Founded by Ralph Nader, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and its state-based member organizations have long been models of pro-regulation activism, campaigning for a bigger role for government in everything from financial markets to children’s toys. But on the expansion of overtime rules, they are firmly in the “no” camp.

In a statement released immediately after the Labor Department announced its action, Executive Director Andre Delattre stated that the group “will be forced to hire fewer staff and limit the hours those staff can work—all while the well-funded special interests that we’re up against will simply spend more.”

Nader Advocacy Group Argues for Government to Regulate Others

Do you get that? They admit that the polices they are begging government to force on the American people will end up with them providing fewer jobs and providing fewer hours for the people they do have. Yeah - not shit. It's basic business. Conservatives have been telling ignorant liberals this shit for over 100 years now. Nothing creates unemployment like liberals.
actually crashes:
1) have mostly been caused by govt interference in economy
self regulation worked fine, massive govt interference in the economy didn't
Self regulation NEVER worked and only produced repeated "PANICS."
Government regulation didn't begin until the Civil War but there were panics of 1814, 1817, 1819, 1837, 1839, 1842, 1857 and 1861 before the first banking regulation was ever passed.
That 1837 panic was the year that Jackson paid off the national debt. It seems the pay-off helped bring on the 1837 recession. Econ 102.
actually crashes:
1) have mostly been caused by govt interference in economy
self regulation worked fine, massive govt interference in the economy didn't
Self regulation NEVER worked and only produced repeated "PANICS."
Government regulation didn't begin until the Civil War but there were panics of 1814, 1817, 1819, 1837, 1839, 1842, 1857 and 1861 before the first banking regulation was ever passed.

If you look seriously at how boom and bust worked, you have to look back before the end of the gold standard. Since regulations seriously began after the great depression started, there have been few crashes in comparison with how things worked with the gold standard in place.
If you're in IT you're barely holding on to a career and should WANT Trump. If you're happy in IT and don't like Trump you're a Con tool.

If you're worried about losing jobs overseas - you should want Trump. If you're unhappy about jobs going overseas and you like Hilldabeast, you're a typical liberal "useful idiot".

For the billionth time for the profoundly retarded liberals - here are the idiot liberal hypocrites advocating for policies so devastating to business, they ask to be ex,pets from the very policies they are advocating for. You can't make this stuff up. It can only come from the special insanity that is liberalism:

Founded by Ralph Nader, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and its state-based member organizations have long been models of pro-regulation activism, campaigning for a bigger role for government in everything from financial markets to children’s toys. But on the expansion of overtime rules, they are firmly in the “no” camp.

In a statement released immediately after the Labor Department announced its action, Executive Director Andre Delattre stated that the group “will be forced to hire fewer staff and limit the hours those staff can work—all while the well-funded special interests that we’re up against will simply spend more.”

Nader Advocacy Group Argues for Government to Regulate Others
For the billionth time, dipshit, try to find an impartial site. The daily signal does not pass the giggle test.

Do you get that? They admit that the polices they are begging government to force on the American people will end up with them providing fewer jobs and providing fewer hours for the people they do have. Yeah - not shit. It's basic business. Conservatives have been telling ignorant liberals this shit for over 100 years now. Nothing creates unemployment like liberals.

Funny. A con tool finding an article on a Nader Advocacy Group, and suggests that it is a liberal group of some importance. Jesus. Next.
What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.
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What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.

Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.
What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.
Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

Using partial sources is hardly tired nonsense, at least from people with the ability to reason. So, it is no surprise that you have no idea. Like most con tools, me poor ignorant con, you spend your time in bat shit crazy con sites, and you proved it. Dipshit.
Look up impartial source, me boy. Just for an attempt at your general education. I'm sure it will not take.
What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.
Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

Using partial sources is hardly tired nonsense, at least from people with the ability to reason. So, it is no surprise that you have no idea. Like most con tools, me poor ignorant con, you spend your time in bat shit crazy con sites, and you proved it. Dipshit.
Look up impartial source, me boy. Just for an attempt at your general education. I'm sure it will not take.'re so freaking retarded you don't even know how to respond to a comment in a thread. Every reply you make includes the other person's comments as if they were yours. No wonder you're a liberal... :lmao:
What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.

Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

Using partial sources is hardly tired nonsense, at least from people with the ability to reason. So, it is no surprise that you have no idea. Like most con tools, me poor ignorant con, you spend your time in bat shit crazy con sites, and you proved it. Dipshit. Look up impartial source, me boy. Just for an attempt at your general education. I'm sure it will not take.'re popping your mouth of with wild accusations but you're never able to back them up. You're not able to articulate what is "far right" nor are you able to cite anything inaccurate in the article. Oops....
More indisputable evidence of the failure that is the liberal ideology...

How many of the people who are demanding an increase in the minimum wage have ever bothered to check what actually happens when higher minimum wages are imposed? More often they just assume what is assumed by like-minded peers – with their assumptions being what “everybody knows.”

Back in 1948, when inflation had rendered meaningless the minimum wage established a decade earlier, the unemployment rate among 16-17-year-old black males was under 10%. But after the minimum wage was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation, the unemployment rate for black males that age was never under 30% from 1971-94. In many of those years, the rate exceeded 40%, and, for a couple of years, it exceeded 50%.

A little thinking debunks promises of socialism
What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.
Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

Using partial sources is hardly tired nonsense, at least from people with the ability to reason. So, it is no surprise that you have no idea. Like most con tools, me poor ignorant con, you spend your time in bat shit crazy con sites, and you proved it. Dipshit.
Look up impartial source, me boy. Just for an attempt at your general education. I'm sure it will not take.'re so freaking retarded you don't even know how to respond to a comment in a thread. Every reply you make includes the other person's comments as if they were yours. No wonder you're a liberal... :lmao:
Only you, me poor ignorant tool, are confused.
More indisputable evidence of the failure that is the liberal ideology...

How many of the people who are demanding an increase in the minimum wage have ever bothered to check what actually happens when higher minimum wages are imposed? More often they just assume what is assumed by like-minded peers – with their assumptions being what “everybody knows.”

Back in 1948, when inflation had rendered meaningless the minimum wage established a decade earlier, the unemployment rate among 16-17-year-old black males was under 10%. But after the minimum wage was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation, the unemployment rate for black males that age was never under 30% from 1971-94. In many of those years, the rate exceeded 40%, and, for a couple of years, it exceeded 50%.

A little thinking debunks promises of socialism

Wow. You are, at least, consistent. An article by Sowell. I wonder if you know who he is. Let me try to educate you again. Sowell is a LIBERTARIAN phd economist. If you know anything at all, you would know that he is therefor an economist paid and operated by the Koch bros. Dipshit.
Sowell never saw a conservative idea that he did not like. So, just to prove you do not like impartial sources, you bring out Sowell. Excuse me, I need to laugh at you for a half hour or so. Never saw anyone more ignorant than you. Dipshit.

Relative to if anyone ever checked what happened when min wage was started, me boy, congratulations. It has been studied, and studied, and studied. That you do not know that proves your ignorance.
Try google, dipshit, and you will find over and over and over, from IMPARTIAL sources, that min wage has no long term effect on employment. But if you ask Sowell, without knowing what he will say exactly, I would put a big bet down that he will tell you the opposite. Cause, like you, he is not averse to lying.
Relative to unemployment among the black, there are a ton of studies out there to explain the variance, If you look at the raw numbers, the ue rates are generally twice or slightly more than for whites, over many decades. And the explanations include several issues, NONE OF WHICH INCLUDE RAISES IN MINIMUM WAGE. Nothing like Sowell states that I have ever seen. But then Sowell is a agenda driven lier. Like you.
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What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.

Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

Using partial sources is hardly tired nonsense, at least from people with the ability to reason. So, it is no surprise that you have no idea. Like most con tools, me poor ignorant con, you spend your time in bat shit crazy con sites, and you proved it. Dipshit. Look up impartial source, me boy. Just for an attempt at your general education. I'm sure it will not take.'re popping your mouth of with wild accusations but you're never able to back them up. You're not able to articulate what is "far right" nor are you able to cite anything inaccurate in the article. Oops....

Since you are a congenital idiot, here are my comments in BLUE, dipshit. With your drivel in black.
I can back anything up, but only the complete idiot would miss the fact that impartial sources are required to prove anything. Fuckhead. Sorry, but it is hard for me to believe anyone could be as stupid as you claim you are. Forget the sorry.
If you are really so stupid as not to know what far right is, there are two obvious (to rational people) ways to learn. 1. Google it, dipshit.
2. Go look in the mirror.
Ah, hell. Since you are too stupid to use google, I will do it for you. Takes less than a minute, dipshit:

"The far right or extreme right is a political label used to identify parties and movements based on fascist, racist and/or extremely reactionary ideologies. Officially those on the far right embrace the concept of the "inequality of outcome", meaning that one group is naturally better than another.Feb 10, 2016
Far right - RationalWiki"

No one, me included, has any duty to read posts or links to partial sources. Nor to take the time to disprove the drivel found in those sites with rational posts from impartial sources. It is, though you will not do so, your responsibility to others to use impartial sources. So as not to waste their time. Wasting peoples time with drivel from agenda driven sites proves you are an ass hole. Though everyone has learned that before
What a surprise it must be to us all that the article, found by a con tool named Rottweiller, is from the Daily Signal, a far right bat shit crazy con web site. Nice job of finding an unbiassed source, dipshit.

Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

Using partial sources is hardly tired nonsense, at least from people with the ability to reason. So, it is no surprise that you have no idea. Like most con tools, me poor ignorant con, you spend your time in bat shit crazy con sites, and you proved it. Dipshit. Look up impartial source, me boy. Just for an attempt at your general education. I'm sure it will not take.'re popping your mouth of with wild accusations but you're never able to back them up. You're not able to articulate what is "far right" nor are you able to cite anything inaccurate in the article. Oops....

Since you are a congenital idiot, here are my comments in BLUE, dipshit. With your drivel in black.
I can back anything up, but only the complete idiot would miss the fact that impartial sources are required to prove anything. Fuckhead. Sorry, but it is hard for me to believe anyone could be as stupid as you claim you are. Forget the sorry.
If you are really so stupid as not to know what far right is, there are two obvious (to rational people) ways to learn. 1. Google it, dipshit.
2. Go look in the mirror.
Ah, hell. Since you are too stupid to use google, I will do it for you. Takes less than a minute, dipshit:

"The far right or extreme right is a political label used to identify parties and movements based on fascist, racist and/or extremely reactionary ideologies. Officially those on the far right embrace the concept of the "inequality of outcome", meaning that one group is naturally better than another.Feb 10, 2016
Far right - RationalWiki"

No one, me included, has any duty to read posts or links to partial sources. Nor to take the time to disprove the drivel found in those sites with rational posts from impartial sources. It is, though you will not do so, your responsibility to others to use impartial sources. So as not to waste their time. Wasting peoples time with drivel from agenda driven sites proves you are an ass hole. Though everyone has learned that before
Still incapable of responding properly to a post I see. Perhaps you could get an adult to help you use a computer?

No one, me included, has any duty to read posts or links to partial sources. Nor to take the time to disprove the drivel found in those sites with rational posts from impartial sources. It is, though you will not do so, your responsibility to others to use impartial sources. So as not to waste their time. Wasting peoples time with drivel from agenda driven sites proves you are an ass hole. Though everyone has learned that before

First of all, I have no such responsibility you ignorant fucking tool. Second, in your infinite ignorance, you're too fucking stupid to realize something obvious about your astoundingly stupid comment: who gets to decide what source is "impartial"? You? Bwahahahaha! Dumb ass.

Either prove that the Daily Signal lied in the article or shut the fuck up. You're pissed off that you can't dispute anything in the article with facts.
If you are really so stupid as not to know what far right is, there are two obvious (to rational people) ways to learn. 1. Google it, dipshit.
2. Go look in the mirror.
Ah, hell. Since you are too stupid to use google, I will do it for you. Takes less than a minute, dipshit:

"The far right or extreme right is a political label used to identify parties and movements based on fascist, racist and/or extremely reactionary ideologies. Officially those on the far right embrace the concept of the "inequality of outcome", meaning that one group is naturally better than another.Feb 10, 2016
Far right - RationalWiki"

You continue to take stupid to a whole new level. I know what the "far right" is you ignorant tool. I asked you to prove that the Daily Signal was "far right". Here is the post so everyone can have a good laugh over how astoundingly ignorant you are...
Same old tired nonsense from the liberal "useful idiot" Rshermr. What is "far right" or "bat shit crazy" about the Daily Signal? If you're going to make wild accusations, you better be able to back them up. Please show us anything in the article that is not true.

But hey - what can we expect from someone who can't even simply reply to a comment properly without making it look like the other person's comments are part of your comments. :eusa_doh:
Relative to if anyone ever checked what happened when min wage was started, me boy, congratulations. It has been studied, and studied, and studied. That you do not know that proves your ignorance. Try google, dipshit, and you will find over and over and over, from IMPARTIAL sources, that min wage has no long term effect on employment.

How embarrassing for you. The facts (statistics in this case) prove that you just make shit up:

Back in 1948, when inflation had rendered meaningless the minimum wage established a decade earlier, the unemployment rate among 16-17-year-old black males was under 10%. But after the minimum wage was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation, the unemployment rate for black males that age was never under 30% from 1971-94. In many of those years, the rate exceeded 40%, and, for a couple of years, it exceeded 50%.

A little thinking debunks promises of socialism
But then Sowell is a agenda driven lier.

We've established that you can't even reply to a comment properly. That websites and computers easily confuse you. That your grammar is atrocious. And now we can add illiteracy to the list. No wonder economics is too difficult for you to grasp since these basic items are above you.

It's spelled "liar" you ignorant tool..... :lmao:

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