Ed Snowden! THANK YOU for Blowing the Whistle on This Corrupt Administration

As someone tried to bury my reply to Seriousnameuser, I'll post it on this thread. thanks - J.

What you think and 50 cents will get me a newspaper. Not much more.
As for Snowden:

He is holding all the cards here. He is the one with the Brain. If the best they have is the president then he, as a scientist is paired up against a community organizer with a law degree. ( no contest )

If the best is Snowden paired against Head of the DOJ then he is competing against a man that flunked the BAR three times and sued for a license. ( no contest )

If he is going against the government in general then he is going against a government that has a policy of hiring the disadvantaged and the disabled. ( not even a contest )

The NSA and the CIA has not demonstrated the quality of people or the intelligence of people to do what this guy does for Booz Allen. ( reality hitting you in the face right now)


Snowden is no scientist. He was a low-level system administrator.

Yes he was. Booz Allen doesn't hire low level administration types for his job description. Nice try. No cigar.


You'll have to back that up with some facts.

So far there is no evidence that shows he was anything but a system administrator and those are low-level jobs - no supervisory duties, no budget responsibility, and no operational authority. If you've got some information that contradicts this, please post it. I'm always capable of being corrected.
I question that, because he supposedly earned around $120,000 per year.

That's because his security clearance is valuable and technical skills with ability to travel pay well. He had a GED, and no college degree.

You have your facts wrong. He received a very impressive education.
AFTER he was a high school drop out. Booz Allen doesn't hire high school dropouts, hon.

- Jeri

Please post his education accomplishments, more that just some online coursework and a few vocational training courses.
Have a nice evening, Asterism. I am off to an early dinner now. I'm famished after all this discussion. Enjoyed reading your replies.

Hopefully Edward Snowden will make it to Equador, to Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

People don't like being lied to.

It's why people support him.
Snowden should put the contents of all 4 laptops on a dead man trigger

Fuck Obama and his fucking Nazi police state

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
This article reports that, as of today, Julian Assange does have Edward Snowden and he is safe.

Julian Assange said on Monday that Edward Snowden is "safe and healthy" and in high spirits, but refused to reveal further details about the National Security Agency leaker's current location.

Assange's conference call with reporters offered the clearest indication yet that Snowden's fate is bound up with the assistance he receives from WikiLeaks, the noted transparency organization that came to its greatest fame three years ago when it released a massive cache of documents from Army Pfc. Bradley Manning.

Assange said that WikiLeaks paid for Snowden's flight from Hong Kong to Russia on Sunday and that "there was no advanced communication with Russian officials prior to his departure from Hong Kong."

Julian Assange: Edward Snowden Is 'Safe And Healthy'

Assuming the article is accurate, this is a milestone.
Have a nice evening, Asterism. I am off to an early dinner now. I'm famished after all this discussion. Enjoyed reading your replies.


So you have nothing. Just as I thought.

No. I have nothing for you. And no, you didn't "think". Otherwise you wouldn't be asking me for all the answers. Go do your own research.


I did, and I provided links. You disagreed but didn't provide any information to refute what I said. Snowden has a GED, no college degree, and was a low-level systems administrator.
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Snowden is no scientist. He was a low-level system administrator.

Yes he was. Booz Allen doesn't hire low level administration types for his job description. Nice try. No cigar.


You'll have to back that up with some facts.

So far there is no evidence that shows he was anything but a system administrator and those are low-level jobs - no supervisory duties, no budget responsibility, and no operational authority. If you've got some information that contradicts this, please post it. I'm always capable of being corrected.
Kinda sounds like our current President's resume when he was campaigning for the job of CIC. Odd :)
Hopefully, Obama will be impeached soon due to your patriotism.... :clap2:

Snowden whereabouts unknown as Russia resists U.S. pressure | Reuters

Ha! The Feds have been spying on us for years. If you signed up for Compuserve, Netscape, AOL, Prodigy, Excite, etc. in the early 90s they had your IP address when you still thought IP stood for intellectual property or intoxicated person.

But it all became more concentrated and invasive when Dick Cheney enacted the Patriot Act in 2001. But go ahead and blame Obama like it all started last year. You wingnuts, that's what you do.

Snowden is no scientist. He was a low-level system administrator.

I question that, because he supposedly earned around $120,000 per year.

Your questioning is valid. Big corporations will pay whiz kids without high school diplomas to clean and check their systems because these kids are first and foremost excellent hackers. Sort of goes along with that advice if you want to find out how to burglar-proof your house, hire a burglar to check it out.

I've done some subcontract work for BAH at their McLean offices (nothing to do with internet security) and the morale there was always really high because the caliber of your average BAH employee was excellent clean background and education. I can imagine quite a few of them are really pissed to hear that a high school drop out was making more money than them and working out of a field location in Hawaii while they endured gridlock on the Beltway every morning.

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