Economics 101

In America, "98% receive Welfare, Food Stamps and Middle Class Subsidies for utilities"?

I know the numbers for Social spending have skyrocketed under Obama, but we're not at 98% yet.

And what middle class subsidies for utilities are you talking about?
Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.
You really should go to more meetings held by your representatives who explain why the poor require assistance.

Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

Yup. One of the few things middle class people get. I know you would rather take from them than give.

One of the few things middle class people get.

What programs give middle class people subsidized gas, electric, cell phones, rent and mortgages?
So, Independent's assessment of you is correct. You can not read. But he missed the fact that you are butt lazy and as always want others to explain things to you. My response, for what it is worth, would be to tell you to fuck off.

You can not read.

Show me where 98% of Americans get subsidized utilities.

I'll be happy to read your proof. Moron.
In America, "98% receive Welfare, Food Stamps and Middle Class Subsidies for utilities"?

I know the numbers for Social spending have skyrocketed under Obama, but we're not at 98% yet.

And what middle class subsidies for utilities are you talking about?
Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.
You really should go to more meetings held by your representatives who explain why the poor require assistance.

Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

You really are a sociopath.
And you can't read.

He is a proven con tool.
And, as a con tool, he has selective hearing. And, as for all con tools, he is then able to believe only what he chooses to believe. And he believes that the middle class are getting too much of the income of this nation, and the very wealthy are getting way to little.

And he believes that the middle class are getting too much of the income of this nation, and the very wealthy are getting way to little.

You need to wash your hands after pulling that out of your ass.

Not at all. I know that from your hundreds of posts. You are a con tool, and believe what you are told to believe.
Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.
You really should go to more meetings held by your representatives who explain why the poor require assistance.

Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

Yup. One of the few things middle class people get. I know you would rather take from them than give.

One of the few things middle class people get.

What programs give middle class people subsidized gas, electric, cell phones, rent and mortgages?
So, Independent's assessment of you is correct. You can not read. But he missed the fact that you are butt lazy and as always want others to explain things to you. My response, for what it is worth, would be to tell you to fuck off.

You can not read.

Show me where 98% of Americans get subsidized utilities.

I'll be happy to read your proof. Moron.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?
But that would mean you'd have to leave your nursing home and have somebody drive you to an area where there actually are poor people.
Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.
You really should go to more meetings held by your representatives who explain why the poor require assistance.

Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

Yup. One of the few things middle class people get. I know you would rather take from them than give.

One of the few things middle class people get.

What programs give middle class people subsidized gas, electric, cell phones, rent and mortgages?
So, Independent's assessment of you is correct. You can not read. But he missed the fact that you are butt lazy and as always want others to explain things to you. My response, for what it is worth, would be to tell you to fuck off.

You can not read.

Show me where 98% of Americans get subsidized utilities.

I'll be happy to read your proof.

So, is it that you are too lazy, or are you that incompetent. Took me short of 10 seconds to find the answer.


Now, you have it in front of you. Wonder if you can read it. I am sure you will have problems understanding it. You are what is technically called a Lazy Bastard.
Greece is not known for being an especially industrious nation.

But they are known for being a very liberal/socialist nation. And like all other nations, they completely collapsed under that failed ideology. It simply doesn't work. It never works. It never has and it never will. Sadly though, liberals would rather everyone be in poverty "equally" than accept that some people will have more than they do but all would prosper more under capitalism. Envy is an ugly thing.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

May I make an exponentially better suggestion Indee? Why not try staying in your chair but simply missing one single episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians so that you can read the U.S. Constitution just once and see that it is illegal for the federal government to (and I quote) "subsidize the poor". That's not why we have government. And shame on you for pissing on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their life for this nation by being too lazy to even know that much.
This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one.

Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101

Friedman's ideas have been largely discredited by experience. All of the countries which had Friedman's policies imposed on them by the IMF and the World Bank, have reputiated them, and reversed them.

Friedman's policies have resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased poverty, and the destruction of the social safety net. In South America, thousands of leftists were murdered to suppress opposition to these policies and the suffering they inflicted on the populations.

Friedman's ideas have been largely discredited by experience.

Which ones? Be specific.

Friedman's policies have resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased poverty, and the destruction of the social safety net.

Yeah, but enough about Venezuela.

In South America, thousands of leftists were murdered to suppress opposition to these policies

It's awful when Commie thugs are stopped.

You left out Chile, Argentina, Boliva and Brazil. Thousands were "disappeared" in Agentina. Additionally, Poland, after the fall of communism, Russia and South Africa. The Chicago School austerity program put in place in Greece, actually made the debt crisis worse.

Milton Friedman: a study in failure

You left out Chile, Argentina, Boliva and Brazil.

Yeah, Commies were a threat there too.

The Chicago School austerity program put in place in Greece,

What kind of drugs do you use to believe Greece ever followed the Chicago School?

Europe’s Greek lesson: Austerity has failed

A Greek Morality Tale
Here's a better lesson sweetie: everything fails with liberalism. That's what liberalism does. If you don't implement failed liberalism, you don't need "austerity". By the way sweetie - Greece never implemented real austerity. The people rioted and lost their minds and losing what the government promised them (promises that failed liberalism is never able to keep).

It's amazing that liberals are so profoundly stupid that can't learn from other nations. They see the failure world-wide that liberalism has created and their response is "but we just need more liberalism". Duh....ok. If a little liberalism creates failure. A lot of liberalism will make it worse.
What do you think would happen if the 98% no longer received Welfare, Food Stamps and Middle Class Subsidies for utilities?

Why would that ever happen? After all, the U.S. is just filled with these thoughtful, caring, selfless, bleeding-heart liberals like you and Dragon Lady. Certainly you will see to it (along with George Soros, Target, etc.) that nobody goes hungry or without proper healthcare - would you? You're not going to tell me now that you're too lazy to do everything you claim you want done, are you?
This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one.

Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101

Friedman's ideas have been largely discredited by experience. All of the countries which had Friedman's policies imposed on them by the IMF and the World Bank, have reputiated them, and reversed them.

Friedman's policies have resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased poverty, and the destruction of the social safety net. In South America, thousands of leftists were murdered to suppress opposition to these policies and the suffering they inflicted on the populations.
As usual, you just make stuff up. Not one thing you said is true - thus why you don't have a single link or fact to back up your nonsense.

Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

What are your credentials? Oh that's right - you don't have any. Game over. Unlike liberals, Milton didn't blindly subscribe to an ideology. He studied economics. He studied history. He learned from all of it, crunched the data, and indisputably proved that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology. Sorry if you can't handle the truth. Most liberals can't. It doesn't make it any less true.
This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one.

Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101

Friedman's ideas have been largely discredited by experience.

The only thing that has been "discredited" is the failed ideology which is liberalism...

As the Financial Times reported, IMF officials “confronted Germany over Greece’s unsustainable debt burden,”

That's what liberalism creates - unsustainable debt burdens. Only a greedy idiot believes that government can provide for the people. It can't.

Europe Rolls Over on Greek Debt (Again), With No Reforms

Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

Yup. One of the few things middle class people get. I know you would rather take from them than give.

One of the few things middle class people get.

What programs give middle class people subsidized gas, electric, cell phones, rent and mortgages?
So, Independent's assessment of you is correct. You can not read. But he missed the fact that you are butt lazy and as always want others to explain things to you. My response, for what it is worth, would be to tell you to fuck off.

You can not read.

Show me where 98% of Americans get subsidized utilities.

I'll be happy to read your proof. Moron.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?
But that would mean you'd have to leave your nursing home and have somebody drive you to an area where there actually are poor people.

Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

I'm more interested in your claim about 98% getting subsidies.

Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

Yup. One of the few things middle class people get. I know you would rather take from them than give.

One of the few things middle class people get.

What programs give middle class people subsidized gas, electric, cell phones, rent and mortgages?
So, Independent's assessment of you is correct. You can not read. But he missed the fact that you are butt lazy and as always want others to explain things to you. My response, for what it is worth, would be to tell you to fuck off.

You can not read.

Show me where 98% of Americans get subsidized utilities.

I'll be happy to read your proof.

So, is it that you are too lazy, or are you that incompetent. Took me short of 10 seconds to find the answer.


Now, you have it in front of you. Wonder if you can read it. I am sure you will have problems understanding it. You are what is technically called a Lazy Bastard.

Thanks, but that's not proof of his 98% claim.

You are what is technically called a Stupid Bastard.
The only thing that has been "discredited" is the failed ideology which is liberalism...

As the Financial Times reported, IMF officials “confronted Germany over Greece’s unsustainable debt burden,”

That's what liberalism creates - unsustainable debt burdens. Only a greedy idiot believes that government can provide for the people. It can't.

Europe Rolls Over on Greek Debt (Again), With No Reforms

Greece's debt was not due to liberalism, but rather graft, corruption, and poor management - something that George W. Bush knows a LOT about.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

May I make an exponentially better suggestion Indee? Why not try staying in your chair but simply missing one single episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians so that you can read the U.S. Constitution just once and see that it is illegal for the federal government to (and I quote) "subsidize the poor". That's not why we have government. And shame on you for pissing on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their life for this nation by being too lazy to even know that much.

Rottweiler, I would take advice from anyone who seemed to have an IQ above 0.
You have failed repeatedly to present as such.
You are an ignoramus of the lowest order.

Hey! I have an idea...Prove to me from the U.S. Constitution that it is illegal to subsidize the poor.
Gas, electric, cell phones, tax payer subsidized rent and mortgages.

The middle class gets all that?

Yup. One of the few things middle class people get. I know you would rather take from them than give.

One of the few things middle class people get.

What programs give middle class people subsidized gas, electric, cell phones, rent and mortgages?
So, Independent's assessment of you is correct. You can not read. But he missed the fact that you are butt lazy and as always want others to explain things to you. My response, for what it is worth, would be to tell you to fuck off.

You can not read.

Show me where 98% of Americans get subsidized utilities.

I'll be happy to read your proof.

So, is it that you are too lazy, or are you that incompetent. Took me short of 10 seconds to find the answer.


Now, you have it in front of you. Wonder if you can read it. I am sure you will have problems understanding it. You are what is technically called a Lazy Bastard.

Thanks, but that's not proof of his 98% claim.

You are what is technically called a Stupid Bastard.

And you are what is technically called a Neo-Conservative tool.
The only thing that has been "discredited" is the failed ideology which is liberalism...

As the Financial Times reported, IMF officials “confronted Germany over Greece’s unsustainable debt burden,”

That's what liberalism creates - unsustainable debt burdens. Only a greedy idiot believes that government can provide for the people. It can't.

Europe Rolls Over on Greek Debt (Again), With No Reforms

Greece's debt was not due to liberalism, but rather graft, corruption, and poor management - something that George W. Bush knows a LOT about.
Again....nothing to back it up. Just making stuff up as you go to cover for the failure of liberalism.

Incidentally - it's comical that you would mention "graft, corruption, and poor management". See - those are reasons alone for small, limited government. History is filled with the corruption by those in power. Absolutely filled. So as usual, the liberal ideology defeats itself.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

May I make an exponentially better suggestion Indee? Why not try staying in your chair but simply missing one single episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians so that you can read the U.S. Constitution just once and see that it is illegal for the federal government to (and I quote) "subsidize the poor". That's not why we have government. And shame on you for pissing on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their life for this nation by being too lazy to even know that much.

Rottweiler, I would take advice from anyone who seemed to have an IQ above 0.
You have failed repeatedly to present as such.
You are an ignoramus of the lowest order.

Hey! I have an idea...Prove to me from the U.S. Constitution that it is illegal to subsidize the poor.
Gladly. The states delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers to the federal government. The federal government is specifically limited to those 18 powers and not one more. Both the U.S. Constitution itself and the writings of our founders were very clear about that. And guess what? Not one of those powers is "providing for the poor", "feeding the hungry", or anything that even remotely resembles something along those lines. Their powers are things like "coin money", "protect IP through a Patent Office", "Defense", etc.

Now, many a desperate liberal has come along over the years and intentionally tried to corrupt the Constitution by falsely proclaiming that the "general welfare" clause makes it ok for the federal government to engage in the social nonsense you desire. But once again, the writing of our founders was exceptionally clear on that. The "general welfare" clause applies to the 18 enumerated powers and nothing more.

"that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money." - Thomas Jefferson (June 16, 1817)

So, once again I humiliate you with facts while you resort to personal insults. I think it's safe to say that half of my IQ exponentially exceeds your entire IQ. Thanks for playing junior.
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By the way junior - I not only gave you the exact name above (Thomas Jefferson) but also the exact date of the quote above. Gives you ample opportunity to do your own research and actually learn something for once.
Why not try getting off your chair and attending a Town Hall meeting where your local Representatives explain how they use Federal, State and Municipal Middle Class Tax Money to subsidize the poor?

May I make an exponentially better suggestion Indee? Why not try staying in your chair but simply missing one single episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians so that you can read the U.S. Constitution just once and see that it is illegal for the federal government to (and I quote) "subsidize the poor". That's not why we have government. And shame on you for pissing on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their life for this nation by being too lazy to even know that much.

Rottweiler, I would take advice from anyone who seemed to have an IQ above 0.
You have failed repeatedly to present as such.
You are an ignoramus of the lowest order.

Hey! I have an idea...Prove to me from the U.S. Constitution that it is illegal to subsidize the poor.
Gladly. The states delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers to the federal government. The federal government is specifically limited to those 18 powers and not one more. Both the U.S. Constitution itself and the writings of our founders were very clear about that. And guess what? Not one of those powers is "providing for the poor", "feeding the hungry", or anything that even remotely resembles something along those lines. Their powers are things like "coin money", "protect IP through a Patent Office", "Defense", etc.

Now, many a desperate liberal has come along over the years and intentionally tried to corrupt the Constitution by falsely proclaiming that the "general welfare" clause makes it ok for the federal government to engage in the social nonsense you desire. But once again, the writing of our founders was exceptionally clear on that. The "general welfare" clause applies to the 18 enumerated powers and nothing more.

"that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money." - Thomas Jefferson (June 16, 1817)

So, once again I humiliate you with facts while you resort to personal insults. I think it's safe to say that half of my IQ exponentially exceeds your entire IQ. Thanks for playing junior.

Guess what?
The General Welfare Clause, CONSISTENTLY ignored by Conservatives for the last 200 years, has been interpreted to keep Sociopathic Neo-Conservatives from being hung on trees.
YOUR personal interpretation doesn't obviate the FACT that our Federal, State and Municipal Tax Dollars ARE going to subsidize the poor via the General Welfare Clause.

Now try again without parroting the Heritage Foundation and WITHOUT ignoring the General Welfare Clause.
And no, I personally do NOT interpret the General Welfare Clause as meaning giving Welfare to the poor.
Unfortunately, I am NOT on The Supreme Court or a Member of Congress.
Of course, if I WERE a Member of Congress I would be stomping on the greedy asses of Globalists who are forcing my Representatives to tax me to keep the poor from hanging your pathetic ass out to dry.
Guess what?
The General Welfare Clause, CONSISTENTLY ignored by Conservatives for the last 200 years, has been interpreted to keep Sociopathic Neo-Conservatives from being hung on trees.

Uh....what? That's not even remotely coherent. What are you talking about? Who are you talking about?

YOUR personal interpretation doesn't obviate the FACT that our Federal, State and Municipal Tax Dollars ARE going to subsidize the poor via the General Welfare Clause.

My personal interpretation?!? What?!? The U.S. Constitution says exactly what it says - there is no "interpretation". On top of that, I provided you with Thomas Jefferson's own words (and he was the freaking architect of our entire structure of government). He not only personally penned the entire Declaration of Independence but his words, ideas, and legislation was used in the construct of the U.S. Constitution.

By the way chief, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that prevents states, counties, or municipalities from engaging in the social safety nets (though each state might or might not having something with regards to that in the individual state constitutions).

Now try again without parroting the Heritage Foundation and WITHOUT ignoring the General Welfare Clause.

You are one bizarre dude. Not only did I not "ignore" the General Welfare clause - I'm the one who brought it up and just taught you about it. And then I provided a quote from Thomas Jefferson himself proving unequivocally that the General Welfare clause applies to the 18 enumerated powers that the federal government is restricted to.

And no, I personally do NOT interpret the General Welfare Clause as meaning giving Welfare to the poor.
Unfortunately, I am NOT on The Supreme Court or a Member of Congress.
Of course, if I WERE a Member of Congress I would be stomping on the greedy asses of Globalists who are forcing my Representatives to tax me to keep the poor from hanging your pathetic ass out to dry.

Well that's bizarre. Your position is that you shouldn't pay taxes at all but I should be taxed until I am "hung out to dry"? And why would that be? What is my great crime that warrants me being "hung out to dry" and what is it that you've done that absolves you from paying your fair share?

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