Economics Ph.D in one lesson if you know difference....

Uncensored, cite what you use in research for what you post.

Jakematters, you should go on ignore, since you have yet to post anything relevant to any subject. But I enjoy poking your retarded ass with a stick, so I won't throw the iggy flag.
difference between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

Those aren't even real terms you're using. That stuff comes straight from ideological propaganda.

of course if it was merely propaganda and not true or scientific you would be able to attack it and the rationale for 100% of Republicans voting against the Obamacare and stimulus mal- investment.

Welcome to Econ 101, class one, day one, and the realization that as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand
If energy prices go up, then other prices must go down if there is no change in the money supply!!! Hence, increased energy prices can't cause inflation as you thought!! Sorry
It would make my head hurt too much to try to even respond to that.[/QUOTE]

as a liberal with a very low IQ, Econ 101, class one, day one, will make your head hurt!!

Do you want to be a liberal all your life??
Jakematters, you should go on ignore, since you have yet to post anything relevant to any subject. But I enjoy poking your retarded ass with a stick, so I won't throw the iggy flag.

yes Jake and Rdean are the most substance free liberals around here and thats saying a lot given how slow even the best liberals are!!

Big egos and absolutely no brains is a sad and dangerous liberal combination. They respect only their Nazi-like egos or feelings and have no regard for the truth whatsoever.
Welcome to Econ 101, class one, day one

Oh, are you an economics professor? Does that mean you have a Ph.D in economics? Well?

if you want to change the subject because you are a 100% illiterate liberal on economics why not start a thread on your subject??
between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

Ok, I'll collect that doctorate: Trick question, as you're using politically charged biased terms that mean little to nothing.

too stupid!!! mal investment is central to the Austrian theory and what caused Republicans to vote 100% against Obozocare and stimulus!!

Epistemological Problems, Inconvertible Capital, Malinvestment of
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Epistemological Problems of Economics ... The malinvestment of capital goods can have come about in several ways. .... to US banking? by Murray N. Rothbard · How do you sum up Menger's contribution to Austrian Economics? by Murray N.
between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

Those aren't even real terms you're using. That stuff comes straight from ideological propaganda.

You should find some gainful employment and spend less time on these boards, E.B.

whats propaganda in the Austrian school?? Do you mean its mistaken?

Of course as a liberal you have no idea do you.
Uncensored, as always, has nothing. We enjoy rattling him inside hs cage. :lol:

Come on, cite what you use in research. Oh, that's right: you don't know how.

Uncensored, cite what you use in research for what you post.

Jakematters, you should go on ignore, since you have yet to post anything relevant to any subject. But I enjoy poking your retarded ass with a stick, so I won't throw the iggy flag.
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whats propaganda in the Austrian school?? Do you mean its mistaken?

Of course as a liberal you have no idea do you.

Who do you look to as the preeminent voice of the Austrian school?

I'll let the question get answered by the poster it was directed to. But I will say, that as a long time reader and subscriber to this economic viewpoint, there isn't always concensus within the Austrian scholars. They too, can be at odds on a subject. There are, some underlining agreements on economics from Austrian scholars, however.
I'll let the question get answered by the poster it was directed to. But I will say, that as a long time reader and subscriber to this economic viewpoint, there isn't always concensus within the Austrian scholars. They too, can be at odds on a subject. There are, some underlining agreements on economics from Austrian scholars, however.

Very true.

Von Mises tends to dominate the discussion, but this is due to the prominence on the web of his followers. Rothbard is well represented at Lew Rockwell, and as you state, often there are conflicting ideas coming out of these two camps. The definition of "Praxeology" is at odds between Rothbard and Von Mises. My bias is toward Rothbard.
That argument has been made between Menger and Mises as well. The interpretations between the social science vs. the natural science. Mostly though, in my readings, it is mere semantics that create this argument. In principle they are the same. But it is argued that Mises was flawed in determining subjective theory of value.

I can not say I agree with that assessment. But it shows that there are conflicts within the school of thought.
That argument has been made between Menger and Mises as well. The interpretations between the social science vs. the natural science. Mostly though, in my readings, it is mere semantics that create this argument. In principle they are the same. But it is argued that Mises was flawed in determining subjective theory of value.

I can not say I agree with that assessment. But it shows that there are conflicts within the school of thought.

I absolutely agree that it's a matter of semantics. No school of thought is absolutist in economics. These are all Austrian economists who share an overarching view of markets and business cycle mechanisms.

I don't think that Von Mises advocated that value is subjective, but rather that it's ordinal, there is a hierarchy to desirability of goods and services. The conjunction of desirability and affordability drive the decision to consume. Ordinal utility was one of the major distinctions from classical school theory.
Of topic, but Uncensored, have you read Rothbard's four volume tome "Conceived in Liberty"?

it's one that I've been meaning to read for some time now and just picked it up as one full hardcover. Is my mind to be blown, should you by chance have read it?

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