Ed Snowden! THANK YOU for Blowing the Whistle on This Corrupt Administration

I believe Obama is doing the right thing by dropping it. Our relationship with Russia was as poisonous back in the 80's as it is now, Katz. The only difference is they now are in the position to hit the USA. Before they couldn't. Now they can. Obama is the scapegoat here. When it all falls apart he and his family will be without a country to go to. When that happens the people who put billions in offshore accts in exchange for backroom deals with this admin will take it back with cloud. ( yes they can )

The Obama family will most assuredly be blamed by the world as the reason for Russian strike on USA. Was it planned from the beginning to use Obama as a Scapegoat? I'm beginning to believe it is more than probable.

While the Russian-American relationship has been strained for decades what is new this time is that America and our poor excuse for a presidebt no longer commands any respect. Our president has always been treated courteously. obama is the butt of jokes. obama didn't do the right thing by dropping it. He did the only thing he could do. Mewling and begging only made him look like more of a fool than he is.

obama screwed the pooch with the Magnitsky Act when he wanted to flex flabby muscles.
Do we know for a fact that Snowden thinks is is leaking anything? He's exposing some massive government corruption in telling us the extent of spying on citizens.
I'm not concerned about how Snowden used to believe, rather I believe in his actions.

Some would say he should "face the music".

Rendition, torture, murder? Please.

Snowden is intelligent enough to realize the he lived in a police state and he had the uncommon fortitude to expose it.

If you see something, say something. Well congrats Janet he did.

As far as I know Snowden hasn't got blood on his hands like the OA or the administration before him yet the tyrant in chief got a peace prize. Small company in the likes of war criminals like Kissinger and Arafat.

Your country is finished but I implore you to fight for it even if it costs you your life.
Snowden is a distraction at this point. The administration and their shills are trying to keep the press preoccupied with his predicament rather than focused on what he revealed. And they're more than happy to comply. Just like they were more than happy to look the other way when they pushed through the PA in the first place.

Obama could and should use this as an opportunity to repeal the Patriot Act. But he won't, because he's a neo-con corporatist fuck just like the rest of them.
Snowden is a distraction at this point. The administration and their shills are trying to keep the press preoccupied with his predicament rather than focused on what he revealed. And they're more than happy to comply. Just like they were more than happy to look the other way when they pushed through the PA in the first place.

Obama could and should use this as an opportunity to repeal the Patriot Act. But he won't, because he's a neo-con corporatist fuck just like the rest of them.

You have more hope than I do but everything you stated is correct.
If Obama was not a center-right POTUS.......he'd be working to repeal the PA. But he is. Maybe in 2024.........
While I do applaud Edward Snowden for doing the right thing, I'm not interested in using this as a sledghammer to attack President Obama. How else is Obama going to make China/Russia hand him over? If I were the president, I wouldn't risk getting into a war with Russia and maybe even China over getting this guy who has our dirty laundry.
While I do applaud Edward Snowden for doing the right thing, I'm not interested in using this as a sledghammer to attack President Obama. How else is Obama going to make China/Russia hand him over? If I were the president, I wouldn't risk getting into a war with Russia and maybe even China over getting this guy who has our dirty laundry.

Very simple, you negotiate for something they want. An intelligent president would be on the phone to Putin saying "let's talk about the Magnitsky Act" and Snowden would be on the next plane here.

Part of the reason why this has gotten so far out of hand is obama's hubris driven opinion of himself that he doesn't need to talk to anyone, they should be crawling to him. It's this narcissism that has poisoned future relationships with China, Russia, Ecuador and even Africa!
Very simple, you negotiate for something they want. An intelligent president would be on the phone to Putin saying "let's talk about the Magnitsky Act" and Snowden would be on the next plane here.

Part of the reason why this has gotten so far out of hand is obama's hubris driven opinion of himself that he doesn't need to talk to anyone, they should be crawling to him. It's this narcissism that has poisoned future relationships with China, Russia, Ecuador and even Africa!


I think it's less of an "Obama" problem and more of a "President" problem. It seems that America believes it's the authority on the world, and that all other countries better obey her. That rubs other countries the wrong way. Maybe it's true that Obama is incompetent. Maybe not. I'd love to know what Bush or Romney would have done instead.

And the most galling thing is that Snowden, NOT the NSA, is being demonized. It's reminiscent of punishing the guy who leaked a politician's scandal, and not the politician himself. The NSA has been violating the 4th ammendment, and now they want to silence Snowden to keep him from revealing any more of their misdeeds. I've been a fan of FOX News, but shame on them for not being fair and balanced on this issue (EXCEPT Eric Bolling and Judge Napolitano).
No, this is an obama problem as evidenced by his statement of why he hasn't contacted either Xi or Putin "he shouldn't have to". That pretty much says it all and has no doubt rocketed over to China and Russia. Contacting heads of state is beneath him, they should pay attention to his radiance.
No, this is an obama problem as evidenced by his statement of why he hasn't contacted either Xi or Putin "he shouldn't have to". That pretty much says it all and has no doubt rocketed over to China and Russia. Contacting heads of state is beneath him, they should pay attention to his radiance.

I'm not so quick to rush to judgment. None of us have been president before, so none of us really know what the view is like from that vantage point. Maybe the president knows something that we don't. While trying to keep communications up and going is a wise choice, maybe there is reason for Obama's actions.
Just to illlustrate what an utter IDIOT obama is. He cannot call a head of state over a matter of national security but he can call Sandra Fluck. He can call Jason Collins. obama called Michael VICK to congratulate him on getting his job back. He can call the plaintiffs in the DOMA case. All those issues are more important that our national security. Or, obama was lying all along and Snowden has no information about our national security.
Just to illlustrate what an utter IDIOT obama is. He cannot call a head of state over a matter of national security but he can call Sandra Fluck. He can call Jason Collins. obama called Michael VICK to congratulate him on getting his job back. He can call the plaintiffs in the DOMA case. All those issues are more important that our national security. Or, obama was lying all along and Snowden has no information about our national security.

Hm. Valid points.

I don't see why he couldn't make those phone calls.
Just to illlustrate what an utter IDIOT obama is. He cannot call a head of state over a matter of national security but he can call Sandra Fluck. He can call Jason Collins. obama called Michael VICK to congratulate him on getting his job back. He can call the plaintiffs in the DOMA case. All those issues are more important that our national security. Or, obama was lying all along and Snowden has no information about our national security.

Hm. Valid points.

I don't see why he couldn't make those phone calls.

Because the heads of state are beneath him. They aren't worthy of his attention.

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