Elderly man , aged 85, dies after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces

You target a house, you intend to harm civilians inside.

It's like shooting into a crowd of people, implied intent to harm individuals in that crowd.

MORE LIES as the report shows the tear gas going into the house was accidental, try taking a valium or 5 before posting your JEW HATRED

Let us all remember----sherri has CONNECTIONS as she demonstrated when she
supported the baby throat slitters fasting in jail She can easily find out of what
the 85 year old man died-----and let us know-----were she anything like
an honest person
Typical for Mahmoud, a news article gets re-written, invented and revised in order to promote his rabid Joooooooo hatreds.

You need to understand, Mahmoud, that you're viewed as just a propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.

I am still waiting to know of what the 85 year old man died If he inhaled some
tear gas and died hours later-------maybe his wife killed him-----the tear gas
certainly did not. Maybe he read some of sherri's posts and got so disgusted----
he comitted suicide

Maybe he died of exertion after giving a sperm donation to one of the Pali terror wives? :dunno:

Not sure about that but probably he spilt some sperm because the womenfolk there are so freaking stinky. :lol:
WELL??? will the diagnosis be forthcoming?------it is written on the death certificate.

Any or our fellow posters in communication with the freedom figthing baby throat
slitting community can easily find out-------thru the magic of CYBERSPACE
MORE LIES as the report shows the tear gas going into the house was accidental, try taking a valium or 5 before posting your JEW HATRED
Here's the IDF opening fire on peaceful protestors.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPyfQL6Xg4M]Nabi Saleh, Palestine: French female activist shot by IDF - YouTube[/ame]

Here the IDF deliberately shoots tear gas at reporters.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZrZhxUlInM]Israeli Officer Shoots Videographer With Tear Gas Cannister - YouTube[/ame]

Here the IDF deliberately shoots tear gas into a house full of people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT8rbTdqYv0]Israeli army (IDF) shoots teargas into house full - YouTube[/ame]

You still wanna claim these are bullshit lies and accidents?
MORE LIES as the report shows the tear gas going into the house was accidental, try taking a valium or 5 before posting your JEW HATRED
Here's the IDF opening fire on peaceful protestors.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPyfQL6Xg4M]Nabi Saleh, Palestine: French female activist shot by IDF - YouTube[/ame]

Here the IDF deliberately shoots tear gas at reporters.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZrZhxUlInM]Israeli Officer Shoots Videographer With Tear Gas Cannister - YouTube[/ame]

Here the IDF deliberately shoots tear gas into a house full of people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT8rbTdqYv0]Israeli army (IDF) shoots teargas into house full - YouTube[/ame]

You still wanna claim these are bullshit lies and accidents?

Well actually, loinboy, I'm always surprised that the gullible and the, oh, how shall we say, "less than critical thinkers", such as yourself expect anyone else to uncritically accept your silly YouTube videos as evidence of anything.

The edited videos are of unknown origin, date, circumstances and context. Really, sweetie, you should not expect that everyone else is as easily manipulated as you are.
Last edited:
Muslims don't permit autopsies.

Does not matter, aris. cause of death-----is routinely stated by the
physician who pronounces the patient dead. If some idiot wrote
"tear gas inhalation" on the death certificate----that physician should
be castrated. In the absence of a cause of death diagnosis---
at the very least there is a chart -----with pertinent information and
MOST important-----a medical history. Muslim doctors are not
STUPID and all doctors read the same damn THICK books. Death
certificate PRECEDES autopsy even when there is an autopsy

Please be aware of the fact that regarding persons her friends mutilated
to death------sherri demanded "autopsy results" to prove that they were
mutilated. "genitalia in mouth" is not enough for her----she seemed to
demand pathology---tissue samples etc etc etc and lab results on the victims
in mumbai
MORE LIES as the report shows the tear gas going into the house was accidental, try taking a valium or 5 before posting your JEW HATRED
Here's the IDF opening fire on peaceful protestors.

If they are peaceful why are they wearing masks, that alone says they are hiding something.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPyfQL6Xg4M]Nabi Saleh, Palestine: French female activist shot by IDF - YouTube[/ame]

Nope it shows a soldier firing tear gas, it does not show the tear gas hitting anyone or who it was fired at.

Here the IDF deliberately shoots tear gas at reporters.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZrZhxUlInM]Israeli Officer Shoots Videographer With Tear Gas Cannister - YouTube[/ame]

It shows a soldier firing tear gas in the air, it does not show it hitting anyone or who it was fired at

Here the IDF deliberately shoots tear gas into a house full of people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT8rbTdqYv0]Israeli army (IDF) shoots teargas into house full - YouTube[/ame]

It shows a house with people in that could just as easily be a Jewish house that has been targeted by muslims

You still wanna claim these are bullshit lies and accidents?

Do you still want to claim that these show what you allege
85 year old man "DIES AFTER INHALING TEAR GAS" is about as impressive as
"85 year old man dies after reading the sunday news"
Do you still want to claim that these show what you allege
Do you have any proof that they don't?

When you see an IDF soldier point a gun at the camera and pull the trigger, what the fuck else could that be?

When you see Palestinian protesters being shot and then see the IDF giving chase, who the fuck else would be shooting at them?

I swear, some of your comments are absolutely ridiculous!

Yes, the IDF shoots tear gas at innocent civilians, foreign journalists and peaceful protestors. The mountain of evidence showing this is so great, that your argument against it, is as ridiculous as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Well actually, loinboy, I'm always surprised that the gullible and the, oh, how shall we say, "less than critical thinkers", such as yourself expect anyone else to uncritically accept your silly YouTube videos as evidence of anything.

The edited videos are of unknown origin, date, circumstances and context. Really, sweetie, you should not expect that everyone else is as easily manipulated as you are.
Why would anyone believe your bullshit claims, when you provide no evidence to back up what you say?

Go back under your rock, whore.
I don't take meds, Silly Sally. You must be about 85. How would you like to be attacked in your house with tear gas like that man was in Occupied Palestine?

That may be the problem right there.

And once again no one said hey see that old guy in that window? Let's clock him with a canister or two.

thanks politico ------the giggle you gave me cured my headache

Glad I could make your day a little brighter.
Who's gonna take care of his 13 year old widow?
is that all anyone will say when kondor dies? Shit happens.

Imagine our government targeting an 85 year old man to tear gas in his own home.

People would be saying more than shit happens.

How zionists love to excuse their idols killing in those killing fields in palestine.

Is there anything greater than the capacity of a zionist to hate? There seems no limits on this.

so you think he was targeted now, mohammed(pb&j)??
If he would pick up a rifle and go over there and help Hamas, the IDF could call-in an air-strike and then we'd have TOASTED PB&J...
If I lived in the vicinity of a riot -----and tear gas came flying into my window----
I would nail my windows shut----and board them up with whatever is handy-----
and place my kids in the house carefully so that richocheting bullets could not
get to them. That is what I would do-----in fact have-----right here in the USA
(no tear gas----but rioting) If I inhaled teargas-----I would cough---and get over it
tear gas does not kill--------of course ANYTHING can kill some people----some
people can die from injecting a spoonful of peanut butter
Here is the truth, Israel targeted a house with an 85 year old man in it to tear gas and the man died in this unlawful targeting of a civilian.

Another commission of another war crime by Israel.

Were is the proof from an unbiased and reputable source ?
Unbiased? Reputable? These are foreign words to a pro-Palestinian propaganda shill.

The truth of the matter is probably that the tear gas canister was one of several fired in that general direction, targeted at street-protestors, and that the damned thing accidentally went through a nearby window, where it just so happened that an 85-year-old was living, and the old fellow died of a heart attack in all the excitement, trying to get out of the house that was suddenly filled with tear gas.

Until the Pro-Palestinian Side can produce credible evidence that IDF troops (1) knew there was an elderly man in that house and (2) intentionally fired a canister through one of the windows of that house, then we can safely set aside allegations of 'Intentional Targeting' of that poor old fellow as just so much pro-Palestinian bullshit - unsubstantiated fluff, as is so much of their pack of lies and half-truths and slanted perspective.
Well actually, loinboy, I'm always surprised that the gullible and the, oh, how shall we say, "less than critical thinkers", such as yourself expect anyone else to uncritically accept your silly YouTube videos as evidence of anything.

The edited videos are of unknown origin, date, circumstances and context. Really, sweetie, you should not expect that everyone else is as easily manipulated as you are.
Why would anyone believe your bullshit claims, when you provide no evidence to back up what you say?

Go back under your rock, whore.

I can't be held responsible for your failings. You're unable to refute my claims. Don't let your inadequacies be the source of self-hate. Just accept that you're inept.
I can't be held responsible for your failings. You're unable to refute my claims. Don't let your inadequacies be the source of self-hate. Just accept that you're inept.
There's nothing to refute! Your claims are just claims. They're not facts, nor are they truth. They are just the shit things you happen to say. That's all they are.
I can't be held responsible for your failings. You're unable to refute my claims. Don't let your inadequacies be the source of self-hate. Just accept that you're inept.
There's nothing to refute! Your claims are just claims. They're not facts, nor are they truth. They are just the shit things you happen to say. That's all they are.

I can see you're getting angry and defensive because you're unable to refute my claims.

Ignorance and ineptitude on your part is not my problem.
Well actually, loinboy, I'm always surprised that the gullible and the, oh, how shall we say, "less than critical thinkers", such as yourself expect anyone else to uncritically accept your silly YouTube videos as evidence of anything.

The edited videos are of unknown origin, date, circumstances and context. Really, sweetie, you should not expect that everyone else is as easily manipulated as you are.
Why would anyone believe your bullshit claims, when you provide no evidence to back up what you say?

Go back under your rock, whore.

I can't be held responsible for your failings. You're unable to refute my claims. Don't let your inadequacies be the source of self-hate. Just accept that you're inept.
The wee little boggit does seem to have a disrepectful, misogynistic streak, doesn't it?

Here's a more reliable image for you to contemplate, enjoy and laugh at...


Strikes terror into the heart, doesn't it?

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