Economy Added 31,000 Manufacturing Jobs in Feb, Biggest Increase in Over 10 Years!


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Awesome! We're gonna need them for the Trade Wars, I hear.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can't be....the libs keep saying all manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation.....another lib lie
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Awesome! We're gonna need them for the Trade Wars, I hear.

You heard wrong. History has shown over and over again that high tariffs lead to a net gain in jobs and economic growth. And, we've been in a "trade war" for decades but are just now starting to fight back in a meaningful way.

Do the libs on this board not realize that numerous Democrats have voiced support for higher tariffs to protect our industries and jobs?

It's just sad that the only thing you can say about great economic news is to revert to a spin about trade. Would you rather we return to the pitiful growth in manufacturing jobs that we saw under Obama? Is that what you want?
Now, you'd think that liberals, who claim to be the champions of the middle class, would be thrilled with the sudden huge upswing in manufacturing jobs, especially given the fact that we haven't seen such growth in over 10 years, and given the fact that manufacturing jobs are good-paying jobs with benefits. Oh, but there's a problem: Liberals are loathe to admit that good things happen when we let people and companies keep more of their own money, when we reduce the regulatory burden on our businesses, and when we use smart tax policy to entice half a trillion dollars and counting in corporate money parked overseas to come back to the U.S.

No! No! It can't be! It can't be that when taxpayers get to keep more of their own money, they have more money to spend! No! It can't be that lowering the corporate repatriation tax rate by nearly half entices American companies to bring back money that they've been parking overseas for years! No! No! It just can't be!
Liberals will squeal like a stuck pig, Trump keeps winning and proving the left are big fat liars.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

Not according to the Department of Labor.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It's called winning.

And sore butthurt losers have been tired since the dawn of it.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can't be....the libs keep saying all manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation.....another lib lie
No one except you has ever said that. You are the liar.
And if you have to lie to prove some point, then the only point is that tip on the top of your tiny head.
Amid the optimistic reactions, however, a persistent lack of employment among large numbers of working-age men continues to haunt the economy.

Although large economic differences across regions have always been a characteristic of the United States, that gap appears to be widening. The Harvard University economists Benjamin Austin, Edward Glaeser and Lawrence H. Summers argue that the disparities are sharp among three regions: the prosperous coasts; the Western heartland, with its natural resources and higher education levels; and the Eastern heartland, which extends roughly from Mississippi to Michigan.

That area is suffering from a glut of social and economic ills, including joblessness, disability, opioid-related deaths and rising mortality, they said.

“The income and employment gaps between three regions are not converging, but instead seem to be hardening,” they write in a paperpublished in the latest edition of the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. “America appears to be evolving into durable islands of wealth and poverty.”

U.S. Added 313,000 Jobs in February. Here’s What That Means.

Coastal areas. That would be liberals in Blue States.

Eastern heartland, which extends roughly from Mississippi to Michigan.

That area is suffering from a glut of social and economic ills, including joblessness, disability, opioid-related deaths and rising mortality

That would be where most Republicans live.

Sad. It's what happens when you think education is bad for America.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

Not according to the Department of Labor.
Department of Labor reports to Trump

Fake News
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Fat Donnie is passing off burger flipper jobs as manufacturing
I made several MADE IN USA purchases this week from companies in WI and GA. Good old fashioned steel, cut, welded and powder coated by Americans. About $1,000 total.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Fat Donnie is passing off burger flipper jobs as manufacturing

Yes, you made that claim. I asked you to support it.

To support it, you made the claim again, and added in some Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

I will take that as your implicit admission that you were just spewing shit out of your mouth, like normal.

So, 31,000 manufacturing jobs added and you feel that you have to lie to try to hide the truth from people.

What does that say about you as a person, and about "you" as a representative of liberals and/or liberalism?

If you don't give that a go, I will.

YOu have one chance to answer, try not to fuck around.
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Fat Donnie is passing off burger flipper jobs as manufacturing

Yes, you made that claim. I asked you to support it.

To support it, you made the claim again, and added in some Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

I will take that as your implicit admission that you were just spewing shit out of your mouth, like normal.

So, 31,000 manufacturing jobs added and you feel that you have to lie to try to hide the truth from people.

What does that say about you as a person, and about "you" as a representative of liberals and/or liberalism?

If you don't give that a go, I will.

YOu have one chance to answer, try not to fuck around.
Making America Great........You want fries with that?
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Fat Donnie is passing off burger flipper jobs as manufacturing

Yes, you made that claim. I asked you to support it.

To support it, you made the claim again, and added in some Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

I will take that as your implicit admission that you were just spewing shit out of your mouth, like normal.

So, 31,000 manufacturing jobs added and you feel that you have to lie to try to hide the truth from people.

What does that say about you as a person, and about "you" as a representative of liberals and/or liberalism?

If you don't give that a go, I will.

YOu have one chance to answer, try not to fuck around.
Making America Great........You want fries with that?

You had your chance.

Question, what type of person feels a need to muddle the Truth, when that truth is that new trade and economic policies are benefiting the American workers and their families?

Answer, someone to whom that the well being of their fellow citizens is not their primary goal, and indeed, can be a problem for them.
Fake news

They were burger flipping jobs passed off as “manufacturing”
Look! I manufactured a burger

That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Fat Donnie is passing off burger flipper jobs as manufacturing

Yes, you made that claim. I asked you to support it.

To support it, you made the claim again, and added in some Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

I will take that as your implicit admission that you were just spewing shit out of your mouth, like normal.

So, 31,000 manufacturing jobs added and you feel that you have to lie to try to hide the truth from people.

What does that say about you as a person, and about "you" as a representative of liberals and/or liberalism?

If you don't give that a go, I will.

YOu have one chance to answer, try not to fuck around.
Making America Great........You want fries with that?

You had your chance.

Question, what type of person feels a need to muddle the Truth, when that truth is that new trade and economic policies are benefiting the American workers and their families?

Answer, someone to whom that the well being of their fellow citizens is not their primary goal, and indeed, can be a problem for them.
Burger flipping jobs

Why should I be expected to provide proof when Crooked Donnie gave no proof when he made the same claims against Obama’s economic numbers?????

Question, what type of person feels a need to muddle the Truth, when that truth is that new trade and economic policies are benefiting the American workers and their families?

Why did Crooked Donnie muddle the truth ???
That's the type of game a lefty would play.

Would you like to support your claim that that is the game Trump is playing or are you just going to move on to your next drive by smear?

That's a rhetorical question btw, I know how you roll.
Fat Donnie is passing off burger flipper jobs as manufacturing

Yes, you made that claim. I asked you to support it.

To support it, you made the claim again, and added in some Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

I will take that as your implicit admission that you were just spewing shit out of your mouth, like normal.

So, 31,000 manufacturing jobs added and you feel that you have to lie to try to hide the truth from people.

What does that say about you as a person, and about "you" as a representative of liberals and/or liberalism?

If you don't give that a go, I will.

YOu have one chance to answer, try not to fuck around.
Making America Great........You want fries with that?

You had your chance.

Question, what type of person feels a need to muddle the Truth, when that truth is that new trade and economic policies are benefiting the American workers and their families?

Answer, someone to whom that the well being of their fellow citizens is not their primary goal, and indeed, can be a problem for them.
Burger flipping jobs

Why should I be expected to provide proof when Crooked Donnie gave no proof when he made the same claims against Obama’s economic numbers?????

Question, what type of person feels a need to muddle the Truth, when that truth is that new trade and economic policies are benefiting the American workers and their families?

Why did Crooked Donnie muddle the truth ???

Donald Trump is a self aggrandizing blow hard.

Who's economic policies are starting to deliver, very nicely for your fellow Americans.

Which is a problem for you that you posted on this thread to muddle.

Consider the fact, RW, that your liberal agenda is NOT about the well being of American citizens.

What does that say about you as a person?

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