Economy Added 31,000 Manufacturing Jobs in Feb, Biggest Increase in Over 10 Years!

Burger flipping.

I've already shown you that burger-flipping is not categorized as a manufacturing job by BLS. I've already linked the BLS breakdown for you. Yet you keep peddling this silly lie.

Folks, FYI, some Democrats peddled an almost identical line about the millions of jobs created under Reagan. If you go back and watch Dem ads leading up to the 1984 election, it's like they were living on another planet. Apparently they not only hoped that people would ignore the reality around them but that they would forget about the double-digit unemployment, double-digit inflation, and double-digit interest rates under Jimmy Carter.

BLS works for Trump
They lie on command
/----/ Ahhh poor rightwinger
The working poor have been struggling for decades. They are finally getting some help and you are fighting it.

Yes, this is one of the worst, oddest cases of refusing to accept good news and refusing to take yes for an answer in world history. But, the Dems did the same thing during the Reagan recovery (and paid dearly for it in the 1984 presidential election).

It's a different country today. With an even viler media.

Sooner or later, if nothing else changes, this type of shit will start working for them.
Burger flipping.

I've already shown you that burger-flipping is not categorized as a manufacturing job by BLS. I've already linked the BLS breakdown for you. Yet you keep peddling this silly lie.

Folks, FYI, some Democrats peddled an almost identical line about the millions of jobs created under Reagan. If you go back and watch Dem ads leading up to the 1984 election, it's like they were living on another planet. Apparently they not only hoped that people would ignore the reality around them but that they would forget about the double-digit unemployment, double-digit inflation, and double-digit interest rates under Jimmy Carter.

BLS works for Trump
They lie on command

Like the FBI does? LOL!!

Why are you fighting against more and better jobs?
He fires them if they don’t do what they are told
Burger flipping.

I've already shown you that burger-flipping is not categorized as a manufacturing job by BLS. I've already linked the BLS breakdown for you. Yet you keep peddling this silly lie.

Folks, FYI, some Democrats peddled an almost identical line about the millions of jobs created under Reagan. If you go back and watch Dem ads leading up to the 1984 election, it's like they were living on another planet. Apparently they not only hoped that people would ignore the reality around them but that they would forget about the double-digit unemployment, double-digit inflation, and double-digit interest rates under Jimmy Carter.

BLS works for Trump
They lie on command
/----/ Ahhh poor rightwinger
View attachment 181845
The working poor have been struggling for decades. They are finally getting some help and you are fighting it.

Yes, this is one of the worst, oddest cases of refusing to accept good news and refusing to take yes for an answer in world history. The Dems did the same thing during the Reagan recovery (and paid dearly for it in the 1984 presidential election). For that matter, they did the same thing, though to a lesser degree, during Eisenhower's first term (Ike won reelection by a landslide).
Why does the Trump economy deserve any more acknowledgment or respect than he was willing to give to the previous president?
Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February, the biggest increase in over 10 years. Additionally, the economy added 313,000 total jobs in February, which also greatly exceeded expectations. Experts had predicted that about 200,000 news jobs would be created in February.

Could it be that the influx of over $500 billion in repatriated corporate dollars back to America, the massive tax cuts to the middle class, the large reduction in regulations, and the lowering of the corporate tax rate down to the level common in Asia and Europe are helping to boost economic growth?

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

BLOCKBUSTER: February Jobs Report 'Crushes' Expectations, as GOP Policies Boost Economy

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Awesome! We're gonna need them for the Trade Wars, I hear.

You heard wrong. History has shown over and over again that high tariffs lead to a net gain in jobs and economic growth. And, we've been in a "trade war" for decades but are just now starting to fight back in a meaningful way.

Do the libs on this board not realize that numerous Democrats have voiced support for higher tariffs to protect our industries and jobs?

It's just sad that the only thing you can say about great economic news is to revert to a spin about trade. Would you rather we return to the pitiful growth in manufacturing jobs that we saw under Obama? Is that what you want?
I know nothing about economics, so I listen to what EVERYONE is saying and writing, and I have not heard a soul say that "history has shown over and over again that high tariffs lead to a net gain in jobs and economic growth."
Not a single one. Not even Wilbur Ross has gone that far. It strengthens the industry, such as steel, which is competing with foreign imports, but as a whole, it has not in history shown itself to be helpful to the economy as a whole. As recently as 2002, it was tried and was a total bust.
If Trump can do it differently than everyone else, good for him. I like the idea of a strong economy.

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