Education Expert Says College Freshmen Read at Seventh-grade Level


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
It's inexcusable that even a single college student reads at the 7th grade level but this is what happens under affirmative action. Our colleges are forced to accept blacks and mexican indios that can't even read at a first grade level.

Education Expert Says College Freshmen Read at Seventh-grade Level

jan 8 2015
Dr. Sandra L. Stotsky, professor emerita at the University of Arkansas, recently said that Renaissance Learning’s latest report revealed that a large number of college freshman are reading at a seventh-grade level.

Stotsky, who received her Ed. D. from Harvard, is a well-known and respected figure in the world of education. She served on the Common Core Validation Committee in 2009-10 and, along with colleague James Milgram, professor of mathematics at Stanford University, refused to approve Common Core’s standards, which she called “inferior.”

In a recent interview with Breitbart Texas, Stotsky said:

We are spending billions of dollars trying to send students to college and maintain them there when, on average, they read at about the grade 6 or 7 level, according to Renaissance Learning’s latest report on what American students in grades 9-12 read, whether assigned or chosen.
Most people should not even go to college. They get degrees in easy liberal arts crap that is of no use to anyone. Schools should only teach STEM and all applicants should be required to get 700+ on the math SAT.
Education Expert Says College Freshmen Read at Seventh-grade Level

Excellent. Another three grades and you'll be able to enroll. :eusa_dance:
So the problem is those people end up working for low wages. We don't need low wage jobs filled. Leave them unfilled . Problem is people will apply for them and work them...s true shame.
My friend is a psych prof at the local U with a couple decades of teaching, and he's seen incoming freshman classes get dumber and dumber as the years went on. Yet he's stuck to his methods, his testing, and his grading over the years. And he's seen more and more fail his classes and he could give a shit.
Thank a union.

Insofar as Catholic school entrants into American colleges, why are their average SAT's in the 1650's? Because their schools tolerated sloth, laziness, and stupidity? I'd further guess that half of all blacks being ushered through academia's doors on their skin color don't know how to read at all...just like our president.
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Thank a union.

Insofar as Catholic school entrants into American colleges, why are their average SAT's in 1650's? Because their schools tolerated sloth, laziness, and stupidity? I'd further guess that half of all blacks being ushered through academia's doors on their skin color don't know how to read at all...just like our president.
My sophomore high school English teacher told me "I can always pick out the students who went to St. Mary's".
The science classes were practically non-existent, but I got a most excellent education in English, grammar/spelling, and mathematics. Oh- and brotch slappin'. Damn those yardsticks hurt!
just as i expected, the liberdummies here seem to FEEEEEEELLLLL being a dumb jock in college, unable to read Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is an honorable thing, yupp ! all they need to learn is, "me want contract, me sign, where is X ? me put X next to it'n, gimme million bucks". :up:
It's inexcusable that even a single college student reads at the 7th grade level but this is what happens under affirmative action. Our colleges are forced to accept blacks and mexican indios that can't even read at a first grade level.

Education Expert Says College Freshmen Read at Seventh-grade Level

jan 8 2015
Dr. Sandra L. Stotsky, professor emerita at the University of Arkansas, recently said that Renaissance Learning’s latest report revealed that a large number of college freshman are reading at a seventh-grade level.

Stotsky, who received her Ed. D. from Harvard, is a well-known and respected figure in the world of education. She served on the Common Core Validation Committee in 2009-10 and, along with colleague James Milgram, professor of mathematics at Stanford University, refused to approve Common Core’s standards, which she called “inferior.”

In a recent interview with Breitbart Texas, Stotsky said:

We are spending billions of dollars trying to send students to college and maintain them there when, on average, they read at about the grade 6 or 7 level, according to Renaissance Learning’s latest report on what American students in grades 9-12 read, whether assigned or chosen.

Give them free college for two years... oh, wait.
School is getting easier. How else are young people going to get enough video game time in? There's 400 channels on TV now. How are you supposed to keep up if you have to do homework?

If you're interacting with technology all the time, then your brain will optimize itself for gathering and following information and stimuli through screens. It'll also begin to lose some of the subtle functions we have to interact with the actual world.

Most of us are too distracted to do any deep reading. I read War and Peace over 20 years ago when I spent a month in the hills without electricity. That book has 200 page lulls. No way I could have read that with modern distractions.
I've heard that a typical teenager has a vocabulary of about 30 words, for most communications. If you think about it, a tweet or text needs to be short and unambiguous. Words with multiple meanings are discouraged naturally, because there is no room to provide context.

"Drew Cingle and S. Shyam Sundar, who conducted research at Penn State University, and which was published in the professional journal, New Media and Society, argues that young people write in techspeak, using shortcuts, such as homophones, omissions, non-essential letters and initials, to quickly and efficiently compose a text message. They argue that the use of these shortcuts may actually hinder a person’s ability to switch between techspeak and the normal rules of grammar."

If you read the letters of the Civil War period, even from the uneducated, they are so beautifully written. Writing in longhand cursive is kinetic and stimulates creative areas of the brain.
Thank a union.

Insofar as Catholic school entrants into American colleges, why are their average SAT's in 1650's? Because their schools tolerated sloth, laziness, and stupidity? I'd further guess that half of all blacks being ushered through academia's doors on their skin color don't know how to read at all...just like our president.
My sophomore high school English teacher told me "I can always pick out the students who went to St. Mary's".
The science classes were practically non-existent, but I got a most excellent education in English, grammar/spelling, and mathematics. Oh- and brotch slappin'. Damn those yardsticks hurt!
My dad went to a catholic school, you should see his handwritting it is elegant , Mine ? It is worse then a doctors. Chicago public union schools suck the big one
I'd further guess that half of all blacks being ushered through academia's doors on their skin color don't know how to read at all...just like our president.

Yup - we have affirmative action grading throughout our school system. Whites and asians have to pass tests while blacks are told "just show up and we'll take care of you".

Blacks are mentally inferior (as everyone knows but no one is allowed to say) and best thing for them would be to have their own schools.
just as i expected, the liberdummies here seem to FEEEEEEELLLLL being a dumb jock in college, unable to read Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is an honorable thing, yupp ! all they need to learn is, "me want contract, me sign, where is X ? me put X next to it'n, gimme million bucks". :up:

Someone once said " A pair of boots is worth more than all the plays of shakespeare". Literature is just silly useless entertainment and should not be taught in schools. Reading is important but after that, it should be STEM only.
Daniel Donno was my English professor at Queens College in NYC back when it was free -- no tuition if you lived in NY. He was like Kingsfield from the "Paper Chase" he started class by saying, "every year NY City high schools send me people who can neither read nor write. Worse, because you don't pay, you won't appreciate the education I will give you. When I go home at night, do you know what I pray for? Tuition! I hope you will have to pay a big, fat tuition so you will appreciate this education."

Queens College got rid of free tuition the next year
Thank a union.

Insofar as Catholic school entrants into American colleges, why are their average SAT's in the 1650's? Because their schools tolerated sloth, laziness, and stupidity? I'd further guess that half of all blacks being ushered through academia's doors on their skin color don't know how to read at all...just like our president.

See, you say something intelligent, but then you go on to prove your absolute ignorance by saying something so stupid.
It's inexcusable that even a single college student reads at the 7th grade level but this is what happens under affirmative action. Our colleges are forced to accept blacks and mexican indios that can't even read at a first grade level.

Education Expert Says College Freshmen Read at Seventh-grade Level

jan 8 2015
Dr. Sandra L. Stotsky, professor emerita at the University of Arkansas, recently said that Renaissance Learning’s latest report revealed that a large number of college freshman are reading at a seventh-grade level.

Stotsky, who received her Ed. D. from Harvard, is a well-known and respected figure in the world of education. She served on the Common Core Validation Committee in 2009-10 and, along with colleague James Milgram, professor of mathematics at Stanford University, refused to approve Common Core’s standards, which she called “inferior.”

In a recent interview with Breitbart Texas, Stotsky said:

We are spending billions of dollars trying to send students to college and maintain them there when, on average, they read at about the grade 6 or 7 level, according to Renaissance Learning’s latest report on what American students in grades 9-12 read, whether assigned or chosen.
The answer=Free Jr. College!!!!

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