Elderly man , aged 85, dies after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces

Noone.has shown the attack in the OP or other Israeli unlawful attacks on civilians have not happened.

Truth is you are a scum of the earth Zionist willing to defend any and all crimes Zionists commit in Palestine.

You have no credibility.

Unbiased? Reputable? These are foreign words to a pro-Palestinian propaganda shill.

The truth of the matter is probably that the tear gas canister was one of several fired in that general direction, targeted at street-protestors, and that the damned thing accidentally went through a nearby window, where it just so happened that an 85-year-old was living, and the old fellow died of a heart attack in all the excitement, trying to get out of the house that was suddenly filled with tear gas.

Until the Pro-Palestinian Side can produce credible evidence that IDF troops (1) knew there was an elderly man in that house and (2) intentionally fired a canister through one of the windows of that house, then we can safely set aside allegations of 'Intentional Targeting' of that poor old fellow as just so much pro-Palestinian bullshit - unsubstantiated fluff, as is so much of their pack of lies and half-truths and slanted perspective.

While you are a RACIST NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER that will blame the Jews for everything even when shown you are wrong.
An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

Still the same by line " as quoted by a Palestinian"

It has been proven that Palestinians are LIARS when it comes to facts, and start foaming at the mouth when the reality is shown.

For the record if I walked past a tear gas canister at a distance of 20 feet I too would die due to an ongoing medical condition. I suffer with C.O.P.D. that has brought on heart disease and diabetes.

Possibly----but the fact is that we have no idea what was the cause of the
death of the 85 year old man--------there are all kinds of reasons why
an 85 year old man dies. Sherri does not want to tell us of what he died.
Libel has fueled the "CULTURE" of the UMMAH for 1400 years

Several years ago there were earthquakes----sorta up north in the Indian subcontinent----
Somehow Pakistan seemed to have gotten it a lot worse than did India----in
the area of kashmir. Naturally the logical conclusion was that the earth
quake was the fault of HINDUS------so some indignant muslims got together
and slaughtered a few whole families of hindus------it was several years ago ---
but I cannot recall the actual year it happened.

no doubt you know that CHOLERA is endemic in the Middle east-----even fairly
lately-----an outbreak in Iraq was blamed on..........well you know who-----

It is fascinating that the death of the 85 year old unknown ----has turned him
into a great celebrity-------lucky duck
There is absolutely no justification under international law for the targeting of civilians which Israel engages in.

Does not the same apply to muslims when they target civilians, 3,000 innocent civilians murdered by Palestinian supporters on 9/11/2001....................WHY ?
Focus, this is a publication written by Jews inside Israel.

Certainly, they have ties to the land you are totally lacking.

An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

Still the same by line " as quoted by a Palestinian"

It has been proven that Palestinians are LIARS when it comes to facts, and start foaming at the mouth when the reality is shown.

For the record if I walked past a tear gas canister at a distance of 20 feet I too would die due to an ongoing medical condition. I suffer with C.O.P.D. that has brought on heart disease and diabetes.

I can produce links to articles by the KKK does this mean that they are the only right thinking people
Focus, this is a publication written by Jews inside Israel.

Certainly, they have ties to the land you are totally lacking.

Still the same by line " as quoted by a Palestinian"

It has been proven that Palestinians are LIARS when it comes to facts, and start foaming at the mouth when the reality is shown.

For the record if I walked past a tear gas canister at a distance of 20 feet I too would die due to an ongoing medical condition. I suffer with C.O.P.D. that has brought on heart disease and diabetes.

I can produce links to articles by the KKK does this mean that they are the only right thinking people

sherri----somewhere in your attic----perhaps you can find your textbook
for "INTRO TO LOGIC 101"-----try reading the first page
There is absolutely no justification under international law for the targeting of civilians which Israel engages in.

Does not the same apply to muslims when they target civilians, 3,000 innocent civilians murdered by Palestinian supporters on 9/11/2001....................WHY ?

Focus, we are discussing Palestine.

9/11 had nothing to do with Palestinians.
We have reports filed with UN agencies documenting Israel's attacks on Palestinian civilians.

Focus, this is a publication written by Jews inside Israel.

Certainly, they have ties to the land you are totally lacking.

I can produce links to articles by the KKK does this mean that they are the only right thinking people

sherri----somewhere in your attic----perhaps you can find your textbook
for "INTRO TO LOGIC 101"-----try reading the first page
We also have reports filed with UN and US agencies to promote specialty hair and beauty products for cats and dogs.

Anybody can file anything they want. It doesn't even have to be true. :thup:

We have reports filed with UN agencies documenting Israel's attacks on Palestinian civilians.

I can produce links to articles by the KKK does this mean that they are the only right thinking people

sherri----somewhere in your attic----perhaps you can find your textbook
for "INTRO TO LOGIC 101"-----try reading the first page
We also have reports filed with UN and US agencies to promote specialty hair and beauty products for cats and dogs.

Anybody can file anything they want. It doesn't even have to be true. :thup:

We have reports filed with UN agencies documenting Israel's attacks on Palestinian civilians.

sherri----somewhere in your attic----perhaps you can find your textbook
for "INTRO TO LOGIC 101"-----try reading the first page

I'm sure, somewhere, somebody, filed a report with the UN that says Elvis is still alive...
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There is absolutely no justification under international law for the targeting of civilians which Israel engages in.

Does not the same apply to muslims when they target civilians, 3,000 innocent civilians murdered by Palestinian supporters on 9/11/2001....................WHY ?

Focus, we are discussing Palestine.

9/11 had nothing to do with Palestinians.

We'll remind you of that, the next time you go off on one of your Tourettes Syndrome non sequitur religious rants.

And... actually... we're not discussing Palestine... we're discussing the death of an 85-year-old Palestinian, and whether his house was intentionally targeted or not, and if so, why.
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Noone.has shown the attack in the OP or other Israeli unlawful attacks on civilians have not happened...
Other attacks are not the focus of the OP.

The death of the 85-year-old is the focus of the OP.

We're not even certain of all the facts of the case yet.

And we certainly have not yet heard, conclusively, from both sides, have we?

Not yet in possession of all necessary data, it is premature to label the incident as either an 'attack' or 'unlawful'.
Israel fired tear gas at a house and killed an 85 year old man.

Those are the Facts Israel will have to give an accounting to God for, or should I say all Zionists shall be held to account before God for this murder.

There are consequences for our actions, actions of nations and peoples.

The entire country of Israel fired the tear gas?? :cuckoo:

I still think one of your fellow Muslimes threw it in the house to score propaganda points.
1. the whole thing could be a manufactured lie

2. an Israeli tear-gas shell could have taken a bounce and burst through a window accidentally

3. a Palestinian rioter could have ducked into that house for cover and the Israelis used tear-gas to flush him out

4. an Israeli cop or trooper could have done it intentionally

5. a Palestinian rioter could have picked up the shell and tossed it thru that window intentionally to trigger an incident

6. a Palestinian rioter could have picked up the shell and flung it away and it acidentally went thru that window

7. Martians could have done it.

8. an innocent mistake could have been made in the reporting or attribution by anyone involved



a. the tear-gas 'shooter' might have known that an elderly person was in that house

b. the tear-gas 'shooter' might not have known that an elderly person was there (most likely).


We have very little insight into what actually happened, and we only have the word of one highly-biased and untrustworthy side, to draw from at this juncture.

Anything is possible, and we're nowhere close to the truth on this little incident yet.
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Focus, the targeted 85 year old man who.Israel murdered lived in Palestine.

Does not the same apply to muslims when they target civilians, 3,000 innocent civilians murdered by Palestinian supporters on 9/11/2001....................WHY ?

Focus, we are discussing Palestine.

9/11 had nothing to do with Palestinians.

We'll remind you of that, the next time you go off on one of your Tourettes Syndrome non sequitur religious rants.

And... actually... we're not discussing Palestine... we're discussing the death of an 85-year-old Palestinian, and whether his house was intentionally targeted or not, and if so, why.
Watch "Hey Diddle Diddle - Nursery Rhyme - Lullabies for babies" on YouTube

And there could be a cow jumping over the moon.

All I can do is laugh at the silly Zionist and the ways he tries to whitewash Israel's crimes.

HOW pathetic!

Israel fired tear gas at a house and killed an 85 year old man.

Those are the Facts Israel will have to give an accounting to God for, or should I say all Zionists shall be held to account before God for this murder.

There are consequences for our actions, actions of nations and peoples.

The entire country of Israel fired the tear gas?? :cuckoo:

I still think one of your fellow Muslimes threw it in the house to score propaganda points.
1. the whole thing could be a manufactured lie

2. an Israeli tear-gas shell could have taken a bounce and burst through a window accidentally

3. a Palestinian rioter could have ducked into that house for cover and the Israelis used tear-gas to flush him out

4. an Israeli cop or trooper could have done it intentionally

5. a Palestinian rioter could have picked up the shell and tossed it thru that window intentionally to trigger an incident

6. a Palestinian rioter could have picked up the shell and flung it away and it acidentally went thru that window

7. Martians could have done it.

8. an innocent mistake could have been made in the reporting or attribution by anyone involved



a. the tear-gas 'shooter' might have known that an elderly person was in that house

b. the tear-gas 'shooter' might not have known that an elderly person was there (most likely).


We have very little insight into what actually happened, and we only have the word of one highly-biased and untrustworthy side, to draw from at this juncture.

Anything is possible, and we're nowhere close to the truth on this little incident yet.
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Israel unlawfully targeted a civilian object and civilian and this was an unlawful targeting of a civilian and a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Not afraid to speak Truth against Injustice in Palestine.
Focus, the targeted 85 year old man who.Israel murdered lived in Palestine.

Focus, we are discussing Palestine.

9/11 had nothing to do with Palestinians.

We'll remind you of that, the next time you go off on one of your Tourettes Syndrome non sequitur religious rants.

And... actually... we're not discussing Palestine... we're discussing the death of an 85-year-old Palestinian, and whether his house was intentionally targeted or not, and if so, why.

We'll remind you of that, the next time you go off on one of your Tourettes Syndrome non sequitur religious rants.

We also do not yet know whether he was targeted.

Given that a tear-gas shell reportedly went through his window, intentional targeting of a particular individual seems unlikely at this early juncture.
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And there could be a cow jumping over the moon. All I can do is laugh at the silly Zionist and the ways he tries to whitewash Israel's crimes. HOW pathetic!
There could, indeed, be a cow jumping over the moon, that is responsible for all this.

The point is, we do not yet know all the pertinent facts of the case.

There is no whitewashing going on here.

We are simply still in the middle of the discovery process, and cannot yet move to either indict or dismiss - insufficient evidence and testimony exists yet to do so.

Too early to say yet.
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