Ed Snowden! THANK YOU for Blowing the Whistle on This Corrupt Administration

The United States has found itself in a place it never was before. Completely ignored. obama can flail and rage and no one is paying any attention to him. He doesn't think and demands that his advisors not think either. obama has made the nation so weak, there just isn't any pressure we could bring to bear on anyone. In fact, it's other countries that have the upper hand. Russia could easily refuse permission for the US to use their shuttles and completely cut us off from the space station. China could easily stop lending us money. Yet obama in his complete ignorance either doesn't know or doesn't care that Xi and Putin both despise him and take a personal pleasure in grinding him down.

Yes, but the reason that is possible is because the US people aren't behind their own government. If they were, they'd be clamoring for the President to slap down those dastardly foreigners. But our government was caught playing the same kind of games we used to despise the Soviets for. And now this administration has lost the respect of its own people - at least when it comes to this issue. THAT's why China and Russia and the rest think they can get away with thumbing their noses at Obama. And they're right.
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Snowden isn't a hero. He told the truth about the government spying on us. Great. But he also released other information, such as the information on us hacking China.

A hero doesn't tell the truth and run away from the consequences. A hero tells the truth and faces the consequences.

Instead of facing the consequences of his actions, he decided to flee to other nations, many of which have antagonistic interests to us.
I question that, because he supposedly earned around $120,000 per year.

That's because his security clearance is valuable and technical skills with ability to travel pay well. He had a GED, and no college degree.

Yeah, like corporations have to beg people to live in Hawaii.....

It's not as good as you think. It's expensive, tough to get away, gets boring quickly, and outsiders typically aren't treated that well by the locals. It's a beautiful place to visit, but I'd never want to live there.

Here are one Army wife's thoughts:

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Snowden isn't a hero. He told the truth about the government spying on us. Great. But he also released other information, such as the information on us hacking China.

A hero doesn't tell the truth and run away from the consequences. A hero tells the truth and faces the consequences.

Instead of facing the consequences of his actions, he decided to flee to other nations, many of which have antagonistic interests to us.

I disagree. Snowden has and is suffering the consequences.
Snowden isn't a hero. He told the truth about the government spying on us. Great. But he also released other information, such as the information on us hacking China.

A hero doesn't tell the truth and run away from the consequences. A hero tells the truth and faces the consequences.

Instead of facing the consequences of his actions, he decided to flee to other nations, many of which have antagonistic interests to us.

I disagree. Snowden has and is suffering the consequences.

Exactly. And with regard to chumming around with our 'enemies' (funny, how that term gets more and more relative), he's doing what he has to protect himself. I don't know whether he's a 'hero' or not, but he's trying to minimize the martyrdom aspect of his role and I don't begrudge him for it. When you look at the way Bradley Manning has been handled, why would he want to come home and face such treatment?
Snowden could have stayed here and ended up in a burning car like Michael Hastings. He just decided that he didn't want to die right now.
I'm rooting for him.

It's literally funny how he single-handedly revealed the NSA was spying on all of us...

...and then see the NSA charge him with spying.

Oh, and my respect for FOX News has taken a hit, too. I didn't think they'd focus on the whistleblower over their government's violations of the 4th ammendment. I like FOX New's (America Live with Megyn Kelly, The Five, The O'Reilly Factor), but I can see they've now turned against the man who shined light on our government's dubious machinations.
I'm rooting for him.

It's literally funny how he single-handedly revealed the NSA was spying on all of us...

...and then see the NSA charge him with spying.

Yes. The hypocrisy is stunning, idn't it?

What's worse is that so many of the people now up in arms about it dismissed us as 'paranoid alarmists' ten years ago when we told them this would happen.
Hopefully, Obama will be impeached soon due to your patriotism.... :clap2:

Snowden whereabouts unknown as Russia resists U.S. pressure | Reuters

Such a fucking patriot you are. The fellow supposedly blows the whistle, then runs off to China, then Russia. And how much has he recieved in each nation for the information he possesses?

How sad that we've reached a place where freedom loving Americans are seeking asylum in countries that are known human rights abusers.
Hopefully, Obama will be impeached soon due to your patriotism.... :clap2:

Snowden whereabouts unknown as Russia resists U.S. pressure | Reuters

Such a fucking patriot you are. The fellow supposedly blows the whistle, then runs off to China, then Russia. And how much has he recieved in each nation for the information he possesses?

How sad that we've reached a place where freedom loving Americans are seeking asylum in countries that are known human rights abusers.

Only because we have become human rights abusers too.
ed is a hero and has got more balls than all of you lot put together, but we need to focus on the revelations, not the whistle-blower, the media in America is desperate to CHANGE THE SUBJECT. this is one of the biggest scandals of our time, it makes water gate look like a fart in a wind sock, infact its goes further than 1894!!! This one is going to take a while to sink in and will run for years, oh, and its Americas actions that have 'damaged relations' with china, honk kong, Russia and whoever else America want to blame for its own misgivings. oh and seen as they watching us all now,
we should all say Hello to the NSA:finger3:

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