Ed Snowden! THANK YOU for Blowing the Whistle on This Corrupt Administration

Funny how policies started under our last president and repeatedly OK'ed by Congress are now all about our current president. You think maybe losing caused the critics to lose their reasoning faculities. Seems so. Interesting piece below and see here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/law-and-justice-system/298601-nsa-timeline-and-background.html

"Top Ten Ways US TV News are Screwing us Again on NSA Surveillance Story (Iraq Redux)"

"...Ignore past government misuse of classified information. Television news has studiedly avoided referring to Dick Cheney’s outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA field officer (and therefore outing of all the CIA field officers who used the same dummy corporation as she did as a cover,as well as all local informants known to be connected to that dummy corporation). Television anchors seem to think that the government is always trying to ‘protect’ us and is on the side of the angels, and sidestep the question of whether secret information can be used for private or shady policy purposes. Plame, by the way, is warning about the intelligence-industrial complex."

Top Ten Ways US TV News are Screwing us Again on NSA Surveillance Story (Iraq Redux) | Informed Comment

Funny how policies started under our last president and repeatedly OK'ed by Congress are now all about our current president.

Well, that's because he's our current president. Even if we could drag Bush and Cheney back in for a line up and finger them as the culprits, there's little they could do to repair the damage they caused. Obama could. Arguably, he was elected with the mandate to do just that.

Why hasn't he?

Why ISn't he?
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Yanno.....................this was something started under a Republican majority Congress (in both the House and the Senate) and was signed into law under a Republican president (Jr.).

Obama kept it going because apparently it looked like it worked.

However................................I don't really think Snowden is looking to expose things as much as he's looking for his 15 min. of fame.

I mean...................why else go to China and then take off for Russia with a pit stop?

Snowden isn't really interested anymore in exposing things, he's interested in his own personal fame and looking to make a buck.

Kinda like what Julian Assange did with Wikileaks and his whole mess of trying to keep himself relevant.
Yanno.....................this was something started under a Republican majority Congress (in both the House and the Senate) and was signed into law under a Republican president (Jr.).

Obama kept it going because apparently it looked like it worked.

However................................I don't really think Snowden is looking to expose things as much as he's looking for his 15 min. of fame.

I mean...................why else go to China and then take off for Russia with a pit stop?

Snowden isn't really interested anymore in exposing things, he's interested in his own personal fame and looking to make a buck.

Kinda like what Julian Assange did with Wikileaks and his whole mess of trying to keep himself relevant.

Snowden is a distraction at this point. What matters is what he exposed.

For years, ever since Obama was elected, Democrats have been telling themselves (and the rest of us) that they'd really like to get rid of the secret police state apparatus set up by the Bush administration, but the mean old Republicans won't let them. Now, with Snowden's revelations, that bromide is all dried up.
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In reality if exposing the NSA's secrets makes the current administration corrupt isn't that an indictment against the former administration as well? When it was first exposed in 2006, weren't they doing it without any Congressional oversight?

Snowden deserves no thanks in aiding our foreign adversaries(but they all probably knew what the NSA was up to), but I don't believe he is a traitor either.
In reality if exposing the NSA's secrets makes the current administration corrupt isn't that an indictment against the former administration as well? When it was first exposed in 2006, weren't they doing it without any Congressional oversight?

Snowden deserves no thanks in aiding our foreign adversaries(but they all probably knew what the NSA was up to), but I don't believe he is a traitor either.

No. Bush's NSA wasn't intercepting phone calls and emails on every American like these stalinist bastards are. Bush's NSA was about hunting terrorists. This one is hunting information they are sending to the DNC for political tricks and blackmail.
That's because his security clearance is valuable and technical skills with ability to travel pay well. He had a GED, and no college degree.

Yeah, like corporations have to beg people to live in Hawaii.....

It's not as good as you think. It's expensive, tough to get away, gets boring quickly, and outsiders typically aren't treated that well by the locals. It's a beautiful place to visit, but I'd never want to live there.

Here are one Army wife's thoughts:

Hawaii...One Army Wife's Thoughts on Why She Hates Living Here! - Army Wife 101

I read the link...and she is so RIGHT ON! I was an Air Force wife back in the 70's and lived at Hickam AFB, which isn't too far from the Army base she talked about. Everything she said is true. I only got off that island once in 1 1/2 yrs I lived there, and that was just to go for a weekend in Kauai. I'd love to visit it again now, but i never cared for living there......
In reality if exposing the NSA's secrets makes the current administration corrupt isn't that an indictment against the former administration as well? When it was first exposed in 2006, weren't they doing it without any Congressional oversight?

Snowden deserves no thanks in aiding our foreign adversaries(but they all probably knew what the NSA was up to), but I don't believe he is a traitor either.

No. Bush's NSA wasn't intercepting phone calls and emails on every American like these stalinist bastards are. Bush's NSA was about hunting terrorists. This one is hunting information they are sending to the DNC for political tricks and blackmail.

If you say so.

U.S. Senators: NSA Cellphone Spying*Has Gone On 'For Years' - Forbes

Take A Break From The Snowden Drama For A Reminder Of What He's Revealed So Far - Forbes
So you have nothing. Just as I thought.

No. I have nothing for you. And no, you didn't "think". Otherwise you wouldn't be asking me for all the answers. Go do your own research.


I did, and I provided links. You disagreed but didn't provide any information to refute what I said. Snowden has a GED, no college degree, and was a low-level systems administrator.

He was simply hired by our govt as a hacker. They don't care what kind of education you have, as long as you're good at what they want you to do, they'll pay good money for it.

Snowden probably at first thought when he took the job he would be hacking into other countries, or only people that are high risk of being terrorists......he probably had no idea that his government would be asking him to hack into the lives of the US citizens! I could be wrong, but if that's the case, then I understand why he did what he did.
Funny how policies started under our last president and repeatedly OK'ed by Congress are now all about our current president. You think maybe losing caused the critics to lose their reasoning faculities. Seems so. Interesting piece below and see here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/law-and-justice-system/298601-nsa-timeline-and-background.html

"Top Ten Ways US TV News are Screwing us Again on NSA Surveillance Story (Iraq Redux)"

"...Ignore past government misuse of classified information. Television news has studiedly avoided referring to Dick Cheney’s outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA field officer (and therefore outing of all the CIA field officers who used the same dummy corporation as she did as a cover,as well as all local informants known to be connected to that dummy corporation). Television anchors seem to think that the government is always trying to ‘protect’ us and is on the side of the angels, and sidestep the question of whether secret information can be used for private or shady policy purposes. Plame, by the way, is warning about the intelligence-industrial complex."

Top Ten Ways US TV News are Screwing us Again on NSA Surveillance Story (Iraq Redux) | Informed Comment


DICK CHENEY outed Valerie Plame! Where did that come from?????

Joe Wilson, Plame's husband first outed her in his book "What I Didn't Find in Africa". Richard Armitage, spoke about it, and it was reported by Robert Novak. The only person to be convicted of anything was Scooter Libby and that wasn't even for outing Plame, but obstructing justice in the investigation. Dick Cheney was never involved at all.
Hopefully, Obama will be impeached soon due to your patriotism.... :clap2:

Snowden whereabouts unknown as Russia resists U.S. pressure | Reuters

Ha! The Feds have been spying on us for years. If you signed up for Compuserve, Netscape, AOL, Prodigy, Excite, etc. in the early 90s they had your IP address when you still thought IP stood for intellectual property or intoxicated person.

But it all became more concentrated and invasive when Dick Cheney enacted the Patriot Act in 2001. But go ahead and blame Obama like it all started last year. You wingnuts, that's what you do.

The Patriot act was put in place to catch terrorists. They would spy on the people that had known terrorist connections, or even people that could POSSIBLY be connected to terrorism. They didn't spy on the average US citizen unless there was a reason to. If they did, they didn't keep it up once it was found there were no connections. Obama isn't to blame for putting this stuff in place, but he is to blame for expanding it to all Americans.
In reality if exposing the NSA's secrets makes the current administration corrupt isn't that an indictment against the former administration as well? When it was first exposed in 2006, weren't they doing it without any Congressional oversight?

Snowden deserves no thanks in aiding our foreign adversaries(but they all probably knew what the NSA was up to), but I don't believe he is a traitor either.

No. Bush's NSA wasn't intercepting phone calls and emails on every American like these stalinist bastards are. Bush's NSA was about hunting terrorists. This one is hunting information they are sending to the DNC for political tricks and blackmail.

If you say so.

U.S. Senators: NSA Cellphone Spying*Has Gone On 'For Years' - Forbes

Take A Break From The Snowden Drama For A Reminder Of What He's Revealed So Far - Forbes

Can't get either link to work....404 error.

Huh. That's disturbing. Never expected him to sink that low. I had a dream last night that Snowden was going to get assassinated by the U.S., and that some of the secrets he had were that he held evidence of the U.S. assassinating at least two other whistleblowers (that we never heard of).

I think what Snowden did was an act of heroism, and that our government is shameless and no longer the America I'm familiar with. The government won't even do anything about the fact that James Clapper lied and the NSA has been violating the 4th ammendment all this time. Yeah, go after the guy telling us the truth, and don't do anything about the people who have actually been breaking the law.

Huh. That's disturbing. Never expected him to sink that low. I had a dream last night that Snowden was going to get assassinated by the U.S., and that some of the secrets he had were that he held evidence of the U.S. assassinating at least two other whistleblowers (that we never heard of).

I think what Snowden did was an act of heroism, and that our government is shameless and no longer the America I'm familiar with. The government won't even do anything about the fact that James Clapper lied and the NSA has been violating the 4th ammendment all this time. Yeah, go after the guy telling us the truth, and don't do anything about the people who have actually been breaking the law.

Are you saying that Snowden should be careful in driving cars?

Huh. That's disturbing. Never expected him to sink that low. I had a dream last night that Snowden was going to get assassinated by the U.S., and that some of the secrets he had were that he held evidence of the U.S. assassinating at least two other whistleblowers (that we never heard of).

I think what Snowden did was an act of heroism, and that our government is shameless and no longer the America I'm familiar with. The government won't even do anything about the fact that James Clapper lied and the NSA has been violating the 4th ammendment all this time. Yeah, go after the guy telling us the truth, and don't do anything about the people who have actually been breaking the law.

Are you saying that Snowden should be careful in driving cars?

What? :confused::razz:

I guess, assuming one can die that way (the Michael Hastings death/murder is reminiscent of that).
Yanno.....................I think that Snowden taking the time to vet (and let others vet) the information he was presenting was a pretty decent thing. I also like the fact that he took the time to make sure that nobody working out in the field would end up dead because of what he'd put out to the public.


He's gone from being a whistle blower to being someone who is looking mighty suspicious...............I mean...................why fly to China and then go to Russia and have the leader of Russia (Putin) say he's not going to persecute you. If you're in the transit area that they're talking about, then if you stay for over 24 hours, you're gonna need to have a visa. Snowden has been there over the 24 hour limit, and still doesn't have a visa, nor does anyone know where he is (and remember.............there are a lot of reporters, and the transit area ain't that big).

I think Russia may be exploiting Snowden for info. If that's the case, shoot the fucker as a traitor.
One of the criticisms leveled against obama is that he has been absent with regard to getting Snowden back. He has not participated in negotiations to get Snowden back. Instead of giving the matter any attention, obama went on vacation.

Rather than take action. obama capitulates.

Obama Hasn't Called Russians, Chinese About Snowden | The Weekly Standard

Oddly enough, obama sees the only definitive action available to him is to scramble jets. obama begs, Putin says Nyet, obama's hands are tied. He'll give up because the only other thing, in his mind, that he could do is go to war.

Obama Hasn't Called Russians, Chinese About Snowden | The Weekly Standard

Admittedly over the years he has been in office, obama completely poisoned our relationships with both China and Russia making himself so personally disliked, weak and naive that he can be dismissed as one would dismiss a fly. It buzzes, you swat it, it goes away as obama went away.
So you disagree with the House Speaker that Snowden is treasonous?
I believe Obama is doing the right thing by dropping it. Our relationship with Russia was as poisonous back in the 80's as it is now, Katz. The only difference is they now are in the position to hit the USA. Before they couldn't. Now they can. Obama is the scapegoat here. When it all falls apart he and his family will be without a country to go to. When that happens the people who put billions in offshore accts in exchange for backroom deals with this admin will take it back with cloud. ( yes they can )

The Obama family will most assuredly be blamed by the world as the reason for Russian strike on USA. Was it planned from the beginning to use Obama as a Scapegoat? I'm beginning to believe it is more than probable.
So you disagree with the House Speaker that Snowden is treasonous?

I always knew John Boehner was not a republican by any stretch of the imagination but the truth is far worse. The leaders of the GOP today are not patriots but traitors of the American people. I've seen more Libertarians, democrats, Independents standing behind Snowden than republicans. That is very suprising to me.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw people like Paul Ryan coming out against Snowden. Paul Ryan is obviously part of the central planner group.

I knew Rick Perry was, Lindsey Graham ( he is a closet homosexual not that I care but he is such a hypocrite with his attacks on Charlie Crist being a homosexual back in his Tampa High School days - I mean really folks!!! )

What else? Ah. That's it for now. - Jeri

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