Ecuador tells the Obama to Piss Off

Ecuador is a thorn in D.C.'s side. They're defiant and I love that about them. However, they're a bit too far to the left for my taste and it's tropical. I can't stand heat.

They're surely corrupt. What country isn't? There are very few that pass my test. Ecuador gets a D plus at best .
Nobody respects the President of USA any more.

The world doesn't like weaklings who are only good at grandiose speech, lies and cover ups

That's the long and short of it.
Nobody respects the President of USA any more.

The world doesn't like weaklings who are only good at grandiose speech, lies and cover ups

That's the long and short of it.

Sad but true. This world is governed by the use of force. The world is looking at us like a paper tiger. Whether thats true or not who knows. But it's not good for whats about to happen.
They didn't use those exact words, but they essentially sent the Obama administration a big "Fuck you."

We have all heard the rumors about Snowden possibly seeking asylum in Ecuador, and I imagine many of us have read or heard what State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said. If not here it is:

What would not be a good thing is them granting Mr. Snowden asylum. That would cause there to be great difficulties in our bilateral relationship. If they take that step, that would have very negative repercussions.

Of course, by this one could come to the conclusion that to grant Snowden asylum would result in the loss of $30 million a year in drug interdiction assistance as well as tariff benefits the U.S. grants Ecuador every year.

Well, not interested in being blackmailed, Ecuador announced today that they "unilaterally and irrevocably renounce" $23 million a year in lowered tariffs" they get from the U.S.

Ecuador heats rhetoric as Obama downplays Snowden

Well played Ecuador, well played...

Wow! You seem to be cheering on a country who may give refuge to an person who most likely committed espionage against Our country. That's pretty sad, I hope you feel good about yourself. I bet it's solely because you have a "pwoblem with obwomwa!". :lol:
Nobody respects the President of USA any more.

The world doesn't like weaklings who are only good at grandiose speech, lies and cover ups

That's the long and short of it.

Sad but true. This world is governed by the use of force. The world is looking at us like a paper tiger. Whether thats true or not who knows. But it's not good for whats about to happen.

And who has the monopoly on force?
Ecuador pokes obama in the eye then Senegal bitch slaps him over gay rights. I just love seeing this insufferable pretender get what's coming to him.
They didn't use those exact words, but they essentially sent the Obama administration a big "Fuck you."

We have all heard the rumors about Snowden possibly seeking asylum in Ecuador, and I imagine many of us have read or heard what State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said. If not here it is:

What would not be a good thing is them granting Mr. Snowden asylum. That would cause there to be great difficulties in our bilateral relationship. If they take that step, that would have very negative repercussions.

Of course, by this one could come to the conclusion that to grant Snowden asylum would result in the loss of $30 million a year in drug interdiction assistance as well as tariff benefits the U.S. grants Ecuador every year.

Well, not interested in being blackmailed, Ecuador announced today that they "unilaterally and irrevocably renounce" $23 million a year in lowered tariffs" they get from the U.S.

Ecuador heats rhetoric as Obama downplays Snowden

Well played Ecuador, well played...

Wow! You seem to be cheering on a country who may give refuge to an person who most likely committed espionage against Our country. That's pretty sad, I hope you feel good about yourself. I bet it's solely because you have a "pwoblem with obwomwa!". :lol:

Really? I find my OP to be rather neutral. I state the facts, provide a link, and end it with a simple "Well played."

This ending statement could be interpreted in different ways...

Sarcasm as in, not smart cutting off your nose to spite your face...

Support for Ecuador, way to stick to the blackmailing U.S. government...

A slap at Obama, way to stick to our President...

I'm sure there are other ways to interpret what I typed, but those come to mind immediately...

Funny how shit like what Snowden pulled is treason when your guy is in office but whistleblowing when the office is occupied by someone with whom you disagree politically... And by using the word "you" I do not necessarily mean you specifically...

As far as I can remember, I have for the most part stayed away from expressing any opinion on Snowden's actions, but if you must know, I'll tell you...

My opinion is mixed. On the one hand I appreciate what he did and where he was coming from, I understand his motivation for what he did. On the other hand, if what he did is not treason, it's damn close... It would have been nice if this shit had come out while it was going on during the last administration, because let's be honest, we all know it was happening then as well as now...

As for Ecuador and the possibility of their granting Snowden asylum, that's up to them. I feel neither good nor bad. But I will say this, I find it somewhat reprehensible that my government would resort to blackmail to get what it wants. There are better ways to deal with this situation. Furthermore, I find it amusing that a country as small and as poor as Ecuador would come out and boldly thumb it's nose at the United States. Why do you think they would feel comfortable doing that? Standing up to what is, or once was, the most powerful country in the world?

And finally, just to ease your mind, I have no problem with our President. I do not agree with some of his policies, but there have been some I liked. Kind of like the Presidents who came before him.

Now run along, pumpkin, the grown ups want to talk...
I can dig deeper and find more...amazingly seal team 6 ya know the ones that supposedly took out Bin Laden all are dead now...most in a helicopter crash....amazing stuff...must just be coincidence.
Now there are no witnesses that the whole bin Laden story was pure bunkum.

They didn't use those exact words, but they essentially sent the Obama administration a big "Fuck you."

We have all heard the rumors about Snowden possibly seeking asylum in Ecuador, and I imagine many of us have read or heard what State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said. If not here it is:

Of course, by this one could come to the conclusion that to grant Snowden asylum would result in the loss of $30 million a year in drug interdiction assistance as well as tariff benefits the U.S. grants Ecuador every year.

Well, not interested in being blackmailed, Ecuador announced today that they "unilaterally and irrevocably renounce" $23 million a year in lowered tariffs" they get from the U.S.

Ecuador heats rhetoric as Obama downplays Snowden

Well played Ecuador, well played...

Wow! You seem to be cheering on a country who may give refuge to an person who most likely committed espionage against Our country. That's pretty sad, I hope you feel good about yourself. I bet it's solely because you have a "pwoblem with obwomwa!". :lol:

Really? I find my OP to be rather neutral. I state the facts, provide a link, and end it with a simple "Well played."

This ending statement could be interpreted in different ways...

Sarcasm as in, not smart cutting off your nose to spite your face...

Support for Ecuador, way to stick to the blackmailing U.S. government...

A slap at Obama, way to stick to our President...

I'm sure there are other ways to interpret what I typed, but those come to mind immediately...

Funny how shit like what Snowden pulled is treason when your guy is in office but whistleblowing when the office is occupied by someone with whom you disagree politically... And by using the word "you" I do not necessarily mean you specifically...

As far as I can remember, I have for the most part stayed away from expressing any opinion on Snowden's actions, but if you must know, I'll tell you...

My opinion is mixed. On the one hand I appreciate what he did and where he was coming from, I understand his motivation for what he did. On the other hand, if what he did is not treason, it's damn close... It would have been nice if this shit had come out while it was going on during the last administration, because let's be honest, we all know it was happening then as well as now...

As for Ecuador and the possibility of their granting Snowden asylum, that's up to them. I feel neither good nor bad. But I will say this, I find it somewhat reprehensible that my government would resort to blackmail to get what it wants. There are better ways to deal with this situation. Furthermore, I find it amusing that a country as small and as poor as Ecuador would come out and boldly thumb it's nose at the United States. Why do you think they would feel comfortable doing that? Standing up to what is, or once was, the most powerful country in the world?

And finally, just to ease your mind, I have no problem with our President. I do not agree with some of his policies, but there have been some I liked. Kind of like the Presidents who came before him.

Now run along, pumpkin, the grown ups want to talk...

Thanks for explaining your stance in more detail. Whistle blowing is "whistle blowing" but when that person takes those secrets and information to other countries, in my opinion is at best espionage.
If Ecuador doesn't want to cooperate with us, I see no problem in stopping any funds going to them as well as I think favorable tariffs. I don't see that as 'blackmail'.
By the way, I know that you said that the "you" wasn't me specifically. I will just point out that I don't care what party or even ideology is in 'power', if I agree or disagree with an issue, i remain consistent regardless of 'party'.
So, Ecuador implies that it will shelter Snowden, a traitor to his country, and the wingnut brigade cheers. How patriotic of you.
I can dig deeper and find more...amazingly seal team 6 ya know the ones that supposedly took out Bin Laden all are dead now...most in a helicopter crash....amazing stuff...must just be coincidence.

Sure you can, sparky, sure you can. Dig away, chief. :lmao:
We should just blow them up.
Yeah, then everyone in the world will respect the USA !! · ·

After all, it worked for Hitler, didn't it? · ·


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The world doesn't like weaklings who are only good at grandiose speech, lies and cover ups

That's the long and short of it.
So that's the reason the world doesn't like Americans any more !

Now we know.

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