Elderly man , aged 85, dies after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces

An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine
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Truth is you are a scum of the earth Zionist willing to defend any and all crimes Zionists commit in Palestine.

You have no credibility.

Here is the truth, Israel targeted a house with an 85 year old man in it to tear gas and the man died in this unlawful targeting of a civilian.

Another commission of another war crime by Israel.

Were is the proof from an unbiased and reputable source ?
Unbiased? Reputable? These are foreign words to a pro-Palestinian propaganda shill.

The truth of the matter is probably that the tear gas canister was one of several fired in that general direction, targeted at street-protestors, and that the damned thing accidentally went through a nearby window, where it just so happened that an 85-year-old was living, and the old fellow died of a heart attack in all the excitement, trying to get out of the house that was suddenly filled with tear gas.

Until the Pro-Palestinian Side can produce credible evidence that IDF troops (1) knew there was an elderly man in that house and (2) intentionally fired a canister through one of the windows of that house, then we can safely set aside allegations of 'Intentional Targeting' of that poor old fellow as just so much pro-Palestinian bullshit - unsubstantiated fluff, as is so much of their pack of lies and half-truths and slanted perspective.
Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

As the readers can see from the number of posts on this one elderly man, Mrs. Sherri is obsessed with this while she overlooks all the elderly people her friends have murdered in Syria as well as in other Muslim countries. One would think that since Mrs. Sherri alleges that she is a good Christian, she would also be concerned about the elderly Christians being murdered by her friends.
Truth is you are a scum of the earth Zionist willing to defend any and all crimes Zionists commit in Palestine.

You have no credibility.

Were is the proof from an unbiased and reputable source ?
Unbiased? Reputable? These are foreign words to a pro-Palestinian propaganda shill.

The truth of the matter is probably that the tear gas canister was one of several fired in that general direction, targeted at street-protestors, and that the damned thing accidentally went through a nearby window, where it just so happened that an 85-year-old was living, and the old fellow died of a heart attack in all the excitement, trying to get out of the house that was suddenly filled with tear gas.

Until the Pro-Palestinian Side can produce credible evidence that IDF troops (1) knew there was an elderly man in that house and (2) intentionally fired a canister through one of the windows of that house, then we can safely set aside allegations of 'Intentional Targeting' of that poor old fellow as just so much pro-Palestinian bullshit - unsubstantiated fluff, as is so much of their pack of lies and half-truths and slanted perspective.

Look who is calling someone else scum -- a terrorist-supporting woman who has nothing to say about her friends murdering thousands of innocent people and God knows how many more were wounded and are in serious condition. Nor does she mention the over one million refugees who are living in tents because of the actions of her friends. And she thinks she has any creditability!!! Only to other anti-Semites.
Truth is you are a scum of the earth Zionist willing to defend any and all crimes Zionists commit in Palestine.

You have no credibility.

Were is the proof from an unbiased and reputable source ?
Unbiased? Reputable? These are foreign words to a pro-Palestinian propaganda shill.

The truth of the matter is probably that the tear gas canister was one of several fired in that general direction, targeted at street-protestors, and that the damned thing accidentally went through a nearby window, where it just so happened that an 85-year-old was living, and the old fellow died of a heart attack in all the excitement, trying to get out of the house that was suddenly filled with tear gas.

Until the Pro-Palestinian Side can produce credible evidence that IDF troops (1) knew there was an elderly man in that house and (2) intentionally fired a canister through one of the windows of that house, then we can safely set aside allegations of 'Intentional Targeting' of that poor old fellow as just so much pro-Palestinian bullshit - unsubstantiated fluff, as is so much of their pack of lies and half-truths and slanted perspective.
Don't over-think it, Mahmoud... you'll bruse those few remaining brain cells.
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An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

Regardless of the source, enough about this one man when so many old men have been killed by your friends (and you have been so silent about the murders of these old men).
Didn't these old men count as human beings to you, especially those who were Christians since you claim to be a Christian?
An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

You do realize that anyone can allege anything, right?

For example, I can allege that you tie Bald Eagles to the bumper cars in your local amusement park.

Prove me wrong, Mohammed.
An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

You do realize that anyone can allege anything, right?

For example, I can allege that you tie Bald Eagles to the bumper cars in your local amusement park.

Prove me wrong, Mohammed.

Well, of course, she is alleging to be a good Christian, but doesn't seem to care about the Christians being killed by her friends.
Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013
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Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013
So, the Palestinian Mouthpiece at the United Nations served-up a report to the UN Secretary General, telling one side of the story, and it got read into the record from which you're quoting.

Big deal.

So what?

I submit that a one-sided report by the Permanent Palestinian Observer (Palestinian mouthpiece at the UN) is about as reliable as the opinion of a condemned man on the subject of capital punishment.

Let us know when the UN asks the Israelis for THEIR side of the story, and BOTH sides have been weighed carefully and objectively, and a just, objective judgment has been rendered on the subject.

Until then, it's just background noise and propaganda fodder.

Or, as I alluded to in another thread, just more Elephant Shit.

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Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013

Why, Mrs. Sherri, the attacks usually take place in retaliation for something your friends have done. Now why not, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, tell us about some of the attacks your friends have committed on innocent people all over the Middle East? After all, this is not an exclusive board for you to continuously bash israel.
Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013

Why, Mrs. Sherri, the attacks usually take place in retaliation for something your friends have done. Now why not, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, tell us about some of the attacks your friends have committed on innocent people all over the Middle East? After all, this is not an exclusive board for you to continuously bash israel.

Being the Christian she is (although I doubt it and she is a Muslim) you would think she would post about the Muslim attacks on minority Christians, wouldn't you. Just goes to show she is NOT a Christian at all. She hides behind the veil of Christianity but is probably a hijab/burka wearing Islamist.
Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013

Why, Mrs. Sherri, the attacks usually take place in retaliation for something your friends have done. Now why not, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, tell us about some of the attacks your friends have committed on innocent people all over the Middle East? After all, this is not an exclusive board for you to continuously bash israel.

Being the Christian she is (although I doubt it and she is a Muslim) you would think she would post about the Muslim attacks on minority Christians, wouldn't you. Just goes to show she is NOT a Christian at all. She hides behind the veil of Christianity but is probably a hijab/burka wearing Islamist.

you two are not familiar with the anti semitic literature which was disseminated
in the USA-----even 100 years ago and the more recent stuff -----NAZI---from the
30s to the present time. Sherri is nothing new except for the FAKE "isa-respect"
thing with which those of her ilk are trying to bind both nazis of christian background
and nazis of muslim background into an alliance. The particular movement----seems
to me to have developed over the past 25 or 30 years -----it is actually extensively
funded by some Saudi "prince" whose name escapes me------I will ponder.
Sometimes he styles his movement as if it were some avant garde "LOVE" thing
and called it 'INTER RELIGIOUS"------in fact its agenda is the forced
imposition of the filth of "CALIPHATE".
There is absolutely no justification under international law for the targeting of civilians which Israel engages in.
An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

Still the same by line " as quoted by a Palestinian"

It has been proven that Palestinians are LIARS when it comes to facts, and start foaming at the mouth when the reality is shown.

For the record if I walked past a tear gas canister at a distance of 20 feet I too would die due to an ongoing medical condition. I suffer with C.O.P.D. that has brought on heart disease and diabetes.
Truth is you are a scum of the earth Zionist willing to defend any and all crimes Zionists commit in Palestine.

You have no credibility.

Were is the proof from an unbiased and reputable source ?
Unbiased? Reputable? These are foreign words to a pro-Palestinian propaganda shill.

The truth of the matter is probably that the tear gas canister was one of several fired in that general direction, targeted at street-protestors, and that the damned thing accidentally went through a nearby window, where it just so happened that an 85-year-old was living, and the old fellow died of a heart attack in all the excitement, trying to get out of the house that was suddenly filled with tear gas.

Until the Pro-Palestinian Side can produce credible evidence that IDF troops (1) knew there was an elderly man in that house and (2) intentionally fired a canister through one of the windows of that house, then we can safely set aside allegations of 'Intentional Targeting' of that poor old fellow as just so much pro-Palestinian bullshit - unsubstantiated fluff, as is so much of their pack of lies and half-truths and slanted perspective.

While you are a RACIST NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER that will blame the Jews for everything even when shown you are wrong.
I submit you are simply an apologist for war criminals, you and noone can justify targeting of civilians Israel engages in.

You are just like that elephant, full of shit.

Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013
So, the Palestinian Mouthpiece at the United Nations served-up a report to the UN Secretary General, telling one side of the story, and it got read into the record from which you're quoting.

Big deal.

So what?

I submit that a one-sided report by the Permanent Palestinian Observer (Palestinian mouthpiece at the UN) is about as reliable as the opinion of a condemned man on the subject of capital punishment.

Let us know when the UN asks the Israelis for THEIR side of the story, and BOTH sides have been weighed carefully and objectively, and a just, objective judgment has been rendered on the subject.

Until then, it's just background noise and propaganda fodder.

Or, as I alluded to in another thread, just more Elephant Shit.

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Focus, this is a publication written by Jews inside Israel.

Certainly, they have ties to the land you are totally lacking.

An Israeli source reports on Israel's killing of the 85 year old man.

We have Palestinian sources and Israeli sources and international sources all reporting on Israel's killing of this 85 year old man.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in a funeral march today for Said Jasir, an 85-year-old man from the West Bank village of Kfar Qaddum.

According to Palestnian medical sources, Jasir died after the Israeli army shot tear gas into his house during a protest in the village on New Year’s Day. After inhaling tear gas, Jasir was evacuated to the hospital in Nablus, were he died a few hours later.

Elderly Palestinian man dies after alleged tear gas inhalation | +972 Magazine

Still the same by line " as quoted by a Palestinian"

It has been proven that Palestinians are LIARS when it comes to facts, and start foaming at the mouth when the reality is shown.

For the record if I walked past a tear gas canister at a distance of 20 feet I too would die due to an ongoing medical condition. I suffer with C.O.P.D. that has brought on heart disease and diabetes.
Unlawful attacks on the Palestinian civilian population are a regular Israeli Zionist practice, as evidenced by UN documents on UNISPAL website.

General Assembly*Tenth emergency special session*Agenda item 5* Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem
and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 24 December 2013 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council*

"I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, is escalating its military campaign against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, in grave breach of international law, including international humanitarian law, and the relevant provisions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and the prohibition of reprisals and collective punishment against the civilian population under occupation. The intensification of Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and to fully ignite yet another round of deadly violence. This demands the attention of the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is duty-bound to act to maintain international peace and security.

"Today, Israel, the occupying Power, unleashed a new round of deadly violence and terror against the Palestinian civilian population, including women and children, in the besieged Gaza Strip by launching a series of military strikes and artillery bombardments, causing death and destruction. These barbaric attacks by the occupying Power resulted in the death of Hala Abu Sbeikha, 3 years old, and injury to her mother and two brothers, Bilal (4 years old) and Mohamed (6 years old), in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. Three more Palestinian civilians were injured in an Israeli artillery bombing east of Gaza City."

The document further reports that on Saturday, December 21, Israeli occupying forces stationed at a military post to the north of the Gaza Strip shot and killed Odeh Hamad, 27 years old, while he was collecting scrap at a distance of 850 m from the Beit Hanoun border with Israel, and also shot and injured his 25-year-old brother. The same day, three more Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the Israeli occupying forces east of Khan Younis.

A/ES-10/610-S/2013/767 of 26 December 2013

Why are you so ashamed to put the person details up who wrote the letter. Wasn't it a BIASED muslim that wrote this along with the many other LIES regarding Israel ?

here are his details from your link

(Signed) Riyad Mansour
Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine
to the United Nations

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