Either stand of get the #*!$ out

Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
You're not familiar with the word "team", are you?

Mostly, coaches don't tell their players to show up whenever they want, dress however they want, play the position of their choice, and give as much effort as they feel like giving.

If a coach allowed his players to disrespect the other team, he'd be a lousy coach.

Same goes for disrespecting America.
Seems to me the kneeling did the opposite of raising raising awareness.
Only further divided the nation.

Purposely offending others is no way to make a message acceptable. In fact, the result is typically opposite.
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?

See! This is where your pussy dumbass side kicks in. It’s a free country. You can kneel or pick your nose when the anthem is playing. But if you want the privilege of being part of a team in this guy’s locker room, then you don’t use the team for your political statement. Those players are free to kneel during the election, that just can’t wear the team sweater if they do.

I'm uh, afraid the political statement was already trotted in when this jerkoff started insisting on jingo parades at what was supposed to be a sporting event.

But we overlook that, right?

Typical authoritarian bullshit.

Because nothing says "sincerity" like "I'm doing this because if I don't this clown will bust my head". What a positive motivation that is.


It’s his team, he can run it his way. Freedom baby. Nobody is forcing those players to do anything (like bake a cake). They can walk out the door anytime. You and crapitus are borderline logical.......until moments like this.
Lets remember though.........the kneeling movement never left the stadiums. It was a two minute symbolic thing that two minutes later nobody cared about. It changed nothing in this country except a few progressives taking bows over a banner which is all they do. Just like last year the kid march against guns......more symbolic stuff nobody ended up caring about. As soon as the march ended, Congress went back to sleep. Doy.......

The latest is progressives taking bows due to the pink haired bulldog at yesterdays soccer parade. This woman got 15 minutes of fame and will be carpet munching for the rest of her days. Over 300 million Americans wont ever even hear her speech.......yuk.....yuk........but the bubble dwellers are all giddy.:deal:

But keep bowing in front of fancy billboards s0ns..... in the end, its only about the winning.:coffee:
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?

See! This is where your pussy dumbass side kicks in. It’s a free country. You can kneel or pick your nose when the anthem is playing. But if you want the privilege of being part of a team in this guy’s locker room, then you don’t use the team for your political statement. Those players are free to kneel during the election, that just can’t wear the team sweater if they do.
I'm not saying it's something he can't do, I'm saying it's hypocritical.

You know, like when you stand up for him, but get all pissy when some hate spewing rwnj gets banned from Facebook.
This man is an inspiration to all patriots... I hope this rubs some of the players of the U.S. Soccer team raw... And yes even some of you snowflakes who kneel should be chaffed...

Hockey Coach Goes Viral: Either STAND For the National Anthem Or 'Get the HELL OUT!'

What a big man to tell an all white minor league team to stand for the Anthem or get the hell out.

Papa bear?

Or Vince?

Then why aren’t you respecting the companies decision to not fire him and to support his cause?

Haha! Respect? Colin Kaepernick wasn't even respecting the National Anthem. He doesn't deserve any RESPECT. Taking a knee while you are at work doesn't deserve any RESPECT.
I would gladly go to jail for what I would do if I could stand beside an anthem knee taker for just 2 seconds.
Why do you care what other people do so much?
Because it's a personal insult to me, that's why.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.

I knew it would float right over your punkin head.
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?

Why not start your own One Party rule country?
Then why aren’t you respecting the companies decision to not fire him and to support his cause?

Haha! Respect? Colin Kaepernick wasn't even respecting the National Anthem. He doesn't deserve any RESPECT. Taking a knee while you are at work doesn't deserve any RESPECT.
You didn’t answer my question. You’re making a point that his actions are on the clock making it the businesses responsibility to handle, yet you don’t respect how the business handled it. Don’t point the finger at somebody else when I ask you a direct question, that’s a cheap way to debate.
Why do you care what other people do so much?
Because it's a personal insult to me, that's why.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.

I knew it would float right over your punkin head.
I read you loud and clear... just think you’re dead wrong. And you shouldn’t speak for or try to say you represent dead soldiers... what a cheap and petty tactic. Who do you think you are? That’s just disgusting
Lets remember though.........the kneeling movement never left the stadiums. It was a two minute symbolic thing that two minutes later nobody cared about.

It was also something that never appeared on TV because it isn't part of the broadcast, which begins, as it should, with the kickoff.

In fact most of us didn't even know they played an anthem at all. The Butthurt Brigade had to be briefed that (a) the anthem happens, AND that (b) here were some guys not parroting the puppet line. In other words they had to be CUED to be butthurt just like those in the stadium had to be CUED to stand at some prearranged time for a bullshit charade. None of that happened without instructions from the puppetmasters, whether it's the Pentagon pimping fake patriotism theater, or whether it's talking head gadflies whining about shit they weren't even there to see in the first place and demanding everybody else play butthurt along with them.

Everything about it is phony. Fake. Bogus. Contrived. Superficial. Theater.
The reality begins --- AGAIN --- with the kickoff.
Because it's a personal insult to me, that's why.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.

I knew it would float right over your punkin head.
I read you loud and clear... just think you’re dead wrong. And you shouldn’t speak for or try to say you represent dead soldiers... what a cheap and petty tactic. Who do you think you are? That’s just disgusting

During a 3 day period,14-17 November 1965, 237 men of my unit were killed in battle. I helped load them on choppers. If you think I don't represent them, you're crazy.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.

I knew it would float right over your punkin head.
I read you loud and clear... just think you’re dead wrong. And you shouldn’t speak for or try to say you represent dead soldiers... what a cheap and petty tactic. Who do you think you are? That’s just disgusting

During a 3 day period,14-17 November 1965, 237 men of my unit were killed in battle. I helped load them on choppers. If you think I don't represent them, you're crazy.

God Bless them and you, Hoss.

I sincerely mean that
Yeah! Screw all this "free country" crap. Stand and salute or get out! No differing opinions allowed!!

Fuckin' commie bastards daring to think for themselves, what's up with that shit?
You're not familiar with the word "team", are you?

Mostly, coaches don't tell their players to show up whenever they want, dress however they want, play the position of their choice, and give as much effort as they feel like giving.

If a coach allowed his players to disrespect the other team, he'd be a lousy coach.

Same goes for disrespecting America.

Number one, do you have any evidence from anywhere that this hockey team's opponents, whoever they are, are somehow "playing against America"?

Number two, do you even have any inkling of who this hockey team or this coach.... IS? Because nothing in the OP link gives any indication. It LITERALLY doesn't know. For all we know this is completely staged. A video from nowhere, contrived for no purpose but to incite the rabble. By entities unknown who will not take, and apparently don't want, responsibility.

Number three, the OP title is a lie. Nowhere does the coach mention anything about "standing". Go ahead, run it and see. He says they won't "disrespect" a national anthem, which is NOT the same thing. So this whole thread started on a line of bullshit.

And number four, about that phrase "disrespecting America" ---- who's "disrespecting" when you can't get the name of the country right? By the sweeping "America" you're treating Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Hati, the Dominican Republic, Dominica, Curaçao, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Argentina and Brasil as if they don't matter.

Respect that, puppet.
No it’s not. None of those people who are protesting know who you are... that’s your narcissistic ego making it about you and taking it personally. That’s a YOU problem
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.

I knew it would float right over your punkin head.
I read you loud and clear... just think you’re dead wrong. And you shouldn’t speak for or try to say you represent dead soldiers... what a cheap and petty tactic. Who do you think you are? That’s just disgusting

During a 3 day period,14-17 November 1965, 237 men of my unit were killed in battle. I helped load them on choppers. If you think I don't represent them, you're crazy.
That really sucks for you and for those poor souls but in the military like in America there is a diversity of opinions and beliefs. You don’t represent them all, I’m sorry but you just dont. It was a vet that suggested to Kap to take a knee to be respectful. It was your president that politicized this issue to work towards his advantage. He’s playing you and your playing right along. This movement never had anything to do with the military. You all made it about that.

Now my personal opinion is that I don’t like it. I wouldn’t allow my kids to do it and I wouldn’t allow any team that I coach to do it. But despite my personal opinions I also see what’s going on here... don’t be a dupe and don’t be a puppet. Open your eyes
Not so. I represent the guys who came home in a flag draped coffin and those creatures deserve to have their face kicked in for their disrespect. But a loser like you wouldn't comprehend.
No, you absolutely do not represent our dead brothers and sisters, not with that attitude. That’s your ego getting the best of your intellect. You think way to highly of yourself.

I knew it would float right over your punkin head.
I read you loud and clear... just think you’re dead wrong. And you shouldn’t speak for or try to say you represent dead soldiers... what a cheap and petty tactic. Who do you think you are? That’s just disgusting

During a 3 day period,14-17 November 1965, 237 men of my unit were killed in battle. I helped load them on choppers. If you think I don't represent them, you're crazy.
That really sucks for you and for those poor souls but in the military like in America there is a diversity of opinions and beliefs. You don’t represent them all, I’m sorry but you just dont. It was a vet that suggested to Kap to take a knee to be respectful. It was your president that politicized this issue to work towards his advantage. He’s playing you and your playing right along. This movement never had anything to do with the military. You all made it about that.

Now my personal opinion is that I don’t like it. I wouldn’t allow my kids to do it and I wouldn’t allow any team that I coach to do it. But despite my personal opinions I also see what’s going on here... don’t be a dupe and don’t be a puppet. Open your eyes
All I can say is the player and the vet were both out of line and need their respective asses kicked. I can't do it because I'm almost 80 but I carry a wicked Hurrycane.

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