Either stand of get the #*!$ out

Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?

See! This is where your pussy dumbass side kicks in. It’s a free country. You can kneel or pick your nose when the anthem is playing. But if you want the privilege of being part of a team in this guy’s locker room, then you don’t use the team for your political statement. Those players are free to kneel during the election, that just can’t wear the team sweater if they do.

I'm uh, afraid the political statement was already trotted in when this jerkoff started insisting on jingo parades at what was supposed to be a sporting event.

But we overlook that, right?

Typical authoritarian bullshit.

Because nothing says "sincerity" like "I'm doing this because if I don't this clown will bust my head". What a positive motivation that is.

Anybody that tries to take our anthem and turn it into a partisan shit show is disrespecting the nation.
That’s exactly what Trump did. The NFL kneelers weren’t being partisan, they were trying to raise awareness for racial injustice. That’s not partisan that’s standing up for their people. Trump made it a pissing on the flag thing and his people have been perpetuating that narrative... hence the shit show. A quiet person taking a knee does nothing to effect other people’s experience in enjoying the anthem
I would gladly go to jail for what I would do if I could stand beside an anthem knee taker for just 2 seconds.
Why do you care what other people do so much?
Because it's a personal insult to me, that's why.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.
Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.

He did. He knelt after a teammate suggested it, instead of simply remaining sitting on the bench as he had been doing while nobody noticed and the whole fucking world magically didn't end. That is until some wanker gave the cue to be Butthurt.

What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

Pointed this out a thousand times, might as well make it a thousand and one: Patriotism isn't fucking scripted. It isn't choreographed, it doesn't have lyrics, and it doesn't happen in unison at a predetermined minute. What you have there is patriotism theater. Fake. Phony. Bogus bullshit superficiality. Real patriotism is spontaneous and from the heart. When you substitute theater for the real thing, all you do is insult it.
What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

He should have been fired because he works for the NFL. The NFL is his employer. He is an employee of the NFL. Which means, if you want to protest and whatever, you do it on your time. Not on the company time.
What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

He should have been fired because he works for the NFL. The NFL is his employer. He is an employee of the NFL. Which means, if you want to protest and whatever, you do it on your time. Not on the company time.

Company time in his case begins wtih the kickoff.

Once AGAIN he's there to play football, not to be a frickin' jingo puppet for a theater show paid for by Pentagon-pimped tax dollars. There is a YUGE difference between taking an action because "I love my country and what it stands for" and taking the same action because "the PA announcer told me to do this and I obey".
That’s exactly what Trump did. The NFL kneelers weren’t being partisan, they were trying to raise awareness for racial injustice. That’s not partisan that’s standing up for their people. Trump made it a pissing on the flag thing and his people have been perpetuating that narrative... hence the shit show. A quiet person taking a knee does nothing to effect other people’s experience in enjoying the anthem
I would gladly go to jail for what I would do if I could stand beside an anthem knee taker for just 2 seconds.
Why do you care what other people do so much?
Because it's a personal insult to me, that's why.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.
Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.
Yes perhaps he would have been fired. He didn’t get hired or picked up by any other teams after the kneeling stunt. So what’s your point ?
Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.

He did. He knelt after a teammate suggested it, instead of simply remaining sitting on the bench as he had been doing while nobody noticed and the whole fucking world magically didn't end. That is until some wanker gave the cue to be Butthurt.

What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

Pointed this out a thousand times, might as well make it a thousand and one: Patriotism isn't fucking scripted. It isn't choreographed, it doesn't have lyrics, and it doesn't happen in unison at a predetermined minute. What you have there is patriotism theater. Fake. Phony. Bogus bullshit superficiality. Real patriotism is spontaneous and from the heart. When you substitute theater for the real thing, all you do is insult it.
True.... the kneeling was actually suggested by a vet who thought would be a respectful way to protest
What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

He should have been fired because he works for the NFL. The NFL is his employer. He is an employee of the NFL. Which means, if you want to protest and whatever, you do it on your time. Not on the company time.
The NFL didn’t fire him, that was their choice. They actually supported causes that the movement spotlighted.
Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.

He did. He knelt after a teammate suggested it, instead of simply remaining sitting on the bench as he had been doing while nobody noticed and the whole fucking world magically didn't end. That is until some wanker gave the cue to be Butthurt.

What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

Pointed this out a thousand times, might as well make it a thousand and one: Patriotism isn't fucking scripted. It isn't choreographed, it doesn't have lyrics, and it doesn't happen in unison at a predetermined minute. What you have there is patriotism theater. Fake. Phony. Bogus bullshit superficiality. Real patriotism is spontaneous and from the heart. When you substitute theater for the real thing, all you do is insult it.
True.... the kneeling was actually suggested by a vet who thought would be a respectful way to protest

The two blatant hypocrisies of all that -- one, Kaepernick never brought it up at all, he simply sat out the anthem on the bench and nobody noticed until some photographer, who by the same pseudostandard should have been riveted at attention instead of snapping pictures, snapped his picture and figured he could milk a story out of it;

and two, once he took that suggestion and started kneeling to demonstrate respect concurrent with resistance, the Butthurt Brigade started trying to doublethink the act of kneeling into something "disrespectful" which is directly contrary to cultural traditions. A subject kneels before his king; a supplicant kneels before his god; a suitor kneels before his intended fiancée. It's ALWAYS been a gesture of respect, and now they'd have us all believe it's become its own opposite.

And that's just insulting.
Once AGAIN he's there to play football,
Yes, he is there to play football....not to protest on company time. And when you put on that uniform, you are already "clocked in". You are on company's time.

Once AGAIN --- if the team is prancing around in some jingo dance, then it's not doing what the players are hired to do, IS IT.

NOR is it what the audience came there and paid their money to see. So don't give me this "company time" bullshit. What the 'company' does is play freaking football. THAT is its product.
But many disagree with you including the current boss. Sorry
Roger Goodell is a partisan hack. He should have stepped in. But
NOR is it what the audience came there and paid their money to see. So don't give me this "company time" bullshit. What the 'company' does is play freaking football. THAT is its product.

None of these players would not be playing football without the fans. The fans are the ones who buy the products. The fans are the ones who watches the games. Without the fans, these players wouldn't even have a job.

But many disagree with you including the current boss. Sorry
Roger Goodell is a partisan hack. He should have stepped in. But
NOR is it what the audience came there and paid their money to see. So don't give me this "company time" bullshit. What the 'company' does is play freaking football. THAT is its product.

None of these players would not be playing football without the fans. The fans are the ones who buy the products. The fans are the ones who watches the games. Without the fans, these players wouldn't even have a job.

Correct. And they paid their money to watch football, not a frickin' jingo dance.

Suppose they play a football game that ends 24-17.

But wait ---- they forgot to play the national anthem!

Sp they play the anthem, just in case somebody got hit in the head and can't figure out whether they're in Kansas City or Sri Lanka. What's the score now?

What?? It doesn't change?


Let's say, during that game, somebody makes an outstanding play. What happens? That audience reacts, right? Cheers and applause, if it's their team.

Suppose the PA announcer just told them at a random point to cheer for nothing? What meaning would that have?? ZERO.

Obviously the audience cheers or applauds (at any kind of performance or accomplishment) because that appreciation was earned. It's a reaction.

Now if the flag, or whoever, derives the 'respect' they crave out of a mass of robots following orders to assume a position or mouth some words that they don't even mean, well that flag or that person works damn cheap.
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Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.

He did. He knelt after a teammate suggested it, instead of simply remaining sitting on the bench as he had been doing while nobody noticed and the whole fucking world magically didn't end. That is until some wanker gave the cue to be Butthurt.

What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

Pointed this out a thousand times, might as well make it a thousand and one: Patriotism isn't fucking scripted. It isn't choreographed, it doesn't have lyrics, and it doesn't happen in unison at a predetermined minute. What you have there is patriotism theater. Fake. Phony. Bogus bullshit superficiality. Real patriotism is spontaneous and from the heart. When you substitute theater for the real thing, all you do is insult it.
When you attack the system you bring it to the part you believe to be wrong.There has been no improvement but bravado. All of the black guys kneeling and what? I have been spouting at least surveillance because it can get you into trouble by the power base and/or the inept. The system must be changed by revolution. Its just that what replaces it may be worse. When it comes to the protesters you notice the Hispanic protesting that ramped up under Obama and the burning of the American flag while holding up theirs from any home country has near stopped. Why? Because most of them were illegals!!! Living off the taxpayers dime with notoriety under Trump put them back into the shadows. The point is they have no American patriotism and are backed by the whole Prog agenda derived nation.
Trump was the leader behind the political shitstorm and politicalization as he made the movement an attack on America instead of recognizing its real intent which was around racial issues.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

I believe he could have protested in a more professional manner. If he pulled that stunt somewhere else, he would have been easily fired.

He did. He knelt after a teammate suggested it, instead of simply remaining sitting on the bench as he had been doing while nobody noticed and the whole fucking world magically didn't end. That is until some wanker gave the cue to be Butthurt.

What would he have been "fired" for? He's a fucking football player, not a jingo dancer.

Pointed this out a thousand times, might as well make it a thousand and one: Patriotism isn't fucking scripted. It isn't choreographed, it doesn't have lyrics, and it doesn't happen in unison at a predetermined minute. What you have there is patriotism theater. Fake. Phony. Bogus bullshit superficiality. Real patriotism is spontaneous and from the heart. When you substitute theater for the real thing, all you do is insult it.
When you attack the system you bring it to the part you believe to be wrong.There has been no improvement but bravado. All of the black guys kneeling and what? I have been spouting at least surveillance because it can get you into trouble by the power base and/or the inept. The system must be changed by revolution. Its just that what replaces it may be worse. When it comes to the protesters you notice the Hispanic protesting that ramped up under Obama and the burning of the American flag while holding up theirs from any home country has near stopped. Why? Because most of them were illegals!!! Living off the taxpayers dime with notoriety under Trump put them back into the shadows. The point is they have no American patriotism and are backed by the whole Prog agenda derived nation.

Every single one of your posts is like somebody took a Scrabble game and poured it into a blender. No idea in the world what you're babbling about.

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