Economics 101

Actually, the problem is simple. The clown is a con tool. Which, by definition, means that he does not have the ability to reason. He has been told what to believe, and he does as he is told. Spends his time in the bat shit crazy con web sites, of which there are many paid for and financially supported by the far, far, far right.
The con tool is incapable of rational thought, and therefor of rational argument. But, it is simple to know what their beliefs are. Go to conservative talking points, and you will find 90% of his beliefs reduced to statements he can cut and paste (best he can do). The rest is just simple personal attack.

Meanwhile, the liberal masters are laughing all the way to the bank. While the liberal minions on this site wallow in poverty, people like Barack Obama and Hilldabeast are rolling in tens of millions of dollars. They sure as hell aren't sharing what they have. But they do laugh at how all of you are too stupid to realize that you vote for the 1% while crying about the 1%.

You can easily replace "liberal" with "conservative".
Conservative politicians aren't the one's out there preaching against the "evil" 1% genius and they don't pretend to want to redistribute wealth. They are very open in their belief of keeping what you earn. Epic fail my friend.

So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.
Meanwhile, the liberal masters are laughing all the way to the bank. While the liberal minions on this site wallow in poverty, people like Barack Obama and Hilldabeast are rolling in tens of millions of dollars. They sure as hell aren't sharing what they have. But they do laugh at how all of you are too stupid to realize that you vote for the 1% while crying about the 1%.

You can easily replace "liberal" with "conservative".
Conservative politicians aren't the one's out there preaching against the "evil" 1% genius and they don't pretend to want to redistribute wealth. They are very open in their belief of keeping what you earn. Epic fail my friend.

So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

And just yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal. What can they get the most for the least amount of money. But they think it's "unfair" for a business to do the same thing. Unbelievable. A very special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
You can easily replace "liberal" with "conservative".
Conservative politicians aren't the one's out there preaching against the "evil" 1% genius and they don't pretend to want to redistribute wealth. They are very open in their belief of keeping what you earn. Epic fail my friend.

So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

And just yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal. What can they get the most for the least amount of money. But they think it's "unfair" for a business to do the same thing. Unbelievable. A very special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
that would be your opinion. And you know how much we value your opinion.
Perhaps you would like to find an impartial link that shows that off shoreing means jobs to americans, me boy. Then you can sit and wonder where the jobs are that are provided by off-shoring. May be too difficult for you.
Now, maybe we can talk about jobs for americans, in america.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

May I make an exponentially better suggestion Indee? Why not try staying in your chair but simply missing one single episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians so that you can read the U.S. Constitution just once and see that it is illegal for the federal government to (and I quote) "subsidize the poor". That's not why we have government. And shame on you for pissing on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their life for this nation by being too lazy to even know that much.

Rottweiler, I would take advice from anyone who seemed to have an IQ above 0.
You have failed repeatedly to present as such.
You are an ignoramus of the lowest order.

Hey! I have an idea...Prove to me from the U.S. Constitution that it is illegal to subsidize the poor.
Gladly. The states delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers to the federal government. The federal government is specifically limited to those 18 powers and not one more. Both the U.S. Constitution itself and the writings of our founders were very clear about that. And guess what? Not one of those powers is "providing for the poor", "feeding the hungry", or anything that even remotely resembles something along those lines. Their powers are things like "coin money", "protect IP through a Patent Office", "Defense", etc.

Now, many a desperate liberal has come along over the years and intentionally tried to corrupt the Constitution by falsely proclaiming that the "general welfare" clause makes it ok for the federal government to engage in the social nonsense you desire. But once again, the writing of our founders was exceptionally clear on that. The "general welfare" clause applies to the 18 enumerated powers and nothing more.

"that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money." - Thomas Jefferson (June 16, 1817)

So, once again I humiliate you with facts while you resort to personal insults. I think it's safe to say that half of my IQ exponentially exceeds your entire IQ. Thanks for playing junior.
It's a shame Jefferson had not been a part of the constitutional convention, he may have been able to tighten up the language so as to leave no room for doubt. For as he acknowledged, and you carefully left out, the debate over the meaning was already raging during his lifetime and he was losing the debate.

"You will have learned that an act for internal improvement, after passing both Houses, was negatived by the President. The act was founded, avowedly, on the principle that the phrase in the constitution which authorizes Congress "to lay taxes, to pay the debts and provide for the general welfare," was an extension of the powers specifically enumerated to whatever would promote the general welfare; and this, you know, was the federal doctrine. Whereas, our tenet ever was, and, indeed, it is almost the only landmark which now divides the federalists from the republicans, " - Thomas Jefferson (June 16, 1817)
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You can easily replace "liberal" with "conservative".
Conservative politicians aren't the one's out there preaching against the "evil" 1% genius and they don't pretend to want to redistribute wealth. They are very open in their belief of keeping what you earn. Epic fail my friend.

So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

And just yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal. What can they get the most for the least amount of money. But they think it's "unfair" for a business to do the same thing. Unbelievable. A very special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
What's your Annual Salary?
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

For the billionth time for the profoundly retarded liberals - here are the idiot liberal hypocrites advocating for policies so devastating to business, they ask to be ex,pets from the very policies they are advocating for. You can't make this stuff up. It can only come from the special insanity that is liberalism:

Founded by Ralph Nader, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and its state-based member organizations have long been models of pro-regulation activism, campaigning for a bigger role for government in everything from financial markets to children’s toys. But on the expansion of overtime rules, they are firmly in the “no” camp.

In a statement released immediately after the Labor Department announced its action, Executive Director Andre Delattre stated that the group “will be forced to hire fewer staff and limit the hours those staff can work—all while the well-funded special interests that we’re up against will simply spend more.”

Nader Advocacy Group Argues for Government to Regulate Others

Do you get that? They admit that the polices they are begging government to force on the American people will end up with them providing fewer jobs and providing fewer hours for the people they do have. Yeah - not shit. It's basic business. Conservatives have been telling ignorant liberals this shit for over 100 years now. Nothing creates unemployment like liberals.
Conservative politicians aren't the one's out there preaching against the "evil" 1% genius and they don't pretend to want to redistribute wealth. They are very open in their belief of keeping what you earn. Epic fail my friend.

So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

And just yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal. What can they get the most for the least amount of money. But they think it's "unfair" for a business to do the same thing. Unbelievable. A very special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
What's your Annual Salary?
Enough. Why?
You can easily replace "liberal" with "conservative".
Conservative politicians aren't the one's out there preaching against the "evil" 1% genius and they don't pretend to want to redistribute wealth. They are very open in their belief of keeping what you earn. Epic fail my friend.

So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal.
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.
So you're saying there are NO Conservative politicians.
Conservative declare that whoever works for them is not worth the pay they're getting and so they open the borders and order more Business Visas and off-shore to Totalitarian China.
You're very dull.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

And just yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal. What can they get the most for the least amount of money. But they think it's "unfair" for a business to do the same thing. Unbelievable. A very special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
What's your Annual Salary?
Enough. Why?
As an attorney in a court room would state, "You brought up the issue, now I can ask questions."
I bet you're a "sit on your ass, do nothing" White Collar MBA.
That doesn't send jobs overseas genius. That's just competition. Do you fear competition? Sadly, most liberals do. But what sends jobs overseas is government coercion creating an unfair playing field by making the cost of doing business in the U.S. exponentially higher than it is to do business in another country.

Ad hominem...I win.
For the millionth time for the Conservative retards...
Off-shoring = Low Wages, Long Hours, Ability to abuse the workforce, no vacations and no pension.

You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

And just yet another example of liberal hypocrisy. When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal. What can they get the most for the least amount of money. But they think it's "unfair" for a business to do the same thing. Unbelievable. A very special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
What's your Annual Salary?
Enough. Why?
As an attorney in a court room would state, "You brought up the issue, now I can ask questions."
I bet you're a "sit on your ass, do nothing" White Collar MBA.
But we're not in a court room, you are not an attorney, and my salary is personal info that is none of your business. That being said - I do not have a master's degree. I've spent my life working in IT and I make enough money to take care of my family but not enough to own my own private jet. Again....why? What does my salary have to do with anything?
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.
So you acknowledge the despicable hypocrisy of liberals who all cry for socialism and then who hoard their wealth and drive in limousines while people starve? And you stand proudly with such disgusting hypocrites? Shame on you...
You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal.
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.

Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
I bet you're a "sit on your ass, do nothing" White Collar MBA.

By the way - nice job illustrating your bias and bigotry. Just because someone is "white collar" and has an "MBA" they sit on their ass all day and do nothing? I've seen some really horrible executives in my day. I've also seen some of the most hardest working, dedicated, relentless workers to be white collar people with master's degrees.

Leave it to a liberal to say something like "all blacks are stupid". Painting everyone with a broad brush like that is pure liberal ignorance.
You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal.
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.

Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
Post 622, jackbrain...the Limousine Liberals I know BRAG about overpaying.
They're jackasses in their own way just like Conservatives are jackasses in their own way.
Really, a Limousine Liberal buying on the cheap?! Nope!
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

May I make an exponentially better suggestion Indee? Why not try staying in your chair but simply missing one single episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians so that you can read the U.S. Constitution just once and see that it is illegal for the federal government to (and I quote) "subsidize the poor". That's not why we have government. And shame on you for pissing on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their life for this nation by being too lazy to even know that much.

Rottweiler, I would take advice from anyone who seemed to have an IQ above 0.
You have failed repeatedly to present as such.
You are an ignoramus of the lowest order.

Hey! I have an idea...Prove to me from the U.S. Constitution that it is illegal to subsidize the poor.
Gladly. The states delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers to the federal government. The federal government is specifically limited to those 18 powers and not one more. Both the U.S. Constitution itself and the writings of our founders were very clear about that. And guess what? Not one of those powers is "providing for the poor", "feeding the hungry", or anything that even remotely resembles something along those lines. Their powers are things like "coin money", "protect IP through a Patent Office", "Defense", etc.

Now, many a desperate liberal has come along over the years and intentionally tried to corrupt the Constitution by falsely proclaiming that the "general welfare" clause makes it ok for the federal government to engage in the social nonsense you desire. But once again, the writing of our founders was exceptionally clear on that. The "general welfare" clause applies to the 18 enumerated powers and nothing more.

"that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money." - Thomas Jefferson (June 16, 1817)

So, once again I humiliate you with facts while you resort to personal insults. I think it's safe to say that half of my IQ exponentially exceeds your entire IQ. Thanks for playing junior.
It's a shame Jefferson had not been a part of the constitutional convention, he may have been able to tighten up the language so as to leave no room for doubt. For as he acknowledged, and you carefully left out, the debate over the meaning was already raging during his lifetime and he was losing the debate.

"You will have learned that an act for internal improvement, after passing both Houses, was negatived by the President. The act was founded, avowedly, on the principle that the phrase in the constitution which authorizes Congress "to lay taxes, to pay the debts and provide for the general welfare," was an extension of the powers specifically enumerated to whatever would promote the general welfare; and this, you know, was the federal doctrine. Whereas, our tenet ever was, and, indeed, it is almost the only landmark which now divides the federalists from the republicans, " - Thomas Jefferson (June 16, 1817)
Alexander Hamilton, who was at the constitutional convention, was also clear on the meaning of the general welfare clause.

A Question has been made concerning the Constitutional right of the Government of the United States to apply this species of encouragement, but there is certainly no good foundation for such a question. The National Legislature has express authority "To lay and Collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the Common defence and general welfare" with no other qualifications than that "all duties, imposts and excises, shall beuniform throughout the United states, that no capitation or other direct tax shall be laid unless in proportion to numbers ascertained by a census or enumeration taken on the principles prescribed in the Constitution, and that "no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state." These three qualifications excepted, the power to raise money is plenary, and indefinite; and the objects to which it may be appropriated are no less comprehensive, than the payment of the public debts and the providing for the common defence and "general Welfare." - Alexander Hamilton (Dec. 5, 1791)
You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal.
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.

Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
Post 622, jackbrain...the Limousine Liberals I know BRAG about overpaying.
They're jackasses in their own way just like Conservatives are jackasses in their own way.
Really, a Limousine Liberal buying on the cheap?! Nope!
I've figured out why you're so angry all the time. Reading comprehension. You're obsessed with "cheap" because you don't understand what is written. You get a thought stuck in your head and your limited reading comprehension goes right off the tracks. Why don't you calm down, take a deep breath, and slowly read what is actually written? :dunno:
You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal.
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.

Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
Post 622, jackbrain...the Limousine Liberals I know BRAG about overpaying.
They're jackasses in their own way just like Conservatives are jackasses in their own way.
Really, a Limousine Liberal buying on the cheap?! Nope!
I've figured out why you're so angry all the time. Reading comprehension. You're obsessed with "cheap" because you don't understand what is written. You get a thought stuck in your head and your limited reading comprehension goes right off the tracks. Why don't you calm down, take a deep breath, and slowly read what is actually written? :dunno:
And I figured out why you love Globalism...You have an enormous pool of super cheap H1-Bs, don't cha?
You know what else it means? Jobs. Only a liberal would rather have a no-wage job than a low-wage job :eusa_doh:

When a liberal goes shopping to spend their money, they shop for the best deal.
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.

Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
Post 622, jackbrain...the Limousine Liberals I know BRAG about overpaying.
They're jackasses in their own way just like Conservatives are jackasses in their own way.
Really, a Limousine Liberal buying on the cheap?! Nope!
I've figured out why you're so angry all the time. Reading comprehension. You're obsessed with "cheap" because you don't understand what is written. You get a thought stuck in your head and your limited reading comprehension goes right off the tracks. Why don't you calm down, take a deep breath, and slowly read what is actually written? :dunno:
And I figured out why you love Globalism...You have an enormous pool of super cheap H1-Bs, don't cha?
I love "globalism"?!? That people on USMB that know me are going to be laughing really hard at that one...
You should leave your nursing home and visit Manhattan, the home of thousands of Limousine Liberals who buy ONLY THE BEST.

Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
Post 622, jackbrain...the Limousine Liberals I know BRAG about overpaying.
They're jackasses in their own way just like Conservatives are jackasses in their own way.
Really, a Limousine Liberal buying on the cheap?! Nope!
I've figured out why you're so angry all the time. Reading comprehension. You're obsessed with "cheap" because you don't understand what is written. You get a thought stuck in your head and your limited reading comprehension goes right off the tracks. Why don't you calm down, take a deep breath, and slowly read what is actually written? :dunno:
And I figured out why you love Globalism...You have an enormous pool of super cheap H1-Bs, don't cha?
I love "globalism"?!? That people on USMB that know me are going to be laughing really hard at that one...

If you're in IT you're barely holding on to a career and should WANT Trump.
If you're happy in IT and don't like Trump you're a Con tool.
Yeah - I said "the best deal". That doesn't mean the cheapest dumb-ass. Sometimes the best deal means spending the most money because you get the most quantity in return and/or the highest quality.
Post 622, jackbrain...the Limousine Liberals I know BRAG about overpaying.
They're jackasses in their own way just like Conservatives are jackasses in their own way.
Really, a Limousine Liberal buying on the cheap?! Nope!
I've figured out why you're so angry all the time. Reading comprehension. You're obsessed with "cheap" because you don't understand what is written. You get a thought stuck in your head and your limited reading comprehension goes right off the tracks. Why don't you calm down, take a deep breath, and slowly read what is actually written? :dunno:
And I figured out why you love Globalism...You have an enormous pool of super cheap H1-Bs, don't cha?
I love "globalism"?!? That people on USMB that know me are going to be laughing really hard at that one...

If you're in IT you're barely holding on to a career and should WANT Trump.
If you're happy in IT and don't like Trump you're a Con tool.
Poor boy. If only you had the slightest clue as to what was going on in the world - then maybe you wouldn't sound so childish.

Liberalism is sending jobs overseas at an alarming rate. You fear that, but you don't understand the cause of it, so you advocate for and support the very thing you fear.

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