Economics Ph.D in one lesson if you know difference....

between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

In Spring 2003, a survey of 1000 economists was conducted using a randomly generated membership list from the American Economics Association. The survey contained questions about 18 policy issues, voting behavior, and several background variables. The response was 264 (nonblank) surveys. The responses showthat most economists are supporters of safety regulations, gun control, redistribution, public schooling, and anti-discrimination laws. They are evenly mixed on personal choice issues, military action, and the minimum wage. Most economists oppose tighter immigration controls, government ownership of enterprise and tariffs. In voting, the Democratic:Republican ratio is 2.5:1.
I'm aware of at least two posters on this board who have bona fide PhD's in economics. There are another five or six of us who have graduate degrees in economics and teach or have taught economics at four year colleges or universities. Most of us don't bother to post much on economics because we don't want to spoil the fun you guys seem to be having rediculing each other about things you do not understand. It's really hard to take a thread seriously when everyone seems to have the attitude shown on this thread in previous posts.

If there is any desire by anyone to have a serious discussion on economic policy or economic analysis, you have a choice of either self-policing and cleaning up the "Economics" forum or trying the Clean Debate Zone forum which at least starts out more civilly before idiocy sets in.

BTW, I have a serious question: I see frequently posted the claim that Obama has not proposed a budget in X years. I actually read the budget summary and the CBO scoring most every year for the last 40 years or so. Where is this insipid talking point coming from? Is anyone on this board sufficiently brain damaged to actually believe it?
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I'm aware of at least two posters on this board who have bona fide PhD's in economics. There are another five or six of us who have graduate degrees in economics and teach or have taught economics at four year colleges or universities. Most of us don't bother to post much on economics becausewe don't want to spoil the fun you guys seem to be having rediculing each other about things you do not understand. It's really hard to take a thread seriously when everyone seems to have the attitude shown on this thread in previous posts.

If there is any desire by anyone to have a serious discussion on economic policy or economic analysis, you have a choice of either self-policing and cleaning up the "Economics" forum or trying the Clean Debate Zone forum which at least starts out more civilly before idiocy sets in.

BTW, I have a serious question: I see frequently posted the claim that Obama has not proposed a budget in X years. I actually read the budget summary and the CBO scoring most every year for the last 40 years or so. Where is this insipid talking point coming from? Is anyone on this board sufficiently brain damaged to actually believe it?
I think thanking posters is a bit overused, and in general childish, at least in the way it is used. But your post is spot on. Much of the posting in this economic post belongs in the crazy section, if there is one. But, the tea party groups push posters to this blog, as they do not generally have open forums themselves. The net is a very crazy set of posts on any subject, having nothing at all to do with truth, or facts, or evidence, but lots to do with agenda.
No, in fucking yourself. Poo Poo has multiple degrees in that.

It is a fact that a liberal will think a personal attack is a meaningful response when she lacks the IQ for substance.

Liberalism is based on ignorance; this is why the Constitution intended to make it illegal.
here you go, cabagehead.

U of Arkansas study Study “Proves” Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

Watching Fox makes you stupid

no doubt Jefferson and Friedman were dumb for concluding that big liberal government had been the source of evil on earth and that freedom from it would be the desired goal.

Liberalism is based on ignorance; this is why the Constitution intended to make it illegal.

yes please notice that not one liberal has the IQ to attack the concept of mal-investment even though it is why 100% of Republicans voted against the Democrat mal-investment stimulus.

The liberals support mal-investment out of the same feeling that made them support Hitler Stalin Mao Pol Pot and Castro. They really feel no need to think. They are animals who feel, not humans who think.

Amazing but true!!
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between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

I just earned a Ph.D. July before last.

One lesson?

Go fuck yourself.

lots of educated liberals but not one who knows what liberal mal- investment is!!! why is it that conservatives can always debate on substance but liberals never can????
I'm aware of at least two posters on this board who have bona fide PhD's in economics. There are another five or six of us who have graduate degrees in economics and teach or have taught economics at four year colleges or universities.

and not one who can attack the heart of Austrian economics, i.e., mal-investment!!

Thats must tell you something about the IQ and character of liberals!!
So, do you have a Ph.D in Economics?

more importantly, do you understand the Austrian concept of mal-investment that caused 100% of Republicans to vote against Obamacare and stimulus??

Liberals don't understand which is perfect testimony to the ignorance on which liberalism is based.
between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

if you don't mind, i think i'll stick to learning economics from people who actually know something about the area.

A typical low IQ liberal with no substance whatsoever to offer and yet the self-assurance of a bigoted Nazi true believer.

Does you mother know how strongly you hold your liberal positions despite absolutely no education??
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So? Do you or don't you have a Ph.D in Economics? It's a simple question.
You clearly have a minimal understanding of economics.

between tax and spend mal-investment or mal-stimulus and real private sector investment!

if you don't mind, i think i'll stick to learning economics from people who actually know something about the area.

A typical low IQ liberal with no substance whatsoever to offer and yet the self-assurance of a bigoted Nazi true believer.

Does you mother know how strongly you hold your liberal positions despite absolutely no education??

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