Either stand of get the #*!$ out

Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?

See! This is where your pussy dumbass side kicks in. It’s a free country. You can kneel or pick your nose when the anthem is playing. But if you want the privilege of being part of a team in this guy’s locker room, then you don’t use the team for your political statement. Those players are free to kneel during the election, that just can’t wear the team sweater if they do.
I'm not saying it's something he can't do, I'm saying it's hypocritical.

You know, like when you stand up for him, but get all pissy when some hate spewing rwnj gets banned from Facebook.

I get it, but you’ll not find me among those who “get all pissy” when Facebook bans someone. They are free to run their business as they see fit. However, regarding Facebook, I am leaning toward the camp that they should be broke apart. They control too much social media for my taste.
You didn’t answer my question. You’re making a point that his actions are on the clock making it the businesses responsibility to handle, yet you don’t respect how the business handled it. Don’t point the finger at somebody else when I ask you a direct question, that’s a cheap way to debate.

First of all, Thank you for your service. I respect ALL and any Vets that fought for this country. I am sure you are proud to be an American. I know that I am. Of course, I am not a Vet. I wished that I joined the military when I was young. But this isn't what my comment is about.

Secondly, all I am going to say is that Colin Kaepernick said what he had to. He could have said and done what he did in a more professional manner. Taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest was wrong.



Start there. If you can't get past it, let that tell you something about the solidity of what you're not standing on.

In case you haven't noticed, people will continue to stop watching the NFL and buying the jerseys of their favorite teams. The NFL is tainted. And it has been since Kaepernick decided to taint the brand.
So, yes...I will continue to stand by what I said. And I am sure you will too.
So there is no sense of pandering down to your level.

We've done this before too, before you were on this site. TV ratings for NFL, which like any ratings serve one purpose and one purpose only, that being to set advertising rates, are down along with baseball ratings, basketball ratings, hockey ratings, college sports ratings, even NASCAR ratings even though that's not a sport. So your cherrypicking is just that. Those ratings are down across the board simply because people like me have cut the cable years ago when it occurred to us that we can get any of that shit over the internet except live sports which we pay for anyway. Bottom line: fewer people are watching any of them on TV while more people are streaming. Inverse relationship. One rises while the other falls. TV ratings for literally EVERYTHING are on a downward trend, because of this medium we're on right now.

I've been streaming baseball games for the last dozen years that way. It's got jack shit to do with "anthems" or fake pimped patriotism or any other jackwagon contrived bullshit issue. I did that because TV is a vast wasteland that serves no purpose, and because I have an alternative.

THAT"s why NFL ratings are down, while their streaming is up, just like everybody else, so trying to cherrypick that out by itself and then on top of that ascribe a causation you have no basis for, is doubly dishonest.

And then you want to accuse somebody ELSE of "pandering". Poster please.

Yadda, yadda,yadda.......:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
All show on the teams behalf. If you haven't heard what the pink haired bull dyke has been spouting you're out of the loop.
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
They were free to leave and join another team
I wsn't going to go to the angry soccer player, but I guess it is related. She threw a lot of people under the bus to get media attention. She knew taking a dump on half the country would make her a media darling. Not real classy or patriotic, but it is her right. She must not be too bright however, to think the communists will treat her any better than the Christians.
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
All show on the teams behalf. If you haven't heard what the pink haired bull dyke has been spouting you're out of the loop.
That’s just all show on her hair colors behalf. You’re out of the loop.

Do you hear how lame your arguments are?
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
gullible gullible etc
they are doing that for THEMSELVES--hahahahahah-just like everything else ME ME ME
NOT for America
There is no greater disrespect to our nation than the behavior of McConnell, Barr and Trump. Their behavior is an affront to the Constitution and We the People.

The anthem isn't partisan.

Unfortunately right wing, conservatives have made it partisan.

We own Christmas

We own Easter
We own 4th of July

You own April 15th

You happy?

Who is "WE"?

Why do I own April 15th?
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
gullible gullible etc
they are doing that for THEMSELVES--hahahahahah-just like everything else ME ME ME
NOT for America
She’s a millionaire and a loved celebrity... she is fighting for equal pay for women and rights for the LGBT community. Your arguments are so easily refuted. Give it up man you sound idiotic
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
gullible gullible etc
they are doing that for THEMSELVES--hahahahahah-just like everything else ME ME ME
NOT for America
She’s a millionaire and a loved celebrity... she is fighting for equal pay for women and rights for the LGBT community. Your arguments are so easily refuted. Give it up man you sound idiotic
....as soon as you mention equal pay you just went to hell .....the market for the men's vs women's is like a grade school vs professional--- DUMB--very dumb---you have to be a dumbass not to realize that

.....they are making more than YOU!!!! hahahahahhahaha equal pay???!!!! hahahah--you JUST SAID IT= millionaire!!!!!!!!!!!
....they are making more than a lot of us put together --equal pay???!!!!??

..the LGTBQ have equal rights--what rights don't they have
they are saying FU to America --how nice
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
gullible gullible etc
they are doing that for THEMSELVES--hahahahahah-just like everything else ME ME ME
NOT for America
She’s a millionaire and a loved celebrity... she is fighting for equal pay for women and rights for the LGBT community. Your arguments are so easily refuted. Give it up man you sound idiotic
hahahahah the MILLIONAIRE complaining she's not making enough--that says it all
They spent a whole day waiving flags and chanting USA during a parade in NY. You don’t know what you’re talking about
YOU don't know shit
you must also HATE America
I obviously know much more than you about this situation. You’re talking about them saying FU to America just after they led a parade in NYC waiving flags and praising our great country.
gullible gullible etc
they are doing that for THEMSELVES--hahahahahah-just like everything else ME ME ME
NOT for America
She’s a millionaire and a loved celebrity... she is fighting for equal pay for women and rights for the LGBT community. Your arguments are so easily refuted. Give it up man you sound idiotic
hahahahah the MILLIONAIRE complaining she's not making enough--that says it all
That’s not what she was complaining about. You aren’t paying attention.

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