Eighth grade homework assignment in New Jersey - Write about herpes.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I blame this on obozo. He is an extremist liberal america hater and has convinced other libs that his insane ideas are acceptable.

Homework Assignment Asks 8th Graders to Write About Herpes

nov 7 2015 A New Jersey school district is facing backlash after an eighth-grade teacher gave her pupils an assignment to consider what they would do if they got drunk, had a one night stand, and contracted herpes, an incurable sexually transmitted disease.

Amy Loper’s 13-year-old son is a student at Myron L. Powell Elementary School in Cedarville, New Jersey. She reportedly described the assignment as “insane” to Fox News and said her son did not complete it.

A copy of the assignment was acquired by Fox News. The scenario is as follows:

You had a really rotten day, but lucky for you your best friend is having an awesome party later. You go to the party and start drinking. You have a little too much to drink and start talking to this girl/guy you’ve never seen before. You head upstairs to get better acquainted despite several friends telling you that you don’t even know this person. You end up having sex with this person. The next day you really can’t remember everything that happened and rely on your best friend to fill you in. A week later you find out that you contracted herpes from your one night stand and that this is a disease you will have all your life and never know when an outbreak will occur.

When Loper contacted the school to complain, she was reportedly told the assignment is part of the core curriculum that ties into a book students were given titled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

30 years ago this would be bad.

But...libs have convinced people they can be gay fucking whores and not be accountable for the consequences. This assignment at least makes them consider consequences.
Whats wrong with a biology assignment?

I know a guy who has cold sores and hes been with one woman his whole life. The OP is proof that there is a stigma attached to this disease.
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Whats wrong with a biology assignment?

I know a guy who has cold sores and hes been with one woman his whole life. The OP is proof that there is a stigma attached to this disease.

Training kids to be perverts is NOT a biology assignment. THINK
I can't think of a BETTER assignment to give eighth graders. They are just old enough to understand, but not old enough to have started this modern lifestyle of random sex with strangers that media glorifies.

If even one kid is saved from a life without herpes, then it's worth it.
They're 8th graders. The kids will probably make a lot of jokes about it and think it is funny. But at least the juvenile humor aspect of it might motivate them to write without considering it a chore.
Democratic policy, as well as herpes, will ruin your life.

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Every day on TV, people engage in casual hook-ups with strangers without any consequences.
Wow, call me a prude....

But I think this is not a good assignment at 13, let alone any age at school, unless in a sex ed class.

Good topic for mom and daughter though.....
I blame this on obozo. He is an extremist liberal america hater and has convinced other libs that his insane ideas are acceptable.

Homework Assignment Asks 8th Graders to Write About Herpes

nov 7 2015 A New Jersey school district is facing backlash after an eighth-grade teacher gave her pupils an assignment to consider what they would do if they got drunk, had a one night stand, and contracted herpes, an incurable sexually transmitted disease.

Amy Loper’s 13-year-old son is a student at Myron L. Powell Elementary School in Cedarville, New Jersey. She reportedly described the assignment as “insane” to Fox News and said her son did not complete it.

A copy of the assignment was acquired by Fox News. The scenario is as follows:

You had a really rotten day, but lucky for you your best friend is having an awesome party later. You go to the party and start drinking. You have a little too much to drink and start talking to this girl/guy you’ve never seen before. You head upstairs to get better acquainted despite several friends telling you that you don’t even know this person. You end up having sex with this person. The next day you really can’t remember everything that happened and rely on your best friend to fill you in. A week later you find out that you contracted herpes from your one night stand and that this is a disease you will have all your life and never know when an outbreak will occur.

When Loper contacted the school to complain, she was reportedly told the assignment is part of the core curriculum that ties into a book students were given titled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.


Was just something on tv news about how most have herpes already (hence the occasional cold sore.)


"The World Health Organization is being a real bummer this week. Days after it told everyone that bacon is a carcinogen, it has announced that if you’re a human being and you’re under 50, you probably have herpes.

Good news for America: We have the lowest rates of herpes on the entire planet. But don’t gear up for a collective high-five just yet. The World Health Organization’s estimates indicate that half of American women and 39 percent of men have the sexually transmitted disease, NBC News reported.

We were nothing compared to other regions, however. In Africa, almost everyone has the disease, and more than half of Southeast Asians do."

So ya, asking kids to think about things like this is just good practice. If ignorant know-nothing people have a problem with it, tough.

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